WAR PROFITEER PUBLIC NUISANCE No Extortion to Be Tolerated, but Liberal Disposition Toward Business Needed. rhe Western World Owned and published by FELSHE1M & HOWE L D. FELSHEIM, Editor JAS H. HOWE. Bus Mgr. Shrinkage of Values Would Cur tail Capacity to Provide Sinews of War. "Conscription of Men, Conscription of Money," Analysed. The rich man can spend only a rela- — ' small sum of money nnproduc- i tlvely | tlvely or selfishly. The money that It Is In ills power actually to waste Is ex- ceedlngly limited. The bulk of what he has must be spent and used for productive purposes, just as would be the case If It were spent by the gov­ ernment, with this difference, however, 2 A Clean Tooth Never Decay» that, generally speaking, the Individual Is more painstaking and discriminating If you want work that lasts; In the use of his funds and at the same if you want It done with no time bolder, more Imaginative, enter­ more pain than the prick of prising and constructive than the gov­ the needle; if you want your ernment with Its necessarily bureau­ Pyorrhea CURED, or If you cratic und - routine regime possibly want to KEEP FROM GET- could be. Money in the hands of the TING PYORRHEA, see individual Is continuously and fever­ ishly on the search for opportunities —1 e., for creative and productive use. In the bands of the government It Is apt to lose a good deal of Its fructifying Elllngson Building energy and ceaseless striving and to Bandon, Oregon sink Instead Into placid and somnolent repose. There need net be and there should not be any conflict between profits and patriotism I am utterly opposed to those who would utilize their coun­ try's war as a means to enrich them­ selves. The “war profiteer,” as the term is generally understood. Is a pub­ lic nuisance and an Ignominy. Extor­ tionate profits must not be tolerated, but, on the other hand, there should New Location TIMMONS BUILDING. be a reasonably liberal disposition to­ First Street. ward business and a willingness to see It make substantial earnings. Daily Papers Magazines For. taxation presupposes earnings. All Current Publications Our credit structure is based upon values, and values are largely deter­ mined by earnings. Shrinkage of value; necessarily affects our capacity to provide the government with the Saturday Evening Post sinews of war I : DO NOT NEGLECT | YOUR TEETH 2 r- Telephone Offices are authorized Thrift Stamp selling slaiiona. This profitable, simple ar.d safe investment drawe four per cent interest, compounded quarterly, with the privilege of turning it into mon­ ey upon ten day»’ notice. Save for those xxho are lighting fur you. and do ’’your bit" to xxin the war. Coos & Curry Telephone Co. Service First By OTTO H. KAHN. Entered as second-class matter at Much la being said about the plau­ the poat office at Bandon, Oregon, January 2d. 1913, under the Act of sible sounding contention that be­ March 3d. 1879. cause a certain portion of the young manhood of the nation has been con­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year (in advanoe) $1.50 scripted, therefore money must also be Six Months (in advance)-. -75 conscripted. Why, that la the very thing the government has been doing. THE OFFICIAL CITY NEWSPAPER It has conscripted a portion—a rela­ Phones Office, 901; Residence, 311 tively small portion—of the men of the nation. It has conscripted a portion— A DISCXJl K8E ON PEACE a large portion— of the incomes of the The United States did not enter nation. Capital and business pay more Into this war unadvlsably, hastily, than four-fifths of our total war taxa­ under stress of beat or passion, says tion directly and a large share of the We a government communique, took the step calmly, soberly, reluc- remaining fifth Indirectly. If the government went too far In tantly, with a full sense of the awful responsibilities involved, the sacrl- conscripting men the country would be flees demanded, the magnitude of the crippled. If ft went too far In con­ THE UNIVERSAL CAR] task. scripting Incomes and earnings the President Wilson did not advise in country would likewise be crippled. It's no longer necessary to go into the details describing his war message, nor did Congress the practical merits of the FORD CAR—everybody knows act in declaring a state of war be­ Results of Conscription of Capital. all about ’¡The Universal Car." How it goes anil conies tween the United States and Ger­ day after day and year after year at an operating expense 1 would ask those who would go C many without giving the most solemn so small that it's wonderful. This advertisement is to urge further and conscript not only incomes, consideration to what the action prospective buyers to place orders without delay as Uie war meant. They knew It rneeut the but capital, to answer the riddle not The Conscription of Men. has produced conditions which may interfere with normal death of thousands of brave Ameri­ only In what equitable and practicable production. Buy a Ford car when yon can get one. We’ll the Reverting now to the subject of cans; they knew it meant suffering manner they would do It, but what the take good care of your order—get your Ford to you soon conscription of men, I know 1 s^ieak and wounds and the disabling for life nation would gain by It? as possible—and give the best in “after-service" »»hen re- the sentiment of all those beyond the of hundreds of thousands of out quired. It Is true that a few years ago a young men They counted to the full years of young manhood when I say the human cost and the material cost. capital levy was made In Germany, but that there Is not one of us worthy of TOURING CAR ..