Western world. (Bandon, Coos County, Or.) 1912-1983, May 02, 1918, Image 1

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Would Collect Anticipated Profits on
Unfinished Oregon Avenue Con­
tract—Also Damages.
W. H. Webb, former local contrac­ SURPLUS LIVESTOCK WILL BE
tor, thru his attorney. W. A. Acker­
man of Marshfield, at last night’s
Bandon Has Small Margin Over Its
Quota and More Should Respond
Before Saturday Night—McAdoo
Sends Wire—Oregon Wants u
Bond in Every Family.
The Liberty Loan drive closes this
week, While Bandon has reached its
quota, it has only a comparatively
small margin and it is urged that
those who have not yet responded to
the appeal of the government do so
at once. According to a telegram
from Secretary McAdoo to the 12th
Federal Reserve district, in which
Bandon is included, more efforts
must be put forth if the loan Is to be
the success expected. His telegram
"It is learned with deep regret
that there is a disposition on the part
of the Liberty Loan organizations in
various parts of the country to dis­
continue their efforts after they have
reached their quota or have over­
subscribed their quota to some ex­
I requested $3,000,000,0000
as the minimum that the government
ought to have, with the hope and ex­
pectation that it would be largely
over-subscribed and that every Lib­
erty Loan committee would exert it-
self to secure the largest possible
over-subscription. I hope the Lib-
erty Loan committee will energeti-
rally continue the campaign until its
close in order to secure not only the
success of the loan as a whole and
the largest possible oversubscription,
but also the greatest possible num­
ber of individual buyers.
America’s sons are now actually
fighting on the battlefronts in France
and will not stop fighting until the
victory for liberty is won, no loan
committee can stop fighting for an
oversubscription for the loan until
tlie campaign closes May 4th. If we
stop fighting when we have reach­
ed the minimum of the Liberty Loan,
we are not comparably sustaining
our sons in France who are fighting
not for the minimum but for the
maximum of America’s rights and
world liberty.”
Want Bond in Every Home
The Oregon State Central com­
mittee in a letter to the Bandon dis­
trict executive committee says:
Realizing that the moral effect of
a campaign like tills is even greater
than the monetary effect, requests
that each committee bend every ef­
fort, now that we have gone over the
top, to put a bond in every home in
In order that each town
achieving its record shall receive
due credit, we have arranged for a
new honor roll to cover all towns
that have placed a bond in every
family. Report should be made im­
mediately by wire upon obtaining a
bond subscription for every family
in your town, in order that it may be
published in the papers and the name
of the community forwarded to
You have made such a splendid
record that words are inadequate to
express our appreciation and we
know that we can rely on you to con-
tinue your efforts until every home
owns a bond
Bonds are Negotionalde
Confusion In the minds of some re­
garding the third Liberty Loan bonds
has become evident. This confusion
ha . been caused by a misconception
ns to the meaning of the terms "con-
vertibillty" and "negotiability.” The
bonds are perfectly negotiable. I. e .
salable or tranferable to others. How­
ever they are not convertible, 1. e.,
changeable Into bondx earning a
higher rate of interest should such
be Issued by the government during
the war.
April Rainfall Quite Small
Capt. O. Wlren of the local Light
Station reports the following con­
cerning the past month's weather:
The rainfall for the month of April
was 1 90 inches; days rainy, >1oudv
and partly cloudy. 15; days clear. 15.
Rainfall for the corresjionding month
of 1917 was 2 66 inches, a difference
of 0 76 inches less this year, The
total rainfall since September f I rat
to April 1 is 38.70 Inches.
May 6th War Stamp Day
May 6th is War Stamp Day truout
the I'nited States. Merchants in mak-
ing change on that dag will give
Thrift Stamps, unless the customer
asks specifically for silver
The Infant son of Mr
Wm. Steve nson died soon
Monday. Funeral servicei
and burial was made at
council meeting filed a bill against
the city for »2198.37, alleged antici-
pated profits on the uncompleted
portion of the Oregon avenue street
improvement project,
A statement
accompanies the bill that unless the
amount is paid without suit, an addi­
tional »5,000 will be added as dam­
ages, alleged to have been sustained
to Mr. Webb's credit, etc. The mat­
ter was tabled pending correspond­
ence with Atty. Ackerman Contrac­
tor Webb had been paid in full for all
work done on the contract.
