Lodge Directory GIVE HIM TIME AND HE' LL BUTT HIS BRAINS OUT THE PARSON HELPS DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR TEETH By C. B. LEWIS. BANDON LODGE No. 130 A. F. & A. M. Stated communication Friday after the full moon of each month, ¡sojourn Master Masons cordially invited. E. W. SC H ETTER, Secretary. It wasn't a circus or a Buffalo Bill show that was coming over the hill A Clean Tooth Never Decay» Into the village of Liverpool, to see fun which fifty or sixty people had gath­ If you want work that lasts; ered. It was simply and solely the you want it done with no if Widow Skinner, for the widow had KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS bought the house and lot of Seth Truv- more pain than the prick of Delphi Ixxlge No. 04, Knights of ers and was moving over from Rock­ the needle; if you want your I ’ ytbias. Meets every Monday even­ ford. Pyorrhea CURED, or if you None of the Liverpool folks had seen ing at Knights hall. Visiting Knights want to KEEP FROM GET­ Mrs. Skinner yet, but most of them had invited to attend. Owned and published by TING PYORRHEA, see heard of her. She had been described FELSHEIM & HOWE ROY B. CORSON, C. C. us both an angel and a virago—as tall and as short—as a peacemaker and as VIC. BREUER, K. of R. & S. L. D. FELSHEIM. Editor a troublemaker. JAS H. HOWE, Bus. Mgr. And the crowd had gathered In front of the Travers' house, and the widow BANDON LODGE No. 133 Entered as second-class matter at Ellingson Building was at hand with her bug and baggage. tba post office at Bandon, Oregon, I. O. O. F. Bandon, Oregon A mystery that had troubled the vil­ January 2d, 11*13, under the Act of lage for two weeks was about to be March 3d. 187». solved. ‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Meets every Wednesday night at Squire Lapham was the father of the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: the I. O. O. F. Ball. Visiting Odd town. It was for him to welcome all One Year (in advance) $1.50 oooooooqooqoo ^ o <>< Fellows always welcome. newcomers and shake hands with all Six Months (in advance)-. .75 who moved away. lie had on his Sun­ W. A. PANTER, N. G. day suit on this occasion, and he was THE OFFICIAL CITY NEWSPAPER on the ground early. It was for him to L. J. RADLEY, Secretary. boss, and for the others to obey. The Phones Office, »01; Residence, 311 widow drove two skeleton horses at­ tached to a rickety old wagon, and OCEAN REBEKAH LODGE THE REMEDY FOR SPIES within the vehicle were her household If a German spy was responsible No. 126 treasures. tor the low** of the Turcania there Hitched to the rear of the wagon was New Location need be no surprise at the fact a bony cow, and at her heels, grunting Meets on the second and fourth TIMMONS BUILDING, America has learned to her sorrow their disgust, came three hogs as thin Tuesdays of each month at the Odd upon repeated occasions that Ger- I First Street. as an old-fashioned hoop-skirt The Fellows hall. Visiting Rebekahs al­ many's system of international I es­ boys were nine and twelve years of ways welcome. plouage is marvelously complete and Daily Papers Magazines age. respectively. effective. The question now is not apply this rule of war as unflinch- It Is predicted unless he LENORE HUNT, N. G. “Stand back ! Everybody stand back !” so much whether the Tuscania was ingly as we know Germany would slows down with the passing years, shouted the squire, as the wagon came All Current Publications LELLA FISH, Secretary. a victim of this system as it is what apply it, were the case reversed. J. S. Sawyer will fill the position of to a halt. “Are you goln' to tell me that County Roadmaster with efficiency you never saw a wldder woman be­ the United States proposes to do to break up the system and prevent the and profit to the taxpayers. A I EW WORDS ON SUCCESS fore I” Joss of other Tuscanias, says the "Why. she's as homely us a cabbage Success Isn't what so large a num- Great Divide editorially. It contin­ head!” exclaimed one. her of people take it to be. Success Saturday Evening Post $ ues. The United States has been al­ “And she's as tall as a man!" gasped is quite often failure. And a good This war has given us a new nation together too lenient with suspects many people who consider thcra- al view of what is real value. We number two. DR. R. V. LEEP and spies. Nabbing a German agent “Look at them crowbaits of hosses!" selves failures are tn reality fine suc­ and sending him to an internment have come to subscribe to the prin­ ejaculated a third. Physician and Surgeon cesses. Success is honest, earuest, camp tn the Sunny south where he "Madam,” said the squire, as he enthulastic individual expression, ciple that only that is sacred which Office in Ellingson Bldg. lives