Western world. (Bandon, Coos County, Or.) 1912-1983, July 26, 1917, Image 1

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NO. 36
432 John R. Scott. Powers
on i< i us aiu : kiiiTEh
18 L. L. Marston, Gresham
652 Peter S Rauisli, Marslitield
Few < hange« Ma«le in Official IVi-
927 Chester D. Alexander, Mfld.
sonell of New f in Club.
liom These Twenty-One UHI He Sv
1484 Thos. M Devereaux. Park’b'rg
letteli to Make I ji County's
739 Cecil Greeu, Marshfield
The semi annual election of offi
Quota In First Draft
1751 Carl L. Briggs, Powers
cers took place at the regular meet-
601 Donald Shaw. Marshfield
KUTED *n6 of the New Era Club last night I.
Curry county must furnish 21
1322 Jesse E. Foster, Bandon
AS St IMECT TO <11.1. ON
<Iwb’a actiiIU m th«- 11.«
men in the first army draft. Tho
1146 Homer Itetwiller. Gravel Eord
i months having been so satisfactory
first 21 to be called for examination
1103 Leslie Kime, Coquille
¡ail but the secretary and asslstant-
are the following
1359 Eugene Leroy Thom. Bandon
| secretary were re-elected. The latter.
258 Elmore Spurgeon, Port Orford
None to Be Furnished From Coos on
606 Robt. W. Thomas. Marshfield
Mayor Topping Slake* His
Annual Guy Dippel and L. AV. Turnbull, ask Say High AA ages an«l Shorter Hours 275 Win. Thos. Waggle, Brookings
First Draft But I'reliably 2oo or
182 Austin L. Mettler. North Bend
Appointment of Officials- --- R. I*. I ed to be displaced on account of too
« iff« i «><1 byr County Plays Has < h 126 Italias E Hardenbrook. B'klngs
More W III Go From Here a* Semi,I I 1771 Henry M. Brown. Powers
Hunt Is Night Watchman— Mea».
much work of a similar nature. Their
W I t h Their Force*—Tei ntatix « 107 Oren F. Graaon, Port Orford
Quota—I'robably SO Per Cent W ill I I 513 D. I'apaconstantinoie. Mfld.
les and other Diseases Discu»*ed places were filled by Robert Covell
Agi«-«-nient Made to K<*«lu«-e Num­
43 Walter Lee Custer, Wedderburn
Be Exempt.
46 B. F. Monson. Lakeside
Other Minor Matters.
as secretary and R. B. Corson
a- as
ber of Employe» AA here Possible.
10 Cerretlnl Antonio, Brookings
I 1020 Robt. Hanison, Delmar
slstant-secretary. The other
I 40 Chester F. Jackson, Harbor
I 1651 E. E . Phillips, Myrtle Point
President, A. 8. Elliott; vice
18 Dale Bement, Denmark.
The big military drawing took 1099 Chas. Epps, San Jose, < al.
At a regularly adjourned meeting president. E. H Boyle; treasurer, L.
The lumbering and timber inter­ 182 Charles Menti, Brookings
place at Washington Friday, lasting I 1955 Thos. H. Yoakum, Powers
! of the City Council Friday evening E.
Gallier; sergeant at t arm», J. H. ests of the county have appealed to 46 Jas. Wilson Crew. Denmark
until early Saturday morning. A to­ I 1636 Thos, Ccats. Myrtle Print
| two new councilmen—Wade and McDertniad.
the County Court to stop some of the 323 Harrison B. l'laisted. Brookings
tal of 10,500 numbers were drawn, ' 223 Niles Gal ostia. North Bend
Nielson took their seat. Pesent were
Various committee reports and road work outlined for this summer, 117 J. D. Hawkins, Langlois
