Western world. (Bandon, Coos County, Or.) 1912-1983, April 04, 1918, Image 1

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Following Receipt and Manufacture
of the Carload of Port Orford Ced­
ar Recently Shipped From Bandon.
Government Sends Rash Orders,
for Mor e di SO Per Thousand.
Rived Port Orford white cedar
has been accepted by the government
as splendid airplane stock material
following receipt and testing out of
the carload of rived cedar recently-
sent north by E. Dyer of this city
as a trial order. Mr. Dyer has ac­
cepted a contract for 250,000 feet of
rived cedar which will be shipped
from this section as rapidly as it
can be prepared and placed on board
the barges for Cedar Point. The gov­
ernment desires that it shall receive
the cedar as quickly as possible, and
is offering a bonus of $40 per thous­
and feet, providing it is delivered
before June 1. The regular price is
$90.00 per thousand.
Mr. Dyer intends that everyone in
the community who desires to get in
on the rived cedar game shall have
opportunity to do so, and for that
reasons announces that he will sub­
let his contract in small lots to as
many as want them.
He will pay
these persons practically the same
price as the government pays him
reserving but a small commission.
The following extiacts from letters
by Mr. Dyer from Majoi
R. Hitchcock of the U. S. Sig C..
aviation service, are self explanatory
“Your first carload of Port Or
ford cedar rives has been sawed,
and the remits are mos* satisfactory
“We would be very glad to ente-
Into a contract with you to purchase
a large amount of this rived stock In
lengths running from 22’ to 30’, the
same to be subject to Inspection un­
der our Bulletin No. 10. We will en­
ter into contract with you to pur­
chase all which you can produce at
the rate of $90.00 per thousand with
a bonus of $40 per thousand for de
liveries up to April 30. 1918 (Since
extended to June 1, 1918. F. o. b
Cedar Point and Southern Pacific
railroad cars.)
“We are greatly In need of air
plane stock and hope that you will
start your operations at once as well
as letting people ia your vicinity
know that we will purchase rived
Port Orford cedar, and attempt to
get them interested in its produc­
"Replying to your wire of the 21st
instant, asking for scale and report
on car of Port Orford cedar, the fol­
lowing is the total cant scale with
the lumber produced:
“Total cant scale, 8,670 ft, B. M
“Total lumber, 7,596 ft. B. M.
“Beam stock No. 1. 3,835 ft. B. M
“Cuttinge, No. 1, 1,946 ft. B. M.
“Common Htock. 1,405 ft. B. M.
“Cull stock. 410 ft. B. M."
Mr. Dyer calculates that the cars
will average about 8,000 feet board
measure, each, which would mean
thirty-two carload required to fill
his contract.
Insurance Rates Reduced
Bandon's new water system has at
last been recognized by the Insurance
underwriters, according to C. M
Spencer, who has just received a copy
of the new rate book. The rate for
all dwellings and contents south of
Fourth street from Franklin avenue
to Harlem avenue, where the dwell­
ings are located within 300 feet of
a public hydrant on a not less than
four inch main is 60 cents per $100
It was 75 cents per hundred. The
rate on outbuildings remains the
same as before
The rainfall for the month of
March was 5.64 Inches, days rainy,
cloudy and part cloudy. 29; days
clear. 9. is the report of Co-opera
the Observer O. Wiren
He also
states that the rainfall for the cor­
responding month of 1917 was 7.20
inches, a difference of 1.56 inches
less this year for the same period
The total rainfall from September
1. 1917 to April 1. 1918, is 36 8»
Transferred to Oklahoma
"’ord has been received here tha'
Lieut. J. B Beddingfield has been
ordered from Camp Lewis to Fort
-!,lll. Okla . for a ten weeks' course
In the artillery school.
His wife
'nee Elsie Kinley of this city), has
accepted a position In the school at
Eatonville. Wash , a town near Ta
coma, until the term is out In June
A cousin. Miss Jewel Jacobaon of
Seattle, ia also an Instructor in the
same high school.
Crome Deposits Found
on Sixes River Divide
J. R. Peters’ Electric
Gun May be Adopted
Ore May Be Shipped Out via Bandon
In Near Future, says Prospector
J. R. Smith Who Made Find
J. R. Peters, local mining man and
inventor, who left some weeks ago
at the request of the government to
demonstrate his electrical gun before
various officials, returned to Bandon
last woek to attend to business mat
ters previous to going to Annapolis.
Md , where he will demonstrate a lar­
ger model of the machine which is
being manufactured
The gun has
proved a success In previous demon­
strations, It Is said, and if the com­
ing test is equally as successful, the
government Intends to Immediately
manufacture the weapon for use in
The officials have accept­
ed Mr. Peters’ offer, tentatively, and
he will not patent the device, the de­
sire to hold its mechanism and prln
clple of operation secret as long as
The local man was accompanied
home by Mrs Peters, he having been
married to an old friend while away.
