feet people, the Armenian massacre«, ttrocltles, frightfulness, sinking the Lusitania, the submarine horrors, the ■nslavement of women—all piece Into 1 he monstrous view. The rights of na- BANDON LODGE No. 130 I tons, the rights of men. the lives and Ibertles of all people are subordinate A. F. & A. M. o the German alm of dominion over I <11 the world. Stated communication Friday after "FREDERIC C. WALCOTT." the full moon of each month. Sojourn German System Reckoned on Master Mksons cordially invited. Mr. Vernon Kellogg's statement 1» Starvation of People to Pro­ i is follows: E. W. SCHETTER, Secretary. Saw Only Massacre and Ruin. mote Imperial Ends. “It was my privilege—and necessity —In connection with the work of the KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ' VON KRIES REVEALED PLOT -omtnlsslon for relief In Belgium to ! «pend several months at the great Delphi Lodge No. 64, Knights of I I teadquarturs of the German armies In Pythias. . Meets every Monday even- the west, and later to spend more big at Knights hall. Visiting Knlghfa Country, After Population Had Been months at Brussels as the commits in v iteri to attenti. Systematically Done to Death, Was I slon's director for Belgium and occu­ to Be Restocked by Settlers pied France. It was an enforced op> CHAS. F. PAPE, C. C. From Germany. portunity to see something of German VIC. BREUER, K. of R. & S. practice in the treatmeut of a con­ The extent of human misery in quered people, part of whom (the French and the Inhabitants of the Bel­ BANDON LODGE No. 133 Poland caused by the German oc­ gian provinces of East and West Flan­ cupation was as great as that in Bel­ ders) were under the direct control of I. O. O. F. gium and France. The entire heart­ the German general staff and the sev­ lessness which characterized the kai­ eral German urmles of the west, and ser's high officers is well shown in a part, the Inhabitants of the seven other Meets every Wednesday night at Belgian provinces, under the quasi* the I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting Odd statement by Mr. Vernon Kellogg, civil government of Governor General Fellows always welcome. prepared for a pamphlet issued by von Bisslug. I did not enter the occu­ W. A. PANTER, N. G. j the committee on public informa­ pied territories until June. 1915, and so. of course, saw none of the actual in­ tion. which we copy. PHIL W. PEARSON, Sec’y ! The systematic exploitation of hu- vasion and overrunning of the land. I 1 i mnn misery by the German authorities saw only the graves of the massacred Poland followed the general plan and the ruins of tl elr towns. But I OCEAN REBEKAH LODGE In laid down by the kaiser's orders. In saw through the long, hard months order to prove the Identity of proced­ much too much for my peace of rnlud No. 126 ure It will be enough to present the of how the Germans treated the un­ detailed report prepared specially for a fortunates under their control after the Meets on the second and fourth pamphlet Issued by the committee on occupation. Destruction Complete. Tuesdays of each month at the Odd public Information and written by Mr. Fellows hall. Visiting Rebekahs al­ Frederic C. Walcott. A fuller and In "As chief representative for the com­ some ways more touching treatment mission. It was my duty to cover this ways welcome. Is given In hfs article, "Devastated whole territory repeatedly in long mo­ LENORE HUNT, N. G. Poland,” In the National Geographic tor Journeys in company with the Ger­ LELIA FISH, Secretary. man officer assigned for my protection Magazine for May, 1917. —and for the protection of the German “September, 1917. “Poland—Russian Poland—is per­ army against any too much seeing. A« ishing. And the German high com­ I had opportunity also to cover most of mand, Imbued with the Prussian sys­ Belgium In repeated trips from Brus­ tem, Is coolly reckoning on the neces­ sels Into the various provinces. I nec­ sities of a starving people to promote essarily had opportunity to compare the destruction wrought In the two re­ DR. R. V. LEEP Its imperial ends. gions. “ West Poland, which has been Prus ­ Physician and Surgeon "I could understand why certain sian territory more than a hundred Office in Ellingson Bldg. years, is a disappointment to Ger­ towns and villages along the Meuse and Phone 394. many; Its people obstinately remain along the lines of the French and Eng­ Poles. This time they propose swifter lish retreat were badly shot to pieces. BANDON. OREGON measures. In two or three years, by There had been fighting in these towns grace of starvation and frightfulness, and the artillery of first one side and F. J. CHATBURN they calculate East Poland will be then the other had worked their havoc thoroughly made over Into a German among the houses of the Inhabitants. