Western world. (Bandon, Coos County, Or.) 1912-1983, April 11, 1918, Image 6

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spelling Contest This Month Hold
Pupils’ Interest.
Buvlneee Suspended and Big Parade
Mrs. Harry Hanna is reported to
The spelling cup of the Bandon
Is Held in die Afternoon—
be very sick at her home on Frank­
school* was won by Miss Walker’*
Speakers al Night.
The death of Mrs. Anna Lindar
room. Eastside, with an average of lin avenue.
97 per cent. The following pupils
Our contract for milk having ex­ occurred on April 8th.
Except for the general disappoint­ spelled all the hundred words cor- pired »« hav* decided to discontinue who resided with her husband in
ment felt at the failure of John Mc­ recti/:
this service at our store. SANITO southeast Bandon, was forty-three
Court, Liberty Loan speaker, to ar­
Eighth A—Dorothy Benn.
It years old, and had been a resident of
rive in time for the scheduled meet­
the community for about six years.
Eighth B—Josephine Goff,
Miss Goldie Teaney, daughter of Services were held at the local un­
ing at the Grand and the consequent Howard, Max Kinley. Lola Manclet,
Mr. and Mrs. O T Teaney, la at Myr- dertaking parlors Wednesday, Rev
necessity of eliminating the after­ Evelyn Schmidt.
noon program, the first anniversary
Seventh A—Margaret White, Myr­ tie Point for a few days, the gueet J. Stanley Van Winkle in charge, and
of friends.
of America's entry into the war and tle Mast and Clarissa Reese.
burial was in the K P. cemetery.
the opening of the Third Liberty
Seventh B-— Raymond Garfield and
H. T. Miller and family of Park-
Loan campaign were successfully ob­ Josephine Breuer.
Dr. Moore Coining Soon
ersburg were In Bandon on business
served in Bandon.
Sunday, April 14th, will be a big
Sixth B—.Elmer Lewi*.
yesterday. Mr. Miller is manager of
The parade formed in line at the
Fifth A—Kenneth Donahue, Agnes the Parkersburg Cheese Co.
day in the Methodist church of this
Armory Led by the official Liberty Hanson, Gladys Gross.
city. Dr. James Moore, district sup­
Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Black of erintendent of the Eugene district,
Loan car, bearing Col. R. H. Rosa,
Fifth B—Margaret Beat, Dorothy
marshal of the day, it was made up Belle Endicott. Robert Haberly, Beu­ Marshfield are guests at the home Of will be here and will have charge of
Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Horsfall. Rev.
Bandon Concert Band. lah Jorgensen, Lugenla LeGore
as follows:
the services. At the close of the
led by Geo. P. Topping, color bearer
Fourth A—Ralph Schmidt, Mild- Black is rector of the Episcopal Sunday school we will observe Decis­
church at Marshfield.
C. B. Zeek assisted by two High red Foster.
ion Day. Mr. Moore will administer
school lads bearing respectively the
Third A—Grace Plymale.
New Victor Records at Sabro’s. the Lord's Supper in connection with
French flag and the British union
Eaataide Buildlug
We have just received a shipment of the morning services, and will also
jack; members of the G. A. R. and
Fourth A—Thelma Reese, Clyde late records for the Victor come in preach. In the evening at 8 o’clock
W. R. C.; Bandon Company, Coos Warden, Wayne Hancock.
and secure your choice early.
It Dr. Moore will preach and If It seems
Ouard, in command of Captain W. S
Fourth B—Gladys Gibson,
Mrs. J. T. Lillard and two little to be the order of the day to have a
Wells; school children; official wom­ Courtwright.
patriotic service, we will have exer­
left Tuesday tor Nampa.
en's liberty loan float; and a string
Third A—Robert Gibson,
cises suitable for such an occasion.—
of cars bearing patriotic citizens. The Rosenblad, Willie Stillwell,
Stanley Van Winkle, Pastor.
will stop enroute at LaGrande to vis­ J.
parade marched north to First street, Griffen, William Dufort.
it with friends for a few days.
thence west to Edison ave-
Third B—Bertha Stillwell.
