WAITING FOR YOU TO ACT «• Uncle Sam appeals to his loyal citizens to support the brave soldiers who are entering the fight to destroy Kaiserism and make the world safe for Democracy. These men are going to France to fight your battles; are you going to let them offer their lives for you without giving them your support? DON’T DELAY ANOTHER DAY LIBERTY BOND The Port of Bandon held a meet­ ing yesterday at which the budget I Parkersburg Residents Are Taking for the goming year was adopted. It Active Interest in the Work. will be published in an early Issue l’.< ailmnster Tells Coquille Paper Department of Agriculture Puldiia- II.. Cl FU I of Western World. Hon IkHiies Itenial of Persistent Too Much Empiisela lins Ilern By CLEM I The following Bandon pupils The people of Parkersburg and Rumors to Contrary. Plated ou HIgliivaler. _________ _ _____ „______ earned Palmer Progress pins: A Lawrence ______ DeOs ___ and Elmer Miller other lower-river communities are Arthur Sweet returned home from Powers Sun- " ooden. F rancls Itarnekoff, By! T. P Hanly and There Is no truth In a widely cir­ just as patriotic and just as active in were down from Lam pa today at­ Talking with Roadmaster Mur­ Marshall, Hazel Marshall, M m day. displaying that patriotism as any dock last Monday, he said that the culated statement that the govern tending a business meeting. ter, Helen XValdvogel, Wilbur J sections of the country. These aec- Mrs. T. H. Shaw arrived Monday • ment expects to only regret he had about the road take food supplies gensen, Nellie McAdams. Ethel Bai from Grants Pass. grades so far adopted on the bond from any family, Both the food ad tlons responded liberally in the gov- Roll Anderson was injured at Ced- i low, George Kronenberg. The fund work tn thia county was that nilnlstration and the department of eminent's campaign for the first Llb- ar Point while working with a crew Miss Nellie Breuer of Myrtle Point ( mer Progress pin is a neat gold ho had ever listened to the people Agriculture join in a statement to erty Loan, taking a good share of In a loading switch Tuesday, He has been engaged as teacher in dis- i blue enamel badge which pupils bonds; they also came through with who told how high the water got in I counteract what seems to be a delib­ dropped a rail on his foot bruising trlct No. 6 4, to hold a six weeks have made a marked improvement 1890 or I#06 or any other old year, erate propaganda to the effect that their donations to the Red Cross it badly, although no bones were term. their writing are entitled to wear to the extent of trying to make the [the government Intend» to take from fund and the ladles are taking an broken. XVork has once more started on Beulah Baker of the Eighth new grade everywhere above the (every family all canned goods put active Interest In sewing for our the new county road leading from grade received a prize at the boys at the front. highest watermark known, says the[up in excess of 100 quarts. Two Mile into the Treadgold range fair on her exhibit of sea mosses To further the Red Cross work Coquille Valley Sentinel H» This Is only one of the var allons country. lian Leuthold, who won the think» that where h section of road ! of the rumor, which lias been widely arrangements have been made for a school garden contest, secured big dance and program to die held Last Friday evening a bean shell- hai been overflo.ed < nee In five or circulated Another statement is Ing party was held at the J. E. Ad­ award for the best potatoes. ten years for a few diys. it would that the government has been urg at the Parkersburg hall on Saturday Three of the local teachers, E ams home, nearly all of the neigh­ bo much better to let It overflow as Ing the canning, drying and preserv­ evening. October 13th, commencing Conner, Charlotte Palmer and P at 8:30 p. nt. Steamer Relief will bors on the lower creek attended. cflen again, and for people to sub ing of fruits and vegetables so that G. M. XVilloughby of Hall creek Godshall, spent Saturday and mil to a few days or hours Incon I they will be in a convenient form for leave Riverton at 7 30 and return is working with his team on the new j day visiting friends who are I venleuca than to spend tens of thou» the government to handle and trans­ after the dance for the convenience ing in Marshfield. ends of dollarn In raising the grades port