representing the highest number of 1 lil Ralph T. Moore, Bandon
Mayor Topping, Councilmen Rasmus­ other business matters
were consld- so as to relieve itirae of the men em
75 A. Ellis, Port Orford.
registered men in any one registra
11 7 AVm. S. Woodruff. Allegany. sen, Nielson. Chatburn, Wade and ered. The club decided to give its plyed for work in the mills and
Karl V. Wlllit, Agnes«
tion district in the United States
Perry, Marshal Holman and other of­ support to a minstrel show to be glv camps. They claim that the shorter
t t«2 Vernon W. Smith. Marshfield
194 C B. Miller. Gold Beach
Coos county, as one district, has a 390 S. Gilbert Stecken. Eastside
en for the brnetlt of the club in the
298 O. Donnell, Brookings
registration list of 1957. therefore
One of the first matters coming up near future. It will be under the dl county has attracted many of their
75 J. R. Torrest, Coos Bay
15 Henry Leafs Bossen, Langlois
only those numbers under and in 1818 Irwin C. Gow. Powers
was the election of a president of the rection of Prof. A. Richards, who ia men and the mills ate being handi
218 II. A Pearse. Port Orford
eluding that figure affected this 772 .1. Winningham, Marshfield
council for the ensuing year. Aft­ jetting his forces together.
capped on account of shortage of
31 Wm. R. Bailey, Gold Beach
er several ballots Nels Rasmussen
,456 Algie W. Hughes, Burden
men both in the plants and in the t*3 Dillen W Miller
The number of every registered 7>1 Thos. ,' ardas, Marslifleld
was again chosen to the position.
camps. Owing to the fact that the
Has Accident on Grade
56 Ernest Lewis Caeel, Brookings,
man in the county was drawn and 1419 Lester Rose, Bandon
Mayor Mak«-» Appointments
C. Gorman, the auto machinist who lumber is being needed for ship­
Since the government estimate»
placed on the official draft list in the 786 Ernest ,'ohnson. Empire
Mayor Geo. P. Topping made the had been about town Ina red Pierce building Governor Withycomb«» has
the exemptions and discharges
order in which it was drawn. For 1*49 J. E. Oland, Norwa’’
* folowing appointments of officials Arrow of the 1911 model for some also interceded the County Court for
will amount to about 50 per cent, a
the first draft Coos county will not <476 Geo I'. Cox. Parkersburg
the ensuing year: W. J. Sweet, city time, left for Roseburg the first of the mill interests
-econd list of 21 will tn all prob-
be called upon to furnish any men, 1'80 AndT v J. Cornwall, North B. treasurer; J. S. Sawyer, city engineer
At tlie meeting held Friday ft was
the week. While going up a steep
as its quota has been filled by volun­ 1292 Boy«l Bruner, Riverton
Ito draw no salary except when ac­ grade this side of Camas valley he tentatively agreed not to start any iblllty be called to furnish the bal-
teer enlistments. But for the second 972 H. H. Holverstott, McKinley
tually employed!; F A. Holman, tried to shift from second down to new projects and adopt the policy of ince after the first list is exhausted
draft this county will probably be 983 Marion L. Custer, Sumner
marshal; David Morgan, water bail­ i low gear, but the gears didn’t catch retrenchment wherever possible Only The second 21 are;
5 Clemmle Atkinson. Denmark
required to furnish 200 or more. It 757 Clifford G. McKay, Marshfield iff; R. P. Hunt, night watchman. The
rnd neither did his brakes when he Judge AVatson was present and the
5 4 Henry Calvin Cooper. Brookings
is estimated by government officials 966 Thos. L. Ward. Marshfield
council approved the appointments.
started back. The car ran down the action will ho up for approval by 269 L. Tolman. Brookings
that about 50 per cent of the register­ 868 Lois T. Lindberg, Marshfield
City Salaries Again
grade backwards for about 60 feet County Commissioners Armstrong
72 Geo. L Edwards, Langiota
ed men will be exempt, therefore if 332 Iris A. Elrod, North Bend
Following a decision to increase and was gaining speed all the time and Philip at the August session.
113 T G. George, Brookings
Coos county is to furnish, say 211, 379 William L. Bunnell, Eastside tlie water bailiff's salary from $70
To learn the facts regarding the
the county exemption board will call 1560 Eugene A. Schroeder, Coquille to $75 per month, the question of when Gorman swung It towards the desertions from mills and lumber 128 Floyd .1 Huntley, Gold Beach
hill. It climbed a big rock pile and
II FI. Geo. Andrew. Brookings
on the first 422 to appear for exam­ 542 Chas A. Williams, Marshfield again placing the salary ordinance in
tipped over falling seven or eight camps a poll of the workingmen en
6 Tho». R Alexander. Sheridan
force was raised by Councilman F. J. feet down Into the road. It landed gaged on the road works has been
1324 Joshua P. Jennings. Bandon
93 James Fdward Fielder. Harbor
Space does not permit the publica­ 604 Melvin Leroy Shankland. Mfld Chatburn, After some discussion it on the side, spilling the occupants out authorized and is now being taken
103 Harry W. Gauntlett, Gold Beach
tion of all registered men in the
was voted to do so. Under this ordi- among the rocks. Gorman had his About 500 men ar«i engaged in the I 154
43 Hugo D. Benson. Templeton
R A Keiser, Harbor
county in the order that they appear 194 Ernest R. Wittick. N. Bend nance the recorder receives a total of leg fractured, his wife and little road work.