W. H. Wann, an expert accountant,
has been engaged by the city to check
up the books and improve the book­
keeping system’where advisable.
Marshal F. A. Holman was direct­
ed by the council to repair Edison
avenue hill and certain sidewalks.
The city engineer has been author­
ized to draw up specifications for a
new wooden street on Alabama ave­
nue between
First and
Mayor Topping has named May 21.
22 and 23 as Clean-up days and will
issue a proclamation,
Funds for
hauling away the rubbish have been
provided by the council.
Farmers of Tills Section Being Urged (’.«viewed Local Home Guard and
to Join With the Association in
Complimented Them on Their Suc­
Disposing of Surplus Livestock—
cess—Declares Big linn Drive Not
Will Be Big Aid to Be?T Cattle and
a Success But Result of Strategic
Hog Industry Is Belief.
Plans of Allied Generals.
Willis Van Fossen Accused of Rais­
ing Check from $47.40 to
$147.40—Bound Over.
Willis Van Fossen. a young man
about 32 years of age. is under ar­
rest on a charge of forgery. It is
alleged that on the 22nd day of April
he cashed a check at the Bank of
'Bandon for $147.40. after having
raised the check, which, it is claimed
had been made out for only »47.40
The check was signed by T. C. Urlf-
flth and was given In payment of ser­
vices at the Cox 41 Griffith saw­
mill. which is located a few miles
east of Bandon.
The discovery was made Saturday
night and Sheriff Gage was notified,
it was learned that Mr. Van Fossen
had gone to the W. R. Foote place
at Norway.
He was located there
and taken to the county Jail.
On Monday morning the accused
man was brought to Bandon and ar­
raigned in Justice Wade's court. Rep­
resented by his attorney, F. J. Chat­
burn, the accused man waived pre­
liminary hearing and asked to be al
lowed to plead later. He was bound
over to the grand jury, his bond be­
ing fixed at »250. The young man
believed that he could secure bonds­
men at Norway and Sheriff Gage
gave him an opportunity to see his
friends there,
It is not learned
whether lie was successful, but on
Tuesday he was still being held at
the county jail.
The farmers of the country are or­
Col. John Leader, military instruc­
ganizing to handle co-operatively tor at the University of Oregon and
the surplus livestock of this sec­ incidentally the highest ranking Brit­
tion of Oregon which will be sold on ish officer In the United States, gave
the Portland and other outside mar­ a splendid lecture on the war at the
kets. To this end tfie Coos County Grand theatre Saturday afternoon.
Co-operative Marketing association The theatre was packed and there
was launched at a meeting of farmers was not standing room for all who
at Arago a week ago. The principal tried to get in. The afternoon was
purpose of the association is to made a part holiday, the business
handle livestock shipments, and tht houses closing for an hour during the
work will be handled under the aus­ lecture.
pices of the grange and farmers' un­
Before the lecture four squads of
ion. assisted by the county agent. Company A, Coos Guard, under com-
County Agent J. L. Smith states maud of Captain W. S. Wells, in their
that the officers of the organization hew uniforms gave a short exhibi­
are: J. D. Carl, president; M. T tion drill under review of Col. Lead­
Clinton, vice president; C. E. Schroe­ er, who later made a brief talk to
der, secretary-treasurer; A. J. Rada- them on military bearing, tactics,
baugh and E. A. Arneson, directors etc. Ha complimented them i very
The hope is to make shipments at highly, The guard accompanied him
least twice a month. To reduce ex­ on the stage during the lecture.
penses of the work until well adver­
Col. Leader talked for nearly two
I tised and supported by the farmers of hours, every minute of which was
the county one of the officers of the thoroughly enjoyed. He told stories,
¡association will probably accompany related Interesting experiences and
I and handle carload shipments. Later dei.lt in detail with actual trench
Bandon Auxiliary Called Epon to
a permanent market man and ship­ warfare. Some of the scones depict­ Cl Iiief Engineer Clark »nil Manager
Double Its Output of Help­
ping agent will be employed. The ed brought tears to many eyes, but
Dietrich of McMinnville Plant
less Case Shirts.
first carload will be shipped the mid­ they were quickly banished with
Coming Next Week.
dle of this month.
laughter at some funny incident from
—— —
An urgent call is made by the lo­
All farmers, whether members of the brighter side of tlie big struggle.