Surprise for Bride-to-Be
nue and back agatn to Alabama ave-
Word has been received by local
The first of the week a number
relatives in a roundabout way that of Miss Lucile Kimble’s friends gave
The Guard gave a short exhibition
DEFIED AT THE BAY Charles D. Felter was married in her a surprise at the home of Mrs.
drill and the Band rendered a pro­
Portland a few days ago. and is now Chas. Randleman on Tenth street,
Both of these Inspeitor Jewel Says Violations on euroute to Bandon with his bride. west. Miss Kimble was tendered a
gram on the street
organizations made splendid show-
They are expected to arrive today or miscellaneous shower, and many use­
Coos Bay Are Worst in tlie
Ings considering the short time they
State of Oregon.
ful articles were received. The aft­
have been organized.
Mrs. J. A. Dollar arrived from Cal­ ernoon was spent in a social way.
An attractive feature of the par­
Marshfield, Ore., April 5—C. A.
Dainty refreshments were served.
ade was the Woman’s Liberty Loan Jewel, of the Federal Food I adininis- ifornia on the Elizabeth. She had
The table was artistically decorated
committee float, decorated and driv­ tration and
representing Federal
in calla lillies. The invited guests
en by Mrs. W. 8. Wells, local chair­ Food Administrator Ayer, who ar- lar’s mother and after a few weeks’
stay here with her mother, Mrs. Mc­ were: Mesdames Flossie Thorhaven,
man, and occupied by Mrs. C. R.
rived here last night, says that the
Anna Thorhaven, L S Byron, L J
Wade, county chairman, and by food violations here are the most fla- Leod, will again leave for British
Davison, J D Mitchell, C H Jamieson,
Columbia to join her busband.
four little children: Dorothy Belle
{rant found in the state, 1 Coos Bay
Thom, Mitchell. Ruby Willard. Sum­
and Delilah Endicott and Jack and
Alvin Munck left today bound for ner, R E Norris, Royal C. Ostrander,
has been foremost in patriotic contri­
Eugene Wade. The girls were dres­
butions, but the food restrictions the north in view of going to work In | Chas. Randleman, E Lewin. J J
sed in white and the boys in sailor
a shipyard and help drive bolts into (Damron, S W Damron, Ola John. R
have not been well observed.
costumes. They held up a large Lib­
Many houswives have stored from the Kaiser’s coffin. He will first iW Tucker, N M Davison, M D Coy,
erty Loan banner.
1 to 50 sacks of flour, It is report- stop at Coos Bay and if he doesn’t !Nannie John, Letha Hamlin, Lucina
Announcement was made that the
ed. Among them are prominent wo- get on there he will go to Vancouver. Stevenson, Misses Lucile Kimble,
program would not be held but that
men. The sugar rule has been vio- He says if the yard starts up in Ban­ | Vera Nelson. Anna Leneve, Sylvia
the speaking would take place at the
|keneve, Ethel Sumner, Messrs. A. E.
The bakeries are don he’ll be back.
Orpheum In the evening. A matinee lated. It is said,
breaking the laws, it is found, but
Kroening and Randleman.
was held at the Grand instead and
not so openly as the individuals, The of Mrs Thorn on Thursday, April
Mrs Hartman donated the use of the
Register Before April ltjtli
prohibited sugar bowl is found on the 4th. Apron sho’.ers were extended
Orpheum for the evening’s meeting
‘able« in almost every local restau­ Mrs Fisher and Mrs. Nygren in hon­
who have not registered or
Cnnuitlun Hen» Talks
rant and lunchroom It was announc­ or of their birthday anniversaries. those having changed
Private J. M O’Rourke, holder of
ed by tlie commissioner tliat leniency Several good war poems were read, 'since the last state election must reg­
the Victoria Cross, the Medal of St
George and other emblems of heroic and sentiment would play no part in ""he next meeting of the club will ister with C. B. Zeek before the close
the prosecution of violators, for they be held with Mrs. Curran ou April of the registration books on April
service, and for three years a mem­
are usually pro-German or of Ger­ 11th.
