MEN IX WOübS AND hilus «Tfierellou ArelSaus J oin legion can learn and from Interest shown by mlllmen and ship builders al Coos Bay we expect to find the same loy­ alty there that has been met in the campa. "The mills In the Coquille valley were visited on thia trip. All of th* men at the Sitka ¡Forties Company plant at Coquille signed up and on Thia la William Farnum. the great Monday Capl Arnold addressed the men of the Johnson mill at Coquille, *ur who playa Sydney Carlton in A and «very man there became a metn- Tale of Two Cities” shown at the Grand. Christmas eight, December 25th A wonderful entertaining Mills Courteous ■how Bring the children It Mr Moore very kindly shut down Mm Xmas Gift Suggestions Nu«pcnN AR A • II bother ami t (IMMUNITY IK NOT OPEN TO AD There Is no better remedy for couch« colds, croup or Ingrippo Bold VERSE « RITIt'IBM lie It further resolved That the every where publicatlou of such misleading state meats regarding a community thav I ullatd 1« it inning laurel« haw teen loyal and reaponaive to Fiank Bullard, a Bandon boy at •very call of the government, cvn A C. is winning laurels accord •Glutes « grave injustice to the Citi r to the following from the O tens of such community: that such i Barometer Finals of the inter false erltlclam la not conducive to rnitv crows country run were the best interests of the government last Saturday and the Axtees In lima of ustlonsl crisis acroea with a victory, which Now heieftvre be it further res them poseeasion of the trophy olve« R at Rep-jbhrar» inaugurated a campaign thru oui the state tor the purpose of elect tng I. J Rlvipeoa of Moi th ¡lend for govern« r flitupeon tor Governor leagues are being organise I Mr Simpaon needs no introduction la the county as he is one of our foremost I an«i leading public spirited «litten« present chairman of the campaign for Coo« and counties and Is tevoting hl* mur» time to the cause at his own Neodod for Ths men In being solicited membership cannot be promised that they will not be drafted Howevet. It is highly probable that should any of those In the camps or mills be drafted they will be allowed to stay In their present positions as they are needed worse in the lumber industry than any place else The men are told that they are doing more good working in the camps and mills that. If they »ere carrying a gun in th army Sohlier Workers This fact can be appreciated when it is explained that the army is seek tng men already enlisted who hate had experience In the woods and mills and these men are being asked to leave their regiments and go back to their old work in the lumber bust naaa These soldiers will be sent t > any point on the coast where they are needed and where men cannot be secured They will work under the same scale of wages prevailing in that particular concern They will be looked after by army officers ct to their deportment and health Will l.ikely Stay In view of the fact that men will be taken out of the army to go ba<\ Into the woods it is not likely that any men will be taken from the woods to go Into the army. It Is tm pressed upon the men that they ar- doing as honorable a thing for then selves and as much for the country when they become members of the .legion ss if they joined the army or navy and went to the front. W ants to Come Back Capt Arnold who has b< signed to the work tn Coos county is a Wyoming man The coat country ts new to him but be has been among the cowboys and miners of the Wyoming country and he says he finds the loggers are about the same type and feels that he knows them The thing that is worrying Capi Arnold most, he says, is whether he will gst to come back to Coos coun- He says he hopes he will be ty here during the coming summer a-« that he can send for his wife and children and have them enjoy this country t»l F F RS TO SERI E MRS I (Continued from first page) his plant in order that Capt. Arnold could meet th« men and the •nitro < force joined the legion The asm« courtesy was shown us at th« Pro» Th« per Mill Company by Mr Fosa fact of the matter Ls that th« I boys who have already joined the legion have done so much good work ahead of us that the way is already paved and solicitation of members has be­ come almost automatic, but at the same time is a most pleasant work." M> u's Ne«kvvrar. and >tuff 1er«. I I F lxi«l* Difficulty in Lallstlag L. E Osborn baa returned from Portland where he went to enlist in the sanitary department of the avi­ ation corps of the army. He was told at recruiting beadquarters at Portland that they had no authority to accept men in that branch of the service although they were satisfi- ed that the government »as in need of such recruits. However, they agreed to telegraph to Washington for Information and would place Mt Osborn's application on file and he would be subject to call at any time. Walter Carpenter also found diffi­ culty In getting into the signal ser vice of the aviation corps, so he made new application for enlistment in ths navy. WANTED Home carpenters, millwrights and laborers wanted for work on con­ denserv Register with E fi C takes It Cigar Store and Peanut Stand Planning to enter another line of business. I will sell my cigar and candy store and peanut stand at a bargain fcr cash Perhaps this is Just the business you desire to en gage tn. >Otf J L FO8TER. Bandon The Flavor is Different Try our new Marshmallow Syrup in makin your Xmss canidés and cake icing* Sanlto Grocery It F I KS ATTENTION A meeting of all members of the B r o E in this community will be held at th« office of Dr. R V I.eep, F riday «veiling, December 21. at 8 o'clock. Every Elk ts re<|uest- ed to attend. GUY DIPPEL. F J FAHY. O. A. TROWBRIDGE. Committe« Questionnaires Must Be Answered With Care Have you received your quaaUwn- neceaeory by affidavit« of other pev- i nairw’ Thai is the one vital mat­ «on«. *111 be baaed the ClMSlflcOtiuO of each registrant. | tor now holding the intere« of local As a deferred claseiflcaUon la The queatloa- equivalent to a temporary exemption men of draft age ro- or discharge, it