Will Not Sue the Joseph Coach Estate OOOOOOO 0 ■> r. : Ruiuur Apjwurlng la Cou» Bay Time» la WlUwut Baxis uf Fad— Wunta ho VeuKeani-e. "There's absolutely no truth to It," eald Atty. Claude H. Giles, when ask­ ed eumeruing the alleged report that Mrs Q T Treadgold »»i contemplat­ ing suit against the Coach estate for damage« ar a result of the death uf her biwbaod, the late attorney, at the hands of Joe Coach. "The re­ port 1« evidently the child of an over productive Imagination," he eon eluded Mr« Treadguld affirmed the statement of her attorney. Th« following from the Coos Bey Tim»« eiplalus the ruuior Accord Ing to a report from Bandon, Mr« U T Treadgold. whose husband w.is shot and killed in Coquille a few month« ago by Joe Coach, who then committed suicide, will begin suit against Coach's estate for damages According io the report she will sue for 125,000. Mrs. Alice Coach was recently appointed administratrix of the Joe Coach «state and it is claim­ ed that it is estimated at 225,000 However, Coach was quoted as say­ ing a few days before the tragedy that he had hypothecated the last of his inheritance." GIVING THANKS this time of meeting old ftiends and kin folks— greetings, joyfulness-and the happy are you good gatherings, for thankful clothing, good shoes—and all the mod ern conveniences obtain­ able that were not at the time of the Puritans? r.vrHfhl H h M grUftoi « M*rs Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. OBITUARY ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ HIGH St IK MIL NOTES THEATRE Friday Night, Dec 1st $ 0 0 Big Mutual Masterpiece i 0 ‘Father^ Son’ 3 • ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« Tuesday morning Bishop Sumner OOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO« gave a talk tu the High school, choos­ ing for bin subject, "The Value of an Eliza J. Boice A telegram received yesterday by Education." A number of the lower grades had C. W. Boice of this city, from Salem, Oregon, waA to I lie effect hi« mother, short Thanksglving Hay programi Mrs. Eliza J Boice had died. The Wednesday afternoon. Friday afternoon the Seniors de­ body will arrive here today. Interment will he In a local ceme­ feated the other High school claasc- In a closely contested game of bask tery. ethal) The score was 38 to 22. Pioneer Resident of CoiiiinunJly The sale of rolls and coffee by the Eliza J. Boice was born October 1 1850. in the state of Missouri, and Domestic Science class was ■ siicceas died In Salem, Orogorj, November A little over ten dollar was roalized The assembly hour Wednesday was 28. 1816, being about 66 years of She was married tu Mr. Boice given over to (tin Junior class whose uro In tho Middle Western state, they members tendered the following coming to Oregon In 1877, nettling program: Plano solo, by Blanche Flam, st Langlois, where the family lias Thanksgiving Thoughts," by Ar­ s'nee made Its home. Her huHband died February 13. l!*l->, and the nold Huberly. Farce: "The Burglar": wife never recovered from the shock, Alon Thompson her mind being affected to such ex Mrs. John Burton, tent it was deemed best to send her Miss Valerie Arniby Goldie Hufford Mrs Clin« Dover Hazel Gibson to the Htate hospital at Salem, where Miss Fred Dixon Jessie Bell she could be given expert care Josephine Croza) The Boice family are nutnberod Miss Edith llront "The Wind In the Chimney," Bret among the pioneer residents of the Harte, by Gail Boak. Langlois and Bandon community, "Columbus", Joaqulu Miller, by Deceased 1« survived by several nuns ■ ml daughters, among them A . II Ivan Scofield. "Where the West Begins'*, Arthur llolce, of Langlois and C. W. Bole« of the local Coast Guard st a Chapman, Leonard Hadsall Plano solo, by Irene Breuer. tion. Farce A Thanksgiving Entangle muni”: Gladys Terrill Uladys Cailler Dolly Wakelee Orra Willard Joseph Terrill (teorica Chatburn Ted Owen Francis Bullard By CLEM The Coos County Round Table John Hurley and family returned met In Coquille Saturday, The mein FaturdaV frum Idaho, where they address of the day was Ki ven by had spent the punt month vlettiliK Prof De Cou of the t'niverslty of n latlvcs. Oregon, on the topic, "reaching of Mr and M TH Ileo I let I h left last High School Mathematic«.” Other Munday for Cimtrallu. \\ aidiington. numbers on the progiatu i were where they will spend the winter Teachers' Pension«." by I So perIn A. C. Adams has purchased a span tendent R. E Baker; "School Rec- of colt« from