♦ V You Can Buy for Less in the Ellingson Building HERE WE GO! Introductory Special prices on Christmas merchandise at the time you need it We picked up a bargain in Cut Glass several months ago, and are willing customers should share our good fortune. Here are the specials we are offering for Friday and Saturday of this week only. Giving away prizes is a science by itself. A firm or business house has to know how to give them to the “public” to make it “satis­ factory.” The secret is—they simply can’t charge more for their goods and win out. Give the prizes absolutely free and show your appreciation. That is why we have found it "satisfactory" for the last six years—our prices are always reasonable and always the same. Christmas Suggestions at Moderate Prices HAMILTON WATCHES Movement only, $12.25 to $00.00. FIT GLASS (America’s Best) From gl.(Hl to S1OO.OO. Cut Glass handled Nappies, easily worth $1.75, each only.................. 95c I ItlENDSHIP f 20 cents anil 25 cents. THIMBLES (Stelling and Gold) I ruin 25c to $5.0(1. llltiHK Ill s I rom 75c to $50.00. I.AIHES WATCHES Beautiful cut, Creamer and Sugar, two days only, both for.................. See our special for $2.25 AGATE JKWELRÌ Charma, Pendants, Rings. In Ilk and loli, whichever Choose. Compare our prices. See them in our front window Look over our stock of Xmas merchandise, be fore you pick out your gifts, we’ll save you money BIG BIA mid BABY BEN “National Alarm, $2.50 each. 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO^ Boyle Jewelry Co Phone 544 II >; ('.IKK » ' .v<> . K 7 'ou.VTS. In my ads of previous issues of this paper, I have tried to explain the advantage of early CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. In this ad I want to call the attention, in particular, to the wearer of DENIM GOODS and the advantages of an immediate purchase to supply the future needs. The prices on these goods are rapidly advancing. In fact the Manufacturers have either been compelled to advance prices or quit the manufacture of many numbers of genuine “Indigo Dyed Goods,” during the past six weeks. Hence the retailer likewise has been compelled to advance their prices from 10 to 25 per cent, with a possible further advance by January 15, 1916. Provided the Ford party has no influence on the Kaiser and his allied forces to close hostilities so the Dye Manufacturers of Genuine Indigo Dyes may resume ope- rations. The Genuine Indigo Dyed—“BOSS OF THE ROAD” OVERALLS and JUMPERS are still being sold Sidwell’s In the Ellingson Building Everard H. Boyle, Mgr. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOÔ Have you ever heard of buying an tomia since August 1» expected to 8 Inch cut^la»» bowl for $2.20? See arrive the latter part of the week the Orange Pharmacy ad. It to spend the holidays with Il IH par- First evidence» of the Christman ent». OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC-OOOOOOOO-C’OOOOOOOOOOOO Some Plain Facts Cuff Links. $2.50 to $10.00. llrooclies, $1.75 to $15.00. Scarf l’ina, $1.25 to $7.50. With every $1.00 spent with us you receive a ticket relative to the $150.00 in two diamond rings we are giving absolutely free. We specialize on our watch repairing and guarantee satisfac­ tion. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR ENGRAVINi THE ORANGE PHARMACY Headquarters for Dependable Xmas Gifts $13.50—It's a \\ elider. Chuck full of good gift suggestions season in local marine circle» weri the ad of the Boyle Jewelry Co. It the Christmas trees and greens that heaped the upper deck of the Bandon Miss Inez Goodrich of Coquille was when she crossed out yesterday. Bandon visitor the first of the Pete Fltchle returned last week week. from Hau Francisco where he hai The Orange Pharmacy will remain been taking in the closing days of open late evening» beginning Friday the exposition, and visiting with until after Christman. It friends In other California cities. Mr. and i Mrs. Kay McNair were The Knight» of l’ythla» lodge has visitors in Marshfield during the decided to purchase a roll top deck, forepart of the week. which will he Installed in the lodge room and lined hy H. N. Harrington James A. Dollar was a business I caller at Coos Bay Saturday, , return- K R. 8. and A. Garfield. M of E. Ing Sunday evening. Mr». Horace Richard» and chlldrer Local school» close Friday of