WESTERN WORLD WHERE PRODUCTIVE SOIL AND TIDE WATER MEET VOL. VI LUMBERING, MINING, DAIRYING, STOCK RAISING BANDON, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1918 COMMUNITY SENDS ELECTION BRINGS SOME SURPRISES INSTRUCTOR IN HIGH SCHOOL AMONO filosi: GOING IN THE CALL. Geo. 1’. I.alni Wins Nomination for Sheriff on Republican Ticket by Nine Voten Over Ellingson—Arm­ strong I n Badly Defeated by Coos Bay Mate ■age Wins. Coos county has been called upon to furnish a quota of forty-nine men under the draft, to leave for Ft. Mc­ Dowell, California, the latter part of this month, However, several of the men coming under the call are now residents of Alaska and cannot ar- rive in time. and for that reason at least one local man whose name was not in the first list given out, been called as an alternate. Bandon and community men com­ ing under the call are: John T. Royer, John G. Leuthold, Andrew A. Thorhaven. James H. Howe, Reanous J. Cochran. Edmund W. Gallier, Har­ old L. Young, Jesse R. Cochran, Ray Wyant. Aimer Flanders, William Ny- gren, G. A. Gates. Mr Royer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Royer of Bandon; Mr. Leu- tliold is the son of Mrs. and John Leuthold, and has been ployed in the logging camp at Len- eve; Mr. Thorhaven is a married man, son of E. A. Thorhaven of Langlois, and until recently employ­ ed at North Bend. Mr. Howe's home folks reside in southern Idaho. He is half-owner of Western World, and leaves the business in the hands of his partner until after the war. Mr. Gallier is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Gallier, and an employe of Ban- d< n Hardware Co.; Messrs. Cochran are brothers, their home being at Parkersburg: Mr. Young is a local man, employe of the Young Shingle Mill at Two Mile; Mr. Wyant is a lo­ cal man. employed at Moore mill; Mr. Neygren is a member of the local Neygren family, employed at one of the logging camps, and bringing up the rear as almost last man of Coos county’s quota, Mr. Gates is in­ structor in the Bandon High school, his home being tn northern Califor­ nia. He goes to fill the quota from Marlon county. Ore., having been a student at Willamette University at time of draft registration last year These men go as members of the 1500 delegation being sent from Ore­ gon under tlie emergency call for 51.000 men thruout the nation, and California. go to Ft. McDowell. where they will be inducted into the service as members of artillery regi­ Exact date of entrainment ments. has not yet been announced by the adjutant general’s office, hut the men are scheduled to leave between May 29 and June 2. < in i y County Sends Six Curry county sends six men in this call. They are: Clifford R. Grif­ fith, Marshfield; Dixie E. Root, Gold Beach: Dewey Bliley, Crescent City. Cal : Albert M. Scott. Corvallis. Ore.. Hay Russel. Brookings; Frank O Sherman. Wedderburn. There were a few surprises in con­ nection with the election Friday and they wero not all agreeable, In the first place Cooe county's favorite ton, L. J. Simpson, didn't run as strong as expected in other parts of the state, although his home county gave him a splendid boost. James Withycombe, present incumbent, took on an unusual burst of speed, it is safe to say, exceeded his expectations. He was nomln- by a big majority. Olcott, who most feared by other candidates proved to be a bugaboo; and Moser was right along In a class with Harley. In the senatorial race Mc­ Nary won over Stanfield with a good majority. at Mayor Geo. P. Topping, while en route to Portland. Monday, is re­ p .rted to have received word that the local shipyard is to be opened at once, that White Bros, had purchased it and had made another payment, and that representatives of the new owners are enroute here to begin op­ erations. The Coos Bay Times says that Captain Snyder of the Sampson had informed Mr. Topping that the men are enroute here to start work on private contracts. Mr. Top- The Times also says: ping said that negotiations had been practically closed to secure a factory to make starch and other products They are also nego- from potatoes tiating for a loganberry plant. Attend AA ar Conference Mayor Geo P. Topping, as repre- tentative of the City and Captain W. 8. Wells and Lieut R. T. Moore