on the fat of the land, more serves. A human life is valuable only stepped forward and raised his Greely says an exchange. Phone 394. like a lord than a prisoner, is worse Now, that expression may mean as It contributes something to the good hat, “it is my happy privilege to bld than futile from the standpoint of BANDON. OREGON you welcome to our charming village. ” money accumulated, fame acquired, of all. The individual value of life is national safety. It is playing with The Widow Skinner looked that high position wide renown. But it practically nil. It is co-operative ef­ fire HAND-TAILORED could and does mean none of these, fort which counts and no life Is wasted crowd over for a minute and then got F. J. CHATBURN In a New York court the other day maybe. down and said: which seeks to do its part along with or any ATTORN E Y-AT- LA W “ I want no blarney from you a group of men convicted of planting A United States senator once told bombs in a British cargo ship in ord the writer that he considered his others for the common weal. It is this of the rest of ’em! Go on with you !" Practice in all courts. Office “But my good woman—” or to destroy the ship and innocent lire a failure. He was one of the conception of the value of human life in Racket Store building on Second to attain democratic ideals that has crowd. But she went through the crew in mid ocean were fined $2,000 last of ills family, lie had no child- Street, Bandon, Oregon. and sent to prison for eighteen ren, he was lonely and unhappy. I Inspired our fighting sons to “carry on" scowling right and left, until all went "Distinctively for Gentlemen" months. The manifest inadequacy -at and looked at him. This man the struggle against tyranny until It away, except Elder Bixby, who stood of the penalty was explained by the envied those who envied him! Is dethroned, aays Philadelphia North leaning against the fence with a smile I. N. MILLER weakness of the federal law under American. It is this new national view on his face. Success isn ’ t envying anybody. He was about to receive a kick, when Attorney and Counselor at Law which no sterner punishment was SPRING STYI.ES AND SAM­ Success is envying yourself, laying thnt will be Indorsed by those who pay the widow withheld her foot, and said: possible. PLES NOW ON the supreme sacrifice and a better, tru ­ Notary Public out a plan that you can do best- “Take off your coat and help me get How long can the United States and finishing it. The finishing part er civilization. DISPLAY. Rooms 1 and 2, First Nat’l Bank Bldg. the stove and bureau out of the continue a namby-pamby policy to­ is the most important of all. No t ——■-" wagon. ” Bandon, Oregon ward German agents In this country normal man or woman should fail, "Yes, ma'am.” Just when we were all beginning uud hope to escape the penalty of our Success In life is a good deal like Elder Bixby was a widower Arty-four carelessness'’ In the New York inci­ winning a battle —fortifying < every to rare back and proclaim to the DR. FRED COVELL dent the fault lay not with the court position or advance won, In a dozen world that Baudonians do not know years old. He helped to unload the wagon and carry the things In, and CHIROPRACTOR but with those responsible for the different ways if possible, and then from actual experience the color cf weakness of the law. German es going ahead expecting bigger things. snow, Dame Nature had to band vs when he put on his coat the woman THE T AI LOK Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to thanked him, and added: piunage In America must be rooted And remember that one of the most "a couple o’ dozen flakes.” 5 p. m. "I kinder suspect you are a wid- out If America is to survive. There important things is to copy no one ower?” PRESSING Opp. Hotel Gallier CLEANING must be an end of golden ruling To study your own ability closest. To “Yes.” Office in Bandon Sanitarium, and With a new' building now Prussian agents who would destroy work, To set your very soul upon a “And I’m a wldder. Drop In now and Bandon, Oregon. then and occasional remodelings go­ American lives, sink American ships, pivot, To keep your eyes upon things ing on, it seems that Bandonlans then. I shan’t bite you." ruin American Industry and discredit ahead, The widow settled her house in three To smile. not frown. To are filled with considerable optimism American honor as a sovereign dig, not dodge. DR. F. A. VOGE days, and then she and her sons began To fight, not falter, concerning the city's future. power to stand the town of Liverpool on its And to do a lot of things that you DENTIST The laws of war recognize one all would rather not do. To be your- head. The boys broke window glass, - PYORRHEA SPECIALIST sufficient penalty against