Western world. (Bandon, Coos County, Or.) 1912-1983, April 18, 1918, Image 1

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Maggie Lewis Is Awarded Certificate
by National Committee for
First local Honors.
Mesaage of United States
Senator McNary to Peo­
ple of Oregon
REACHED $30.80«».
Community Again Goes Over the Top
With .Many Yet to Hear From—
Oregon First State in Union to
Reach Quota—Message Received
from County Chairman.
Money la needed to support and
protect our soldiery now fighting In
a foreign land and the prompt pur­
chase by ths American people of
Bonds will supply the
Much of ths money here­
tofore obtained by the government
through the sals of Liberty Bonds
to Its citizens has been expended
In the preparation of war.
our resources and our savings must
be devoted to a considerable ex­
tent In providing for the safety,
oomfort and assistance of our
heroes on European battlefields.
Three thousand miles of ocean In­
tervene and this long lane must be
made safe for our soldiers. Ships
we must have In ever Increasing
numbers. Without tonnage the full
measure of our elaborate and mili­
tary relief organizations must re­
main Inoperative. Without money
we cannot build the ships; without
the ships we cannot win the war.
With sadness we anticipate the re­
turn of thousands of our soldiers
wounded and orlppled who must be
rehabilitated or made capable
through vocational education for
eelf support. General hospitals In
which physical reconstruction work
and vocational training can be un­
dertaken must be constructed.
Thia requires money.
A great
army Is going forward to face the
fire of battle and American dollars
will be forthcoming for their wel­
fare if we all perform our duty and
buy liberally of these
United States Senator.
NO. 22
Four Minute Talks
Made by Students
Bandon district In the Third Lib­
erty Loan went over the top early
this week and, according to last ev­
ening’s count, at the close of banks.
the total of subscriptions was $30,-
800. The campaign has not yet
cl< sed and there are still a goodly
number who have not responded. It
Is with pride that this district may
point to the fact that it was instru­
mental together with other patriotic
communities, in giving Oregon first
place on the National Honor Flag.
Oregon being the first state in the
union to reach its quota.
The following congratulatory tele­
gram was received Saturday from
L. J. Simpson, chairman Coos County
Third Liberty Loan:
"R. H. Rosa. Chairman, Bandon
Please accept my congratulations up­
on the wonderful results of the third
Liberty Loan in your district. Will
you please convey’ my appreciation to
the loyal hearts and true and to
those patriotic generous sons of toil
who have done so much toward mak­
ing Oregon the first commonwealth
in the land it is a privilege today to
be an Oregonian and I am proud of
my own Coos county and her intense­
ly American citizenship.
L. J.
Totals by Communities
The totals from the various com­
munities that made up the Bandon
district total, all of which were sub
Bcribed through the local banks, are
as follows:
Craine's Camp
; oo
Port Orford
Merlin, Ore.
SlV .
Aasen Camp
J. II. Peters Goes to Auna|xdis to Try Captain Wells Receives Word That
Out Electrical Gun With High
Government Will Equip Men
With Krags.
Power Equipment.
To complete experimental work
A recent questionnaire sent in by
with his invention whereby he ex­ all the Home Guard companies in the
pects to supplant high exloslve pow state appaiently brought to the at­
ders with electricity. J. R. Peters of tention of the Federal authorities
Craine, I E Palmer, C M Spencer. this city lott tlie forepart of the week i the importance of this organization,
Orin A Trowbridge. Preston C Steph­ for Annapolis, accompanied by bis also the necessity for its proper
enson, Albert Tucker, A J Hartman, bride. There he will carry on his equipment. At least word has been
.1 C Skelton. Arthur Hufford. J O work with the assistance of govern­ received by Captain Walter 8. WellB
Lockhart, J 1 Sidwell, Archie A But­ ment experts and the complete equip of the local company, that arrange­
ler, Geo Johnson, E C Custer. R B ment which Is available at the yard* ments have beeu made to equip it
Corson, H K Flom, M H Brown. Ag- having received recognition, accord with modern Krag-Jorgensen repeat­
B Webb. ■ D Webb, W p Laws. ing to his statement, from govern­ ing rifles. These guns and ammuni­
O L Zentner. C F Pape, J F Curren. ment officers.
