oo Coos Bay To Fete Increasing Interest Willamette Valley In the County Roads Elaborate Preparations Made for Officeis of Good Roads Association Business Men’s Excursion at Meet State Engineer and Itoad- Opeuing of Railroad. ■■uuiter Sat ui (lav. A recent issue of the Oregonian contained the following The preparations of the Chamber of Commerce to run one of the lar­ gest business men's excursions in the state's history to Marshtield when the new railroad line out of Eugene to the Coos Bay district ie completed, has aroused intense interest in that 1 district. Many men from Marshtield 1 and other cities who have been in | Portland in the past few days have visited the Chamber of Commerce to inquire Into the details and to make predictions of the «gal recaption 1 that will be given the excursionists "1 understand that the plans for the excursion now contemplate n i week to be devoted to visits to the i principal cities in the Coos Bay di:»- i trict,’’ said one man who called at i (he office of the publicity and con­ ven'd ns bureau yesterday, "and 1 can tell you that your business men are going to need all of that week to show and to enjoy the entertain nent that we will prepare.” Tom. T Bennett, chairman of the entertainment and conventions com I mlttee of the Marshtield Chamber, wrote to the Portland Chamber an­ nouncing the plan to set aside a ape- I cial Portland day. Until the engineers in charge of the construction of the Willamette Pacific railway to Coos Bay can give exact information as to the date v hen i the line will be open to traffic, the late of the trip will be undecided The Portland Chamber plans to or- ! ganize a party of at leu st 500 of the representative business men of the city for the trip in the best equipped ■ special that lias ever gone out on a i .state excursion. W. D. B. Dodson i secretary of the bureau ot trade and | commerce, who is in charge of the Portland end of the plans, has sent SERIES 17 FOUR Four Cylinder Models Touring Car, 7-Passenger • • $845 Roadster, 3-passenger ... 82a Landau-Roadster, 3-passenger - 1145 Six Cylinder Models rouring Car, 7-pa»«enger • - ICE'A Roadster, 3-pa»«enger ... 1025 Landau-Roadster, 3-passenger - 1350 Coupe, 4-passenger .... 1600 Sedan, 7-passenger • • • -1675 Limousine, 7-passenger • - • 2500 F. O. B. Detroit STUDEBAKER Detroit, Mich. South Bend, Ind. Walkerrillo, Ont. Officers of the Coos Cutiuty Good Roads association met at Coquille, Saturday, with Deputy Stale Highway Engineer E. I. Cantine and Read­ master R. B. Murdock. The purpose of the meeting was to hear the report of Mr. ("antine, who has made a thorough reconnaissance survey of the county during th” past two weeks. His report was similar to tliut given at the local meeting last week, the most Important feature being the out­ line of what he will recommend as a part of the state coast highway. This extends from the Douglas coun­ ty line on the north to North lb u 1, thence to Marshtield, to a short dis­ tance down the river from Coquille, to Bandon and on to the Curry coun­ ty line. The proposed county bond issue was not discussed but will be tak­ en up at another meeting to be held ■ his week, at which time the C irry and Coos county courts are expect­ ed to be present. The officers of the county reads organization present Saturday were: Chas. Hall, president. A. A. Balter, Bridge; C. E Hilling, Myrtle Point; G. T. Treadgold, Bandin; Chas. St. Dennis, Lakeside; A. T. Morrison, Coquille. Cannot I “raise Them Enough Many sick and tired women, with aches and pains, sore muscles and stiff joints do not know that their kidneys are out of order Mrs A G. Wells, Box 90, Route 5, Rocky Mt., N. C., writes: "I am taking Foley Kidney Pills and cannot praise them enough for the wonderful benefit I derive In such short while." Orange Pharmacy. Have you paid your subscription? a letter to Marshtield asking that the exact time for the celebration be an­ nounced as soon as possible. * r Attractions at Grand Theatre 40 horse power 7passenger X.------------------------------------------- -------------____ _______ ______ __ _ ________ _____ _________ ___________ > / A. Garfield $ AGENT COOS AND CURRY COUNTIES C'OOOO-OOOOOOOOOOOOO -, the barber business which is a whole lot. has hung a number of fine post card views up in Glen's shop window, showing the various stages of the Fi- Pacific Coast Men to Meet Federal field wreck, sea gulls, etc. Ye Scrlbus Trade Com mission. happened to be looking them over mwwwawimwwww M this week, as was also a rather pre­ Washington, D. C„ March 6—The Geo. E. Wilson, the only Ban- Morris’ goat, or as "R. M. P.” says, possessing young lady and her escort, Federal Trade Commission announc­ donian who can truthfully lay claim "his chicken.” Then Truman went and the alert ear was stung with the ed that it would gran' • hearing this week to owners it t n million to the distinction of being able to to 'Frisco and rounded up some real following dialogue: "Is that really waves splashing acres of Pacific sor ’»li.tier land, turn hand-springs with a Ford, is "transportation.” in fact it was so Oh, look at who wish to er i L. t side be­ getting his flivver car in shape for fast it all but took $300 away from over the boat, dear? .