E. E. Oakes returned from a busi-
cal branch of the Red Crose for more
1 the grange or union are urged to co
Tlie present German offensive, Col. ness vislt to Portland Saturday.
workers. It comes upon receipt of
operate with the association
Leader declares, is not a success, but where lie went to look up financial
information from Chapter headquar­
instead is rn indirect result of wond­ backing for a prospective new indus­
ters that the Bandon branch will be
erful and ingenious strategic work try. He states that he condition of
expected to make 75 Helpless Case
■in the part of the greut commanders the condensed milk market, caused
Shirts (similar to hospital bed shirts)
the tilled armies.
by the tact that the Carnation inter­
each month.
1 he Allies are letting the Ger­ ests and the Gail-Borden people have
A letter, dated April 26, to the lo­
mans drive into their lines at two gotten a monopoly on the govern
cal Auxiliary follows:
The honor flag awarded by the places 1 ng bag-like indentations,” he inent contracts, has caused consider­
“Dear Co-workers: Each Chapter
sold. "The noose to the bag will able trouble to the smaller produc­
of th® Northwestern has been assign­ Government to the Bandon district in
■ urely be tightened «lien the salients ers. they being unable to get ship­
ed an allotment of work which they the Third Liberty Loan campaign, for
of the Hun armies are pushed a little ping space for their products. How­
are expected to fill but must not ex­ having reached its quota, was formal­
ly raised with brief but impressive farther That is the very thing those ever. a meeting of the smaller pro
wonderful generals want, and they ducers was held tn Chicago last
“Our superintendent of the knit­ ceremony here Tuesday night. The
let the Huns believe they are win week and plans were worked out
ting department finds that if the event took place at the municipal
ning while they may. for surely the whereby relief would soon be forth­
branches will maintain their averag­ flag pole at the head of the Bandoil
Germans will have a terrific price to coming.
es for the past three months for the Avenue stair«ay, and a large nuni-
Mr Oakes states that the plant
next three months our allotment for ber of patriotic citizens w ere In at-
here will have Its machinery Instal
Large hones in Reserve
that department will be cared for
w a <
Col. Leader said: "The strength led within the next Rlxty days and
Company A , Coos Guard.
very comfortably.
“In the Hospital Garments and present and the Band furnished sev- of the Allies is unknown, but there will begin operating as early ax pos­
Supplies Department in addition to eral splendid selections for the occas- is every rea ;on to believe that the sible. Manager Dietrich of tho Mc­
stipulating the number of boxes to ilon. C. R. Wade of the Liberty Loan olid backing of the men at the front Minnville plant and Chief Engineer
be shipped, headquarters have also ¡committee with appropriate remarks is so strong and so great In number .1. Clark of the Northwest I Process
stipulated the type of garment to be 'presented tlie flag to Mayor Topping, that no offensive Fritz might under­ Co. will arrive here Tuesday to be-
It is gin the Installation work.
made, so It has been necessary to who received it on the part of the take could possibly break thru
Mr. Oakes also states that it would
divide the allotment among the dif- city and the various precincts includ­ this superior strength that permits of
I hav* be Impossible for the plant to re­
B the present Allied strategy
ed In the Bandon district.
ferent Branches.
The Bandon branch will please Zeek, custodian of the colors, raised it on good authority that the British ceive milk off the river If It wer*
make 75 Helpless Case Shirts each the flag, together with Old Glory, as reserve is approximately 1.200,000 running, without the street on the
Tlie present British line is west sido being put in. The receiv­
month. , work to be sent in to the ¡the guard stood at present arms and men.
Chapter before the first of each the band played the national anthem. held by 4 00.000 men, and reserves ing room Is on the west side and aft­
The honor flag will be sent to any aie fed Into the battle only sufficient er the machinery Is installed, he says,
month, These allotments are to be
divided between the branch and Its precinct within the district for any to maintain this strength. The long- It would be Impossible to take It thru
auxiliaries, Where new work Is al- special occasion on which they might ■ i the counter attai k I delayed the the warehouse from the front dock
nearer aiqiroaches the end of the war He urges that the street work be
lotted sample garments will be sent. wish to fly ft.
and the less price In lives the Allies done.
“Branches will please complete
must pay to attain victory.