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW But there were many towns In which province. Practice in all courts. Office “In the great Hindenburg drive one there had been no fighting and yet all in Racket Store building on Second year ago, the country wus completely too many of these towns also were In Street, Bandon, Oregon. devastated by the retreating Russian ruins. It was not ruin by shells, but army and the oncoming Germans. A ruin by fire and explosions. These million people were driven from their were the famous ‘punished’ town». I. N. MILLER homes. Half of them perished by the Either a citizen or perhaps two or three citizens had tired from n window Attorney and Counselor at Law roadside. For miles and miles, when I on the Invaders—or were alleged to saw the country, the way was littered Notary Public with mudsoaked garments and bones have. Thereupon a block, or two or Rooms 1 and 2, First Nat'l Bank Blds picked clean by the crows—though the throe blocks, or hnlf the town was larger bones had been gathered by the methodically and effectively burned or Bandon, Oregon thrifty Germans to be ground Into fer­ blown to pieces. There are many of tilizer. Wicker baskets—the little bas­ these 'punished' towns In occupied DR. FRED COVELL ket In which the bab.v swings from (tie France. And between these towns and rafters In every peasant home—were along the roadways nre Innumerable CHIROPRACTOR scattered along the way. hundreds and isolated single farmhouses that are alec Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to hundreds, until one could not count In ruins. It is not claimed that ther« was any sniping from these farm­ them, each one telling a death. 5 p. m. houses. They were Just destroyed along Deliberate Policy of Starvation. Opp. Hotel Gallier “Warsaw, which hnd not been de­ the way—and by the way, one may Office in Bandon Sanitarium, say. When the roll of destroyed vil­ Bandon, Oregon stroyed—once a proud city of a million lages and destroyed farmhouses In oc­ people—was utterly stricken. Poor folks by thousands lined the streets, cupied France Is made known, th« DR. F. A. VOGE leaning against the buildings, shivering world will be shocked again by this evi­ in snow and rain, too weak to lift a dence of German thoroughness. DENTIST Found Neutrality Impossible. hand, dying of cold and hunger. Though PYORRHEA SPECIALIST “But the horrible methods of that the rich gave all they hnd, anil the poor shared their iHst crust, they were deportation were such that we, al­ Telephone 1222 though trying to hold steadfast to a Ellingson Bldg. Bandon, Ore. starving there In the streets In droves. rigorous neutrality, could not but pro­ “In the stricken city, the German gov ernor of Warsaw issued a proclama test. Mr. Gerard, our auilmssador t< tlon. All able-bodied Poles were bld Berlin, happened at the very time of DR. S. C. ENDICOTT den to go to Germany to work. If any this protest to make a visit to th* refused, let no other Pole give him to great headquarters In the west and th« Dentist ent. not so much us a mouthful, under matter was brought to the attention of certnln high officers at headquarter« Office 1»41 —Phone»— Re». Ilf” penalty of German military law. Office in Ellingson Bldg. “It was more than the mind could on the very day of Mr. Gerard’s visit grasp. To the husband and father of and In bls hearing. So that he added BANDON. OREGON broken families, the high command his own protest to that of Mr. Poland, gave this decree: Leave your families our director at the time, and furthet GEO. P. TOPPING to starve; if you stay, we shall see that deftortatlons were stopped. But a tep you do starve—this to a high-strung, rible mischief hnd already been done Attorney at Law sensitive, highly organized people, this Husbands and fathers had been taken Practices in all Courts. Office from the authorities of h nation pro­ from their families without a word of good-by; sons