Roadmaster Murdock
51 Jas. D. Campbell. Brookings
as subject to call, but the following 874 Chas. Mattier, Marshfield
$ 100 per month, and the couucilruen ion were severely bruised about the says few were formerly employed in
30 Arthur J. Bailey, Gold Peach
list contains 4 83 which includes prob­ 552 E. Borgis, Marshfield
again draw their monthly stipend.
head and his father-in-law. Geo Wil lumbering or logging
199 Chas H. Miller, Brookings
ably all that would be called on the 1300 V H. Douthwaite, Riverton
To Stamp Out Diseases
It is reported that owing to its
Its, was also badly hurt, The car
25 Claude C Bentley, Brookings
second draft, unless the exemptions 1673 E. S. Dement. Myrtle Point
Mayor Topping reported he was was badly broken u p and Gormon urgency the road from Bandon south 122
Chas J. Haageneen. Denmark
should exceed the estimated 50 per 1887 William Neil, Powers
working with the county health de­ sold the remains on the spot for may be made an exception to the re­ 2 22
John Peterson, Brookings
partment, in making a determined : *175. 8. G. Whitsett who had passed trenchment plan But on the smaller 297 John H Zumwalt, Port Orford
298 Thos. C. Macy, North Bend
effort to stamp out til i-pidemlc of -the party previously on the way to contracts it will suit the contractors 121 Geo. Wm. Hendrix, Smith River
258 John Henry Sutton, North Bend 675 Clyde R. Dindinger. Mfld.
measles and whooping couuh prevrd Roseburg was called hack to haul better to work less men aud take 321 Peter Francis Pidaucet. Br'klng*
1769 Walter J. Bennett. Portland
458 Elva Granby, Marshfield
1436 Fred. Jackson Harvey, Bandon 1294 Elmer H. Berryhill, Riverton ent in this co'’'r.u,rly. Parties '•«« them in Mr. Willis continued on Ills more time.
292 i H Unlcan, Port Orford
ing the measles are being quaran journey to Oakland but the rest re­
1148 Geo. C. Howard. Gravel Ford
854 Joseph Hennesev, Marshfield
90 Leo. Fry, Mariai
fined, and people whose children mained at Roseburg and may return
1647 Orville A. Knii;lit. M I'
1894 Will J. Patana. Powers
If after the second list Is exhausted
have whooping cough admonished to <o Bandon.
1354 Lentner E. Gallier, Bandon
1878 Claude F. Mullen, Powers
the draft of 21 is not complete, a
take every effort to prevent spread
1907 Wm. G. Ross, Powers
1095 Jas. F. Boyle, Coquille
Relays Carry Harold third ll»t of 21 v ill be called for ex
of the disease.
At least one death
343 John McNabb, North Bend
1455 Ernest E. Hughes, Bandon
amination, etc . until 21 eligible men
Htret« her H Mlles.
1613 Andrew R. Ochltree, Brdbnt. in the community was due to a com­
783 Ernest Edwin Hill, Empire
are secured
bination of whooping cough and t'ounty Co’nnissioner's Hon ami L<>< <1
982 Paul W. Crooks, Sumner
1813 Ira Gerves, Powers
measles, and the authorities feel that
Young W «unau We«l«le<1.
1858 Charles Henry Liggett, Powers 726 Geo. M. Carr. Mfld.
Harold Stutsman was brought to
the diseases must be stamped out.
