Western world. (Bandon, Coos County, Or.) 1912-1983, July 12, 1917, Image 3

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She Derived Wonderful Benefit
Weak overworked or deranged kid­
neys permit impurities to remain in
the system and cause rheumatic
pains, backache, pain in »idee, stiff
and sore joints and muscles. Mrs. A.
|G. Wells, Rocky Mount. N C . writes
1 cannot praise Foley Kidney pills
enough for the wonderful benefit I
derived by their use. ’ Sold every­
Recently I went up to Parkersburg
to attend a farmers picnic.
Graves and Prof. Simms of O. A. U.
were there, also Mr. J. M Dixon, a
prominent Jersey breeder. Dr. Simms
spoke on abortion in cattle, the dis­
ease that has busted more dairymen I
than has tuberculosis.
Last day for season tickets
ioned way. A few extra sticks of
dynamite at sunrise made the old hill
ring. A rousing big picnic in the
grand old orcl^rd at the DeLong
ranch, abundance of good things to
—oranges, pink lemonade and
candy for the kids; music and danc­
ing. With very few exceptions the
whole valley was represented; and
everyone had a joyous time close at
home Four Mile is alive when there
are big things to do.
G. W. Johnson and two
Berkeley. Cal., are spending
weeks on Upper Four Mile
Johnson is the man *ho purchased
the Spaulding place about two year.-
ago. this being his first visit to the
property. They will return to Cali­
" ill. Weymer and family of Grants fornia about the middle of the month.
Pass ar- visiting relatives at Four
Mlle They came over In their new
Maxw ell.
On my way to the picnic 1 dropped
in the bank and asked for a loan of
♦ ¡>0 for sixty days. The gentleman
in the cage pointed his cigar at the
ceiling and asked me if I had any
money borrowed at the other bank
I told him I had; lots of it. Then
he pointed his finger at my eye and
said. "Well you better confiue your
Wm. Doyle spent a few days pros
borrowing to one bank; get me?”
And I said, “I get you.” And he ! peeling on Four Mile creek.
said. "Then get with you”; and 1 got. i made bis headquarters at the De-
(By Ingleside.)
After I went out he told his assist­ Long ranch.
and dairymen
ant that he had an idea that I was
Mr. and MrB Hughs of Two Mik
on my way to New York to buy a «■re Sunday visitors at the Fred busy making hay "while the
calf or a suckling pig.
Miller home.
Young Marsters from Port Orford
It is not too late in the season to
Mr. and Mrs. Burke Willoughby
get a start of Barred
Plymouth the Misses Kate and Connie Will got his arm broken in a runaway.
Rocks. Eggs, $1 for 15. Chicks are oughby and T.' A. Brack of Hall while working for Mr. Bowman on
He was brought to
easier to raise now than In the creek spent the Fourth at Four Mile Floras creek.
Langlois and attended by Dr
Miss Beatrice Porteous
who Is Schuildt.
He is improving rapidly.
teaching school near Coquille, spent
a very quiet little vll
the week of the Fourth visiting hei
lag? on the Fourth, as the majority
Mrs. Nelson Brown returned to her
of the people celebrated elsewhere.
home at North Bend Saturday eve­ teaching in the DeLong district.
John Thorhaven now drives
ning alter a few days visit with local
Brant Taylor and family togethei
friends. Mr. Brown is employed in with Mr. and Mrs. Hoy tones ar* new Dodge automobile.
the shipyard at North Bend
taking an auto tour through Humbol
L. W Hale, our progressive road
and Mendocino counties of califor supervisor, is making splendid road
nia. They expect to be gone about improvements.
keep Fit and I eel Fine
Foley Cathartic Tablets thorough­ two weeks.
G. A. Bunn, an expert cheesemaker
ly cleanse the bowels, sweeten the
S. J. Wilson has onci more packed is now' chief maker at the Langlois
stomach and arouse the liver, l or
his bed roll to the Craine * Sturte cheese factory.
indigestion, billiousness, bad breath,
vant logging camp to fell the sturdy
Lawrence Suckeau and Chas.
bleating, gas, or constipation, no
giants of the forest. Jack in a sun Wooley have each purchased a new
remedy is more highly recommended.
enough lumberjack.
Don't be careless.
See that your
bowels are regular. Keep fit. Feel
1 he glorious Fourth was celebrat
A party of autoists on the inorn-
fine. Sold everywhere.
JY ed at Four Mile in the good old fash
ng of the fifth met with a serious
accident. The steering rod had got­
ten bent and made it difficult to steer
the machine
The car struck the
railing on the east side of Floras
creek bridge, which threw the car
to the west side of the south ap­
proach, breaking the railing, leaving
lhe bridge and turning turtle. The
occupants were thrown here and
here among the brush ten or fifteen
feet below. It Is a miracle that no
one was seriously hurt.
Touring Car
$ 755 Delivered
Roadster ....
One Ton Truck . . 1000
Chandler Cars . .
Distributors Coos and Curry Counties
We can make immediate deliveries on a
limited number of cars, so order your Maxwell
now and get the benefit of the gcod weather.
Marshfield Auto Co.
Phone 257
Geo. Laifaw
Marshfield, Or
Royal Venetian Band Coming to Chautauqua
Band Which Delighted Thousand» at Newport Beach to Tour West
On July first 8. C. Sherrill took
•barge of the Langlois hotel.
Sherrill states that the house will be
un on a first class basis, and that
board without rooms is 15 25 per
week with room $7.00; first class
meals, 35c.
All the convenience of gas. No waiting for the
fire to burn up. Meals in a jiffy, and a cool
kitchen all the time.
Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts. Better cooking
because of the steady, evenly-distributed heat.