and daughters on whom fessing civilization and religion to mil­ Over Bank of Bandon. lions of fellow Christians captive and perhaps aged parents relied for sup port were taken without pity or appar­ starving. ent thought of the terrible conse­ C. R. BARROW, “General von Kries, the governor, quences. The great rfiqiortatlons of Attorney and Counselor was kind enough to explain. Candidly, Belgium have shocked the world. But they preferred not quite so much star­ these lesser deportations—that la, at Law vation ; It might get on the nerves of lesser In extent, but not less brutal Io Notary Public the German soldiers. But, starvation their carrying out—are hardly known. Farmers’ Phone: Office No. 481 being present, ft must work for Ger­ Germany Mutt Be Civilized. man purpose. Taking advantage of Residence No. 143 “I went Into Belgium and occupied this wretchedness, the working men of France a neutral and I maintained Office over Skeel’sStore, Poland were to be removed ; the coun­ while there a steadfastly neutral bo- Coquille. Oregon try wns to be restocked with Germnns. havlor. But I came out no neutral. 1 It wns country Germany needed—rich cannot conceive that any American en­ JOHN NIELSON alluvial soli—better suited to German joying on experience similar to mln« than distant possessions. If could have come out a neutral. Ha Notary Public, Insurance, Real expansion the Poland that was hnd to perish, so would come out. as I came, with th« Estate and Book-keeping much the better for Germany. Ineradicable conviction that n peopl« To Make Poland German Province. or a government which can do what th« Bandon, Oregon “Remove the men. let the young and Germans did and are doing in Belgium weak die. graft German stock on the and Frnnce today must not be allowed. women. See how simple It Is: with a If there is power on earth to prevent It. DR. ARTHUR GALE crafty smile. General von Krles con­ to do this a moment longer than can be cluded. ‘By and by we must give back helped. And they must not be al- Physician and Surgeon freedom to Poland. Very good; It will j lowed ever to do It again. phone«: Office ».11; re«. IM'-’. reappear as a tierman province.’ “I went In also a hater of war, and I Office in Ellingson Bldg. “Slowly, I came to realize that thia came out a more ardent hater of war. BANDON. OREGON monstrous. Incredible thing was the But. also. I caine out with the Ineradic­ ITusslan system, deliberately chosen able conviction, again, that the only by the circle nround the all-highest way in which Germany under Ita pres­ MISS E. McKENZlE and kneaded Into the German people, ent rule and In Ita present state of till It beenme part of their mind. TRAINED NURSE mind enn be kept from doing what It “Gerninn people are material for has done 1« by force of arm«. It can­ District Nursing: Short calls; building the state—of no other account not lie prevented by appeal, concession Emergency work other people are for Germany's will to or treaties Hence, ardently as I hop* Emergency Hospital, Oakes Bldg. work upon. Humanity, lllwrty. equality that all war may cease. I hope that the rights of others— all foolish talk thl« war tuny not cease until Germany ftetnocracy. an Idle dream. The true Potatoes are nourishing, palata­ Prussian Ilves only for this, that th* realizes that the civilized world simply ble and well liked by all of ua. The Herman state may be mfgh’y and great will not allow such horrors as those for which Germany Is responsible In more we eat the more wheat we can “All the woes In the long count «hip to the boys at the front and against Germany are part of the Prus­ Belgium snd Franc* to be any longer possible. the famishing people of the Allie« sian system. The invasion of Belgium, “VERNON KELLOGG" Save a loaf of bread a week Help the deportations, the starving of sub- wiu the war. L°d8e D'rM°r-v AIMED 10 MAKE POLAND DESERT --- Professional Cards I Classified Ads and Notices FOR SALE—One 9x12 Axminster Kug. slightly used, two small Ax- minsters. Call at C36 Franklin Ave., or phone 1262. A18t2c LOST—Ivory handle umbrella; silver band, initials "C. R." on end. Re­ ward. Leaxe at Western World. AIS FOR SALE—7 head 4-year old cows. guaranteed first class, $85.00 each. Three 2-year old heifers. Two 3- year old colts. 