16th, if they want to vote. This is
ber of the Canadian army, was one of
man nationality.
All surrounding
tlie speakers of the evening.
H. Hunt, former Bandon- the last call.
'owns are being visited.
O’ltourke gave a vivid portrayal, in
ian and member of the local Coast
Modernizing His Farm
lifo In (XiNTRACT LET FOR XEW ROAD Guard crew, who has been in the
his fetching Irish way, of
Geo. Laird is putting the finishing
tlie trenches, soldier friendships and
service at Barview, Oregon, the past
other liiiman Interest bits from the
three or four years, has been pro­ touches on his fine dairy plant near
fighting sone.
moted to No. 1 man in Hie Coast Riverton, after which it will be as
John McCourt, former U. 8. dis­
Guard station at Point Bonita, Cal. j near an Ideal place as can be imag-
in Han- ined. He has Just bought a two-unit
trtet attorney for Oregon, was tile
Contract for the construction of a Mr. Hunt's people reside
| Empire milking machine with a ca-
orator of the evening. Mr. McCourt new road up Floras creek in north­ don.
ipacity of 20 cows per hour. To op­
summarized briefly the horrible Ger­ ern Curry has been awarded to J. R.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Bryant, newly­ erate this and to furnish electric
man atrocities and their policy of Hill, according to the Gold Beach
frightfulnoss, and reiterated Ameri­ Reporter, The price Is $12.445, ex­ weds, of Portland, who visited with power for other machinery and elec­
ca's united and unswerving deter­ elusive of a bridge across Floras, Mrs. Bryant’s sister. Mrs. K. A. tric lights for the house and barn,
mination to see the war to a victor­ and one-half of the work must be Rosenblad of Bandon last week, have lie has ordered a small power plant
returned north. They took quite an that is to be installed as soon as It
ious conclusion
Ills talk was much
completed by November 1st. The en- extensile hontfvmoon tour, having arrives. The new equipment has
tire contract must be finished by visited San Jose and other California been purchased thru the McNair
The entertaining event of tlie day
September 1. 1919.
cities before arriving in Bandon, hav­ Hardware Co.
was tlie Coos Guard dauce at Dream­
Contractor Hill says a force of men ing spent some time visiting a sister
land In tlie evening, it brought out will lie at work by May 1st. He of
Mr. Bryant and other relatives In '
II. A. Donahue left last week for
the biggest crowd of the season, says the road will be one of big ben­
He Is a foreman with . Portland and points in the Wil-
there being at times more than 150 efit to tlie dairymen of the upper end
Hie Warren Construction company.
I laniette valley where he will visit
couples on tlie floor.
if Curry as it taps a very fertile
Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Peters received with relatives and look up a new lo­
Mrs Donahue and children
word last week that their nephew, cation
There seems to lie Home misunder­ have had to take their milk out on Pvt. Orvil H. Porter, with the U. 8. remain in Bandon for a few weeks,
pack horses, Tim road will have not
standing current with respect to the
aviation service, had been transfer- and will later Join Mr. Donahue.
program Hint was to have been given more than a 5 per cent grade at any red from Texaa to camp Wilbur j
at the Grand theatre Saturday after­ point.
Contract for the bridge lias been Wright, at Fairfield, Ohio, where he
noon. which la resulting In unjustifi
to 8. A Johnson of Port Orford undergoes a further short but in­ ♦
able criticism of tile theatre manage­
tensive training and will then be sent ♦
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦
for $1.350.