$518 Every development since has justi­ the percentage of that levy was so the name of a man who would not HAND-TAILORED fied and proved the wisdom and Im­ small as to actually umount to no more ROADSTER ____ $503 perative necessity of America's par­ than an additional Income tax and that willingly go to fight If the country F. O. B. BANDON the needed or wanted us to fight. But ticipation Every .German success and every German failure have at a time when the regular Income tax country does not want or call Its en- shown how necessary to our own In Germany was very moderate as tire manhood to fight. It does not welfare and peace, how necessary to measured by*the present standards of even call anywhere near Its entire "Distinctively for Gentlemen” the safety and peace of the wurld the Income taxation. young manhood, It tins called or la­ defeat of Germany la. Every foot of Only a trifling fraction qf a man’s tends to call in the immediate future ground Germany has been forced to give up, every foot of land she has property Is held In cash. If they con­ perhaps 2S per cent, of Its men be­ SPRING STYLES AND SAM­ slezed, have demonstrated the im­ script a certain percentage of his pos­ tween twenty and thirty years of age, PLES NOW ON perative necessity of defeating that sessions tn stocks und bonds, what which means probably about 4 per DISPLAY. sinister thing called Germanism. would the government do with them? cent, of Its total male population of all Germanism 1» 3,000 miles away. It Keep them? That would not answer ages But It has called from Incomes, must come no nearer. Let this war result In anything but the defeat of Its purpose, because the government business profits and other Imposts fall­ Germany, let her emerge with her wants cash, not securities. ing principally on the well to do. ap­ power unbroken and her kultur still Sell them? Who Is to buy them when proximately ninety per cent of our dominant and It is but a question of every one's funds would be depleted? war taxation, not to mention the con­ THE TAI LOK time until we ulono will be fighting If they conscript a certain percent­ tributions to the Red Cross, the Y. M. Germany Instead of warring against We have a request from our tax collector asking age of a man's real estate or mine or C. A. and other war relief activities. her with our Allies on our side. CLEANING Lincoln »aid that this country farm or factory, how Is that to be ex­ tliut taxpayers co-operate in cutting down the expense of Let me add In passing that the chll- could not exist half slave end half pressed and converted Into cash? 'ren cf the well to do have been taken his office by sending for their statements at once. free, All Americans now recognize Are conscripted assets to tie used ns for the war in proportionately greater The eVents of the last that truth If oent for now the present office help can get these fow years have shown equally clear a basis for the Issue of Federal lie numbers than the children of the poor, statements out. thereby saving expense of extra help and that this world can not exist half serve bank notes? That would mean because those young men who are rush of work toward the last of M itch. free and half autocratic There I n no gross Inflation, with all Its attendant needed at home to support dependents peace for America except a just evils, dangers and deceptions. / nr to maintain essential war Industries Send your statement now. S at»' If you wish to pay I eace, a piste« that means a world fit Would they repudiate n percentage are exempted from the draft. half or all your taxes. — Pay your taxes linn us and help for free people to live in. German your home town and community. Ideals, Gurniun purposes, unil Ger of the national debt? Repudiation Is Our Laws Favor Sons of the Poor man practices are the antitheses of no less dishonorable In a people than The draft exemption regulations dis­ A'nerlcautsm. The beliefs we love In an Individual, and the |>ennlt.v for and honor und uphold ure contemp­ failure to respect the sanctity of olili criminate not. as In former wars. In REAL ESTATE tible to them, the objects for which favor of the rich man’s son, but in they will to iliuith millions of their gallons Is no different. favor of the poor woman's son. Conveyancing Insurance own men and millions of their enemy The Thrifty Would Be Penalized. I realize but too well that the bur­ are abhorrent to our Ideas of light The fact Is that the government den of the abnormally high cost of Abstracts and justice, their methods and prnc tlcrs In Hiirfuri are an aboiniuatlon would gain nothing In the process of living, caused largely by the war. and Notary Public capital conscription and the country weighs heavily Indeed upon wage earn and horror to us. Z The American who now advocates would be thrown Into chaos for the era and still more upon men und wo­ or wiahee for peace, except :v J'ls* time being. The man who has saved men with inoderute salaries. 