With every Styleplus Suit at *17 Mills at the Hotel St. Paul is getting you get a hat free, during our semi­ along nicely. annual sale. Hub Clothing & Shoe S. G. Whitsett was down from Ban company. It don again Sunday with a Chevrolet County AsBeosor T. J. Thrift has car, and was treating some of our withdrawn from the race for post­ town people to a ride to demonstrate master of Coquille and will again run the good qualities of that machine for the assessorship. He Is a Demo­ Several deliveries will probably be crat. made at this place. Port Orford Tribune. Mrs. J C. Shields, who has been Our cirdt of patroni io grouting. thtt ImJ ut on ¡quart. Join I A. circle CONFIDE seriously ill at the home of her Elmer Willard of Coquille was in daughter. Mrs. D. H. Jackson, is con Bandon last week visiting with his siderably better and is able to sit up father, O. R. Wllard. The elder in a chair. gentleman was recently laid up with Mr. and Mrs. A. McLeod, who re- an injury received while working on | side with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Young the engines of the Wolverine, but is on Upper Two Mile, are the parents now able to be about with the aid of a son born Saturday morning, of crutches. IN BANDON has prompted us to take steps toward the We have expansion of our business therefore taken a lease on the west room of the splendid new Biggs-Buckingham block, First street, and as soon as our new equipment arrives will prepare to give this city a meat market and cold storage plant equal to any in the southwestern part of the state. March 4th. ROYAL CLUB COFFEE WEEK I lb. special 3 lbs. n 5 lbs. Il $ .35 1.00 1.50 THE COFFEE THAT CUPS John M. Long of Lampa recently returned from Roseburg witli three ncad of Holstein cows, which he pur­ chased, and which will be added to his herd. He returned via the old Coos Bay wagon road and had to travel through considerable snow. Tell your friend who needs a new Long was In Bandon Tuesday. suit to hurry to the Hub, while the The recent heavy rains caused big sale is on. He can save a neat other freshet in the Coquille rtvei sum by making his purchase now All fresh goods, no old stock. It and in the upper reaches the water rose to considerable height, flooding I The Fifth A Grade, Eastside tlie railroad between Coquille and school, of which Miss Huntington is Myrtle Point and creating havoc I teacher, won the silver cup offered the logging camps, The water to the room making the highest ave­ again receding and will soon be rage In the monthly spelling contest. normal. Rev. C. II. Lingenfelter of the The Oregonian of last Thursday Seventh Day Adventist church re­ contained a column and a half of in­ turned the latter part of last week teresting and highly complimentary from a visit to Portland and other matter about "Bandon tlie Beauti­ points in tlie Willamette valley. ful." The article was from tlie pen Mrs Harn Olson of Coquille came ' to Bandon the first of the week to I visit with her mother, who has been ! quite seriously ill, at the Jackson home on Oregon avenue. .1 arnica ginger and lemon extract are being substituted for booze at Powers and it is said tney are produc­ ing; the desired rUHUlts. Bootleg­ ging is being investigated at that place. Our Semi-Annual Clearance sale is now on and our high grade stock of goods Is being offered at greatly re­ duced prices. Now is the time to Hub Clothing & Shoe Com­ buy. puny. il Supt. and Mrs. Howard and Prln- clpal Crites of the Coquille schools accompanied the county seat basket ball team to Bandon Friday evening to take in the game, returning on the excursion boat. S ANITO GROCERY "Home of Royal Club CoiTee” Quick bicycle delivery J. W. McKenzie of Denmark re- ceived a young Durham bull on the Elizabeth from San Francisco last week. The animal will be a valu- able addition to one of the best herds iu Curry county. of Addison T. Bennett, the veteran newspaper writer who recently visit­ ed Bandon and the surrounding towns. R. G. Coman of the U. S. Navy, ar­ rived In Bandon via Coos Bay from San Francisco Monday enroute to Cape Blanco on business for the gov­ ernment wireless station. According to Marshfield papers Mr. Coman stated while there that plans and specifications for the new wireless station on Coal Bank inlet will arrive at the Bay In a short time. It is anticipated that there will be a large attendance at the patron­ teachers' meeting to be held at the High school Friday evening of this week. A feature of the evening's program will be an address on "The Psychology of the Crowd" by Prof. E. 8. Conklin of the state university, department of philosophy. The pro­ gram commences at 8:00 o'clock. Vaney