Result-Getting Classified Department BRITISH EXPERT CLASSIFIED RATES—One cent per word, first insertion; *4 cent per word fnr each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less. Si per month. No advertisement inserted tor less than 25 cents. All classified ads are cash with order. LOST—Between Bandon and Four Mile one jointed bamboo fishing rod and two jointed steel fishing rods. Finder leave at Bandon Grocery and receive reward. Milt.p I That Mary McLeod. Administratrix ■of the Estate of John K. McLeod. De- ; ceased, has rendered and presented for final settlement and filed in the above entitled Court her account of the administration of said estate, to­ COLLIE PUPPIES FOR SALE— gether with a report thereof, and Bred from trained cattle dogs. Ad­ i that the Honorable James Watson. dress A. Albert Eddy, Langlois, Ore­ (Judge of the above entitled Court. gon. 2t did on the 25th day of May, 1917, make an order fixing the 19th day TIE MAKERS WANTED—Wil) ¡>av of July, 1917, at the hour of 10 20c per tie for making. If inter­ o'clock A. M as the time, and the ested write me. Frank Fish. Ban­ County Courthouse at Coquille, Coos croft, Oregon. Je7 tic County, Oregon, as the place, for hearing said report and the settle- FOR SALE—Two second hand auto­ (in ent of said account, at which time mobiles, and one boat engine. En­ | and place any person interested in quire Western World. Jel4t2p I said estate may appear and file ob­ jections to said final account and FOR SALE—a number 22 I>e I.avel contest the same. separator, capacity 1150 lbs. an Dated May 26th, 1917. hour; guaranteed good as new. Ad- MARY MeUBOD, dresa Jeff C. French Port Orford. Administratrix of th» Estate of Oregon. M24tfc John K. McLeod. Deceased. Date of first publication May 31. FOR SALE—1 fresh cow, 6 heifers. 1917. 1 single harness, 1 plow and 1 Date of last publication July 28, harrow. W. P. Laws, Four Mile. Bx. 1917. 25, (Bandon). je21 28p ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE FOR SALE—4-room house on corner lot 132x132; $100 down, $10 a NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN: month; furnished. Inquire at this That the undersigned was duly ap­ office. 2tp pointed by the County Court of Coos County, Oregon, as administratrix of FOR RENT—Furnished hotel Ad­ the estate of George H. Bethel, de­ dress Geo. Bennett, Bx. 85. Lang­ ceased, and has duly qualified, and lois. Oregon. jc21 2 8 jy.’x- letters issued. Therefore all per­ FOR SALE—Six cylinder Chalmers sons having claims against said es­ auto at $450. See Geo P. Laird. tate, are hereby notified to present Bandon. je21tfc the same, duly verified at the office of C. R. Wade, in Bandon, Coos WANTED—Furnished house to rent County, Oregon, within six months Inquire Western World. It from the date of the last publication jf this notice, to-wit On or before WANTED—Wool at 55c a pound and the 21st day of December, 1917. cascara bark at 6 cents a pound Dated at Bandon. Oregon. May Oliver Waldvogel, Phone 501X, Ban­ 24th, 1917. don. je28t4 ELIZABETH BETHEL. Administratrix. FOR SALE or EXCHANGE for Ban M24 31 Je7 14 21 don property—4 lots and largt well-built bungalow; fireplace, dutch IN THE ClRCl IT < 1» It I' "I I III kitchen, porches, grand view, $1500 STATE <>l ORBGON IN AND Also bargain unimproved land; 30 FOR THE COUNTY OF acres. Box 121, Nehalem. Ore . jyl2p C O O 8. FOR SALE—Good work team, set Lillie M. Prewett, harness and complete camp wag Plaintiff, on. W. A. Harris, at entrance to vs. Ball park. je28t2p. Ira ('. Zeh and Olive A ) St MMONS » ) 1 Zeli. Ills wife, and the 1 TRESPASS NOTICE City of Bandon, a Muni­ ) NOTICE is hereby given that trespas­ cipal Corporation. ) sing in any form is prohibited on Defendants. ) my premises at Two Mile. Chris To IR \ (’. ZEH. one of the Defend- Richert. J18tt nits above named : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE All persons are hereby warned that OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ hunting and fishing or tresspassing In quired to appear and answer the any form is strictly forbidden on the complaint of the plaintiff in the premises known as the McClellan above entitled court and cause on or before the last day of the date pre- | New Lake ranch. scribed in the order for publication POMEROY & GUERIN, O19tf. Langlois, Ore. of said summons, and that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint | WANTED—We pay cash for empty on or before said last day of the time gunny sacks.