/ I M ARSH HOME SCENE OF SURPRISE PARTA Get a taste of the dainty crisp Fortuer Tort Orford Reoideuts \\ ere Estimated Ihuuloii H»» .1500. Marsh- field 5000. North Be nd 3500. Honor Guest« at Elk River Coquille 2000, M. l*t. 1500. Ranch Last Week. SNOWFLAKE WAFERS at the Pacific Coast Biscuit Company’s demonstration given at the SANITO GROCERY * % all day Saturday, August 12th c>ooooooooooooooooooo<»<>ooooo«>' ning a series of articles in the Sun- VHAl.MERS SIX HAS SAI ASH-I P day Oregonian on the wild flowers of ____ Oregon and it is probable that the Allen I’anter Has Acchlent Enroute plants in this locality will be the | to Coquille Hunda) Morning. A. Garfield will soon have a No. subject of future stories. 1 Model Garfield" automobile. Mr. Mrs. King and daughter, Inez. Allen Panter, driving the big Chai Garfield during his spare moments is respectively of I mers Six jitney, narrowly escaped a mother and sister "keeping his hand In" at constructing Mrs. III glass mountings furnished. Bring us your broken lenses and we will guar­ antee an exact duplicate.-—Sabr > I Bros., Bandon, Oregon It NEW DIRECTORA GIVES 1*01’1 LAITON OF COUNTY The new R. L Polk & Co. direc- One of the most enjoyable »ur- I tory of Coos county is being dis­ prise parties ever given in that sec- tion of Curry county took place at tributed. It is up to iti usual high the Marsh farm on Elk river four standard of efficiency and covers the The popula- miles from Port Orford last Thure- 'county thoroughly. — tions of the various tow us. as esti-| day. The surprise was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wilbur mated from the directory are as fol- of Marshfield who for many years lows: Allegany............ were in business at Port Orford. Al Marsh called at the Knapp ho- : Arago................. tel in the afternoon and invited Mr Bandon ............... and Mrs. Wilbur and Miss Maloney to BriAgo................ take a ride to the Marsh home In j Broadbent . . . . the early evening when the honored Bullards . . .. <> guests were ready to depart several i Coquille.............. machines loaded with friends of Mr ' Eastside ............ Wilbur arrived and It was many Empire.............. hours later when the guests departed Lakeside ... . Marshfield . . . . for their home«. There was fine music to entertain Myrtle Point . . the guests and a most excellent sup North Bend . . . per. such as can only be provided on Powers................ farm like that which is the home of Prosper ............... Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, There was ice Riverton............ cream made from the product of the Sumner.............. fine Ijerd of cows, watermelon1 Templeton ... . grown on th* place and cake« for which Mrs. Marsh is famous. The Marsh home is a beautiful one and the visitors greatly enjoyed the evening. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Shiller Hermann, Miss Floy Hermann. Mr. and Mrs. William Gillings. Mr and Mrs. F B. Tiche- nor. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Stewart, Miss Ena McKenzie. Miss Florence Mr. Kenzie. H Adolphsen. Mr. and Mrs J. W. Tyson, Mr and Mrs. N. H. Lar. son. ^lr and Mrs. Atpes Johnston. Miss Johnston, Lowell Johnston, Mrs L. Knapp, L. Knapp Jr , O. Knapp Lloyd Knapp, Mr and Mrs. Al Marsh Donald Marsh, F. H. Robinson, Fred Marsh. Beatrice Marsh, Kate Marsh Miss Maloney. Mr and Mrs. Phil Wil bur. Has Two Candidates Grape-Nuts Made of whole wheat and malted barley, this pure food supplies all the nutriment of the grains in a most easily di­ gested form. It does the heart good to see little folks enjoy Grape-Nuts and cream. “There’s a Reason” INTERSTATE (JAMES HILLED Pel Norte. Curry and Coos I mintv Ball Teams Alili Compete. Coos Bay Railroad Jubilee Wants a Bride > Good flavor and the essen­ tial nourishing elements for mental and ph) steal develop­ ment of children are found in the famous food---- Total................. l».0«5 In addition to the above there are a number of smaller communities1 listed which are not Included tn the' total California and Oregon baseball Gams will meet at Port Orford dur­ ing the Agate carnival this week and the winner will claim the champion ship of Del Norte. Curry and Coos counties. Marshfield will encounter Crescent City for two games. Friday and Saturday. It has been etght years since coast teams from the two states met. Crescent City is coming to Port Oi Peek* Into Windows on Oregon Ave ford with the best team from Del Norte county and Marfthfleld will ■me and Frightens Women. have the pick of Coos county's best Peeping Tom" lias made his men. A * appearance on Oregon avenue a’ frv various times during the past STRANGE WARSHIP IS MI T weeks, much to the annoyance ol residents. He lias been observed a* Master of Schooner Hard) Report’ Hail Off Rogue River. homes peeking it BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. six different and womer through the windows, Shellhammer, Friday. August 3rd, Captain II M Michaelson of the a daughter, Mother and child are folks, especially when obliged to b< steam schooner Hardy, reported Mon at home alone evenings, have