spies, and self. got up dog fights, stoned cats and every uatlou recognizes It. National Telephone 1222 A Baltimore Judge—Maryland has a fought every boy that could not out­ security demands that this penalty be run them. The cow and the horses and law to compel everybody to do useful Ellingson Bldg. Bandon, Ore. RIGHT MAN FOR THE JOB exacted as often as the crime Is fix­ the hogs were turned loose tn the ed. A few examples of this kind The action taken by the County labor—has ruled that bootblacks aid streets to get their living as best they A man shou d could, and they preferred the vegetable should put a quietus upon the busi­ Court this week In promoting J. 8. gypsies are Idlers. DR. S. C. ENDICOTT ness of being a spy In the United Sawyer to the position of county shine his own shoes, says the court. gardens and lawns to the roadsides. REAL ESTATE Squire Lapham had never been States Service for the German fatli- roadmaster to succeed R. B. Mur- Rut take the case, your honor, of the Dentist snubbed by mortal man or woman be­ erlund may be glorious in Prussian dock who enters the army, is a move fst man; he can't. Insurance Conveyancing Office 1241 — Phones— Res. 1101 fore. and his surprise was so great that eyes, but death, blind folded, be­ that meets the approval of all who fore an unfeeling stone wall at sun­ have hail opportunity to Judge of A letter of recommendation from a he hardly spoke to anyone outside hls Office In Ellingson Bldg. Abstracts rise would furnish an example whose Mr. Sawyer's efficiency. Sunday school teacher dot's not amlly for two weeks. Then he sud- BANDON. OREGON lenly roused up and asked Stephen salutary effect could escape no one During the two years J. S. Saw­ ntnount to much. What the prospec­ Brewster: and Notary Public If present laws are Insufficient, Con yer was city engineer for Bandon, tive employer wants Is a letter of that “Steve, the lnw won’t stand ft—no. GEO. P. TOPPING gross is in session and will pass new as far as Western World has knowl­ character from one who knows you by thunder. It won't! That wldder and ones If the department of Justice edge, no faults were found with his Attorney at Law the other six days of the week. her hoys have got to behave themselves Opposite Bank of Bandon has been remiss In any particular. work, nor were any complaints or they'll have trouble on their hands I" Practices in all Courts. Office immediate Improvement should be heard. On the other hand a frequent Meanwhile, the widow kept fairly The cry is going up : gainst the ex- Bandon, Oregon demanded If men In the military expression in referring to his effi­ Over Bank of Bandon. busy. She gave a tin peddler a black service talk too freely the remedy ciency was "best engineer Bandon ¡tensive banquet as s nnethtng that I eye because he told her that she didn't not tilting In war tint <. whereas many should not bo hard to find. has ever had.” While here he had know a good thing when she saw It; DR. H. L HOUSTON Public opinion In the lulled charge of the complicated water sys­ have contended that all banquets he crippled a hog which was Interfer­ OOOOOOQOOQOOOOOOO1 should have been abolished long ago States may well demand that the la» tem installntion and various street Physician and Surgeon ing with the peace of mind of one of of nations which forfeits the life of improvements. Since leaving Ban­ '■or own; she kicked a book canvasser, A college professor with German a spy in wartime shall be rigidly ap­ don Mr Sawyer lias been working rd she tore down a line fence for Office in Fahy-Morrison Building plied by our own government Pub for the county, starting in as a sur­ sympathies who has not succeeded In fuel. Hours, 9 to 12 a. tn; 1:30 to 4 p. m.,' lie safety demands an end of leni­ veyor and being promoted to the learning to keep his mouth shut Is not It w as too much for the town of tlv- 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone 491. ency. This Is not n holiday venture position of first deputy by Mr Mur­ likely to be able to tench much to any­ erpool. There were mutterings and BANDON. OREGON we are engaged In. but war. Let us dock t’ eats, and a committee Called on Pnr- one else. Professional s< n Turner. Teacher of Piano C. R. BARROW, That evening he sent for Elder Rfi- by t > cotno to the parsonage, and when Attorney and Counselor the r <>d man arrived he was asked: [ anxious TIMES fob the admiral ] at Law "1 im told that during your married life ■ ->u hossed your house with a Notary Public stron- hand?" armera’ Phone: Office No. 481 "Pi ty strong, parson purty strong. Residence No. 143 NOT MUCH I A REAL FRIEND Most wives need a strong hand." Committing of Solos -THE ORDERLY WITH OUR Office over Skeel’s Store, ’.voks SO to me. The Widow Skin a S|X