(iRAlSTARK ' Attractions at Grand Theatre THE MODEL 75 FnuH'i« X. Bushman and Beverly Pa) ne in Film PriHluction of Famous Novel. OVERLAND — $615 GRAND THEATRE Dear Friend: — Ba sura to see Graustark, the splendid Essuuy produetmu in six parts. It is certainly a play with a punch, great scenes and thrilling situations. The hero offers to lay down his life for the woman he loves. The story no doubt, you have read, by Geo. Barr McCutcheon, is gripping and offers unlimited «tpportunlties to the screen artists and they have made the most of it. From the moment that Lorry meets tlie Princess until the wedding scene at the finish, the play is full of ac­ tion. thrills and romance. You want to see mid enjoy Grau­ stark. which I have arrange«! to sli '« at the Grand Tu«js«lay, April 4th. Yours cordially, W. C. SELLMER TOLEDO * r* X A real automobile—smaller, lighter and more economi­ cal to run, but with the advantages of a larger and higher-priced car. WHAT YOU GET FOR $615 You get an easily-operatiug and smoothly engaging clutch. Pedals are large, giving firm foot-hold, and are adjustable for reach. You get an irievei silile steering mechanism, avoiding back-lash at the steering wheel on bumpy reads. The steering column is firmly supported near the top, preventing vibration at tlie wheel. Local News You get pride-begetting appear­ ance—a long unbroken streamline body, witli sloping hood, one-piece cowl, full-curved, back anil crowned fenders. This car looks like and IS a real automobile. Scene from the “SOUL OF BROADWAY," Grand Theatre. Friday. Mar 31 You get comfort—the LASTING comfort of deep, soft upholstery, buoyant cantile« er rear springs, and large tires. Tlie little jolts and bumps of the road never reach you. You get convenience—electric You get a floating type rear axle, with FOVR differential gears instead of the two or three ordinarily used. Scene from GRAUSTARK, a Big Four Feature in five acts starring Francis X. Bushman — at the starling and lighting; one-man top; folding type rain-vision, ventilating windshield. You get electric control buttons on (he steering column, where yon can reach them without even leaning forward. You get 4-inch tires—larger Gian «>n other cars of this size. Tlii-s means adde«l comfort and greater tire mileage. You get demountable rims—with one extra rim. GRAND THEATRE, Tues., April 4. You get economy in operation, for in spite of its size and roominess— in spite of its rugged strength—tlie car is exceptionally light. It weighs but 21 tin 31 00. Dickey’s Red Bag Coffee . . 30c Dickey’s Him Bag Coffee . 25c There are no finer coffees for prices. n> 1b n. tlie Ml Mil EH •»Hi Hack Ext ra Rolled Oates. 45c sk Rolled Oats A Wheat, large premili m . . . 25c . . . . 15c . . . . 25c Roman M«al pkga 2 5c Corn Flakes Fine Clear Rice .. IkttiH. for »1 00 TEN CENTS I can large 16«»z. Snlder'a Soup, 10c I can lied Itlbbon Solid Pack Toma toep........................................................10c I can Sauerkraut, large.................. 10c I can Extra Quality String Beans 10c I can Dill Picklea, German Style 10c I can Aunt Jermina Molaaaea .. 10c I can Karo....................................... 10c I can Cupid Hominy................ 10c I can Bull Dog Corn........................ 10c I can Kippered Herring ..... 10c I can Yellow Free I’eachea .... 10c TWO FOR 25 CENTS i lied Itlbbon Corn .................. 25c 1 Lemon Cling Peaches .... 25c .’ Yellow Free Peaches, fine qual­ ity ........................................................... I5e 2 Pineapple, fine ripe fruit 2’c S FOR 25 CENTS I I I I can« Tomatoes, with puree . . 25« cana Good Peas ...................... 25c pkga. Seeded Raisins................... 25c Jelly glaaaea Colon Leader To­ bacco .................................................... 25c I FOR 25 CENTS I pkgH. Gloea Starch .....................25c I pkgs. Corn Starch ..................... 