1 yield Opposite Bank of Bandon peace, Is either < oefully mlsgulle I CxXX’OOOOO-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'O'O'OOO or a traitor to America - future and would t>e penalized, lie who tins wnsied to no one In my desire to see every­ Oregon Bandon, America's p»-i to all things Amer! would lie favored. Thrift and construe thing done tlmt Is practicable to have can the things wh'ch have made our five effort, resulting In the needful and that burden lightened, Bui excessive country great and free which liund- fructifying accumulation of capital, luxation on capital will not aceotn- reA« of II ioukuiii I h of Amo i< nt. i have would be arrested and lastingly dis pllsh that; on the contrary, It will OOOOOOOOOOQVOOOOO' died to maintain, and for wliteh Eight Day service between Coquille River and 'Frisco couriigeiL ■> tend to Intensify the troubla. Americana now are lv> ig In Fi'u ice I can understand the crude notion of There can tie n > peace v it'» limn r Taxation must be sound and wise or safety to ourselves or to posterity, the man wtio would divide »ill posses ami scientific and cannot be laid In n Large Two Berth Outside State­ except a just peace, and there can •Ions equally. There would be mighty hnphaxnrd way or on Impulse or ac­ J and will be no other peace Work little coming to any one by such ilistrl rooms with running water. cording to considerations of politics, f >r peace accomplishes nothing hut Professional billion, and It Is. of course, an utterly otherwise the whole country will suf­ the hamstringing of the Nation's ef FOR FIRST CLASS Passenger Fare lni|H>asllde thing to do, hut It Is an tin fer. History has shown over and over Teacher of Piano f rts Icrstatidable notion I’ut by the. con again that the laws of economics can­ $10.00 BANDON tlscHtlon of capltul fot government use not be defied with Impunity and that Wrstein \1 rid Is In receipt of . a FROM bit I f patriotic poetry « which liicli It I' re neither the government nor any Indi the resulting penalty falls upon all firsts It Is unable to publish until the vldunl would be benefited sections and classes. SAN FRANCISCO writer dlscloie* h's Idmtltx. not D im - A vigorously progressive Income tax The question of the Individual Is not RESERVATIONS: J. E. Norton,Coquille rsaarlh for publication It Is one of Is both economically and so. tally t oinniltt Ing of Soloe Perkins', Myrtle Point; Hiilyer’s Cigar the linages of newspapers everywhere sound A capital tax Is wholly nil the one that counts. Tho question la n Sjiecialty not what sacrifices capital should and Store. Marshfield, E. B. Thrift, Langlois that communications from unknown lenihcr of All tirades would be willing to bear If called upon, a-viirces are to be consigned to the sound and economically destructive It may nevertheless become ntees tmt what taxes It Is to the public ad­ waste banket. partly as s matter of E; a E. T. KRUSE, owners and manag­ studio ox protection to the paper's Interests sary In the case of some of the bclllger vantage to Impose. ers, 24 Caiif. SL. San Francisco. CHICAGO 4\ ENT E. rxrtly because the average communi ent countries to resort to this exp. dl I do not any all this to plead for a cation the writer of which desires to HINDUN OREGON AGENT remain unl< >n view of the fact that the Coos ■ .urn reconstruction, w lien bey on la most must be willing to bear who inn af- 0 I ay Times has been supporting Geo all other things It Is essential to - liuu ford It except only that limit wlu.h Is <» J Armstrong as county commissioner late production and promote thrift an I Imp.-«i d by the consideration tlmi tax 0 during hl" entire eight yrars Incum­ when everything which tend« to have at Ion must net reach a point where bency. * sounds rather Inconsistent Real Estate to hear tl -it paper say: “In all those the oppoalte effect should be rig r.>u<> the buslneas activity of the country QUICK. RELIABLE SERVICE rejected as detrimental to the halon's becomes crippled and its economic years he I. s not shown any evidence Insurance Abstracts AUTO TRUCKS of eiljicr efficiency or mmohijf " strength and well-being, equllibrluiu Is thrown out of gear. t»e- Rentals ■ IVJI There la an astonishing lot of l,t\ cause that would harm every element UK » l>yl AKTF'RS NOTHING TOO LARGE Ÿ Notary Public CENTRAL WAREHOUSE Col Leaders review was a much- thinking on the subject of the uses of of th» commonwealth and diminish NOTHING TOO SMALL Y I'lfuxt 142 enjoyed event to the boys of Ilan capital In the bands ef Its owner* 222 First St Bandon. Ore. I lite war-aiaking capacity of the nation don's company. Coos Guard. J ' •OOOOOOCOO’XX’OO-XX'OOOOOC-s; "OxXXxXxXXXX» G TUTTLE News Stand FORD Cigars, Tobaccos OXFORD CLOTHES A. GARFIELD, Agent, TAXES Mark Windle Wolverton Bank of Bandon Bandon, Oregon S. S. ELIZABETH Prof. A RICHARDS SAILS J. E. WALSTROM CHRIS RASMUSSEN Central Transfer Co.