When the H|>eiiker failed to
to France. Mr. Porter Joined at Spo­
Potato-Cornmeal Muffins
arrive for the 2 30 program. an
kane. Wash., last Fall, having been
Nome Draft Figure»
Mrs. W. J. Sweet is sponsor for
eleventh hour arrangement was made
Tlie total numbers In the various
the following potato and cornmeal
by the committee in charge whereby
draft classifications In Coos county ages in that city previous to enlist­ muffin recipe. These muffins are said
tlie use of the Grand theatre for the
to be most appetizing
afternoon was exchanged for tlie use
Class One
Two tablespoons fat; 1 tablespoon
of the Orpheum at night
2 9 6
Class Two
been selling some of Pastor Russell's ¡of
... sugar; 1 egg well beaten; 1 cup
It wan Intended by the committee to
Class Th rw
1 1 7
works at North Bend and Marshfield ' of _ mashedi
_______ ,
______ ; 1 cup sw eist
have the niuali'nl numbers of the pro­
Class Four
lias returned to Bandon
Some of . milk; 1 cup cornmeal. 4 teaspoons
gram given at the Grand prior to
Rumiell's works having been sup­ jof baking powder. 1 teaspoon of salt,
2:30 and tills would have been done
pressed by tlie government, com i Mix in the order given, adding part
but the parade was late In starting
Tlie number examined and reject-
Bake in a
hence there was Insufficient time It rd In Cl asa 1 was 1 25. In that class plaint was lodged against Mrs. Car­ of the milk at a time
penter at Marshfield and
received moderately hot oven.
had been the understanding be­ 83 falle
1 to appear for examination. 1
However she
Barley Bread
tween the committee and tlie theatre 365 were found qualified for gener- considerable notoriety
selling The
One quart of water, one cup pearl
management that In Urn of getting al military service; 26 were found ■
Mystery" which Is branded barley, one or two cakes compressed
tlie Orpheum hi the evening, the qualified for limited service only and I | Finished
( y | tlie
| * ** Government
** ** ** ** ** •* * »» ■ * « as . disloyal,
I l o I e « 1 E but
x i ■ ♦ yeast,
— —. A one-half
— — — S » cup • lukewarm
- water,
to be
Grand was
vacated by one examination was delayed
3 3 0 ao Ilia • matinee could be
the sale of which she had received! corn syrup, seven cups flour
held The arrangement was not sat
permisión from a government official. |
Mix as follows: Soak the barley
I factor) to either Hie committee or
Lava may be blown Into opaque
one quail
quart ui
of water
over night.
iii the
mt- uup
-«'►■I oier
the theatre management, but in view ties of gossamer lightness, and the Mrs Carpenter has a son. M alter jn
Carpenter, in the Navy. He enlisted Boil in the same water until soft,
if the circumstances It wns at the
harder sort makes a l>vautlful green from Bandon several months ago mash fine, then cool until lukewarm
t 'lie considered th» beat that could
glass uf lialf the " eight anil double the
Add (1) the yeast softened in the
I > made Tlie whole fault Ilea In the
one-half cup of water. (2) the salt,
fa' t that 'he meaker did not arrive »treugth of ordinary gl.iaa. But It Is
not a'w iva tlie same Fiery volcano
(3) syrup, and (4) flour to make a
a th* time »" | e< ted
Follow the directions
pour» out Its own special brand of Coos mid Curry Association Handle* stiff dough
for kneading, rising and baking as
molten mixture disagreeable to walk
2.2.0 ..VJA Pound* Izist tear.
given in recipes already printed
mi. but sometime» yielding valuable
liddy Vgain In the Race
products, as pumice atone I ava, like
County Clerk L. W t'ddy
According to a statement of Claud
down from Coquille attending to all thing», decomposes under the touch Il Giles, salesman for the Coo« and
various business matter« con nee ted of time, as tlie fertile plalua of Sicily
Curry Counties Cheese association,
with th* elimina primary election testify.
that organlratlon during the past
Mr Oddy has announced that he will
year i March 1, 1917 to December
again be In the race for the clerk
Uuite So
30, 1917) handled a total of 2,331,-
ehip and should doubt less indi a very
A 'A ashlngton clubman finds a err- 515 pounds of cheese, representing a
heavy vote thruout the county as tain fellow member Irritatingly opti-
total cash receipt of $495.445 45
many favorable comments are heard ui I h II c at (lilies With this chap every
The amounts of cheese sold through
from taxpayer« a ho are pleased with dis*gieeal'lt» thing lias Itn < onipetisa | the association by
local and Curry
hl« administration of the office
tl«ns. a principle lie never fa.ls to give factories was as follows
expression to whenever opportunity Cheese Co.. 89.497 pounds. Denmark
OrvlieMra 1« Formed
( Cheese Co , 48.646 pounds; Langlois
offers Itself
An orchestra lias been organised
i Dairy Product* Co.. 262.987 pound*
among local mualclana and is now
Mr. Giles states that the coming
piactlclng »Ith a view of furnishing
a standard brand will be
a number of selections at the com­ ed his friend in the breakfast room.
placed on all cheese sold through the
ing Parent-Teachers' meeting.
