Lodge Directory I a X’DON LODGE No. 130 h A. F. & A. M. communication Friday after th 11 muon of each month, bojourn Her Masons cordially invited. L W. SCHETJER. Secretary. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will b« Pleased to learn that tture is at ¡east one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Catarrh beinK greatly influenced by constitutional conditions Kn . constnuuonal treatment, f^tarrh Cur.- is taken internally and acta thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby de­ stroying the found lion < < the disease, nyLii Ly building up the constitution and assisting na­ ture in doing its work. The proprie­ tors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall’s Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Addrees F J CHENEY A CO.. Tolsdo. Obkx Hold bv all l>ru’ni«’«. 7fee. CHICHESTER SPILLS diamond BRANO GO»*' LADIES f Art ¿‘T .*’'■**»*•* for cm HIV« TFX « MAMOND BRAND PILLS 1« K ko .nd G old metallic boxes. sealed with Blue •ibboa T ax « no otxm H ut of Drua.ut .„4 a,k fur fui.cmn.ifm _ • IX Most» B ll A X i> rn IS, for twenty-flw year, regarded a, Best.Safest, Always Rrliabl*. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE pelphi Lodge No. 64, Knights of .Meete every .Monday even- ’’»t Knights hall. Vbitlng KnlghO ,,uef the year, which marines say were •he severest known on the coast, the United States navy suffered the loss of the big ocean-going tug Cherokee. This vessel was manned entirely by ■»»embers of the naval reserve. Caught •n a terrific sea the tug founder»-’ nd was lost. It was at this time . n Imfsirtant duty for the Washington nniy yard to get guns to an Atlantic fort. Among the men who met a heroic death nt tl^s time was a lieu­ tenant (Junior grade). E. D. Newell, U. 8 N. R. F.. commanding officer. Woman preachers for Great Britain are a jsiasibfllty if the government's drafting of men between forty five and fifty causes a much further shortage In the crop sf clergymen. Already three clergymen have en­ listed rather than be put In a noncom* batant corps. That women will make good preach­ ers la the opinion of many of the Brit­ ish clergy. “Women can deal with many ques- tlons that I cannot deal with," says the Rev. Nev n of the City Temple. Saving Wool Rage. •'otatoex are nourishing, palata- hlp and well liked by all of us. The re wo eat the more wheat we can * H' to the boys at the front and ! • famishing people of the Allies. ■'a\o a i(,af of bread a week. Help the war. Grand Army of Ministers. Over flO.OOO ministers of the Gospel of various denominations are with the allies In France. About 20.000 are with the Red Cross; the rest are In the ranks.— People’s Home Journal. « That Tout Weather. There are places in the world where the weather has been better the last few weeks than in the Amerlcau sec­ tor northwest of Toul, but the pre­ vailing dampness never even tarinshes the American sense of humor. The colonel of a regiment, muklng a night tour of the trenches, was chal­ lenged by a sentry who had been stand­ ing at his post for two hours m a driving rain. “Who's there?” said the sentry. “Friend !” replied his colonel. “Welcome to our mist.” said the sen­ try. And the most serious thins the colonel did was to laugh.—From Stars and Stripes, France. Who Ever Saw? The log that people sleep like. The chickens that the farmer's kids have to go to bed with. The deer that a small boy can run like. The horse that everybody thinks he works like. The dog that the pirates used to die like. The house and home that one Is eaten out of. Some One Else Got Her. Cholly—I thought I'd try an Innova­ tion. Molly—And did you? “Surely. I decided to propose mar­ riage to a certain party by telephone." “How did It work out?" “1 was told the line was busy.” It Wn Correct. This teacher was having some trou­ ble with a certain pupil In grammar. “Now, little girl, would it be proper to say, ‘You can't learn me nothing?' ” “Yes'm, it would,” replied the girl. “Oh ! Perhaps you’ll tell me why I” 'Cause you can't 1” DEDUCTION. “There ure 14,000 oysters of full size ! b a ton.” "Then a boarding house atew must be one-fourteen-thousandth part of a ton." Biblical Lore. Samflon was a tall, tall man, And so waa old Gollar. But Ananias, so they say, Was the tallest liar. Its Effect “Mayme said If she had a soldier lover she would make him carry her picture In bls pocket and It might stop a bullet aimed at his heart.” “It would be n life-saver all right. Iler picture Is enough to give a bullet shell shock.” A Believer. “Do you believe in socialism?” "Yes.” “What do you understand by the term?" “I merely believe there Is snch a word. I don’t pretend to understand It” In the War Garden. Wlfle (musingly, after digging up a potato by accident)—Well, well, ami here we have been looking our eyes out for the things. Won't Harry be surprised when I tell hltn he planted those potato seeds upside down? No Wonder. “That man is very exacting In ills attachments.” “One of the wearying kind of friends. Is he?” “Ob, no ; be a a sheriff's officer.' ■ xerciae. “Ro yon think the dancing crate was beneficial.” “Yra,” answered Mr. Rufnek. “It strengthened a large number of ankie« for sewing machine work." The answer to the question, “Why Concentrated Attention. should we save wool?” Is that a fully “Does motoring help you to forget equipped soldier uses 13 times as much your troubles?" wool hs does a civilian. Also tbnt "Tea,” ans wared Mr. Chuggins. there are not enough sheep raised to “When a tire blows out I cau't tliiok meet the needed wool supply. uf ale«."