15 Jake Martinson. Lakeside
1752 Chas. C. Briggs, Powers
the Houston hospital last Thursday
905 Bert Wood. Vancouver, Wn.
1117 Geo. Bano Glenn, McKinley
To Give Asphaltum a Trial
Miss Grace Gibson, daughter of from tlie New York Underwriters
933 Oscar E. Carlson, Marshfield
1572 Warren C. Foster, Bandon
Along lines of recent suggestions Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Gibson of this Syndicate mining property on upper >|sal>le<| Steamer Pulid From Reef
at Blanco I» Now at 'Frisco.
1531 Geo. E. Hammack. Coq.
1748 Wm. Benham, Powers
for preserving tlie planking on First city, and Percy Philip, eldest son of Sixes river Ho has been under Dr
1288 Jas. R. Weidner, Coquille
837 Herman L. Dean, Millington
street, tlie council Instructed Marshal County Commissioner and Mrs. Ar­ Houston's care and is now much Ini
452 John N. Detnols, Marshfield
The disabled steamer, Sinaloa,
337 Emil Helseth, North Bend
F. A. Holman to apply sev«<ral square chie Philip, were married at Coquille proved. His condition while at tlie
365 Chester L. Isaccson. Mfld
676 Chas. Davis, Marshfield
<ards of asphaltum along First street at 4 p. m. Saturday, Rev. H. M. Law, camp was very critical and he had to which last week was pulled from the
275 John Chester Bullard, North B. 1843 M. Imbactaro, Powers
to test out tlie value of the preser­ officiating
They left immediately be rushed out as quickly as possible Capo Blanco reef Into deep water by
530 Ture Stora, Marshfield
509 Verlin Parer, Marshfield
vative. If the asphaltum is found for Lakeside and after a few days ('. C. Inman, who accompanied him Captain Curtis' wrecking crew, was
809 Percival H. McDonald, Mfld. to meet the requirements, a move­ visit with the parents of the groom here, states that it took ten men. due In Han Francisco last evening
1185 W. Lester Ames, Coquille
1114 Toua Robbto. Dora
564 Phil S. Emery, Marshfield
ment will be launched to cover the went to Portland.
working In relays, to carry the young She was first taken to Port Orford
1432 Edw. Ingleman, Bandon
945 Ray D. Haden, Marshfield
entire street with the material
The bride is a popular member of man out over the trail to the road where temporary repairs were made
1727 Chas. A. Knight, Bridge
1913 Wm. B. Sullivan. Powers
Holman will also install some senia the younger social set of this city and where they could be met with an by divers and on Monday morning
981 Rusoell Sage. McKinley
596 Edw. J. Roberts, Marshfield
pliores at the various intersections, is a graduate of the local high school. automobile. An improvised stretcher left that port tn tow of a large tug
1570 Winfield S. Davis, Bandon
1267 Owen H. Knowlton, Coquille
directing the traffic from tlie center The groom is a hustling young man wan made of long poles on which he for San Francisco where she will go
1868 Virgil L. McCollum. Powers
536 Ira Tripp, Marshfield
of the street to the outer sides »her«- well known throughout tlie county, was carried a distance of eight miles on dry dock.
1509 J. C. Braner. Norway
R. C. Ostrander, who was here
1495 Geo. B. Allen, Lampa
the planking is better preserved having conducted anto stag«* llti«n be­ through the mountains and down
548 Richard Anderson, Marshfield 1211 J. Jacobsen, Coquille
The heavy traffic, instinctively fol­ tween Bandon au«i Marshfield He is Sixes river, it was necessary to ford from Port Orford Tuesday, stated
525 John Lavas, Marshfield
126 Harry Johnson. Coos River
lowing the middle of the street , has now employed by the Southern I'acif the river six linos and at aonic places that the vessel was leaking at tho
1417 Jas. A. Nygren, Bandon
stern and that a gasoline power pump
1237 Nick Randall, Coquille
worn the planking almost away, tc, having charge of a round house where the *nrrent was very swift.
had been Installed to keep the stern
1574 Albert L. Gulstrom. Langlois Thoughtfulness of motorists ami at Timber. Ore , where they will
784 John Arthur Hunter. Empire
1470 Grover C. Wilson. Bandon
Ed Lindberg, the Port
hold bailed
1732 Clarence W. Myers, Bridge
teamsters in driving along the sides make their home. He tried to join i
Salmon Season Opens Hrie
Orford garage man. shipped with the
755 Harry B. Lewellen, Marshfield 645 Fred T. Monett, Marshfield
of the street in the future will aid the engineering regiment which is to
218 Walter J. Fallander. N. B.
107 Anton A. Outinen, Allegany
in keeping up the thoroughfare.