Willard returned to Ban- dun last week from Coquille, where lie hnd been working on the railroad. He was employed with tlie crew which repaired the damage dono by the pust month's flood. J. T. Sullivan, manager of the new Hub Clothing store at Marshfield, Mr. and M re. J. Marsiitieid visitors of was a Bandon visitor over Sunday, looking after the Interests of the lo- the week. Gold medals are to be offered in a al store and conferring with local declamation contest for all tlie grades Bandon shipped 940,000 feet of manager, Ted Peterson. above the fourth in the local schools, lumber during tlie Inst two weeks of The Elizabeth left Friday fur the to be held sometime in May. Com­ February. south, carrying the following passen- petition will be between the fifth and G. E. Trott, n local randier, was gers: Goo. A. Gilman, Geo. Manciet, sixth; the seventh and eighth and be­ nt Marshfield on business the fore E. W. Carpenter und Mr. and Mrs. tween the four classes of tlie High part of tlie week. John Simon. She will leave again school. The four grades will each Lonnie Hollenbeck who Is working from Bandon Saturday of this week. put up two contestants and the High school classes each one. Three med- down the coast, was in Bandon on J. A. Thorpe, one of tlie progrès als will bo awarded. business the first of the week. slve ruiidieis of the ianglols district. Prof. E. B. Kausrud received a post Mrs. S. C. Endicott and children was in Bandon purchasing supplies have been guests at the J. 8. Lyons tlie forepart of the week. He says card this week from Chas. Streib, a homo In Marshfield the past week. the ranchers of his neighborhood are former Bandon man. stating tliat he was in Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. A. Garfield, tlie Studebaker and very busy getting ready for the com­ <>n Ills honeymoon. Mr. Streib it will ing season. Ford man. was u visitor at Marsh­ be remembered was a number of field tlie latter part of the past week. Are you In need of n suit, shoes, years ago. when Geo. P. Topping had Port Engineer D. M Charleson hat, shirts, or anything In the men's the Bandon band organization at its went to Marshfield Monday to look furnishing line? If so, don't forget prime, one of tlie main musical sup­ after some work for tlie port of Coos the semi-annual clearance sale in ports. Since leaving this city Mr. now on at tlie Hub Clothing & Shoe Streib located at Napa, Cal. Bay. company store in Bandon, Greatly Boone and Alton McCue of Beaver reduced prices. Deputy Sheriff W. C. Laird arrived Hill were visiting witli friends and in Bandon with I. Rosenberg, whom Librarian Amelia Henry report« lie took in custody at Crescent City, relatives In Bandon tlie firs', of the the arrival of twenty-one new books, Cal . on complaint of the Bank of week. which were unpacked yesterday. They Bandon. Monday. They came on Rufus Truman who 1« working at have not yet been catalogued but will the Breakwater from Eureka to Coos tlie Conloguo Bros, camp near Lamps, be ready for circulation in a few­ Bay arriving there Sunday. Mr. spent tlie week end witli friends in days. A list of the books will appear Laird states that an unusuaiiy heavy Baudotk. In next week's Issue. storm was blowing Saturday night Atty. G. T. Treadgold was a county and as they passed off Rogue river Among Bandonlans registered at seat visitor Saturday, looking after tlie rain came down in sheets legal business and attending the good the Chandler at Marshfield Monday Mrs. M Ragan, mother of Mrs L. were Geo. W. Moore. Verlin Parker. roads meeting. James A. Dollar Messrs Moore and A. Langley of this city, left on the Wm. Miller of Rogue river, who Dollar have returned to Bandon and Speedwell for San Pedro, Cal . from recently sold his property on Kitch­ Mr. Parker went to Sluslaw to con­ whence she goes to Riverside for a en creek. Is visiting his daughter tinue work on the bar survey. visit with her brother, M. Morgan. near Prosper. After a visit with her brother Mrs. C. II. Hurley of the Estabrook com­ Ragan will go to Fresno for a short ( liarles Willard of Beaver HUI. Mrs. Homer came to Bandon Saturday to spend pany went to Port Orford Monday to stay with her sister, tlie week end with Ills parents, Mr. spend several days looking after the Stevans, whom It will be remember­ company's tie business tn that sec­ ed made a trip to Bandon the past and Mrs. O. R. Willard. tion. Tlie Estabrook company ex­ year during the serious illness of .Miss Etta McLeod of Coquille came pect« to do considerable shipping Mrs. Ragan. down to llandon the latter part of the from that place ths coming summer. past week for a visit with her cous­ r 8. Perry. R. E