tion will be furnished by tlie govern­
If A Tucker, Engwald Anderson,
Discharge of projectiles by the use ment. Target practice will probably
Charlotte M Palmer. David A Mor­ ‘of an electric current instead of pow­ then be inaugurated.
gan. G Nagel, G J Armstrong, Alma der is one object which is important
The uniforms have been shipped
A Teaney, R C McKinnis, James T l where there are stationary guns. An by express from New York and will
James, Anna Dyer, Elizabeth Ann I other more important variation is at­ arrive in a few days, the shipment
Gale. Mrs. Arthur Gale. E Luke. W tempted.
of hats having already arrived. M
C Sellnier, Ruth Reynolds, Lura E
By means of the invention Mr. O t on, who is getting shoes for the
Morgan. J H Jones. Grover A Gates, Peters explained the other day he is men at wholesale cost, states that he
Claire W Treadgold, Oscar Lang­ able at a distance of 100 feet to cause expects to get prompt attention to his
lois. Alice Stephens, Cecil C Stephens, electrical currents in metals so strong order and that the report to the ef­
E E Oakes.
that whatever touches the metal is fect he could not get the shoes, is
< 'mine’s Camp
Instantly killed or disabled. In his untrue.
McCue, Orin work here this was tried out.
Interest in the Guard Is increas­
V Coy, Hattie A Coy. Julius Yatlez,
It is hoped that a means can be de­ ing. Since tlie new time lias gone
J B John. Elmer W Crump, H J Rice, vised by using higiier power to in­ into effect the company has been
Bandon Subscribers
The list of subscribers as furnish­ E H Rose, Hazel II Jamieson, Nor­ duce similar currents In metals ac­ drilling two evenings a week
ed to Western World by the local man Jamieson. Mabel E Shanks. Z T ross a distance of several hundreds of ginning with next week but one com­
Lewis, M R Thrush. O R Johnson, feet or miles. Vse of metal instru­ pulsory drill will be held each week,
banks, follows:
Paul Stephan. Mark H Windle. John O Foster. R F Shelton. Jasper ments of warfare could be made im­ that on Tuesday nlglit. Several new
Sarah Costello. S A < armichael. Cass Fite, E A Fish, Chas G Spaght, Ora possible if this end could be accom­ enlistments were received during the
Smith. L E Gallier. S W Fahy and E Wickham. Mary B Bruner, Celestla plished.
past week and a new class will be
wife. Wilhelmina Laivo. Matthew Desepis, A E Metcalf. H T Downing,
The passage of his invention started Friday evening of this week
Dillion. O A Chamberlain. K Rosen- A McCue, G W Allen, A W Bruster, from the western offices to those at The company ought to reach Its maxi­
blad. Mrs Sarah Horsfall. Fred 8 H T Albertson, August W Carlson. Washington and finally to Annapolis mum strength of 100 men. At pres­
Perry. 8 E Pearce. Ella Carmichael. Preston Swindle. L E Coy, Eugene seems to indicate the probable suc­ ent it has about 72. A number have
L W Turnbull. W W Cox. Ebba Coy, W D Engleblom, A W Cook, F cess of his work. The length of his left recently which cut down the
Wlren-Covell, T C Macy, Rosella C Price.
absence in the east is indefinite.
membership. Captain Wells is mak­
Prosper Subscribers
Flam, Blanche Cornwall. Docia Flam.
Besides the use of electricity as an ing an effort to get several squads
H C Newman. R L Sheldon, S D explosive and projectile force, Mr. of additional men, and requests any­
Eugene Eaton. Bandon Lodge, K F
No 64. Francis Hufford.
Mathew Harper, E E Foss, W C Parker, H N Peters is said to have beeu experi­ one interested to call at the Orange
Farley. Mrs Jennie J Biescke, Chris Butler, L W Utter. L B Hiscox, Geo menting with a plan to produce light­ Pharmacy or World office for par­
Boettcher. Clarence W Boice, Wil­ W Leneve. Francis Simmons. L E ning, effecting it by intersecting rays ticulars.
liam A Greek, Schmidt Hansen. Wm Coates, Robt Slagle. Thos F Streuber, of electricity.