Waldvogrl Bros They ords." by Prin Morrison of Marsh «re 3 and < years eld, black In color field, My Experience In the Philip »nd well matched. Art says lie In­ pine Schoo)«," by I’rln Ralston of tend« to f«rm some next season North Beud The Davis’ dredger has lust finish ed • half mile ditch on the II P Thimble club Kntertalnrsl Clausen ranch Thia ditch will re Tho Ladles' Thimble Club w » h on claim about 20 ares of rich bottom tertalned at Mr« Walter ranter's Inst land which has heretofore been Thursday, five hundred being the worthless to tlie owner This haw amusement First prize was won by been rather an expensive piece of Mrs Palsy Grose, a beautiful table work as the ditch was dug through runner, second by Mrs Clara Brown, some of the hiavloM timber In the n lovely yoke, and Mrs Johnson re country, hut Huns han the progrwa ccfvoil the consolation prtie Those she spirit and is building one of the present were Moadames John John best ranch«« In the valley eon, Frank llolman, l.ela Adam«, 8 N Croft marketed the finest Mary Blundell. Chrla Rasmussen. bin h of ThankHglvIng turkeys that Daisy Gross. Herman. Dippel, Perry this locality has ever produced There Jones, Barrows, Erdman. Lewin. wit« about 30 In number, all big, Gibson Voge, Robinson. Brown. •leek, fat fellow« The City Market Harrington. Nygren, Fassbender. was the fortunate purchaser. Mr. Panter and Tucker. The first aev Croft delivered the turkey« last an were Invltad guests Refresh M nday ments of ice cream, cake and coffee Deputy Game Warden Thomas were served It being Mrs Panter s 1» >d IhroiiKh Four Mlle Saturday, birthday party, she received the us i last, enroute to the Marshall place In al amount of aprons —frees Correa Curry eounty Mr Thomas and hi» pondent. brother have purchased the absolute bunting privileges on th« big estate. I'OR RENT Two room furnlah«*d Which Includes some of the l'est duck Hat. light and water Includevi. , hiintluK in Oregon They have por­ Ill -.0 per month Timmons build- clia«cd a quantity of » heat to sow ill Ing n23tf ths lake« and ponds Xo Ituubt Its'ut This Foley Cathartic Tablets sre lui* a plain, honest, old fashioned physic Thev art promptly and effectively In the bowls without pain, griping nr nausea They keep the stomach swret. ths liver active, and the bowls regular Thev banish biliousness, sick headaches, sour stomach. Indices tion Sold everywhere OUR NATIONAL VAUDEVILLE an animated cartoon by Harry Dalmer 0 PICTURESQUE VIEWS OF TAMPA, FLORIDA A romance which started two year« ago on Sixes river, culminated In Portland » few days ago when W It. McPhlllamwy of Sixes river ami Miss Frances Veil of tho Roue City The hap warn united In marriage py couple were In Bandon thin week on their way to Fixes river where the groom has a fine ranch home. Two years ago Miss Veil was se lected by the Sixes river school board She ■ as Instructor for the school, met Mr. McPhlllamey and Cupid I took a hand. The romance bios-■ somed. culminating In the recent trip | of the groom to Portland, and the , marriage. ¡ "Where Are My Children,” the ! big masterpiece of the film world, which ha« attracted writeups and comment« in the magazines of late, will be at the Grand next Wednee- day night. 11 0 in 5 acta with Henry E. Dixey, Broadway’s favorite comedian, supported by Mabel Montgomery, Millicent, Evans, Gladden, James and a strong supporting company. Helmut Teacher and Curry Randier Prindpale In Pretty Romance. Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx and Styleplus Clothes •oooooooooooooooo^ ORPHEUM V Coming Sunday Night Mutual Masterpiece with Gertrude Robinson and Alexander Gaden in the big photoplay “The Quality of Faith” in 5 acts <> DREAMLAND ORCHESTRA OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO C>OOOOOOOOO< OOOOOOOOO OOOOOO <>oooo oooo<><>ooooooooo<><>oor>ooooo<>ooo< ’ *7* *♦**♦* ♦Z* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦ *7* ♦«*♦«♦ *♦♦♦♦♦♦£ 1917 BUICK Announcement FOUR MILE <ß///c/t Mt/™ //>//(vn/d/x (Mt/x/w (ñ>ur:/nyCitif-//u(/p/P^ The above is an accurate photographic illustration of the Buick five passenger, six cylinder touring car Model D-45. No other motor car at any price insure, its owner as great value, dollar for dollar, as the Buick Valve-in-Head Six for nineteen-seventeen. We guarantee that there will be no change in the 1917 model and advise that orders be placed now in order to assure | | delivery. The price of the BUICK SIX, F. (). B. BANDON is „ ..... _ ....