This is in addition to
hearsals are being held at Prof A other ”1 never Buffered so in my the individual factory brands.
Richard ’ studio on
Wednesday life"
The »‘ptltnist refle* ted ’Hum' That «
According to some estimates mod­
bad! But.” he added, brightening up,
ern graft should no longer be des­
Hhlpinent < f New Records at Nab­ "you must remeiulier that a l»nl night
cribed as pork ; Its proportions are
is better than no night at alii’’
ro Pros
better classed as mastodonte
Mr. Dairyman:
Let us solve your help prob-
lem by installing an
Always on the job.”
Let us figure
with you on a
McNair Hardware Co.
give him an opportunity, those who
MAKE GOOD SHERIFF know him best say they are willing
to stake their reputations on his abil­
ity to make good.
Local Mun Has Excellent Qualitica-
lions for This Important
More Work In Less Time
County Office.
W. E. Craine, who is logging
down the river, is reported as saying
Geo. P. Laird has formally an­
that he cut nearly a million feet more
nounced ills candidacy for sheriff of of timber last month under the 8-
Coos county. Mr. Laird needs no in­ hour day rule than he had ever done
troduction for there are few people before with the same sized crew. E.
in this section, especially among the E. Johnson says that at his mill
older residents, who do not know
here, the cut was not as much in
him. Yet, it might be pertinent to eight hours as it
had been in nine
call attention to the fact that Mr. but that the nine
hour shift produc­
Laird is a successful young man of ed more lumber
than when they
wide business experience who has were working ten
hours. For March
made for himself a reputation for the average cut
was 410,000 feet.
honesty and integrity. He is straight­ which is a record for that mill. Only
forward in all his dealings, ready to an hour and a half was lost during
take a stand for what he thinks is the month from breakdowns.—Co­
right and not afraid to let anybody quille Sentinel.
know about it. One always knows
where to find him on any question
Oregon Marines Beady for France
and if he says he will do a thing
Oregon boys In the Marine corps
you can wager that he will keep Ills
word. He is also genuinely patriot­ signal bataliion are now at an east­
ic, both locally and nationally. He ern port, ready to sail for France,
is always found in the foreground according to information given out
when there is work to be done or j by the Portland recruiting office of
when funds are to be contributed. ,tiie Marines, lhe enlisted personel
either for local or national interests and officers of this branch of the
The war lias not found him a slack­ soldiers of the sea" is made up of
er. neither lias he been on the fence. college graduates, tradesmen, farm­
To the contrary Mr. Laird has been ers. druggists, carpenters, musicians,
squarely behind the Government, students of medicine, civil engineers,
both morally and financially. He has movie actors—in fact about every
taken an active interest in the Lib­ walk of American life. The bataliion
erty Loan campaigns, the Red Cross, handles the three kinds of signal
the Armenian drive and all the Otti­ work I. e.. visual, heliograph and
er activities in which support lias searchlight, and telephony and radio.
The Marines are enlisting
been necessary.
This is the first time that Mr. more men between the ages of 18 and
Laird liaB come out for public of- 36, and anyone interested should
fice. He is not a politician and does communicate with the Marine Recru-
not pretend to be.
But he would iting offices, Portland. Ore.
make an excellent sheriff, at least if
the voters of Coos county see fit to
Have you paid your subscription ?
Saturday, April 27th
(Beginning at 10:00 a. m l
( Holstein i
17 HE \l> OF HOGS
I» 1 EAR 1.1 NGN.
Primarie« May 17, 1918
Winning on His Record as a Citizen,
as a Legislator and as a Republican