when It takes them away from of those who will attend from that road on upper Two Mile. Doubtless other boats and Friday evening the high sell t hove the b'Kites t flood record the people. Further elaboration la section Word has been received that Levi their annual ‘get pupils held Inown II line Adopted the policy that these goods are to lie taken from • 'I'm cars will aid parties from other Goff and wife who have been spend ­ You can save money on the quafnted” beach party near vf retrenching In that way now and the American homes and shipped to river sections ami Bandon to attend ing the past two seasons in Illinois, following newspapers by sub­ the affair An admission of Queen Anne Cottage. Games, 15c vvlHhea ho bad d.,ue au from the start , England will return home the last of the scribing through the Western and 2 >c will be charged, and and wi the Along the same line he figures S|'« < ifii Instance» < ltd World. All subscriptions are month. of the evening. that the difference In Interest be In one Instance a motorist stop­ proceeds will he turned over to the payable cash In advance. "Billie" Cox and H. A. DeLong The Bandon High School Studat tween an Investment of ft .‘>,000 In ped at a farm houw to fill the tadl Red Cross traded horses last week. body met Friday and elected the a high wooden tr-etle that cannot b' »tor of hla automobile In the course M. XV. Treadgold was down the lowing officers; Rutter and Eggs (ioIng High permanent and one of fit.000. tn a of conversation lie casually Inquired C/2 M 2 C/2 3 f—f ? coast Tuesday looking for another dent; Gladys Gallier, vice president; gravelled roadway tn the new road whether the farmer's fainllv Local people who were fortunate wat «-< O car of beef cattle. j Gail Boak, secretary-treasurer; Io be Constructed from Coquille to canning ull the surplus fruits and In preserving a large supply of eggs 7’ ir •<" C rp Fat Elk across the willow land hot- " total'll s in order to help c ttserve during the past atimmer are now Albert Duke purchased a horse of lie Kicking and Randall Kay.» toms south < f town XX aldvogel Bros., a few days ago. j bers of the executive council. the food supply He w a . Informed beginning to congratulate thera- 3 O ly bought by the I The road gang is expected back to various classes are completing t that the fam r was not doing this selves The same holds true of those Four Mlle by the first of next week. organizations. The Seniors elected dispensing with the use of I'nau e the government intended to who laid In a supply of butter, f >r a few day s once in the Miss Grace Miller was a Coquille John Doualdson, president; u take all the canned goods away ex Both eggs and butter are growing Gallier, vice president; Goldie Bi.- the aatue time lie fax ora visitor Saturday and Sunday last. cept a »mail part vf ft actually need more scarce every day locally, The fp • g ’cd dyk out Of the cd by tho family Itself Our Dew Valley neighbor, J. J. ford, secretary-treasurer. Miss K5* government has Issued a statement Morris, is not far from right when Conner, class adviser high water f< r the first section of the "Butter will be higher The authorities state emphatically as follows: Coquille to Bandon road he says that the city watering trough that no such cqurse has ever been In price this year than we have The junior class officers m Mr Murdock also says that the contemplated by the government known It to be since the Civil war. Is not sanitary Very true, the float Josephine Croxall. president. I County Court has time and again On the contrary, both the department The poultry situation is equally as keeps the trough supplied with water Capps, vice president. Willie HW Ym< a Induced to make considerable f Agriculture and the food adntln serious but to be sanitary g stream of water ing, secretary-treasurer; The farmers have killed appt oprialii u> for gravelling a frac i'tratlon ate strongly utgtng house­ practically all spring chickens for should enter one end and .put at the will be class adviser tionnl section of some road by the wives Io < an and preserve. especially food, while only one tenth of the us­ opposite end at all times. I would representation that the re«! of the at this time, all surplus fruit» and ual supply of milk fed chickens is not necessarily believe that this horses ........................... in this part „ of the