County News Myrtle Point is the only city in the county which cast a majority vote against the read bonds. Their ma­ jority was 76. 1 « V * ****** * “J FORD CAR There's a reason why there are more than one million three hundred thousand Lord cars in use today, and that reason is based on the matchless service and economy of Ford cars. Universal service is the most conclusive evidence of genuine value. That is one good reason. Buy today— TOURING CARS_____ $525 ROADSTERS _______ $475 George Stephenson, head of the North Bend Mill & Lumber company returned from Portland and announc­ ed that plans for improving the plant, were practically determined upon and that the output would be increased from about 125,000 to 1'>0.000 daily. DELIVERED IN BANDON A. GARFIELD, Agent At a short meeting Jf the Nortn Bend school board Tuesday, Supt. E. L. Coe asked the hoard to adopt 3 new departments next school year. These were domestic science, manual training and music. The latter to In­ clude vocal training and instrumen­ tal work. Many Women Need Help Making the Most of June Women are as much inclined to kidney trouble as are men. but too often make the mistake of thinking that a certain amount of pain and torture is their lot and cannot be avoided. Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief from backache, pains In sides and musclos, stiff, sore, aching joints, and bladder ailments. -OR­ ANGE PHARMACY. je To enjoy the beautiful month of June to the utmost, one must be in good health. Kidneys failing to work properly cause aches and pains, rheu­ matism, lumbago, soreness, stiffness Foley Kidney Fills make kidneys ac tive and healthy and banish suffer ing and misery. Why not feel tine and fit? Be well! Be strong! —OR­ ANGE PHARMACY. je D SPEEDING UP WITH THE RAILROAD. The inauguration of train service is causing the business There are still « t on the mark«t, sold by Sabro clerk’s office in Coquille and Mr Br> «. on ea y terms If so desired. It ••hocks were drawn to cover all back Tuttle is a clerk there In the Model Sperry Flour Company MOI K <»S TO HTAHT MAKING BEER AGAIN Men in III l’erta of State Proposed Liquor Law nge—Hill Drafted. A committee comprising buttine.« men representing all section« of Ore- Z»n lias been organised to popular- Izo a movement for an amendment to the prohibit Inn I hw making it Inwf'il to manufacture within tho state mnlt- ed liquors containing not more than four per cent alcohol and to sell I lie product direct to consumer, says the Oregonian. A bill has been drafted providing for the amendment and will be placed on tho ballot at the Nor ember elo«- tlon It is announce«! mat petltloni for the required number of signa­ tures of voters will be put In clrctila tlon at once. In dlacusrlng the pro­ posed amendment. C. E. H. Wood, who represents tho general commit­ tee, said there was no intention to antagonize tho question of prohibi­ tion. but to make prohibition more practical by permitting the munuf.t lure and direct sale of beer of a Io v percentage of alcohol within th" state. He declared that Ilia pnrpo of the amendment »as to exclude an possible adjunct as an opening weitr« for restoring the open saloon. that the brewers were not back of the movement, and that It was sought to put a atrl< t regulation on the traf­ fic by holding the manufacturers of beer doubly responsible. Superior Printing Western World Cash Groery.—Coos Bay Times Only the aid of tlie Marshfield fire truck saved the city of North Bend front a disastrous conflagration Sun­ day morning, when fire broke out tn 'he second story of the Chris Grohs building and burned southward for two hours before being gotten under control The fire was slmlia.- to that in th« Marshfield hotel two w-eks ago and the flames crept from building to building through the apace between the second story celling* and the roofs making it a very dlff'cult fire to handle. All the myrtle wood within Coos county Is to be listed, this informa­ tion to be for the use of companies wishing to use the valuable wood for manufacturing purposes. Accurate figures are to be secured showing the amounts that can be obtained, and where. The authorizing of the sur­ vey has been made by the industrial committee of the Marshfield chamber of commerce, headed by Dr E Min­ gus. Several eastern piano manufac­ » turers have Inquired about the avail ability of myrtle wx»d. There are very few fan tailed pig­ eons in Oregon says Deputy Game Warden J. M. Thomas. There are a THE ÏT TNITED STATE(f§ CREAM SEPARATORggP MOST SANITARY The MECHANICAL WASHER »nd STERILIZER for quick »nd complete bowl-«leaning i* pushing the old *tyle, •low “band-washing'' method* to the back-ground. The UNITED STATES I* »be only separator adapted to meihanKal wash­ ing SOLID NICKFL SILVER u»ed only in the «kimming device of U. S.< ream Separator*. i> a metal that ru*t cannot touch. We guarantee it. With a »urface always »n »month, and with the I’. K. »kimmer so free from obstructing corner* and angle*. Nickal Silver i* remarkably ea«y to clean and, therefore, ideally sanitary. The U. S. skimming device in competed of «month, curved blade, or plate* open from center to circumference, through whch the wmhing w»>er i* forced la tremendous current. SOLID NICKEL SILVER la easy to clean anyway, but with the Mechan­ ical Waiher i* cleaned in leas than half the time of other «kimming device*. The SANITARY LINER is easily removed from the howl chamber end wa*hed with oth< No milk oooooo