beet getting along nicely. much frightened No material dam day that while off Rogue river a* age has been done by this peculia 2:30 a. m. Ills ship was accosted bv Individual but unless he changes hl. either a torpedo-boat destroyer or a habits he Is apt to meet with serioiu cruiser. First Mate J. Swanson said misfortune, for it Is reported real the craft had four stacks. The Hardy was proceeding north dents of that section are keeping in the face of a northwest wind their firearms handy, determined t< make It hot for him If caught within about 10 miles off shore when the war craft came up from the rear and gunshot range. hugged close enough to hall. Mate Man Frightens Girls Perhaps the same fellow who hat Swanson could not understand the been showing himself on Oregon ave hallo and asked what was wanted mis is reported having made his ap At that the craft pulled away. / As the acorn grow« to bJ the mighty oak, so children, when rightly nourished, grow to be sturdy men and women pearance in East Bandon. The oth er evening a couple of young ladiei from that part of town while return Ing home from a trip to the post of flee observed a strange man follow They hurried home and Ing them the man came on up to the house and attempted to open the door, but was unsuccessful, the girls having just turned the key in the lock. They watched his actions from an upstair1- window and it was observed the fel low loitered about the neighborhood for some time The young ladlet were the only members ' f the family at home at the time, the others hav Ing gone for a visit to neighbors. Laffaw Hells to Foster b. M. Laffaw of Foster * Laffaw proprietors of the Bandon Garage, this week completed a deal whereby he sold his interests to his partner. C. L. Foster, the latter now having full ownership. Mr. and Mrs. Laf­ faw Intend to leave about the first of September for Portland where he will probably engage in the. lumber business. Sold by Orocers. V Thomas Sacs Hunting A' III Be Retter I star In Season —Gives F»h Re­ minders to Hunters. Gama Warden I. M Thomas, who here last week enroute to bln home at North Bend, after a visit in this section of the county, stated that does and fawns are very numer­ ous hut the big bucks are keeping in the brush, lie thinks that deer hunting will be better early in Sep­ tember than when the season opens August 13th. Ho han secured five additional deputies to aid him in this territory. One has already gone to the Elk peak section and the others will go to different vicinities next week. Mr. Thomas says that there are six things for deer hunters to re- member and he lists them as fol­ lows: First, got your license Second, be careful what you shoot at. Third, tag your deer imniadlately. Fourth, keep the proof of the Identity of the deer. Fifth. don’t shoot does or fawns. Sixth, leave the dogs at home He «ays that the game wardens hope that It will not ha necessary to prosecute anyone and they ask the co-operation of the hunters tn see­ ing that the law Is compiled with. wm AA'oman'a Club Meets The Woman's Civic club will hold a reception at their club rooms cp- posile Gallier hotel on Saturdav, August the nineteenth, from two thirty until five p m. A cordial ln- vltation la extended to the public Let THIS paper be YOUR paper. Headquarters for MISS THERESA MANCIET MISS FLORA McLEOD < r K Get busy and boost for your favorite, she has a good chance to win. The one receiving the highest vote in the county becomes the bride; the highest in each town becomes a bridesmaid. Marshfield and North Bend have several times as many candidates as Bandon. Votes on Sale at Various Business Houses in city and by Candidates. Ten Votes for one cent. The funds go towards defraying the expenses of Coos County day. Remember Bandon gets her share of the benefit so let’s all do our part. Make this contest a success. COMMITTEE V * Attorneys t.iven I util August 11 tn Prepare Rricfs and Submit Their Arguments. The hearing of evidence in John Golden will contest was completed b) Judge Watson, who gave the attor neys until August 14 to submit arguments and briefs. The argu enta will be oral Mr«. Kennedy of Bandon, Golden' sister, who is contesting the will took the stand and testified that her brother had made a will in 1887 making her the principal heir but later he told her of making subse quent will«. Other witnesses in fav lor of the contestant« were Mrs E. Dyer. Mrs. Morrisey. M H i loy, Dan Ritzman, D J. Reea | Judge Hall i Besides Mrs Kennedy. G. A. Ben nett wa« called as a witness for the i contestants Mrs E. T. Wade of Pendleton, I f visiting at the home of her son. Atty. ;<• w Wade cf this city, and -ui re­ main until after the Railroad Jubi­ lee, st which time her husband will ■ join her here. The member« of the G. A. R. post and W R. C corps will hold their annual picnic at Riverton Friday. August 18th The local delegation will leave on the Telegraph at K j o’clock a m. Returning the boat 1 leaves Riverton at 4 p m ■ ¡ i | I AUTO TIRES of Quality When you get ready to re-tire don’t forget that’s our business. H'e Guurcintee Satisfaction. Bandon Garage C. L. FOSTER, Prop