this have engaged pansage on the Kllbuin week for the holidays. They resume and will leave in a few day» for Ell River, Washington, to Join her hue again, Monday, January 3. bund, who | h employed with a larg. Atty. C. P. Topping ha» »pent the treater part of the past week attend­ sawmill company. ing to matter» In Circuit court. Beginning Monday. December 13. until Christmas. Boyle Jewelry Co will be open evenings. “Grandma” Rose returned from Marshfield last week to make her future home with her son-in-law, Lee Barrowc. Electrician J. T. Lillard has been replacing some of the red range lights In the eastern part of the city this week. Mrs. A. J. Quate left Monday for Portland, where Rhe will visit with relatives, Mrs. Quate In the mother of T. I.alrd, of the Orange Pharmacy. Archie Kruse is taking ills box factory machinery out of Its storing place and expects to ship It to North Bend where It will be put in opera tion. Paul Stephan. proprietor of the Pandon Bakery, haa moved Into Ills fine new building and Is now at home to his customers, better equipped than ever. A. J. Counts is putting in new curbing and sidewalk along Ills prop- Other erty ou Fianklln avenue, walks along that street have been ordered repaired. The scaffolding around the new Bucklngham-BIggs building WUH tak- on down Tuesday, the outside work having been completed. The build­ ing Is almost pure white in color and Is one of the moat beautiful In the county. Sherman Hufford. an employe on one of the Panter Bros, boats, haa been laid lip the past week with a serious affection of the Jaw, which at first was thought to be blood poison­ ing Mr. Ilufford la Improving and will soon be hack at his post. The Tillamook came in at slack tide Tuesday, and when within a short distance of the piling jetty hung up on a sand spit. The tide was re­ ceding at the time and turned the boat completely around. It was at no time In danger and after about “Dad” Shield» Injured him »elf ten minutes work succeeded in get­ quite »etioUHly la»t week when he ting back In the channel. »lipped and fell on the Oregon avenue Walter Morgan, the local young walk. He had been confined to hb man, who had been sentenced to the led th-3 past few day» but I» able to reform school, but whom the offi­ be up and around again. cials refused to accept because he was With tho exception of Mia» Ma»t over age. was taken before the grand cr»on and Mi»» Hughea, who»» hornet Jury last week, and they gave him his are in Curry county, and Miss Land freedom. The boy la not considered reth, of Marshfield, very few of th< a criminal and the general opinion Bandon teacher» expect to leave th. voiced was that If given another city during the holiday». chance he may make good. Mr. and Mr». E. J. Loney came up John Noyes, a Eureka pa»»engni from Port Orford Saturday and »pent who saved the live» of Mrs D. !.. Sunday a» guests of Mr. and Mra G. Ballard and her little daughter at the M. Laffaw They were enroute to time of the 8anta Clara wreck, has Powers where Mr. Ixiney I» opening juat died at his California home lie a bank. was 65 years of age, and It Is be. lleved that the excitement and exer­ over from Marsh A. Barrows came tion accompanying the wreck hast­ field Friday to spend a few days at ened his end. Coquille Hentinel. Mr. home. He says lumber conditions and Mra. Ballard are the parents of look brighter at Coos Bay and before Mrs. J. H. Biles of this city. long the big Smith mill will be run “You can buy for less In the El- nlng full time. It llngson bulldlng" Marshal Holman and crew la re Big Ben and Baby Ben the Boyle placing five piling, which wery> wash twina 12 50 each. * rd out from beneath the street at the corner of Edison avenue and First WANTED- To trade 1150 Schubert afreet, by the recent i.lgh tides. Th* piano, practically new, for team, piling had been loose for a long time or will nell at big dlwcount for ca«h. Hee page five and read what la For particular» apply to Western DlStf offered you "In the Ellingson build­ World. ing.” Harry Lock wood, formerly of this FOH HILE—Fmh Cow wMh coif: city and now of San Francisco, haa « years old, prier $50 for both. Ap­ Kayner Gelsendorfer, son of Mr. sent here tor 1000 Christinas trees which he will supply to the trade In nu l Mrs Geo Geluendorfer, who has ply for information nt World of­ Dec l«t. t ' ,