bo sent to France but the govern­ Prosper Sunday and is getting his vessel in charge of the pumping ap
Bandon 620 Peter R. Bue, Marshfield
1369 Harold W. Quigley,
Other street repairs were discus­ ment would not take him from his salmon cannery in shape for the sea paratus The crew expected the trip
1334 Albert H. Niles. Bullards
616 Royer L Avery, Marshfield
sed and left in the hands of the present post with the railroad, as son's run III b crew of Chinamen will to take three days, Another tug took
550 Tho». T. Bennett. Marshfield
the wrecking barge in tow for Ban
373 C. E. Cunningham. Cooston
street and bridge committee, com railroad men are considered Import be h«<re In a f«<w day
The season
1676 Harry M. Fensler, Myrtle Point 1611 I-ester O. Norton. Sumner
posed of Messrs. Perry. Nielson and ant in present positions during the is open and fislicrnii'n have beon out Francisco at the same time It is re
574 Geo. C. Gettings. Marshfield
1266 Frederick G. Jennings. Coq
| i off and on for several days but with porled that one of the large sncliors
'isi-d in pulling the vessel off » as lost
31 Benj. IL Sanford, Lakeside
1891 Robert Ochltree. Powers
Drinking Fountains InMalled
little success. The run proper ha in the operation when the line snap­
1817 Lee Gurber. Powers
775 Carl August Beck, Empire
It was reported that the drinking
not yet started, but more salmon are
770 Rudolph Scerych, Marshfield
486 Eric Kauvo, Marshfield
A shipment of about a hundred looked for this year than for several ped and has not yet been recovered.
fountains had arrived and a com-
692 Robt. H. Lang. Marshfield
mittee of the mayor, water bailiff Curry county hogs will be made from years back.
677 T. O. Demulakis, Mashfield
A Most Ex cel lent Program
600 Tom C. Smith. Marshfield
and Councilman F. 8 Perry, was ap­ Bandon Saturday of this week They
749 C. M Hamlin. Marshfield
The patriotic meeting of Knights
810 Allen Nickolls. Marshfield
pointed to see to their installation are now being hauled in, three loads
760 G. H. Mace, Marshfield
of Pythias, held at the local lodge
1539 Lloyd T. Jarvis, Bancroft
The two fountains were reported to having arrived this morning
Dr. Fred Covell, chiropractor, has hall Monday night, was an unquall
183 O. I Martin. North Bend
1682 Otto W. Magill. Marshfield
R. E.
have cost about $45 each, which 1« were brought in by
rented the Dyer building oppoeite the
56 Victor C. Enlund, Hauser
507 R. K. Parrish, Marshfield
paid out of the sums left by the late I Ralph Bunn and H H. Hansen, all of Galller Hotel and shortly after the fled success The program arranged
309 Wm. A. Shepherd, North B
The shipment first of the month will open the Ban by C. F. Pape was given A much en
Col. Coach. and a fund in hands of the Langlois section
1956 C. Zimmerman. Powers
437 Robt. Baptist. Marshfield
Col R. H. Rosa. The city will pay goes to J E Ford of Marshfield, who don sanitarium. He Intends to In joyed piano selection by Ralph Moore
1054 Frank H. Wilson, Beaver Hill
1763 Erwin J. Brolliar. Marshfield
for making and installing a wooden paid the producers 13 cents a pound stall hydro therapy, thermo therapy, and bast viol solo by Otto Neuman,
1275 Nathan Nieman. Coquille
1548 Frank A Nelson. Norway
horse trough at the public hitching live weight delivered at the local electro therapy and chiropractic, and accompanied by Ousa D. Gross, pre
711 Roswell F. Whitman, Mfld
1264 C. D. Hudson, Coquille
wharf. That Is considered the high­ will also give suggestions In diet He ceded the main address of the »ve
1022 Edw. H Harris, Delmar
1066 Wm. D. Kay, Beaver Hill
The report of City Treasurer Lowe est price ever paid in this part of the will be assisted by a nurse and at nlng by T. T. Bennett of Marshfield
841 John G Eckhlad, Marshfield
Mr Bennet spoke at length alonr
924 Earl W. Simmons, Marshfield
and the recorder’» report were heard country for porkers and Is about tendant.