Watkins. Dr. 1. The Richert mill at Two Mile ex­ L. Scofield and Lee Perkins were in. Miss Flora Method pects to commence operations about Initiated Into the mysteries of the Tomorrow (Friday» is Salmon Day the first of April, according to Chas first degree work of the Knights of In the state of Oregon, and every Richert who was In Bandon the first Pythias lodge Monday night, They family is asked to make that a part of the week Hie product, which Is will be given the second degree work of their menu on that day. largely of Port Orford white cedar, at the regular meeting of the lodge Miss Sadie Garoutte returned the will be shipped south on the Esta­ the coming Monday evening It Is latter |>art of the week from a several brook boats. said the Knights of Pythias have been months' visit with relatives and K. 8. Tuttle, formerly of Rasmus­ taking In a number of new members friends in Southern California sen Bros. A Tuttle, returned Friday of late and that a number more will Electrician J. T Lillard received from Walla Walla. Wash . where he probably Join the organization soon. an electric ventilator on the Eliza visited several weeks with his par­ Mrs. Ledger wood has had several beth and Is busy today installing it ents. He also spant some time in lawyers busy the past few months In the Knights of Pythias hall. Portland and reports that Daddy" ¡locating some valuable copper land in Local News With the resumption of our lumber activities on a larger scale together with prospects for other still larger developments, prosperity will soon abound Adequate meat accommodations are of vital im portance to the welfare of a growing community. Since the fire we have been handicapped and un able to give the service desired, but in our new de parture we will be prepared to care for the wants of Bandon and community better than it has ever been. In making these improvements we ask the hearty co-operation of the public. A. Barrows, head filer at one of the Smith mills at Coos Bay, came to Bandon Monday to spend a few days with ills family at their home on Ninth street weBt. The snow and water caused by the recent storm has forced logging operations to cease temporarily and the mill was forced to close down for a few days. zz THE BANDON MARKET G. H. RESKY, Proprietor Douglas county, to which she has a deed but on which in some way others had been paying taxes for a num­ ber of years. The land belonged to her husband but after his death it was thought to have been sold for taxes. She has Just paid the taxes for this year at the Douglas county courthouse and expects to hold pos­ session of the land. Postoffice Inspector Fitzgerald was In Bandon Saturday, going over the records of the local office with Post­ master W. J. Sweet. While in the county Mr. Fitzgerald also took oc­ casion to look into the service that this sectin has had to contend with the past few months, in view of bet- ? t T T T *:* t *:* T T T T t t T ❖ :♦ tering conditions, It is expected that affairs will never be as bad as they have been and that as soon as the railroad is in operation mail will be received in tlie county from 12 to 18 hours sooner than at present. Tlie National Tribune. Washington. D. of March 2, contains an article by Comrade C. B. Zeek of Bandon in which he takes to account the state of New York for not properly car­ ing for its indigent widows and vet­ erans. The article is In the nature of a reply to the commander of the Brooklyn. New York, post who had appealed to the Grand Army for as­ sistance in taking care of 100 de­ pendents of that state. Mr. Zeek calls attention to the way in which the state of Oregon provides for such persons, citing the law governing such cases. To improve the golden moment of opportunity and catch the good that is within our reach is the great art of life—Samuel Johnson. Changeable Weather Brings Sickness The changeable weather of March causes coughs, colds, croup and grip­ pe. There is no such thing as a "light told"—none that a person can safely neglect. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and reliable family medicine that heals inflamed, congested air passages, stops coughs and eases breathing.—ORANGE PHARMACY. SUCCESS COMES IN CANS NOT IN CAN’TS In this case the cans are treated to a coat of enamel inside, SO THERE IS NO DANGER FROM ACID. WELLMAN SAUER KRAUT is the whitest, finest, best flavored kraut you can buy. Large No. 3 tins enameled 15c each WELLMAN DILL PICKLES—DANDIES Large No. 3 tins --.20c each enameled WELLMAN HOMING Largest, Whitest, Best Flavored Large No. 3 tins . - 15c 2 for 25c We strive to serve you pure wholesome food. I ■Ì Prompt Delivery Bungalow Grocery Phone 673