Lundquist. Wm Hansen. Ella M Rea. A L Mecum, Mrs L Hicking. G E
Oscar Wiren. May A Ohman, Ernest Slagle, H H Owen. Mrs Robt Storm.
Wyant. Ludwig Christensen.
Fred Frank M Bates, I H Willard, R C
Palmer A W alker Establish Camp at
Tuttle. Geo Hiller. Michael Breuer. Jones. Amos Jones, Thad D Shinn, Garoutte Bros. Discontinuing Livery
Floras Creek—18 Men.
Leta May Breuer. Harriet Moore. W. John Pederson, Norman Pederson,
Business Established Years Ago.
J Sweet. Sabro Bros, Bessie C Young. Gurda Pederson.
I. A. Palmer and H. J. Walker
Bullards List
Garoutte Bros, have a force of men
Estate J L Kronenberg. Mrs E P
established a white cedar camp
J A Morrison, Flo Fahy, Alva D busy installing an elevator, tearing
Blundell, A B Reese. Mrs G E Wil­
at Floras creek where they last w-eek
son. Mrs F A Hufford. R W Bullard. McKay, E W Fahy, Chas Fahy. M E out partitions and establishing a ma-
purchased the Strang holdings of 40
W R Mavity. C A Jamieson. Grace Fahy. F J Fahy. C D Jarman. Jeff ¡chine shop in their building, used for
acres, containing approximately 1,-
Dlvelblss. Felsheim A Howe, Nels D Tharp. Fred O'Rourke. Maggie ' years as a livery and feed stable
100,000 feet of Port Orford cedar,
They have decided to discontinue
Rasmussen. 8 C Johnson. Stephen Sacchi. A Sacchl, Wm Metcalf
50 per cent of which will be suitable
Gallier. E M Gallier. H J McDermald.
D W Engleman. G Russell, Rus­ ter the garage business, the coming for airplane timbers
Elsie Best. W E Best. F A Mehl. L O|
Mr. Palmer has already establish­
Green. Chas Curl. A G Hoyt, Eva A I sell Bros. O P Haagenson. W U Sabin. of the automobile and truck having
ed their camp on the tract where
Eaton. Chas G Russell. F L Green
about 15 or 18 men will be employ­
ough, A W Sieman, R T Moore. S H Bros. Mrs I-eah White. E B Thrift. the horse and buggy The Garouttes ed. Geo. M Laffaw has contracted
Clinton. R V Leep. S L Williams. R N John Gerber. E A Thorhaven. C intend to install an up-to-date garage,
to place the cedar on the wharf ready
Johnson. C R Langlois. Kenneth El­ Sarretcn. Helen O Willard, Sally handling ail kinds of auto repair for shipment up the river, and will
liott. Chas F Pförtner. W F Rogers. Malehorn, C V Woodruff. C N I work, storing cars, retailing auto ac­
place tw’o truck on the road, equip­
M E Treadgold. R D Kay. H R John Smith. James Hughes. W 8 Mar­ cessories. parts, etc.
ped with trailers, to bring the rived
son, C D Garoutte. C G Garoutte. Dr
to Bandon
Fred Covell, W E Beet, Mrs Elsie I H Hopess. C M Vpton. Frances Ho-
Word has been received from Ed-
Best. 8 Mundy. Jeff D Tharp. 8 G pess, Bert True, N L Maney, John idle Philpott, formerly a Randolph
Mrs. L. A. Reeves is here from
Whitsett. Viola Rosa. R II Rosa. C Thorhaven, J Sypher, E B Sypher, 1 young man but now in the Navy that
B Zoek. L W Lowe, Robt Johnson. Wallace Pomeroy, C T Guerin. M C .he finally received his Christmas box Marshfield for a short visit with rel­
Nora Solve-Rosa. Joseph M Baker. Pomeroy. Elizabeth M Pomeroy.