And the trip to Bandon is in the na­
ture of a honeymoon trip.
“ “ EARTH”
if*. • ** ■
Government Urges Plan to
Students Aid in Furnishing
l-’ood Supplies.
: !
■ >;
Beulah Jorgensen and Beulali Baker
Are W inners in the Gravies—
Much Interest Displayed.
The annual declamation contest of
the Bandon public schools last Friday
evening was well attended; and all
tlie contestants rendered their selec­
tions very well, some showing a higli
degree of excellence.
Rev. 8. M
Roberts explained the object of the
contest before calling on the speak­
The Program
44444« 44444« 44
WHEREAS, fjnll 6th is the
first anniversary of America’s
advent into the war. and,
WHEREAS. It is opening day
of the Third Liberty Loan Drive,
WHEREAS, it is a day re­
commended by the administra­
tion as of special significance
and one to be and w hich w ill be
fittingly observed thruout the
United States, and.
WHEREAS, a suitable pro­
gram and eminent speakers
have been arranged for on said
day by the local committee of
the Council of National Defense.
Topping, Mayor of the City of
Bandon, hereby set apart and
proclaim Saturday. April 6.
1918. from 12 o'clock noon to
4 o'clock p. nt., as a holiday,
and hereby request all places < f
business to close at said time,
and urge all citizens of the
City of Bandon to observe the
’ the C ity of Bandon
4 4 4
4444444444 «
The first anniversary of America -
“ntry latO 11
a' • "'i"St oppte
sion will be fittingly observed by (In
people of this community in Bandon
Saturday, when the Council of D«
fense in conjunction with the local
company of the Coos Guard will give
a program and dance
Mayor Toj
ping has issued a proclamation and
all business will be suspended at 1
o’clock in the afternoon
The feature of the occasion will b<
the address to be delivered by the
Hon. John McCourt of Portland, for
mer U 8. District Attorney for Ore
Condensed Milk Selling 1 a-t
Word received by E E Oakes
this week along with other matter«
concerning the local condensery.
from Gieblsch * Joplin, la to the ef­
fect the firm is selling Its surplu
condensed milk, and will have dis
posed of the greater part of the sur
plus within thirty days. Work on
the local plant is progressing rapidly,
over thirty thousand dollars having
been expended to date.
Invention of Ixx-al Man Will Be Giv­
en Another Trial at Annapolis
Md.—Officials Enthused.
Bandon may become the shipping
point for large quantities of crome
ore in the near future, J. R. Smith.
one of the most successful prospect­
ors in this section, announces tha
discovery of crome ore, apparently in
large quantities on the hills between
Floras creek and Sixes river in north­
ern Curry county. He arrived in
town last night with a goodly sup­
ply of samples, which he now has on
display in the window at John Dick­
ey’s store. He states that ile has
about 100 tons of the ore in plain
sight on the surface of the ground,
with splendid prospects of greater
quantities below. The ore is between
50 and 60 per cent crome and weighs
almost as much as solid iron. The
And is about four miles from the
wagon road. Mr. Smith states that
he plans to put on a pack train of
10 or 12 horses and begin at once
bringing the surface ore
Crome ore is now very valuable
Its concentrates are used in the luan-
ufacture of steel.
The school children are already-
working on their gardens in the local
school childrens’ garden contest
Last year nearly fifty gardens were
entered in the contest for the prizes
offered by the school board to en
courage home gardens. The excel­
lent gardens which were the result
caused a continuation of the plan
for the coming year. The import­
ance of children's gardens as an aid
to prevent a food shortage in these
•■ritlcal times is now much more
clearly seen than last year, and an
organization endorsed by the presi­
dent of the United States and the
commissioner of education, has been
formed to encourage the prcduc-
tlon of food in home gardens by all
the children in America. The name
of this organization is the National
War Garden commission;
L. Pack. Washington, D. C., is presi­
dent. Thru this means people are
not only to be encouraged to rtarl
In the work of gardening, but it is
planned to help make their work a
In the Bandon contest, children art
divided Into two divisions, pupils of
the Sixth, Seventh
grades in one, and those of th’ lower
in the other. They are allow­
’d to have the iirst plowing or spad­
ing Jone by their elders, but tn nt
do all other work themselves. Before
the Judge goes around to see the
gan'ens. the pupils must have a sign­
ed statement thai no assistance was
given hint.
