Result-Getting Classified Department CLASSIFIED RATES—One cent per word, first insertion; H cent per word for each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less, $1 per month. No advertisement inserted for less than 25 cents. All classified ads are cash with order. FOR KENT—Seven room modern house, close in. Chris Rasmus­ sen-__________ J24tf*. BUTTER WRAPPERS—Printed in special vegetable ink on high grade parchment paper, according to law, at the Western World office. Prompt service. Stfp. TRESPASS NOTICE All persons are hereby warned that hunting and fishing or tresspassing in any form is strictly forbidden on the premises known as the McClellan New Lake ranch. POMEROY & GUERIN, OlStf. Langlois, Ore. WANTED—We pay cash for empty gunny sacks.—Dip|X‘l A Wolver­ ton. MrSOtf THOS. F. RYAN Present Assistant State Treasurer of COMMERCIAL printing of all kinds Oregon, who is a candidate for the done quickly at the Western office of State Treasurer. World shop. Don’t give your order to a traveling salesman until you have consulted us. Her Trouble Is Gone Mrs. Thomas H. Davis, Montgom­ ery, Ind., says she had trouble with her bladder and had doctored for several months without relief, when Foley Kidney Pills were recom­ mended and she commenced using them and got relief. They relieve backache, rheumatic pains, stiff, swoolen joints and kidney trouble. 8old everywhere. J FOR HIRE I have two good teams and am prepared to do all kinds of hauling with wagon, big three-seated hack and buggy. H. ROYER » . Are You Ever Ill? FORD A. GARFIELD, Agent, Stable Cor. Balt. ave. A I I St. ■ URGED TO SLAY AND SPARE NOT Coos & Curry Telephone Co, NOTICE is hereby given that trespas­ sing in any form is prohibited on my premises at Two Mile. Chris Richert. J18tt WANT ADS—In this column are giv­ ing service to many. They are quick and reliable salesmen. What they do for others they will do for you. Try one. Stfp fere the war was carried on with the object of Impressing upon the minds of the Germans the treacherous nature j of the peoples against whom the mili­ tary leaders were anxious to wage I war. Not only were the Germuns grad­ ually led to believe that It was neces­ sary to tight a defensive war against unscrupulous foes, but also that these German Soldiers Incited to Acts foes would violate every precept of hu­ When you aie. y«u will especially manity, and Couscqucutly must be of Cruelty by General Von a;*p»««-iate an extension telephone crushed without mercy as a measure twwlde your l*e«l. If you are well, Bissing. of self defense. The fruits of this you spend a thirnse their war colleges. I met him the ment, as you know. Take care to pro­ so small that it’s wonderful. This advertisement is to urge next morning, and he asked me If I tect yourself against these civilians, prospective buyers to place orilers without delay as the war had read his book, ’Germany in the especially tn th«* villages. Do not let has produced conditions which may Interfere with normal anyone come too near. They are very Next War.’ production. Buy a Ford car when you can get one. Wo'll "I said I had. He said: ’Do you clever, cunning, fellows, these Bel­ take good care of your order—get your Ford to you soon know, my friends nearly ran me out gians; even the women and children as ismsilde—anti give the liest in ‘‘after-service” when re­ are urnied and fire their guns. Never of the country for that?’ They said. quire«!. ’You have let the cat out of the bag.' go Inside a house, especially alone. I said, ‘No, I have* not, because nobody If you tak«* anything to drink make TOURING CAR $428 will believe it.’ What did you think the inhabitants drink first, and keep at a distance from them. The newspa­ of it?’ ROADSTER_____ $413 “I said, ‘General, I did not believe a pers relate numerous cases In which th«*y have fir«*«l on our soldiers whilst F. O. B. BANDON word of it when I read it, but I now feel that you did not tell the whole they were drinking. You soldiers must truth;’ and the old general looked spread around so much fear of your­ selves that no civilian will venture actually pleased.” to come near you. Remain always In Speaking on August 29, 1914, at the company of others. I hop«* that Minister, of the extreme measures you have read the newspapers nnd thnt which the Germans felt obliged to take yon know how to behave. Above all against the civil population of Bel­ have no compassion for these cut­ gium, Gen. von Bissing said: throats. Make for them without pity “Th«* innocent must suffer with the with the butt « lid of your rille and the guilty. ... In the repression of bayonet. infamy, human Ilves cannot b«> spared, “Your brother. WILLI." OFFICERS: niel if isolated houses, flourishing vll Th«* emperor gave his sanction to Inges, and even entire towns are anni­ the reports of the brutal acts of the T. P. HANLY, President K. H. ROSA. Vice Pres. hilated, that Is assuredly regrettable, Belgians in a telegram to President W. J. SWEET, Cashier ‘ but it must not excite III tinted sentl Wilson. mentality. All this must not In our eyes weigh as much us the Ilf«* of a ‘Berlin, via Copenhagen, Sept. 7, 1914. DIRECTORS: “’1 feel It my duty. Mr. President, single one of our brave soldiers—the FRANK FLAM, FRANK FAHY, C. Y. LOWE * rigorous accomplishment of duty Is tlu* to Inform you as the most prominent «•niiination of a high kultur. an«l In representative of principles of human­ that, the population of th«* enemy ity. that after taking the French fort­ countries can learn a lesson from our ress of Lotigwy. my troops discovered ther«* thousands of dumdum cartridges army.” made by special government machin­ Officers Encouraged Atrocities. ery. Th«* same kind of ammunition Gen. von Biasing, after Ills appoint­ was found on killed and wounded ment as governor general of Belgium, troops nnd prisoners, also on the Brit­ repented In substance the nbove opin­ ish troops. You know what terrible ion to n Dutch journalist. The Inter wounds ntxl suffering these bullets In­ view is published in th«* Düsseldorfer flict and that their use Is strictly for­ Capital $50,000.00 bidden by the established rules of In­ Anzeiger of D«*cember 8, 1914. Irvin S. Cobb states his conclusions ternational law. I therefore address Surplus and Undivided Profits $25,000.00 on the responsibility of th«* higher Ger­ ' a solemn protest to you against this | kind of wai fare, which, owing to the man eommnnd for th«* atrocities: "But I was an eyewitness to crimes ' methods of our adversaries, lias be- Drafts on the Principal Cities of the V«orld. A General which, measur«*d by the standards of come on«* of tlo* most barbarous known ■ humanity and civilization. Impressed I In history. Not only have they em­ Banking Business. Accounts of Individuals arid me ns worse than any Individual ex­ ployed these atrocious weapons, but Corporations Solicited. the Belgian government has openly en ­ cess, any Individual outrage, could ever have been or can ever be; be- I courage«! nnd long since carefully pre­ ciiuse these crimes Indubitably were pare«! the participation of the Belgian instigfited on a wholesale basis by or­ I civil population In the fighting. The der of officers of rank, and must have atrocities committed even by women b«*en carried ««lit under their personal an«l priests In tills guerrilla warfare, - >*>0000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO supervision, direction, and approval. also on wound«-«! soldiers, medical stuff "Taking tlo* physical evidence offer­ nnd nurses, doctors killed, hospitals ed before our own eyes, anil buttress­ attack«-«! by rifle tire, were such thnt ing it with the statements made to us. my generals finally were compelled to not only by natives, but German sol­ I take the most drastic measures In or­ diers an\l German officers, we couh) der to punish tie* guilty nnd to fright- Eight Day service between Coquille River ànd ’Frisco reach but one conclusion, which uns en th«- bloodthirsty population from that here. In such and such a pla«*e, t I continuing their work of vile murder «hose In comtnnnd hml suhl to the and horror Some villages and even Large Two Berth Outside State- troops: ‘Spure this town and these I the old town of Loewen (Louvain), excepting the fine hotel de vllle, ha«l rooms with running water. people.' And there they bad said: ‘Waste this toun and shoot these peo­ to b«* destroyed In self-defense, and for th«* protection of my troops. My ple.' And here the troops had discrim FOR FIRST CLASS Passenger Fare inatel.v spared, and then* they hud In­ tw-nrt bleed« when I s«*e that such measures have become unavoidable $10.00 discriminately wasted, in exact ac­ BANDON cordance with the word of their supe­ and when I think of the numerous In­ nocent |s*«ipl«* who lose their home and FROM riors."