WORLD LUMBERING, MINING, DAIRYING, STOCK RAISING VOL. VL BANDON, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1918 NO. 32 BANDON MUST GET NEW MEASURES UP VERY BUSY FRIDAY FOR CONSIDERATION GLASS ONE IN COOS EXHAUSTED IN JULY I I I LIA UNDER MOBILIZATION ORDERS PLANTOPERATED BV E. E. JOHN SON NEAR BUSINESS I I I Ell E U LY 5 AM» SECTION BURNS «1 ON Jl'l.Y as. ■ committee. Liberal cash prizes will be awarded. Class of July 5 Go to Ft. McDowell Seven Patriots in the Community luto Traffic Ordinance Also Being ■Spectacular Military Parade for Artillery Service and That of Revise«!—Council Calls Contractor Take a Thousand Each. Another Probably the most attractive event ll ebb’s Hand in Answering State­ July 22 to Camp Lewis for Infan­ Young Man Buys S»IO<> Worth and will be the grand military review to ment of Allege«! Account in Oregon try—Newly Registered Men Will Leaves to Join Navy—Some How­ be held at the ball park itnmedi- Avenue improvement. Be Next in Line. ever Slackers ! ately following the ball game in the 1 afternoon. The review is scheduled j to start at 2:30 and will be free. The The Coquille mill of which E. E. The city is preparing to put the Tlie War Savings Stamp campaign Calls for 125 registertd men in ; review w ill be participated in by the in Bandon is now pi^igressing as ban on idleness for the period of the Coos county to mobolize in July Johnson was principal owner, was to­ ’ band. It will be followed by exhibi­ favorably as it should and from war. There shall be no loafers or have been received by the local mil­ tally destroyed by fire which start­ tion drills. ed at 8 o’clock Tuesday night, It itary board. present indications this City may, for hangers-on: everybody must work. Swat the Kaiser Three Nights On July 5, forty-four will go to was located adjoining the business the first time fall short of its alloted Such will be the substance of an Biggest of all for fun will be the quota. Fort .McDowell, Calif., for artillery district of Coquille and only- a deter- At noon today, Bandon's ordinance tliat is now being prepared "Swat the Kaiser” gambling games, quota of $42,000 was still from ten Bandon is also to have revised training and on July 22, eighty-one mined effort on the part of the citi- replica of the frontier days when to fifteen thousand dollars short. ordinance covering health, sanitary J will go to Camp Lewis for infantry zens saved several nearby business ; towns were wide open and the sher- With most of the solicitation work insiM’ctlon an«l contagious diseases. houses, About 150,000 feet of lum- service. I iff was the law. Of course it will done, it will be necessary for con­ Tlie increasing amount of contagion The two calls on top of the class her was destroyed, The fire is be- going out .Monday will practically ex­ lieved to have originated from a 9:30—Excursion boats arrive from | all be with special money, made for siderable volunteering if tlie quota in this section of the country during ¡the occasion. Every buck" a vote, late years, makes it necessary to give haust the old Class One list in Coos spark, The loss is estimated at ap- Coquille. Will be met by Com­ and at the end of the three nights of is to be made. county. Without allowing for recent proximately $25,000, with $15,000 Members of tlie committees of tlie matter of sanitation, quarantine, pany- A, Band and Citizens. volunteers and those who will be insurance. The mill had been ern- 9:45—Exhibition boat drill in river revelry the ones with the most votes Company A. in charge of the work, etc., more strict attention. get. Liberty Bend, W. S. S. and other found physically unfit, there will be ploying about 40 men, adding consid­ Rooming houses will be required by U. S. Coast Guard crew, in prizes. This event will take place declare tliat many who have tlie a surplus of thirteen. However, these erably to the payroll of the town. command of Captain Robt. John­ ¡under a large tent at the Dreamland means are not purchasing the to take out licenses. An ordinance It has been suggested to Mr. John- will probably be used up by al'er- amounts they should buy. Tills covering the issue is being prepared. son. Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday matter may be investigated if found son that he take over the Dollar nates. The foregoing ordinances are 10:00—Parade forms at corner of nights, July 2, 3 and 4. A dance will This shortage will probably elimi­ mill near Prosper and operate it. It being considered by tlie council upon Alabama and First St., marches be conducted every evening during necessary. On the other hand seven have tlie recommendation of Mayor Baker nate all claims for exemption here has been closed down for several to Edison avenue hill, back to the three days; on the 4th it begins purchased the limit of $1,000 each. of Portland, who suggested their on account of war work or agricul­ years, Mr. Johnson is a brother-in- Oregon avenue, and to the flag at 4 :00 p. in. law of Stanley Dollar, vice presi- tural needs. They are: Mr. and Mrs. Webb Fahy, universal adoption throughout the pole. Flag Raising by Parents Beulah Fahy, Mr. and Mrs. F. 3. late in an address before the conven­ Curry county will furnish five on dent of the Dollar Lumber Co. 10:30—Flag raising service and ad- Parents and wives of the boys in July 5 and 11 on July 22 leaving only- dress by Atty. J. T. Brand of the service of Uncle Sam will offici­ Perry, W. E. Brown and Schmidt tion of mayors held in Portland Hansen. Mr. Hansen left Monday recently. six surplus there if no alternates Marshfield. ate at the service flag raising, that are needed. 11:15—Free coffee at city park for will take place at the city flag pole with the drafted men for Camp Sample ordinaiic«*s covering these Lewis. Another large subscriber Issues were submitted to all mayors In July Oregon furnishes a total the picknickers. Every member of them at 10:30. deserving special mention is Claire by Mayor Baker. Copies of these of 1350 and on July 22 a total of 1:00—Base ball game at ball park. This young man bought were received by Mayor Topping and 2500, making a total of 3850 already Call for Help Received Wednesday 2:30—Military review and exhibi­ will help pull the flag to the top, Shumate —Fire Jumps Over Mill while the troops give military salute $600 wortli of Stamps tlie day before called for July. tion drills by Coos Guard com ­ and the band plays the national he left to enlist in tlie navy. Tlie they have been placed in the hands and it Escapes. List For July 5. panies. of Atty. C It. Wade for re- drafting anthem, Atty. J. T Brand of Marsh­ Those in Class One in Coos coun­ 4:00—Wrestling match, boxing field will at this time make a five year earnings on tlie stamps pay to make them suitable to cover local for his expenses to tlie recruiting ty in line tor the call of July to the conditions. They will probably come bout, sports and races on First patriotic address. A call for help was received in station. artillery training camp at Fort Mc­ up for hearing at tlie next meeting. street; dance starts at Dream ­ Base Ball Game Compare the patriotism of this Dowell, Calif., and not eliminating Bandon yesterday afternoon from the i land: "Swat the Kaiser” gamb­ Automobile Measure Up A base ball game between twrto Cox & Griffith mill, located near the young man, who loans ills money volunteers, are as follows: i ling games open for business. Ordinance 204, covering auto­ old Bear creek trestle, the mill being fast teams will be played, beginning Oscar A. Kronhdlm, Rufus E. Sell, Band concerts at all hours of day by at 1:00 p. tn. sharp. It will be fast and goes to fight with that of an­ mobile traffic, mufflers, etc., has u I ho other older man who owns consider ­ Geo. Clausen, Chester F Hadsall, threatened by forest fire that was, Bandon Concert Band and full of exciting moments. An able property, has made money been dug up and is now in tlie hands Horace D. Tiller, James R. Cox, Ivan raging all through that section. Sev-j • • • admission of 2 5c will be charged for directly out of the war. aid pledges of Mayor Topplug for revision. eral carloads of men responded but S. Robbins, Jasper L. Fite, Michael All committees for the celebration Horns and mufflers have been run­ himself to buy $5.00 worth, isn't it S. Strankreviez, Floyd C. Price, upon arrival found that the imme­ I will meet immediately following tlie game . ning amuck in Bandon while in all (toffee at Park diate danger was passed. The wind Free a crime? Frank Jacobson, Ed Yoakam, Horace at the Armory, Friday night. other communities there lias been a After the flag raising there will l*re< incts Doing Well