county M* C rjl “I <3 road was In first class Condition and ii Lvtable« in order that the house now available." trough was the means of spreading afflicted at this time, that Improvement would put it in hold» Ihcmselve» may have a cheap this epidemic of distemper simply be prevalent the same a» ’ shape for travel the year round. and plentiful supply of food. because about 90 per cent of all the Harry Pearce in Draft Army the h im*» *" • hen In point of fact, the section Harry Pearce, a former Bandon ssked for was not particularly bet resident who had made hie home at ter or worse than the rest of the Fresno. Califoruia. the past two rtad lie la advising agglust piece < ”Ut < Hill i omine at Coquille on years, arrived on the Ellxabeth thia nteel nppruprlgtlons of this kind th tôlier l.Mli—Jurors. week for a short visit with his moth­ without close Investigation to find er who resides here and with local.' The following is the list of jurors, friends ©*it whether the claims are warrant- Mr Pearce was one of the elect • I Er the October term of Clr- young uien drafted into the Nation­ < 'lit c urt, which convenes on Octob- al Army from the Fresno district, er lit I K II. Fish. E l.ewln. I» and must report at American Lak a. Hi< < iei of I ah al I hk I) XA'evIa He nn~uneriients wer« recehed in \V Carpenter. A H Reese. A tier Washington, by October 15th I' nd n thia week of the marrtsae vf ft Id. F Il Boy le, Bandon. E P states that around Fresno exemptions Edward F Wieder and M im F len* Lewis. Marshfield. J D Carl, Nor for various reasons averaged about t». iiMisgit *' Haa Franclkco Oclob- w ay W E Bigelow, Myrtle Point 50 per cent, mostly farmers and e, 2 n d Mr XX teil er IS well k lio w n II I . Johnson. Coquille i; Sam Breu married meu with children depend-j WORI IV—I I I n.R AM J. I I. Appleton eats, or physically unfits l • old time Bandontana being a er. Myrtle l'oint. The men j I By the Year Only) brolber nf Mr» F g Tutil» of ihls Bridge. C A Painter, I North Bend. drafted seetu to take the matter ■ Portland Evening C'»v and haifng reslded In Coos C P Uffleld. Coquille. George Mul- philosophically and after it la all ’ Telegram Point ; Geo Getting over with, are glad to be on their! r »nty In Ms yonth The Sau Fran len. Myrtle XVestern World P N. Reber g. North • to the training campa. clac» Examinar of a receñí date aays Marsh Held. Value of both I Jdte Wieder port au¡iertnt»ndeut Bend, C M Rhodes. South Slough Our Clubbing Offer Meóle« MUI Outl«H>k tiood of II.e Crowlay I a inch A Tugboal J XV. XVqtt, Marshfield Henry Seng You save J I» l.adlry, manager ________ of _________ the 8un Co, left jeeterday for Partland on «tacken Marshfield I twin I' X ak am. Coquille. XV C. Parker. Prosper «et \Voolen Mills of this city, return tba Emerald lina «teamer Kilburn WoRI.D—ORbtaiM AX F 1’”*Bv enough he »a« gixen the Ned Galloway, Hauser. John Shut •d on the Kliiabeth frotn a bustneaa I By the Year Only I Bend. A R Clinton. vielt In San Francisco He slates btldal sute as he la vn hl« honey- ter. North Oregonian (weekly) Bl 50 Prv »per H C Noble, Marshfield XV thal the plant la tn Position to rs- • •< n Half the «aterfront altead- W astern World 1.50 ed the departure of the veaael «Ith Grow Coquille R M starter. Marsh eetve <11 the ordere that It cau handle, Value of both _ 3 00 »orte shoes too old for the Belgian field. XV J Royd. Riverton: E and the future prospects for It ar. Our Clubbing Offer .. 3 25 rclltf and enough rice to spatter the Holland. Marshfield. E K Weekly. unusuaily brtght You save ... . — .75 Bridge deck» A new will be drawn WORLD—N X XAORI.D Mr< F Don McCrsry and eon. ' the old g I By the Year Only) Don. were paasencera today for Sac Xt)GE Dentist. has two year N Y World (thrice week ramento. where they «III reside ! >Wd from ili» First National Rank XVestern XVorld They have been making their horns* bultdlog to the room formerly oc death of Judge Hartocker a Value of both on Coos river. but fire destroyed the I etipled by Hr 3» field In the Eiling of It. Our Clubbing Offer house a short time ago Mr Mc ­ u building I irsi door to the right FUR You save RENT Housekeeping rooms Crary Is In Sacramento -Coos pg» I head of stairs 01 Uf Apply at >3« Chicago Ave Olltlpj Tiniri lloAD tilt ADI H NIIOl I D Il II I III I V T«» HELI* RED CROHN FOUR MILE Mill ER Clubbing Offers j I SCHOOL NOTES