Last year the judges found a num­
ber of gardens which showed evi­
dence of having received a great deal
of care and attention, hut due to poor
soil, etc., were not equal to some it
the prize winning plats. This year
a fund of five dollars has been pro
vided to be divided at the discretion
of the judge, among the gardens
showing that the children had work
ed especially hard, but due to condi­
tions out of their control, could not
show as good a garden as some oth­
ers having more favorably located
Parents are urged to encourage
their children in keeping
up the
gardens once they are started Even
tho' the proceeds from one garden is
small, the amount which would be
produced If each one of the twenty-
three million school children in
America were to have such a garden
would be a great enough aid in the
present crisis to justify all our ef
A little encouragement at
home will often mean that the work
will be carried thru successfully In­
stead of being dropped
This en
couragement might take the form of
an offer of the parents to buy any of
the garden produce used in the home
provided the youthful gardner wis^ie-
to put the money In thrift st ami*
thus making his work count twice
in helping the nation
NO. 20
.gon and one of the most able speak
is in the Pu< itlc Northwest.
McCourt s talk will be along patriot­
ic lines incident to tho opening of the
I'hlrd Liberty Loan campaign, which
rlso takes place on Saturday.
The program for the afternoon will
be as follows:
1.00 P. M Salute. Blowing of
w hist les and ringing of bells, pro­
claiming to the world that America
is in tho fight for freedom of all peo-
1 : 0 P . M. sharp. Assembly of the
members of th<i Coos Guard, tlvrt
Bandon Concert
oncert Band. G. A. R., W.
It C. and school children at the
Armory on Second street. The pa
lade will march from the Armory to
I irst afreet on Chicago avenue thence
west to Edison avenue and hack to
'lie Grand theatre.
Program at the theatre will be-
in at 2:00 p m. with a trio vocal
• ■lection lai ' Loyalty,” (b) "We’re
ioing to Take the Swurd Away from
Tills will be followed by the ad
I l ess by Mr. McCourt, after which
the following selections will be ren
dered: Duet, Edna Dippel and Mag
tie Lewis.
tat "Somewhere In
France," (b) "Dixie Lada"; Sextet,
Maggie Lewis, Ila Johnson, Marjorie
Lorenz. Evelyn Pearce, Fay Sparks,
Edna Dippel, Keep the Home Fires
In the evening the Guard will as
aemble at the Armory at 8:30 for a
street parade and exhibition drill to
be given prior to the big dance at
Dreamland. The band will accont­
pany the Guard.
The Grand Liberty Ball will prob­
ably be the most spectacular event of
the day. Prof. Tucker's five piece
orchestra will furnish the music,
The committees in charge are:
General committee — H. J. McDer-
maid, J. F Curran. E il. Boyle.
Reception committee -Captain W.
Wells. Lieut . L. D. Felsheim,
'.lent R.
It T.
T Moore. Sergeant C. L.
oster and Sergeant E H. Boyle
I loor Committee- -G. R
A. Glenn, Chas I’age, E O. Clin-
t< n. AL Mecum.
'I he line it march In the afternoon
arsde will be as follows: Marshal
f the Day Col R II Rosa, Bandon
■Ctrl I’.-. Ti-I GA R, W R C.
os Guard. Red Cross, School Chlld-
■en. Citizens.
The I/berty Loan drive »tarts Sat­
urday of this week
Coos county's
quota. according to State Chairman
ikfngham Is $348,000. The town
da have not been announced as
•;t but It Is supposed that Bandon's
•ta will b< approximately $50,-
In this campaign Bandon will
not be In the same district with Curry
county as before. Curry having been
made a district by itself
The organization for the local cam-
Plano solo, by Alon Thompson.
Sth and 6th Grades.
Beular Jorgensen
"With Trum­
pet and Drum". ( Eugene Field)
Pearl Bruett—“His Mother’s
Margaret Best—"The Sugar Plum
Tree.” (Eugene Field’s).
Lawrence Starr—"Walting
ound”, (Burges Johnson i
Duet—Fay Sparks and Edna Dip-
7th and 8th Grades
Beulah Baker—“Order for a Pic­
ture,” (Cary.)
Adolph Haberly—“The American
Flag", (Drake).
Teddy Haberly -“A Little Boy’s
Shirley Fish—“A Fisherman's
Story.” (Helen Burnside.)
Song—Girls Glee Club.
High School
Thomas White—“Reply to llayne"
Edna Dippel
"Mizpah," (Tenny­
son I.
(Bruce Wallace.)
Oakes—“Gazelle and
Song -High School Chorus.
Decision of the judges
Prof A F Reddle. C
R Wade and Miss Pearl Cralne.