—Irvin Cobb. Speaking of Prus­ property IIS a consequence of the bar sians. New York, 1917. pp. 32-34. barons behavior of those criminals. SAN FRANCISCO Hoodwinked German People. Sign* d William. Emperor nnd King ' RE NERVATIONS: J. E. Norton. Co quill* These Ideas, then, were systemat­ “GERARD. Berlin.” ically Impressed upon the military and Perkins’, Myrtle Point; Hillyer’a Cigar Lor< nz Muller In the German Cath official classes. It was necessary, Store, Marshfield; E. B. Thrift, Langlois however, to work upon tin* mind« of «die Review. Der Feia, February, 1915, th»* German people, so that they might mud«* the following statement In re­ E; a E. T. KRUSE, owner» and manag­ Intel themselves to the inhuman poll gard to the emperor's telegram: er», 24 Calif. St., San Francisco. "Officially no Instance has been ■•les advocateil by the military leaders. To do this was difficult, for, ns has proven of persons having fired with ■een shown often, many of the civil th«* help of priests from the towers of All that has been made an leaders of public opinion, time and churches. BANDON gain, express«*«! their horror of the known up to the present, and that has r 'n* ’n*'** lew spirit which was animating the been made the object of Inquiry con­ nllltary authorities. The relchstag cerning allege«! atroi ltles attributed to lebutes give ample evidence of this, Catholic priests during this war, has ind the task of the military leaders been shown to be false and altogether .■mid have been still more difficult If iin ginary, without any exception. Our he refchstag bad any real power. emperor telegraphed to the president See War Information Series No. 3. of the United States of America that •The Government of Germany;" see even women an«l priests had commit­ Iso Gerard's "My Four Years In Ger- ted Htr<>< itle« during this guerrilla war­ QUICK, RELIABLE SERVICE fare on wounded soldiers. doctor» and tinny." chapter 2.) AUTO TRUCKS nurses attached to the field ambu The military authorities and th«»se iniice«. How- this telegram can be rec- n sympathy with them have done all HBADQI'AUTKRS NOTHING TOO LARGE ii their power to stimulate a hutre«i of ' >n- l!«-«l w ith the fact stat«*«! nbove we CENTRAL WAREHOUSE I «tuill not be aide to learn until after NOTHING TOO SMALL >ther p-oples In the minds of the Gar* phone 142 minis. A campaign of educstloo be I the w ar." $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science lias been able to cure in all its stages, and that ¡8 catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby de­ stroying the foundation c f tlie disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na­ ture in doing its work The proprie tors have so much faith in the curative rowers of Hall's Catarrh Cure that hey offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F J CHENET 4 CO. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Fire Wood Let us have your next order for wood Fire wood of all kinds deliv­ ered to any address promptly . CENTRAL TRANSFER CO. I D13tfc HJRVEi STARKWEATHER Who has announced his Candida« y fcr governor of Oregon on the Dem­ ocratic ticket. Western World—the Quick Print CHICHESTER SPILLS BRAND DIAMOND LADIES 1 -fW V.Ì 3 S*b**on Ir* B * JLek ynur for CTTI CHFS TER S A DIAMOND »RAND FILLS in Rin andZA G ot d metallic boxes, scaled with BlueiOy Ribbon T\KB NO OTHER. Ruy cF Tour \/ and a«k for H ’ DI A MOK 1» Bit A K l> PI I I. m , for twcntv-five years regarded rs Best,Safe* t. Always Reliable- SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS & EVERYWHERE DEMOCRACY IN GERMANY Bank of Bandon Bandon, Oregon S. S. ELIZABETH SAILS J. E. WALSTROM Central Transfer Co.