«38 John E. Lyons. Marshfield
lines and carried his audi­
420 Henry Johnson. Marshfield
and approved as read.
ence’s attention to the last word. Oth­
1014 Lloyd F. Cambest. Marshfield 1032 Wm. M Shell. Delmar
ed last year at this time.
«23 Geo. F. Clinton. Marshfield
er speaker» were Edgar McDaniel of
< on«Utiona Serio-is in N'irth
1178 John Nelson Kerrigan, Coq.
Rev E. F. Omann of the A mth North Bend. J. W. Mast of Bandon.
514 J Wm. Richardson. Marshfield 269 R F ■Thompson, North Bend DRINKING FOI NTAIN INSTALLED
Butterfat Brings WO < rat»
«85 Geo. W. Haines. Marshfield
Methodist church returned the fore­ r B Z»ek and Mr Osborne
433 Benj. F. Wyant. Marshfield
E Cope, manager of the Lang- part of the week from a two week»' C F Pape rendered a reading, "The
1329 John McLeod, Bandon
341 Charles W. Moore, North Bend line New Sanitary Convenience* Iola Dairy Product» Company, who trip to Washington and north« rn Cheerful Host«»».'' and rtwpendod
10 Cha» W. Johnson. Marshfield
Grace City'» Bustneaa Section.
was in the rfty today stated that hl* Idaho points. He delivered several with an encore. About sevsntyflv»
1007 Seth E. Selander. Sumner
1045 Elli» Hagstrom. Leneve
tor April paid <0 centa for Y M ('. A addretuie» and solemnized were present.
1031 Steve Steward. Delmar
391 Carl Silversteen, Eastside
one marriage while gone.
Bandon now has two fine new sani­ butterfat.
1705 Milton Ed. Hoffman. M p
1364 Alvin Munck, Bandon
Omann says that Portland is alive
tary drinking fountains. They were
1331 Cha». McPoil, Prosper
353 J Rosa Thomas. North Bend
with the military spirit but at Spo­ «
< ertalnly a Big Egg
1685 Herman G. Prey. Myrtle Point
ln»taii«-d this week, one between the
970 Thos. H Benham. McKinley
K. P. building and the Ellingson
48? Gus Klanette, Marshfield
Mr» J D Mitchell ha» the cham- kane there Is practically no military
«37 J. L. Kyle, Alexander. Tenn
1282 Earl L. Shroeder. Coquille
building, and another in front of the pion hen in the county. At least »he evidence, save a large Red Cross
1709 Sylvester H Neidelgh. M Point Rasmussen property. They are white ought to have that distinction, for banner Very few flag» are »een He
Tho»e who favored ua during the
1323 Harold Green, Bullards
354 Carl E Abramson. Marshfield enameled and very attractive as well one of her black mlnorcas thia week saya that the I W AV element thru past week are
1847 Leland S Johns. Powers
112 Lester Saling. Allegany
a» convenient
Purchase was made produced an egg that measured 4 2-4 »trikes has caused practically sll
797 Peter Tellgen. Empire
M Nordstrom Bandon
1047 D. H Norman. Beaver Hill
140 Lloyd E. Lacky. Empire
through the Bandon Hardware com­ inche» tn circumference the »mail large Industrie» In that part of Wash­
Roy Roseli*. Marshfield
pany by a committee o< th* New Era way and 8 1-2 Inches In circumfer­ ington and In northern Idaho to »hut
153« Carl L. Jensen, Tillamook, Ore
Mr» J L Conger. Lo» Angele«
479 Geo. H. Higginbotham. Mfld
Club and a committee of the fltv ence the long way
1922 Halbert R. Eegur. Tracy. Minn
With that site down and conditions are getting very
w F Perry. Bandon
805 John Harris. Marshfield
The funds were obtained eggs the price could well go up a serious there Mr Omann baa not yet
1723 Jos Paul Evernden. Bridge
E M Neal, Dandon
jthrough donations for the purpose a dime or two a dozen without hardship accepted a pastorate for the ensuing
Victor Backlund. Bandon
1779 Wm. Clark. Powers
(Coatln ied cn Last Page)
123« Paul B Henning. Coquille
number of years ago.
year, but baa several places tn view.
D. P. Jenkins, Bandon.
on the consumer