25c I cane of Lye.................................. 25r I Roils Toilet Paper...................... 25c SOAP AND M \HH1NG POWDER 1 pkge Baking Soda .................. 25c Crystal White Soap . . 6 liars for 25c 4 tbs. Cut Macaroni........................ 25c White Flyer Soap . . 6 tiara for 25c Top Notch Soap . . 7 tiara for 25c Mist EI.I.ANEOl H large Cake Cocoanut Toilet Soap, 5c Genuine Sorghum, 51b. pail 55c; 10 Extra Size Fine Quality Toilet Soap pound pall, 21.00, for 10c Try Our fine Bulk Syrup . . 65c Gal. Citrus Powder, large package . 20c Pickle«........................................ 55c Keg. 3 pkga. Clover Ixiaf Borax Chips 25c Preserves 1« o*. Regular 25c. now 2 Ivory Starch, as good aa celluloid, for......................................................... 35c for 5c pkg. Black berries, extra quality, regular Imported German Bluing, the beat 30c, now............................................. 20c 20c per boz. Bottle Bluing........................... 5c bottle WE CARRY ALL KINDS IN STOCK Special attention given to out of town orders. BANDON GARAGE Phone 51 . .................... DRIED 1 III IT À NT TH ?* 25« limita Clara ■runes, large Fancy Dried Penche« . . 31b for 25« . 15c 1b Apricots . . . 15c th W Hlnuts . . . “Demand the Brand’’ Foster & Laffaw Proprietor# Miss Pearl Walker arrived in tlie city the latter part of the week from Oakland. California, for a visit with her sister. Mrs. G. T. Treadgold. She came on tlie Sptvedwell via Coos Bay mid reports a very rough ocean voy- uge. C. McC. Johnson returned on the Bandon front San Francisco, where lie went a week or so ago on business connected with shingle sales. Mr. Johnson finds the shingle market good and Is now running two shifts at his mill at Prosper to handle the orders coming In. Mmiclet Bros, have installed a now wall fixture for their soda fountain. It was made at the Acme Planing mill and is a piece of art from the standpoint of workmanship and wood. The material was taken from a piece of beautiful curly fir. it is matched up perf«»ctly in every way and with a big plate glass mirror which Is to be put in the c«vnter will be as handsome as any mahogany or oak. Western World, It appears, was slightly “off'’ with regard to the new ship being built on the river j by Mr. Ellingson. According to the general impression on the street It was deduced the machinery was to be obtained on tlie Bay Tlie World I is Informed, however, such is far from tlie truth, the Bandon Iron Works having been given the con­ tract. mid that tlie Rogers foundry is making tlie rough castings, etc. i Hence It glady corrects the error of its statements. Home industry every time. APRIL PRICES C. B. Milk Quick Tire Remover G. H. Resky, Prop. Valeska Suratt in tlie Great Fox Fea­ ture De Luxe. Valeska Suratt, the most discussed woman of tlie stage or screen. Ip, as is known to tlie theatergoers the country over, tlie fashion-plate of tli& dramatic profession. Her gowns have made millions gasp by their beauty and daring as well as by their lavishness of <1 sign In making her screen del lit in "The Soul of Broad way.” the latest of tlie great William Fox pliotodramas. Miss Suratt lias outdone all her previous efforts in gowns and millinery. in all site wears 150 gowns, some daringly and uniquely simple; others are calcu­ lated to mak«> tlie feminine portion of her spectators break Into aston- ishment when they see them, It I h estimated that in tlie course of till* "Soul of Broadway," Miss Sul I al changes her garments with every 40 feet of film. A picture you will value having seen. Grand Friday, March 31st. ❖ Only a Portion of Our Phone 131 R. Anderson came down from the l.mnpa camp the forepart of the week for a visit in Bandon. He will return to the woods next week. Bandon, Oregon Right reserved to change prices lauro asaorttnent Vegetatile and without notice If market «hange« I lower Sedie in paikagea and bulk. | warrant. I