—Dippel A Wolver­ prescribed in said order plaintiff will ton. MrSOtf apply to the court for the relief de manded in her complaint aforesaid, and will take judgment against you NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION therefor, a succinct statement of OKIOH (and! OI1OO1 which said relief demanded in said Department of the Interior, I'. S. complaint Is as follows, to-wit Judgment against you and Olive' Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon. Zeh jointly and severally and against May 31, 1917. NOTICE is hereby given that certain mortgaged premises described George A. McMullen, of Bandon. Ore­ as follows: All of Lots five ( ■’• > and | gon. who. on September 13, 1912. six (6) in Block two (2) Bell View made Homestead entry serial No. Addition to the City of Bandon, Coos 08308, for the W% SW‘i sec. 2 and County, Oregon. In the sum of Six t $«50.00) Dollars NW *4 NW *4 Sec. 11. and also made Hundred Fifty principal, together with Interest additional homestead entry serial No. 011001 on May 1, 1917, tor the NB% thereon from and after the 5th day NE*4, Section 10. all in Township of February. 1917, at the rate of 10 30 8.. Range 15 W.. Will. Meridian, per cent per annum; and for the fur has filed notice of Intention to make (her sum of One Hundred Twelve and three year final proof, to establish 75-100 ($112.75) Dollars delinquent claim to the land above described, taxes paid by plaintiff which had be- ‘ before I. N. Miller. U. 8. Commission come a lien on said mortgaged prem er, at his office at Bandon, Oregon, isea, and for the further sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars on the 11th day of July, 1917. attorney fees and for the costs and Claimant names as witnesses: disbursements of thts suit, and that a Sidney N. Croft, of Bandon. Ore. decree be made for the sale of said B. R. Taylor, of Bandon. Ore. mortgaged premises by the Sheriff of James E. Adams, of Bandon, Ore. George O. Poi>e. of Bandon, Ore. Coos County according to law and the practice of this court, and tha) W H CANON. j»7 14 21 28 jy5 Register after applying the proceeds of sale of said mortgaged premises for the uitlsfaction of said judgment, and NOTICE TO < REDITORS the overplus, if any there be, be paid nto the court to await the further NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN By Harry J. Walker, administrator order of this court, and that execu­ of the Estate of Mary E Walker. De­ tion issue against the defendants Ira ceased, to the creditors and all per­ C. Zeh and Olive Zeh for any defi­ sons having claims against the said ciency. Service of this summons is made deceased, to present such claims with the necessary vouchers, within six upon you by publication thereof in months after the publication of this the Western World, a weekly news­ notice to the said administrator, at paper of general circulation in the the law office of 1. N Miller, First state of Oregon, published in Ban National Bank Bldg., Bandon. Ore­ don. Coo« County. Oregon, pursuant to an order of the above entitled gon. for allowance or rejection Dated this 26th day of May, 1917. court dated on the 19th day of June 1917, authorizing such service upon HARRY J. WALKER, Administrator of the Estate of you by publication in said newspaper nee a week for the full period of six Mary E. Walker. Deceased Date of first publication. May 31. weeks pursuant to the laws of Ore­ gon. the date of the first publication 1917. I»ale of last publication June 28. ( being made on the 21st day of June, i 1917, and the date of the last pubi! 1917. cation being made on the 2nd day of IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE August, 1917, and you are hereby ' notified of the time prescribed in the ■TATI "• ORI GOR in \ nd FOR THE COI NT1 OF order for publication of said sum COOS. mons upon you. and on or before the last day of which ywi must make ans­ la the Matter of the Estate 1 wer shall begin to run from the day of 1 ¡of the first publication thereof John K Mclevul. De0000<><><>