1400 and 1500 lbs. Inquire A. P. Sweet, l.ampa. AlStfc FOUND—On Bandon Beach, a gold watch. Owner may have same by calling on W. D. Griffith, E 6th and Ohio Ave , Bandon. a5t4c FOR SALE—Young team weighing about 3100 pounds. $350. In­ quire at this office. A25tfc FOR KENT—Twenty acre ranch, with all buildings and fences. Call telephone No 14. M14tfe. FOUND—Bunch of keys, also con­ taining cigar clipper and presto tank key. Inquire at this office. A25 WANTED—We pay cash for empty gunny sucks.—IHppcl A Wolvvr- con. MrSOtf NOTICE LOB PUBLICATION 07*23» Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. April 2, 1918. NOTICE is hereby given that Reuben D. Truex, of Bandon, Oregon, who, on May 25, 1911, made Home­ stead Entry, Serial, No. 07335, for the WJ4 of SW k* of Sec. 22, and W kk of NW k< of Section 2 7, Town­ ship 30 S, Range 14 W., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten­ tion to make Final Five-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before 1. N. Miller, U. S. Commissioner, at Bandon, Oregon, on the 2 7th day of May, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Biescke, of Bandon, Oregon. Gus Brandt, of Bandon, Oregon. Jess Wilson, of Langlois, Oregon. Will Howe, of Langlois, Oregon. W. H. CANON, A25M2-9-1 6-2 3|>. Register ENEt I KIRS NOTICE OE SETTLEMENT. a corporation. bt plaintiff, and A. S. GILBERT and M L. GILBERT, his wife, are defendant», being case No. 4934 of th» said Court and command­ ing me to sell the hereinafter des­ cribed real property to satisfy the sum of $359.68 with interest at 6 per cent from February 21st. 1918, and costs and disbursements $25.50, together with accruing costs 1 WILL ON MONDAY. THE 29TH DAY OF APRIL, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day at the County Court House in the City of Coquille. Coos County, Ore­ gon. offer for sale and sell at pub­ lic auction to ths highest and best bidder for cash in hand all the right, title and interest of the said Defend­ ants Ln and to th» following des­ cribed real property, to-wlt: The Northeast k* of the Northeast ■4 of the Southeast ka of the North­ west k* of Section 29 Township 28 South of Range 14 West of the Wil­ lamette Merldlaj in Coos County, Oregon, containing Two and one-half (2 kj ) acres, more or less, except 30 ieet off from the North and 30 feet off from the East sides of this prop­ erty which is reserved for a public highway, together with all and singu­ lar the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, all in Coos County, Oregon. Said sale being made subject to redemp­ tion in the manner provided by law. Dated this 26th day of March, 1918. W. W. GAGE, Sheriff of Coo» County, Oregon. M28 a4 11 18 25. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Hlgliwny Construction, Coo» County, Oregon. Sealed blds for the construction of a portion of the Iiandon-Curry Coun­ ty Line Section of the Coast High­ way. GREEN GULCH FILL, in Coos County, Oregon, will be received by the County Court of said County at Its office In the Court House, Co­ quille, Oregon, until 10:00 A. M.. May 3, 1918. No blds will be considered unless accompanied by cash, bidder's bond, or certified check for an amount equal to at least 5 per cent, of the total amount of the I id. A corporate surety bond will be required for the faithful perform­ ance of the contract in a sum equal to one-half the total amount of the bid. Proposal blanks and full Informa­ tion for bidders may be obtained at the office of the County Clerk of said County, or at the office of the Road­ master, in the Court House, Coquille. Oregon. Plans and specifications and forms of contract may be seen at the saine place or may he obtained upon the deposit of $15.00. The right Is reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the pro­ posal or proposals deemed best for said County. COUNTY COURT OF COOS COUNTY JAMES WATSON. County Judge GEO J ARMSTRONG, County Commissioner ARCHIE PHILIP County Commissioner Attest: L. W. ODDY, County Clerk. Coquille, Oregon. A25t2. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROP- ERTY ON FORECLOSURE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That under and by virtue of an Execution and Order of Sale i»»ued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Coo« cn the 1st day of March. 