must be plain to naires must be filled out and turned within seven days after their every registrant why false answer«, receipt lSundays and holidays ex­ designed to place the registrant in cepted». hence the necessity of ob­ one of the deferred classes will be taining them as soon as in the local so strictly dealt with In this connection an official warn­ postoffice To determine when you should receive yours ls an easy mat­ ing that should be carefully noted by ter if you know your draft num­ j every draft registrant has Just been ber The questionnaires for all were those of the first hundred 15th: mailed Saturday. December ! second hundred. Monday, third hundred Tuesday, and ao on < down I the list until all are mailed. If you | do not receive yours within a few ' days after the time you should it might be well to make inquiries, as failure to sign up and return the blanks within the aforesaid seven lays automatically places the regls- ' trant in class 1. Local attorneys are aiding all reg- I istranta who desire help In filling lout the questionnaire free of charge. The following from the Portland office is of interest Portland. Dec. 18—Every draft registrant must answer his question naire truthfully and without evasion i'ntrue answers or concealment of information required by the govern­ ment will result in prosecution Gn the other hand, draft regia- Dante may rest assured that the per eons) questions they are obliged to answer in regard to their domestic and business conditions will be seen only by the proper authorities Mem bers of local and district board« are forbidden under severe penalty from divulging such information. The government require« the moet personal and detailed answers in the questionnaire because on the infor­ mation thus given, supported where Enlistments Still Open A dispatch in the Oregonian of Tuesday morning stated that army orders had been issued to the effect that enlistments of registered men would be accepted in the infantry, ordnance and aviation departments of the army, providing the applicants had certificates from their local boards showing that they would not come within the next draft. las tied by Chas L. Ream«« United States attorney for Oregon Thia warning says: "In connection with the filling out of the questionnaires, word has been received from the attorney general to prosecute vigorously those who make statement* thereto that are false In view of the fact that false statements in support of claims for exemption or deferred classification constitute a grave menace to the fair and ««'Lltable «uforcement of c »*<- scription. we have been requested to give wide publicity to the fact that such material false statements, even when the fact« have been distorted only slightly, will be promptly prose­ cuted “Attention should be further di­ rected to the fact that all exemptions and discharges made prior to noon on December 15 will thereafter have no validity, and to the fact that ev­ ery person "ho has registered and is not yet In military service is re­ quired to fill out a questionnaire “This must be sworn to and is in­ tended as a complete inventory of the man's domestic condition and industrial and educational qualifi­ cation«. The punishment provided for those who fell to return the quee- tionnalre. or to appear for physical examination, or to report change of status, permits Imprisonment for one year” | where Lieut. Smith J. Mann Is sta­ tioned with the Medical Corp« of ths army, brings the good news of his success He has successfully passed the examination for advancement to a captain's commission. Hla recom­ mendation has gone to Washington for the President's signature. How would you like to receive 4 per cent compound Intercut on your money and also enjoy the beet of se­ Dr. Mann Gets Captaincy curity! Well that Is what the Sav­ Word from IJttle Rock. Ark., ings Stamps give you. I M LF S VI R. Peters Sign« up at Portland— Marking on New Invention. J R Peters returned Friday from Portland where he wsnt to interview government officials In regard to cer tain war inventions on which he 1* working He has received aacourac Ing reports from the electrical gun that he has invented and the model of which is now at Washington While at Portland Mr Peters signed up with the government, offering his services In any capacity that they might wish to use them also to go anywhere they wleh to send him Mr Teters is a mechanical and mining engineer, as well as a draftsman He is past military age At present he is working on an electrical war de vice which. If found practicable on a large scale will have unlimited possi­ bilities as a destructive measure both on land and sea He has asked per mission from the war department through Senator Chamberlain. t erect a •mall wireless plant In Ran don for the puri>ose of carrying on his experiments I %\(.l <»!*• \ K U It has been In tnte section lately The Red ( roes society here is mak Ing Its quota of garments, etc the boys at the front The school here under Miss man principal, and Miss Miller marv close« on Wednesday of week for a two weeks holiday vaca tl. n Ford from Marshfleid weat thru l.anglots this week wtth a drove cf «attle Curry countv beef has '«een atmest gobbled up by the a:aav tls buyers that have beea in county to buy na-na A «oung man by the Hunt «ho was drowned at rtver on Thankagtvmg. was «aahed ashore on the Star rancti latelv kn inqueet as held Suada« and the body ideattfied The body was takea to Banden for burtal thrifty and lay up that hoard for the rwiav dav. be patriotic and a* the sam» time advance your o» a Mrs F A Holman ln«lividual Intervet« place It ta *•« m> ratng tor a week e v lags staiui-s land and St Johns w E TAKE THIS OPPOR tunity to express our appre ciation and thank the public for their response to our efforts to build up a thriving mercantile bus­ iness in Bandon. N THIS TIME OF UNEQUALED strife and suffering throughout the world let us all give thanks to Almighty God for the Peace and Plenty that rests upon our own community I W. H. PEARCE J. K. BAKER JOHN DICKEY