W. Ames, Grover C. Gibbs, Geo. H. swept tlie fire so rapidly that it took dfHL limit on tlie amount of noise they be ample time for ail who wish to only the underbrush. It apparently! The outside precincts within tlie Newton. August Svenn, Charles H. There will be no dull moments at were allowed to produce. Hanlty is Padgett, Carl J. Johnson, Geo. A. Mc­ jumped over the mill site, as the lat­ the Fourth of July celebration in repair to the city park near the ball Bandon district are getting along to prevail here as elsewhere In the ter was directly in the path of the grounds for picnic dinners. Free nicely and it is thought that every Donald, Wm. D. Major, James S. Bandon if the plans of the various future. Stock, Carl W. A. Anderson, Lester flames from north to south, leaving I committees of Campany A, now pre­ coffee piping hot will lie served one of them will have their quota by Plans Baek To Engineer there. Owing to the shortage of L. Mayse, John Larson, Harry the plant untouched. paring the program, materialize. cups, plcknlckers are requested to Friday night. Bullards with C. D. Plans and specifications for the The origin of the fire is unknown. Jarman as chairman, was again the Cottell, Ruben R. Jefferson, Herbert "Something doing every minute, and improvement of Alabama avenue, first over tlie top. Tlie quota of A. Cottor, Robert H. Kruger, Henry It started about a mile from the on time:” That is the slogan adopt­ bring their own. had been filed with tlie $3,500 was ■exceeded by almost a which Many Visitors Coming T. Burr, James Kellond, Alex Hag­ mill. Fanned by the strong wind it ed and special effort will be made to Council, have been returned to traveled at great speed. The dam ­ Reports from Myrtle Point, Co- thousand. Fuller reports will lie had lund, Jas. Isom Clinton, Domenico have every event take place "on the City Engineer J. 8. Sawyer for age will lie largely to timber that quille, Marshfield Nortli Bend and next week. Zuccaro, Ray II. Norton, Arthur W. minute.” additional detail Meeting Friday Night Curry county towns indicate t hat Peterson. Win. C. Pope, Archie had been felled, the standing timber Wrestling and Boxing City \nswera Conli-actor Webb being practically uninjured. here President Wilson has requested Wilson. Marcus W. Slocum, Irving It. I Among the interesting free attrac- large numbers of visitors will be W, A. Ackerman of Marshfield, tliat meetings be held in all school from all these points and the crowd Pitman, Wm. Wilson, Henry Franson I thins of the day will be the doings attorney for W. II. Webb, Oregon Curry Town Almost Wiped Out biggest in the houses in the country on Friday will likely lie the Henry C. Natwig. Edward Biescke in charge of the sports committee. The town of Harbor, located op- Arrangements avenue contractor, was present at th > Sylvia R. Cottor. Already this committee has made ar­ history of the city, Special rates arc night. June 28th. losite Brookings on the Chetco river railroad and are being made for a meeting in ('.Qiincll meeting and asked for an being offered by tlie Many are (tone. rangements for a wrestllng match A number of those in line to be in Curry county, was almost wiped and a boxing bout. Tlie wrestling steamship lines on tlie river, Auto Bandon and in every other school answer to the statement of allegi«! called in tills draft have enlisted in mt by fire this week, when a forest will take place between Harold stages will also be operated In i nil district in tlie Bandon W. 8. 8. account mad«* by him in the matter of tliat improvement. Tlie answer district. recent months so that it will be nec­ fire swept through that section of tlie Johnson, of the University of Califor­ i directions. given Attorney Ackerman by Mayor essary to call a number of others county. Tlie hotel and ten other nia, and George Sutton, one of Curry Powers (lay Come Strong Topping is as follows. I’AREN IS DI BOYS TO Mi l I to fill the quota. These next in ti niildingH were burned down, The county’s leading mat artists, now a Word has been received from "1 am instructed by tlie Common line but how many of them will go dre lias also been doing much dam- member of tlie local Coast Guard. Powers that if that place dosn't cel C. It Z«'«k Organizhig Parents and Council of the city of Bandon to will depend on the final check of en­