Distributed lliisselite Literature
such work as in course of construc­
"You read of the French and Ital­
"Kingdom News”. Russellte litera­
tion before beginning work on their
ture, was distributed thruout Bandon ians and Americans throwing their
“Very truly yours.
several days ago by Mrs. Edith Car troops Into the fray on the active Lilieral Hupfsirt to I /oral Organiza­
tion Should Be Forthcoming
penter. It comprised a single sheet, sectors. This is
Sec. Marshfield Chapter. A R C.” issued by the International Bible British need tht
No community Is complete without
Local Red Cross officials say that ¡students’ association, and under th* mation that the
if Bandon Is to do its share in the heading, “The Finished Mystery and be the deciding struggle, and they a band Bandon now has the nucleus
new allotment It must almost double Why Suppressed.” The article Is de­ all want to be in on the drive to Iter- of an organization that promises to
develop into a class fully equal to
Its output, therefor* many more voted largely to attacks on what It Un."
Most striking of Col leader’s re­ that maintained in the olden days
workers must be had. An appeal is terms the “professional clergy". The
made to the patriotic women of this “Finished Mystery" «as banned by marks, was the statement that Ger­ here, when everyone took pride in the
community to become more actively- the federal authorities some time ago man plans for the invasion of the Pa­ fact that Bandon had the best band
This nu­
engaged In the great work that must as seditious literature. A number of cific Northwest had been discovered in southwestern Oregon
be done to assure proper care for the copies have been sold In Bandon He inferred that a possibility of such cleus, so to speak, needs considerable
sick and injured among our heroes Mrs. Carpenter was called to the an invasion exists, and that the blow­ nursing (financially) before It can
sheriff's office Tuesday, where her ing dp of our railroads would Isolate grow Into real life-sized proportions,
In the battle for freedom.
the Northwest and make it easy for and. since there is fs yet no definite
Workers are requested to call at activities are being Investigated.
a German fleet to land
source of revenue to maintain It, the
Red Cro«» headquarters, second floor,
He spoke of the necessity as a mat­ boys have adopted the usual method
First National Bank building
To Observe Memorial Day
Memorial Day. May 30th. will be ter of preparedness for the main­ of giving a benefit dance. The date
observed under the auspices of the tenance of the Horne Guard com­ has been set for Saturday. May 11,
He has organized 27 com­ and the event will take place at
G A R. and W. R C. All lodge* and panies
Home talent efforts on the part of civic societies are requested to par- panies In Lane county. He empha­ Dreamland.
The boys have cheerfully turned
The program will be an sized the importance in ease of attack
the Senior Class of the Bandon High tlcipate
Memorial services of membership in sn organization out for ail recent festivities and have
school will produce to the pleasure nounced later
of local people the delightful two- will be held the Sunday preceding wearing uniform and recognized as a rendered very creditable service«
They have received no financial bene­
part farce comedy. "The Fascinating May 30th at the M E church south. war making group. Coder interna­
fit, Instead have contributed their
Fanny Brown”, at the Grand theatre Rev. S. Roberta officiating
wise for a man to offer resistance to own money and time
This fact
Friday evening. May 4th. There are
armed troops, Efficiency of recruit» should be appreciated, by every local
nine characters In th* cast, each as­
Geo M Laffaw has established a is Increased at least twenty times by citizen, and everyone should buy a
signed to on* well adapted to the
ticket whether they Intend to dance
part, and all trained to the "nth" new Spring record for time between
The Home Guard members
Col. Leader Is lame, temporarily or not
degree, under the able direction of
especially Interested as th*
Mixa Agnes Redmond
The clssa Devils route. In a Velle and carry
John Ing two passengers he made the run Tenches, without adequate food and band boys hsre readily co-uperated
members taking part are:
The •X- with the local company »whenever
Arnold last Thursday evening In two hours waist de*p in Icy water
Donaldson. Edward Fish.
of hls called upon
Actual running
Haberly. Gail Boak, Gladys Galller. and 18 minutes
lower limbs which placed him in • he
Goldie Hufford. Jessie Bell, Margar- time wax 2 10 as It took eight min­
hospital for nine months.
