I HAPPENINGS OF CURRY COUNTY JUBILEE VISITORS WELCOME lFrom Port Orford Tribune) ; tho application is made. Ed. Henry of Bandon, drove th« When coming in from his home­ auto truck between Port Orford and stead on Hunters creek Sunday. John his town several days last week, Melville came upon a big panther while Contractor Davidson was en- asleep under a tree. Not having a Visitors to the Coos Bay Railroad Jubilee will find the service or this company a most convenient and economical joying the Agate Carnival. gun the howl that John gave was means for communicating with their homes or placea of busi­ Miss Ena McKenzie, matron of the nearly as effective in ridding the ness while in the Coos Bay country. Emergency hospital at Bandon, was community of the varmit. for while , Telephone communication may be had with all points visiting her parents at the Sea View it did not kill the panther. It sent the Southern Oregon Coast and over the connecting lines Creamery last week and also attend­ him off badly scared. This is no of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company to all princi­ pal points on the Pacific Coast. ing the Agate Carnival. doubt the animal that has of late If you have used our Long distance you know it is satis­ Last Saturday an attendant from been destroying so many aheep on factory . if you have not used it you should do so vou will Salem passed up the coast with Jas. the Turner and Smith ranges. be pleased. G. Walker of Gold Beach, who was being taken to the state home for th«> \\ KIST \\ IK H I II(HIIKM) feeble minded, poor health for tlie past several years having undermin­ Why the Governor Didn't \ Isit Gohl COOS & CURRY TELEPHONE CO Beach Ubile ila lurry. ed his reason. Mr. Walker was one of the substantial citizens of south­ We have Just learned why the gov ern Curry, and some 12 years ago served as county sheriff. He was a »mor did not extend Ills recent visit man of unquestioned integrity and1 to the agate carnival as far as Gold courage, and the affliction that he Beach, says the lleixirter of that has now met with claims the sympa­ Place. A native of Port Orford notic­ ing that His Excellency wore a wrist thy of a host of friends At two o'clock last Wednesday aft­ watch, called him aside and whisper­ Eight Day service between Coquille River and ’Frisco ernoon Delmar Wright and Miss Eth­ ed: "I say Gov. don't go to Rogue riv- el Richard, in the presence of the rtlatlves of the two families, were I sr with that watch on your wrist, be Large Two Berth Outside State­ united in marriage by Justice M. T. "ause there might be trouble. There Wright father of tlie groom. This is a big fight on about whose watch rooms with running water. estimable young couple have grown «hows correct standard time, and the from infancy to manhood and WO- fishermen, not knowing you. might FOR FIRST CLASS Passenger Fare manhood at Port Orford, and are throw you in the river." "Then I'll not go," the Governor $10.00 among the most popular of our BANDON -eplied, and be whistled for his auto younger set. FROM (nd returned to Coes Bay. (From Gold Beach Reporter) SAN FRANCISCO New Brookings Hotel Mrs. A. 11. Gauntlett and daugh­ RESERVATIONS; J. E. Norton,Coquille The Chetco Inn. a new modern ho ters, Lottie and Estelle, left this 0 Perkins’, Myrtle Point; Hillyer’s Cigar C week for Bandon, on a visit to tel being erected at Brookings at a Store, Marshfield; E. B. Thrift, Langlois 0 friends, and will remain over to at­ cost of 350,000, will be completed tend the big Railroad Jubilee that ind formally opened at the Chetco E; &-E. T. KRUSE, owners and manag­ will occupy the people of Coos next ''ove Carnival, September 2. 3, and ers, 24 Calif. St., San Francisco. I. Jeremiah W. Lynch of California week. Now that ex.perienced miners are; lias been engaged as manager. AGENT g Investigating the mines in the Lobs­ BANDON X ter creek country, we believe that a l ine Samples of (■old anil Chrome J. R. Smith, who last year created K>OOO <.'►00000000000000000000000000000x9 thorough examination of that sec­ tion will prove that paying mines will i great deal of excitement by his gold be discovered and developed. Where Recoveries in Curry county, is here nuggets weighing from one dollar to igaln with larger and better sample^ three ounces are picked up, there if gold than ever. He Is not saying OFFICERS ANI) DIRECTORS: nucli but has his pockets full of the must be more of the yellow stuff. J. L. K ronenberg . President F. J. F ahy , Cashier One J. M. Johnson wrote to the ’ eal yellow metal which speaks for T. P. H anly , Vice-President Oregonian asking: "Can a person in tself. He claims he hai. chrome of W. J. S weet , Assistant Cashier Oregon get both two quarts of whis­ he most valuable grade of ore ever R. H. R osa C. Y. L owe key and 24 quarts of beer the same yet found. He is on his way to San ra month," and was answered that he Francisco where he expects to inter could not. Down in Curry it would est capital in Ills mines. North Bend depend upon to which Jitney driver Harbor. Obey that impulse ami get your Ford car to­ day. There’s no valid reason why you should deny yourself the pleavnre and profitable ser­ vice the Ford gives Obey that impulse. Time is money.’ and the service of a Ford doubles the value of your time. S. S. ELIZABETH TOURING CARS ROADSTERS PEI 1VERED IN BANDON A. GARFIELD SAILS J. E. WALSTROM ■ 3 3 of Bandon h à Bank Bandon, Oregon T s THE FORUM CZThe Western World disclaims responsibility for the utterances in this column. It is presented as an open forum for discussion of public questions. The expresslonh and views advanced are those of the contributors; not the expres­ sions and views of Western World. Contributions must be accompan­ ied by the name of the writer; must be written on one side of the copy paper; and should not con­ tain more thnn 500 word*. Capital $50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $25,000.00 Drafts on the Principal Cities of the \»orld. A General Banking Business. Accountsof Individualsand Corporations Solicited. • ■ ■ ■ 0000000000000-b0000'>0<:'<'00<>00'' ♦ Central Transfer Co. QUICK, RELIABLE SERVICE AUTO TRUCKS HEADyrARTERS CENTRAL WAREHOUSE PHu.NE 142 NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Smooths Out the Wrinkles Worry causes more wrin­ kles on young faces than is traced thereon by the fin­ gers of Old Father Time. And all household duties are sources of worriment. either in the doing or in having them done The old rhyme ‘ man works from sun to — woman's work is never done," always will be thus until women de- me to banish wornment by taking advantage of the many truly labor saving and trouble abolishing household devices, which they can now obtain and use at trifling cost. The G-E Electric Flatiron is one of these. It does a week's ironing at a cost of about fifteen cents for electricity. It smooths out all ironing day troubles, also, the err w's feet and wrinkles, which -worry” punts on faces young and .air. Come in and try one. We hand s all the latest types and suss of GE Irons. Electric Supply Station J T LILLARD. H-