1918, in a certain cause in said Court peBding wherein FIRST NATIONAL BANK, t.FO F I.AIRD CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF of Coos County asks the support of Republican voters at the Primary Election, to be held May 17th. (Pd Adi VNNol Nt LMENT TO THE REPUBLICAN ELECTORS OF COOS I’or.vTY I hereby announce my Candida«/ for the Republican nomination as Sheriff of Coo» county, at the Pri­ mary Nominating Election to be held May 17. 1918. I have always been a Republican and have resided tn Coos County for forty-two years. I believe that 1 am competent to handle the affairs of this very important office. I am not affiliated with any ring or faction, but shall stand squarely on my fit­ ness for the office that I seek. If nominated and elected it shall be my earnest and conscientious en­ deavor to administer the affairs of the office of Sheriff in a business­ like and economical manner. I shall enforce the laws found upon the sta­ tute books of the State without tear or favor, and, during my incumben­ cy, will be always on the Job. I solicit your support at the com­ ing Primary Election. A. A. NICHOLLS. Empire, Oregon (Paid Advertisement) 99797 l>e|>artiiient of the Interior, U. 8. AN ENDORSEMENT Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Bandon. Oregon, April 20, 1918 Vlarch 13, 1918. TO THE VOTERS of Coos County: NOTICE is hereby given that Man­ ton E. Treadgold, of Bandon, Oregon, vho, on October 21, 1914. made .lomostead Entry, Serial, No. 09797, .’or the SW *4 and Lot 14 of 4ec. 2, and Lot 1 of. Section 11, Township 30 S, Range 14 W., Wil­ lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before I. N. Miller, U. S. Commissioner, at his office, at Bandon, Oregon, on the 23rd day of April, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Herman A. DeLong, of Bandon, Ore­ gon, Kenneth Perkins, of Bandon, Oregon. Clifford C. Anderson, of Bandon, Oregon, Byron J. Young, of Bandon, Oregon. FINAL W. H. CANON, m21 28 a4 11 18 25 Register. In the matter of the Estate of Wm. Galller deceased, notice is hereby- given that the undersigned Joint exe­ cutors of the Will of said decedent have filed their final account and the Hon. James Watson, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Coos County, has by order made and dated April 10th, 1918, desig­ nated May 27th, 1918, at the Coun­ ty Court room in the Court House, In Coquille, Coos County, State of Ore­ gon, as tlie time and place for hear­ ing any objections to the final set tletnent of all accounts of said Es­ tate, and to the closing up of said ¡estate. Dated Bandon, Oregon, April 18th, 1918. STEPHEN GALLI ER, E. M. GALLIER, Joint Executors. Al 8 25 M2 9 16 23 FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a candidate on the Republican tlokst at the Primary Election. May 17th, for nomination to th» office of Coun­ ty Commissioner of Coos County. m>8 GEO. J. ARMSTRONG. I take great pleasure In recom­ mending A. A. Nicholls for tho Sher­ iff of Coos Count»'. Nicholls has done special deputy work for me, in the capacity of this office, which was very satisfactory. Nicholls has thor­ ough knowledge of the entire county, and in my opinion would make a good sheriff. (Signed) STEVE GALLIER (Paid Advertisement) Snap anil V igor to Office Speaking of Geo. P. Laird, candi­ date for sheriff, the Coos Bay Time» sa/B: “Mr. Laird Is a young, vigorous man and will bring to the office. If elected, the snap and vigor which the pulilie has been demanding." CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRANO ANNOUNCEMENT At the request of a number of my friends I hereby announce myself as a candidate for nomination to the of (ice of Representative In the Legis­ lative Assembly, from Coos county, the Fifth Representative District; subject to the decision of the voters of the Republican Party at the Pri­ mary Election, to be held on the 17th day of May. 1918. tfp C. R. BARROW. LADIKS I Aak rssr Ur.nM for CHI-CKBII TKB • A DIAMOND UKAND PILLS la Bso andZlX O olo mrtalUc boxes, sealed with BiuROz Btbbon Taaa no otbbb . ■aeafTaaeNAr ■naeM aad ask for cni.CBBa.Tfa» V BIABOND BB AND Pri.ta, for twenty-fls« years regarded aa Beat.Safest. Alwaya BaUabte. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS JK EVERYWHERE LIKE OU know how cooking brings out all the rich pungent flavor of bacon— there’s nothing that tastes better. But you wouldn’t like it raw. Y IT’S TOASTED So we toast the Burley tobacco used in LUCKY STRIKE Ciga­ rettes for exactly the same reason —to bring out the rich, solid flavor.