Mixs Katie Conrad, chief operator
utes to cross the ferry.
et Divelbiss and Irene Breuer
To Build T reti< lies
at the local telephone exchenre, and
The regular program of pictures
Trench building. botAblng. ba yon*» other relatives of Geo Cheooweth of
Walter Carpenter, who joined the
will be shown early in the evening
and the curtain for the play will go Navy several months ago. arrived action, the war art of "killing the Curry county, who only a fww month»
up about 9 o'clock. Reserved seat home on the Elizabeth last week for other man before he kill* you”, will ago joined the Canadian army, re­
tickets are being sold at the Boyle a short visit with his mother. Mrs. : - taught Coos Guard 'ompanlee >y ceived word last week that ho had
Jewelry store at 50 cents each. Gen­ Edith Carpenter, and other relatives instructors from the I'nlverilt/ of been placed In the English clearance
eral admission will be 35c and for He left again Tuesday to report for Oregon cadets according to Col. station, presumably for discharge
Leader, if pre. ent plana matciUlus. from the army and return home
children 25c.
NO. 24
.11. Marsh iuid (\>un(y Judge Wood
Take Up Road Matter» With the
State Highway Ottmmisaion—12-
Foot Roadway on Grades, Cedar
Bridges, Etc., Now Favored.
County Judge W. A. Wood and A.
J. Marsh, of Curry county, were In
Bandon last evening enroute home
from Salem w here they had been tn
the interests of Curry county road
Misunilerstandings Cleared
The survey recently made
by en-
glneers working under the state high­
way commission, called for a 24 foot
road, concerte bridges and culverts,
etc. Such requirements were entire­
ly beyond the scope of Curry county's
needs and resources, decided thj
people of that county, and they took
• he matter up with the highway com-
mission by letter, succeeding in hav-
ing the width on grades and heavy
construction cut to 20 feet. How-
ever, even tills was much too expen-
live a construction.
Judge Wood and Mr. Marsh wero
hoseu to go out to Salem and placo
Curry county's side before the com-
.uiBsion. They met with that body
and explained in detail Curry couu-
ty's finances, population and other
resources, bringing home the fact
that road construction on a par with
the famed Columbia highway, while
i splendid ideal to work toward,
is entirely beyond the possibilities
and needs of Curry county at this
time and for years to come. State
Engineer Nunn and the highway
commission were won over to this
joint of view and promised to amend
.he plans for a 12-foot roadway on
•trades, with wider construction on
the levels Cedar will bo substituted
for concrete in the bridges and cul-
Under tho revised plans th* »55,-
000.00 to be spent on Curry roads
this year tiy the state and county will
build eight miles of first class gravel­
ed road. A mile and a half just out
of Port Orford and the balance he-
tween Elk and Sixen rivers will be
improved. The bridge over Sixes
river has been condemned and will
also be rebuilt
"The most successful road confer­
ence we have held with th* highway
commission,” is the comment of
Messrs Marsh and Wood regarding
their efforts. "Commissioner R. A.
Booth and State Engineer Herbert
Nunn will be in this section the 12th
of this month and will go over the
ground with ub . This will give them
first hand Information concerning
Curry's highway needs and we are
certain that hearty co-oporeatlon be­
tween county and state will mean
th* hastening of the day when the
Coast Highway between Bandon and
Crescent City thru Curry county will
be mor* thoroughly realized "
Would Have Coat $2,(MM>,(MM>
Off hand estimates as to probable
cost of a road thru Curry county
built on a twenty-four foot basis,
concrete bridges and culverts, place
the minimum cost at approximately
»2,000,000, which in comparison to
Curry's »5,000,000 assessment valu­
ation readily convinces the most ard­
ent booster such Is beyond present
and near-future possibilities.
On his way north Judge Wood was
accompanied by s lad by the name of
Stewart who was placed In care of
the state echo >1. The ’waive yea'
old boy's mother Is dead, hla father
missing, and his aged grandfather
unable to restrain him.
Start Graveling First of Week
Contractor Elbert Dyer states that
ho and Mr Plymale will have gravel
starting towards the Bandon-Curry
road the first of the coming week.
They have the equipment at hand
and tho work of strengthening the
bridges, etc , to stand the weight of
the heavy grgvel trains Is about com­
pleted They will use ten dump cars
holding about six yards of gravel
Five of them will make up a
The tractor will take on*
train of gravel out onto th* road
while the other cars are being loaded
Seven cars are at hand and the oth­
er» will be here In a few days Messrs.
Dyer * Plymale will operate two
tractor trains later If another engine
••an be obtained
♦ ♦ ♦
♦ ♦
L E Coates. Prosper.
Warren C Foster, Camp Lewis.
Mrs F Cardinal. Bardon
Wm Hansen. Prosper
Vera E. Irvine, Portland