The judges awarded the sliver
medal going to the winner In the
flth and sixth grade division to Beu­
lah Jorgenson, the gold medal to
Beulah Baker as winner In the sev-
enth and eighth grade division. Ed­
na Dippel won the gold medal for the
High school, and will represent Ban­
don In the county declamatory con
test at Myrtle Point on April 19th
Thomas White will represent the
High school in the oratorical con­
test which is held there on the same
Several carloads of new Fords ar­
rived last week for Local Agent AL
Garfield and he has been busy setting
them up and making deliveries. In
the lot was a rabrolet. a nifty style
of town car that la just the thing for
It is enclosed in glass and
la nicely upholstered in whip-cord
goods Although Fords are hard to
get now because the factory is de­
voting so much time and energy to
(he manufacture of war goods. Mr
Garfield 1« still taking orders with
regularity and deliveries are being
mad» just as rapidly as the cars can
ha secured
The little car hasn't
lost a bit of Its popularity
Shipbuilding Compal«/ Asks City to
Assist In Getting Tad I’ut In
t'oiiditii n as Inducement to Begiu
Operation*—City Cannot Bond to
Pay Condensei., Site.
At the city council meeting latt
evening a new general Initiative and
referendum ordinance was passed, it
Is drawn in conformity with the pres­
ent state law on that subject and
defines local powers more specifical­
ly and economically. Changes in the
charter were also discussed.
The appointment of a city treas­
urer was up for consideration, W. J.
Sweet having tendered his resigna­
tion. After due deliberation Mayor
Topping announced the appointment
of E. T. Wolverton, member of tlie
real estate and Insurance firm of
Dippel & Wolverton.
Mr. Wolver­
ton ia one of the most highly re-
rpected and trusted men In the com­
munity. He has had years of exper­
ience in accounting and handling fi­
nancial matters therefore was con­
sidered to bo well qualified for tha
responsible position.
The council ordered all partly
burned houses to be cleaned up and
all fire hazards and rubbish to be
removed before the summer dry
weather sets In.
At a recent meeting of the council
a letter from the Hongell-Hillstrom
Shipbuilding company was read in
which It was requested that the town
make some donation towards getting
tho plant in shape. The matter was
referred to a citizens committee com-
iH .i'il of Dr S C. Endicott. W. S.
Wells and II. .1 McDermald.
action has as yet been taken.
The Hongell-Hlllstron Shipbuilding
company plans to begin building ves­
sels on the old site belonging to the
Hamblock estate, 1 oca tod tn the bend
of tho river a short distance north of
the Moore mill It 1» n dry land site,
one of tho easiest to put In shape and
one of the best located sites on ac­
count of the deep water and length
of shute In launching. The boats can
be headed straight down the river,
thus eliminating all danger of being
stuck on mud flats as happened at
Coos Ray the other day.
It Is also announced that a legal
opinion h»H been rendered to the ef­
fect the city cannot bond to pay for
the condensery site, but that It «in
vote bonds to pay for the street Im­
provements. In that event payment
of the site will bo necessary from
tho funds subscribed by the citi­
B J. Thompson and two daughters
Winifred and Evnh, left last week
for Keam’a Canyon, Arizona, whore
Mr. Thompson has accepted the
management of a general merchan­
dise store of an Indian agency. Mrs.
Thompson and daughter. Miss Alon,
remain here until the latter corn,
pletoe her course In the local schools,
joining the husband ano lather Intor
In the spring.
Geo. M Laffaw drove over In a
Maxwell, the first car of the season
to come over the Seven Devils. He
also brought over a new Maxwell
truck for T. Devereaux.
Before April 16th, all voters who
did not vote at November election In
1916 mu»t register if they expect to
vote in the coming primary. Also
persons who have moved to other
precinct» than those In which they
lived when they registered two years
ago; women who have married since
then, or persons who wish to change
their politics for the primary election
will have to re-register C. B Zeek
Is official registrar for the Band n,
Riverton, l.ampa. Parkersburg. Pr «-
per and Two Mlle precincts. C'l.
T F Blumenrother 1« registrar f r
the Four Mil» and New Lake Me­
New <’o<m Guard Regulation«
The drill hours of the local com­
pany. Coos Guard, have been changed
to Tuesday and Friday nights. The
company voted to make bo’h drills
rompul«ory snd written excu»es must
In the future be presented to Captain
Wells In case of absence
and necessary training 1« being de­
palgn Is headed by Col R. H Rosa layed and more regular attendance
as chairman The others on the com
la being Insisted upon
mfttee are C. R. Wide, secretary,
I N Miller H J McDermafd, L. D 444444444444444
The committee will h|ve
access to the records of the War Sav­ ♦ 44444444444444
ing» committee, which organisation
P C. Stephenson, Bsndon.
has a complete record of patriotic
L. C. Compton, Portland
aupport and Investment» of each citi­
A P Blundell. Bandon.
It Is aimed to see that there
will ba no »lacker» in tha community. % W. 8. Fisher, R«no, Nev.