of Company A. Coos Guard, left Monday fi r Portland to attend the Oregon War Conference which was in session there this week. Captain Wells will stop at Corvallis for a few days en­ route home and Lieut. Moore will spend a day or two with his brother at Eugene before returning « WITHYCOMBE AND McNARY AVIN OlT IN STATE WITH GOOD MAJORITIES FOR BOTH Twelve Local .Men to AA'ear Khaki for Uncle Sam—AA ill Be in Artillery. Going to Ft. McDowell, California. Latter Part of Next AA eek—Manager of World in REPORT SAYS BANDON SHII'A ABD TO OPERATE « NO. 27 L. O. Green left on the Eiiabeth for dan Francisco. It is reported about town that he has fallen heir |o $60,000.00. Laird Nominated Sheriff The most interesting contest among county candidates was for the office of sheriff. The four candi- lates run neck and neck, and at the finish Laird led the bunch, his near- st competitor being Ellingson, who was only nine votes behind. Mc- ,'ulloch also had a close run with Robison for surveyor, winning by 4 6 >otes. Tho biggest surprise was the vote for commissioner, Mr. Arm­ strong being defeated by a vote of almost 6 to 1. The big combination that went out after hla scalp was too much for him. Eveu the Bandon tectlon turned him down, although they gave him almost a 50-60 vote. There was probably some personal satisfaction gratified in local quar­ ters by seeing him defeated, but aft­ er the Coos Bay man gets in It will probably be interesting to watch the doings of the county court from a local standpoint. Complete county returns for the more important office« follows: For senator: Stanfield, 1612; McNary, 1143. For representative: W. C. Hawley, 1894. For governor: Harley. 42; Moser, 34. Olcott. 53. Simpson 2320; Jas. Wlthcombe, 401, Anderson 94. For treasurer: O. P. Hoff lead, re­ ceiving 775 votes. For supreme court lustice' Coke 2396; Johns 13«; Kelly 207. For state representative' A. K. Peck 1416; C. R. Barrow 1180. For sheriff: Laird 732; Nichols ?9; Smith 524; Ellingson 123. For clerk: (leit) 1339; Connell ! 104. treasurer: Dlmmlck 20C2. surveyor; McCulloch 11«». Kjb'nson 1123. For commissioner: Yoakam 2374; Armstrong 41)6 On the Democratic ticket W. V’. Gage received the nomination foi sheriff and L. AV. Oddy for clerk. In state politics, Oswald West was nominated by them for senator, and Walter H. Pierce for governor. In the four Bandon and the Two Mlle and Four Milo precincts Stan- field received 119 votes and McNary 116. Other returns were: Simpson 136. Withycombe 58; Barrow 109, Peck 108; Laird 120, Ellingson 48, Nicholls 39. Smith 19; John D. Con- <1em Teil* of AA hat Is ( otisldered nell 78. Getty 99; McCulloch 159, Largest Patriotic-Hocial Gat bering Robinson 55; Armstrong 110, Yoa- Eier Held Houth of Bnndon Hlnce kam 122. ThQ GREATES I MOTHER IN THE WORLD IV The Bandon district in the big Red Cross drive will be well over the top 401'TH AVERT COOS MEN, JI HT 21 before the close at the end of this week The members of Company A, A F AM Ol.D. Ml ST REGIS­ Coos Guard, who have had charge of TER AA ITH < ■ B. MOUL the campaign are working enthusias­ tically and drive headquarters in the ls>cal Board Giles Information a* to > Gallier building Is one of the busiest Procedure to lie Followed and An- . places in town Det ails— Persons 1 noiinces Other On Monday and Tuesday there was Failing to Register Will Be Im­ • no solicitation but subscriptions were prisoned and Later Put Into Army. received at headquarters. The net returns during these two days amouted to more than half of the The Local Board for Coos county quota allotted to the city of Bandon. is authorized by the United States 1 Wednesday night the Bandon pre­ war department to register all men cinct quota had been exceeded, the who have become twenty-one years of total being (1430.6' The entire age since June 5. 