¡and was duly thankful for the good atives and friends
¡things It contained. He was some­
John R Fraser, 8 C Endicott. E T
Mrs C. B Zee'z Is in receipt of a
R 8 Goodnight. T P Hanly, Dora L where In New York when wrtting
Wolverton. A H Rosa. R A Coppie. j
letter from Labile Pullen bearing
A H Sparks. Rose I) Dooley. Cbrls | Hanly. M E Hanly, 8 H Clinton.
I Langlois. Denmark:
F V Farrar, good wishes for his friends
Parkersburg Liat
Rasmussen, H A Dooley. H E Horn­
Ethel Miller. Thos
Devereaux. Merlin. Ore; Willis White, Port Or­ letter had be*n censored and very
ung, Fred Hartig. Chas Randleman. |
Daisy Randleman. Odessa Trow- j E F Topping. James Richardson. ford; Samuel M Helmner, Sixes, little of general interest was told,
¡Ore: N H Larson, Willis White Sr., except that he Is in foreign waters.
bridge. Spencer Trowbridge.
E H i Martin Randleman.
IPort Orford, H B Hughes, Aaaen's Leslie Is one of the Bandon boys who
Boyle. Erma Boyle. Walter 8 Wells.
joined the Navy.
-a • • -
James camp.
H C Dippel, Pearl Craine, W e | Elton R Edge, Alaska,
For the past two weeks the stud­
ents of the high school and grades
have been composing and delivering
Four Minute Talks on the Thrift and
War Savings Stamp campaign. These
talks are similar in nature and pur­
pose to those given by the govern­
ment “Four Minute Men” in theatres
all over the country. This work in
the schools not only gives the pupils
an opportunity to help in the patri­
otic service of the nation, but it also
gives them an opportunity to secure
the very best practical experience in
public speaking—speaking that is to
some definite purpose. In the higli
school, the pulls in the six English
classes all prepared and delivered
talks. After hearing all the talks,
the members of each class selected
one student to represent them be­
fore the high school student body.
Wednesday morning the six thus se­
lected—Randall Kay, Maggie Lewis.
Lillian Leuthold, Gladys Gallier, Ed­
na Dippel and Harry Watson—gave
their pleas for student support of
tlie government thru the purchase of
Thrift status. All were good, some
of them excellent illustrations of
“Four Minute Talks.” Miss Lewis
was awarded a certificate for highest
local honors, by the National com­
At the conclusion of the program,
the student body formed a War Sav­
ings Society, the members of which
take the following pledge: 1 hereby
apply for membership in the Bandon
High school War Savings Society and
pledge myself < 11 to systematic sav­
ing; (2) to refrain from unnecessary
expenditures and the purchase of non
essentials, in order that labor and
material now employed in tlie pro­
duction of articles not necessary to
my health and efficiency may be re­
leased for the production of those
articles and supplies which the U.
8. needs for the support of Its army
and navy; (3) to lend my earnest
efforts to encourage thrift and econ
omy in my community and to secure
other members for this society, and
i 4 > to Invest in United States Wat
Savings Stamps and Thrift Stamps,
and to encourage otherB to do so.
The society is somewhat similar to
the Two-Bit Club, except that each
student agrees to buy not a stamp
each day. but one thrift stamp at.
least every week or fortnight. The
following officers were elected
Leonard Hadsal, president; Gladys
Gallier, secretary; Gail Boak, Ran
dall Kay, Evelyn Pearce, George
Kronenberg. vice presidents.
These officers form a thrift cam­
paign committee, which will have
general direction of the thrift stamp
campaign among the high school
students, just as the county war sav­
ings committee has charge of the
work thruout the county. Already
7 4 pupils have signed the pledges
and joined the society, and nearly
all of the students will probably join
before the term is up.
The pupils in the grades are also
working on war savings talks and
forming thrift societies
Before the
week is over nearly all the rooms
win have societies of this nature.
Quite a little attention has been
devoted to a large new poster hang­
ing in the main hallway. This is a
water color thrift stamp poster de­
signed by one of the Junior girls,
Josephine Croxall. Two rooms went
over the top last week in the contest
to secure one hundred per cent stamp
They were Miss Hickey's
and Mrs Rea’s rooms—fifth and six­
th grade pupils A number of other
rooms are hoping to duplicate their
good work at an early date.