>*1 the coming summer jaunts. “Bob” him. Coming back to Bandon, and the birds, are they real gulls?” As fore the cop , ares it* forthcoming repor* is an ardent fisherman and has the winter cutting out activity on she pointed to the photos. /timber in­ Oh no, of course not. it's nothing dustry of the Unite ' ' •c»»s. Man u- taken the writer on several trips he land, he then went into water traf- will long remember with pleasu re. fic, constructing a little funny shaped but fish pasture and Jay birds! factoring interests already have been heard. hence this gentle zephyr. boat that the boys nicknamed "Tru­ I air Gets IfMMMI Lumber interests sought the In­ man's Coffin", which somebody said t t t At a meeting of the County Court vestigation of their industry soon aft­ "the devil, himself wouldn't ride in Having read about J. Ira Sidwell’s because he would surely drown.” last week it was voted to appropri­ er the organization of the commis­ roof garden, George Laird has con- ate $600 towards the Coos-Curry faJr sion. They declared their business t t t ceived of what he considers a better to be held at Myrtle Point this fall. was not as profitable as it might be, It is supposed every one has read The directors of the fair association and asked the commission to permit plan. George is agent for the new Buckingham-Biggs building and has Clem's Four Mile Smokeless, but if asked for $750. The money is to be them to combine to obtain foreign been worrying for some time about they have'nt it will do them good to used for an agricultural exhibit. trade. all that nice level space on the roof start in now. Clem is one of those Ix-t THIS paper be YOUR paper. Western World -the Quick Print. But no fellows, you know, who is continu­ which is going to waste. longer for it is rumored he is con­ ally pulling off some dry bit of hu­ templating turning it into a truck mor that in its line may be consid­ farm as soon as the early spring ered classic. But what the writer winds have covered it to a suffi­ was going to say. is that he hands out cient depth with nice clean sand from two neat ones in the Smokeless tliis Win. Candlin, the genial represen­ I tivity in ail lines of business and the the north side of the river. If he week. One is where he extends the tative of the Pacific Paper company, merchants are just now buying works it right George ought to raise sympathy of the community to Ira returned Friday from Gold Beach heavily of supplies for their a! pres­ garden truck enough to supply Ban­ Anderson, the milk-hauler, and the and other Curry county towns, where ent, somewhat depleted stocks of mer- other is the unique way in which he don, the sand on the north side be­ he had been spending a week on his I chandlse. He says considerable in- pulls off the ending paragraph. ing extremely fertile. semi-annual visit to the newspaper­ | terest is being evidenced in the po- t t t t t t men ot that section. Mr. Candlin re­ 1 litical field and that most of the com­ They are telling one on Edmund ports a successful, but rather dis­ ing candidates are already In the Rufus Truman again comes into the limelight this week, owing to the Gallier. now with the Pony Trans- agreeable trip as it rained most of i field ami are actively working for the fact he has purchased the Indian mo­ fer company. It seems Gallier had the week he was there and in travel­ i various nominations. He found the people of that see­ torcycle formerly used in exceeding an order to take a load of wood out ing about he got rather damp several tion much interested in the railroad Bandon's speed limit by the Sabro in the south part of town the other times. Although the past winter has been I building rumors which have been Brothers. And Truman say he is day when the rain was the heaviest sure going to "go some” this summer, and the mud the deepest. He got In­ an exceptionally bad one and live­ floating about for tlie past few mostly along the main traveled high­ to a particularly bad spot and the stock has suffered considerably, the months. The people recognize Cur- way between Bandon and Conlogue's wagon stuck. Ed. hopped off and people of Curry county, Mr. Candlin ry county's great need for a railroad camp. But buying a motorcycle in went in clear up to his arm pits. You says, are going ahead with a natural­ ¡and the majority are of the opinion Feed has that a great period of of hunting same, their habits, etc. The picture* are resplendent with I,lent. Homers, U. H N. Homers also nrost wonderful and beautiful out­ invented a gun which lie gives to lie door scenery, and abound in startling last to tlie Durant Iron Works, and and sensational incident* through­ which, if successful will do Pinkney out, tran»|»ortlng one In rapid fire out of his expected graft on tlie Pinkney taki« ■ucc<«Mlon from the highest snow cap­ Marsh invention. ped peaks of the Canadian Rockies, cure that tlie Homers gun is "killed'' through dense forests and over rag in making. He then misrepresents Ing rivers to the desolate barren Homers to Malsie and tier father, grounds of the sub-Arctlc prairies and though she loves the lleuioi- Unquestionably they are the most ant, she feels she must give him up. marvelous motion pictures of wild Accompanied by her mother and animal life ever photographed, and Pinkney, she goes on the Durant show tremendous skill and patience yacht for a crui*e. Tlie boat hit* a on the part of the camera men who mine, and in tlie rush to leave, Malsie accompanied the expedition. In the la trapped in the wireless room. She presentation of this unique picture sends out the 8. O. 8. The lieuten­ a little more than 5000 feet of film ant, aboard a U. 8 cruiser, arrive* la shown upon the screen, depicting hr the doomed ship is about to sink. At the Grand Theatre. Monday, a wonderous tale of the lure and fascination of big game hunting, March 13tli.