1917, for classi­ precinct has not been covered as yet fication under the selective draft. and the work win continue until ev­ The date for holding such registra­ eryone is solicited tion will be Jun* 5, 1918. thruout the The first precinct within the Ban­ nation. don district to complete its campaign The following registrars have ap- ts Bullards, C. D Jarman, chairman pointed for the respective localities This precinct had a quota of 875. >t Coos crunty: C. B Zeek for Ban- It responded with more than double Ion and territory, at hla office. Ban- that amount, $153. Bullards has set Ion: Chas. St. Dennis. Lakeside; J. the race that will probably be main A. Smith. North Bend; M. G. Dun- talned throughout the entire district an. Marshfield: Local Board for Chairman E F. Topping of the oos County. Coquille. E. A Dodge. Parkersburg district reports $185 Myrtle Point. E. J. Loney. Powers collected, with still ten more people Persons subject to registration can'to call on __ _ ~j. Parkersburg's quota I be registered by the Registrar that $100. so that precinct la almost 100 s nearest them, or the one they can per cent over subscribed. reach with the least trouble and ex­ Prosper, with a quota of $260, Is pense. Registrars will not be ap­ getting along nicely, acording to 8. D pointed for each voting precinct as In Harper, chairman He reports that the registration of June 5, 1917. but | at the close of headquarters last all must appear and be registered by evening $165 had been subscribed, one of the registrars named above. although soliciting had not yet be­ Heavy I'rnalty for Sla< krrs gun. The penalty for slackers applies to R H. Rosa by telephone reported (Continued on last page ) last «■ening that Two Mile had more l than $.->0 subscribed so far and that the quota of $100 will be more than raised. The Bandon district campaign is being managed by Chairman II. J. McDlarmid. who is largely respons­ ible for its Rplendid success. The campaign within the city la being conducted by Company A, Coos Guard, with the following In charge: Wells. Team No. 1—W. .1. Sweet, Campaign manager Wells. Team No. 1 W. J. Sweet, captain, Vic. Breuer, O A. Trowbridge, H. F. Morrison. Team No 2 R. B, Corson, cap- tain. E. H Boyle. G. R. McNair, A. H. Rosa. Tea m No. 3- -C. L. Foster, captain, O. L. : Zentner. T. W. Robison. C. I. Freese Team No. J. F Kronenberg. captain. A. I H <> Nettle- ten, A. Gale Team No. -J. F. Curran, captain C A. Glenn, Robt. Thom, It H. Os- borne. Team No. 6 ('has. Page, captain, J. O Ervin, S. A. Malehorn, F J. Hartig Team No. 7 —C. R Wade, captain, E. E Reynolds, H. E. Beak. L. J. Radley. Team No. 8 N. Miller, captain. B. Zeek, L Eaton, T M. Nlel- m. Team No. S. C. Endicott, rap- tc in. L. E. Gallierfl Chris Rasmus- n, 8. C Johnson. Nels Rasmussen. Team No' 10—M. E Treadgold, aptaln. W. f; Littlefield, E O. ( Un­ ion, L. L. Rosa. COUNTRY PEOPLE BOOST WAR WORK AA ar Began—Bandon Sent Speak­ er* and a Delegation. Condensery Men Here Chief Engineer J. Clark of the Northwest Process Co. and Manager Dietrich of the McMInvllle milk con­ denser?, are In Bandon on business conected with the local plant. Ono of the biggest events of a patriotic-social nature that has been held down the coast, was the dance held at the Four Mile hall Saturdaj night under auspices of the Socialist Local and other organisations. The County Roadmaster Sawyer and. affair has been well written up by Commissioner Archie Philip made a the World's correspondent. Clem of trip of Inspection to the mad south Four Mile, and his write-up 1s taken of town yesterday. from the usual Four Mile column for a first page position Barrovvs Will be K|»eaker By CLEM, of Four Mile Arrangements have been mad* bv Th e dance given at Four Mile hall the committee in charge of Memorial Saturday evening for the benefit of Day exercises to have Atty. C. Il- the local Red Cross Auxiliary and to Barrow of Coquille deliver the ad- further the sale of Thrift Stamps, drees Mr Barrow will speak at the was a grand success, both socially Grand during the afterneon Thev and financially. Tpwards of a hund­ have also arranged for the school red people were In attendance. children to join the parade at the Messrs C R. Wade and 8. C. Endi­ O A. R. hall. cott of .Bandon acted as speakers for the occasion and were heartily ap­ ♦ ♦ « ♦ plauded Quite a delegation came « WORM» HONOR HOL» down from Coquille, also a nicely « « ♦ « Dew Valley I crowd from Bandon. was well repre.-wnfed with well-fill .1 O Perdue. Bandon ed lunch bankets as veil m tn person »♦ s W. E Elli». Fanden An exhibition of skill on the violin b y Mr Halloway of Bandon, Dolile Robbins. Broadbent. (Continued on last page) T.entner Gallier, Bandos. a