More convenient than a wood or coal stove for
all the year ‘round cooking—and more eco­
The long blue chimneys prevent all smoke and
In 1. 2. 3 and 4 burner sire«. witfe
er without ovens. Ako cabinet
models. Ask your dealer today.
J H. Upton, a pioneer resident of
Ills section, died Sunday morning,
liter several years of slcknees and
suffering. He was buried In the
Langlois cemetery at 2:30 Monday
Rev. Meyers , M. E. minister from
Port Orford conducted the funeral
services at the grave.
The grave
was well strewn with flowers, show­
ing the high esteem In which the
people held the deceased. Mr. Upton
was a member of the G. A. R. and
laim on the drum were a part of th*'
funeral ceremony. The coffin was
wrapped in a large flag; and a large
assemblage was present
(Hunt.v's Eligible*, for War Ser­
vice Are NumlM'r«-*l From One
to 111.57. Watch.
< < h < s
Bandon Hardware. Co.
Bandon Furniture Co.
Cheever & Bowman, Langlois, Ore.
Send Kodak pic­
tures back to your
folks and your friends
Take them yourself
with an EASTMAN.
We also have all the
necessary supplies.
There are just 1357 names on the
war census roll of Coos county, each
having a separate number from 1 t<
1957 inclusive.
Each county ami
each city of 30.000 population or o'
er in the United States has grouped
its eligibles In like manner
drawing will take place In Washing
ton, D. C. when a number Is drawn
all those who hold that number In
their specific groups are selected
Sufficient numbers will be drawn t-
provide enough men for the first
500,000 and the additional* needed
for the regular army and National
Guard, after all exemptions have
been made
It rests with the Indi
vldual to find out whether he ha-
been drafted. The lists will be pub
iished In the newspapers. The draft
board for Coos county consists of
Sheriff Gage. County Clerk Odd)
and County Physician Dr Richmond
The Mothers Club met at the home
of Mrs Thorne the sixth; although
so soon after the Fourtl^ there v a a
good attendance A» MrB Coates ex •
pects to leave soon, the ladies gave
her a birthday shower which was a
complete surprl-* to her. Upon ex |
amination of the gifts it «is found
that each one had given something
that was not only beautiful but would
be useful on her journey. The club
will have a picnic on Friday, July 13
»nd so the next regular meeting will
be on Friday. July 2<»th at Mrs Mary
Trumbull'a —Correapondent
A I'.ed Spring for Women
The late cold and damp spring
seems to have caused much suffering
from backache, rheumatic pains,
aches an ¿pains in sides, joint«, and
muscles, lumbago and similar all
ments. Mrs T J. Bucknell, Hardy.
Neb . writes
I am recovering from
an attack of lumbago by the aid of t
Foley Kidney pills. They surely help,
me " Sold everywhere
|' 11 L Royal Venetian Band, conduct
<•*! by Signor Joseph Lo Zito,
famous Italian Director, give-
two concerts on the fourth dHy of
Chautauqua, one of the moat lltx-ral
band contracts ever made.
Iji-t summer the Royal Venetian
Band played during the entire season
at Newport Bern h, R. I., one of the
m-at exclusive pleasure resorts In the
world The Newport Bern h Assorts
tlon says of Signor Joseph Ix> Zito and
the Royal Venetians: "They furnished
the music at thia Resort tile past sea
son to the unquestioned satisfaction of
the Association and Its patrons. Tlielr
<■< iK'erta were att* tided by latger nudl
cnees than have patronized any band
concerts heretofore gl'en at this Beach
by any organization."
Mary Adel Hays, American prtma
donna soprano of New York, has been
specially engaged ns soloist for the
evening concerts
She has been de­
scribed by “Musical America." th*»
great musical authority, aa "having a
voice of tieautlful quality, marked
technical skill, excellent style and
Straightened Him Up
goloman Bequette. Flat River, Mo .
' Two vnara ago I was down
on my back till I could hardly ao
Foley Kidney pills straightened me
right up " Rheumatic pains, aching
joinst. auro and swollen muscle« In
<llcato deranged kidneys Foley Kid­
ney I’ills get right at. the trouble and
give prompt relief.
Sold every-
I where.
The low first cost of a Ford car is not to be con­
fused with low value.
I he best manufacturing
methods, combined with the highest grade of ma­
terials and the services of specialist workmen pro­
duce a better car at a lower price, Ford cars are
built to serve and satisfy under all conditions.
A. GARFIELD, Agent, o’iX'
J. B. 8« cel Informs the Coquille
’ Sentinel that his eons. A P and W
| J. Sweet, are getting a considerable
. loan from th« Federal Farm Ixtan
i through th« Bandon organization on
¡their ranch at Lampa
One of the
uses to which they will put thia
money la the construction of half a
I tulle of ditches to dram their marshy
land. They have contracted with A
I Davis of Bandon, to do this work
I with a machine of his own in’entlon,
»hlch moves forward like a farm
tractor by Its own power but rests on
two skid like bearings twelve feat
apart between which the ditch la ex­
cavated Mr Davis has already done
an extensive job of ditching on the
I Nordstrom place below Bandon The
¡contract price for th« work on th«
Sweet ranch fa $1.000
No doubt
I loans secired on the other ranches
will be used for similar purpose# with
'he result that the area of the rich
I tillable lands of the valley *111 bo
largely increased
a •
Frank Glover, an Insurance adjust­
er. cam« over from Marshfield Mon­
day to settle the loss on the McLeod
rooming hotiae He allowed $355 on
the furniture and $675 on the b'llld-
tng A portion of the furniture was
not damaged and thia was returned
to the owner.