Armenian hiu I Syrian Relief Work
Would Be Easily Financed If AU
Were a* Liberal a* local Peuple-^
Fund Remains Open for Further
The following self explanatory
letter was received by Chairman 8.
C. Endicott of the local branch of the
Armenian and Syrian Relief, yester­
day. It comes from Ben Selling of
Portland, state treasurer of the or­
ganization :
“Please accept my sincere thanks
for your remittance of
which makes a total from Bandon
district of $1,000 40. Please add to
this the amount of $65.03, which was
sent from Bandon to the New York
office during December and January,
making a total of $1,065.43. ($10
from Union Thanksgiving service;
Church of God Sunday school, $2.80;
Methodist Sunday school, $7.28;
Presbyterian Sunda(y school, $45.)
If we had an honor flag to give to
the community that first goes over
the top in their county, that flag
would fly from Bandon, for while we
have received generous remittances
from other parts of the county, Ban­
don district Is the first to go over
the top.
“1 have been engaged in raising
money for charitable purposes for
many years, and I know that for a
community no larger than Bandon to
send this splendid sum. means that
some committee has given largely
of time and money, and that many
generous hearted people have ree­
ponded to their appeal.
thank them thru you in the name of
the one whom you call Master and I
call Brother.
At the close of the Portland cam­
paign, we received a letter from the
American committee saying they
wore ‘Inexpressibly delighted' with
the way the Oregon campaign was
being conducted. The Oregon com­
mittee can find no better words to
use in congratulating the workers of
Bandon on their splendid work.
”Wn have just received from the
statu department In Washington, l>y
way of our New York office, a most
moving appeal for additional funds
and along with It a statement of the
pathetic gratitude of the hundreds of
thousands of people who are befDg
saved from death by the effective­
ness of our rellof organization. It la
a satisfaction beyond words to real­
ize that we have already sent from
the state more than $120,000, and
reports received from various county
treasurers indicate that we shall soon
be able to send an additional $25,000
to them. We believe, when we have
secured final reports from every
county in the state, that Oregon will
be well over the top in the care of
the 2500 children that were assigned
to us.
’ May I ask that you will share
this letter with the others who work­
ed with you in this life-saving ser­
vice? Will you also express to as
many as possible of those who gave,
our gratitude, and say to them tbat
the fund will be kept open during
the war, and remlttancee may be
sent in anv time, and w-|ll be prompt­
ly forwarded.”
Attorney Topping’s Mother Die*
Mayor Geo. P
Gas Boat Winsome Here for
Enroute North.
Topping received
Fuel word late yesterday of the death of
bis mother. Mrs E E Topping, at
Grants Pass, Oregon
The gas schooner Winsome, en­ by E F Topping of Parkersburg, be
route from San Pedro, California to left this morning to attend the last
Seattle, Wash., Capt. H N. Cassady bad rites.
in command, entered the loccj port
this evening to take on fuel oil. The
Gen. Foch has good eyes for a
vessel belongs to C. A. Puariea of weak spot in the German line.
Seattle, who purchased it in Califor­
nia and is having It taken to his
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦
home port.
Capt. Csteady was formerly cap­
tain on the Rustler, making Bandon ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
years age. and aays he feels right
H. Helmken. Bandon
at home again here.
Phil Pearson. Bandon
L. A Reeves. Marshfield.
Mrs. Chas Korth, Oakland, Cal.
Land Pamphlet Free
T W. Robinaon. Bandon.
W H Canon, register of the Rose
Roy B Corson. Bandon.
burg Land Office announces that the
Prof A Richards. Bandon
pamphlets describing the O A C.
Mrs. M Nordstrom, Bandon.
Grant lands to be opened to entry in
R. W. Tucker, Baudot»
Jackson and Josephine counties will
Willis Hoover. Bandon
be ready for distribution shortly after
R. C. McKinnis, Bandon
April 12th
They will be mailed to
Levi Goff, FUI Ro«J*. IU-
ail requesting same.