Western world. (Bandon, Coos County, Or.) 1912-1983, December 09, 1915, Image 5

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    You Can Buy for Less in the Ellingson Building
Hamilton Watches for Christmas
We’re ready for the Christmas shoppers; our
goods are on display and we advise early shooping
while stocks are complete. A small deposit will hold
your favorite gift for you. Have it put away or it will
probably be gone when you want it
“The Railroad Timekeeper of America”
You can have a HAMILTON put in your present watch case for $12.25
and up to $60.00, or you can have us furnish you a HAMILTON cased for
$18.50 to $125.00. The HAMILTON—“the watch of Railroad Accuracy”—is
one of the most dependable watches you can choose. Why? Because it is the
universal railroad watch.
We have high grade LEATHER
NOVELTIES and all the newest shapes
in Ladies Hand Bags, moderately priced
and ideal useful gifts.
—in sets or in the piece.
FOUNTAIN PENS—We are agents for
the famous Waterman pens. A pen
to fit every hand.
WICKER BASKETS - A full line to
choose from now, beautiful orna­
ments for any home
Our large selection of cuff links $2.50 per pair and up; have scarf pins to
match, $2.00 each and up. Brooches with ('HOICK . KI. WKS O.VI. T' $1.75 up. See
the display in our windows and in our store. HETTER goods at reasonable prices.
FRIENDSHIP LINKS engraved free
Sterling 20c, Gold Filled 25c
With every $1.00 spent with us you receive a ticket relative to the $150
in tuo diamond rings we are giving ABSOLUTELY FREE.
Hand-Painted China, Cut Glass. Toi­
let Set«, l ine Pei fumes, Ingersoll
Watches, Books, Brass Blands, Smok­
ing Sets, Book Ends, Etc. A full line
of Xmas Booklets, Cards anti Postals.
Boyle Jewelry Co.
Phone 544
II A' f’. // i ’/ i * I"
Everard H. Boyle, Mgr
Have you purchased the gift you have been
thinking of to send to the friend in the East,
North, South or Foreign Lands? Remember
the time to purchase is NOW!
If your present is for a man, young man
youth or little gent, let
store have some consideration when making
your final decision.
He carries a line of quality in Men’s and
Boys’ wear and is located in the Ellingson
Fixposition. He says the boat left
on the afternoon of the closing day,
much to their regret. The fireworks
and illuminations could be seen far
out at sea, but most of the passen­
gers were not In condition to appre­
There is no need of being disap­
ciate the beautiful sight.
pointed in getting that agate fixed up
C. Y. Lowe, while al Marell field
for Christmas. We do our own agate
polishing and are especially prepared the other day, purchased a $3 gold
to take care of all orders
Sebro piece from a party in a restaurant.
It It bears the date 1878, and is one of
very few of that denomination now
Jerry Huntley of Gold Beach was
in circulation, Mr. Lowe paid $3 in
here the latter part of last week en­
silver for it. lie has looked up the
route to visit Ills son. Harry, at
value of it as an old coin and find»
North Bend.
Ho will also attend
that it Is worth approximately $18.
court at Coquille. Mr. Huntley says
The finest celery we have ever
Curry county has had an unusual!)
seen in Oregon is now being sent up
prosperous season.
here by a Bandon gardener and sold
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kellner and by our grocers. It is said that it took
even children
arrived from Han three or four years to get tills In­
'ranclsco on the Elizabeth, They
dustry started, but soil appears to
lave brought their household goods have been found that Is perfectly ad­
zltli them and expect to locate on h apted to the plant. Coquille Hen-
anch in this section.
Mrs. Margaret Kennedy and Mrs
Subscribers wishing to pay their
1. A. Kennedy returned from Han subscriptions and other good patrons
Fancisco on the Brooklyn, a f tei and friends of Western World may
spending several Weeks at the fall now approach the door of the sanc­
and visiting relatives. They are ac tum sanctorlum without fear of
companied here by the fermer's nep­ breaking their necks on the slippery
hew. Frank Golden of Berkeley.
sidewalk. Agent 8pencer has induc­
National Bank building, which had
almost completely weathered away,
has been replaced and addH much to
the appearance of that splendid build
“You can buy for les« in the
lingHon building.”
W. S. Wells was a visitor at
county seat several «lays thiB week.
Miss Elizabeth Fox is visiting rel­
atives and friends at Coos Bay clt-
Splendid postal cards,
B.. for Christmas at the Orange
Among cas««s in Circuit court Is
a divorce proce»*dlng of A. 8. Plien-
negar vs. l>aisy I'hennegar, both of
R. G. McKenzie, a prominent i’or
Orford reBident. returned on the Eli
zabeth from a visit to Han Franclsc«
and other California points.
Clinton Conger returned on th»
Elizabeth from San Francisco. aftei
spending several weeks attending th»
ExpoHition and visiting relative*.
Riverton Coal? Yes, we have it.
Phone 3.1, Dippel A Wolverton. <l2tt
Sam Wing has been appointed
watchman at the local woolen mill
taking the place left vacant by E. A
Kelly, who has gone to Boise, Idaho.
"Pat" Bottom, of Parks & Bottom
restaurant, returned the first of the
»wk from a three weeks- vacation,
spent at the cities on the Bay and
at Powers.
K. II. Wesleder Is planning on go­
ing to Portland this week for a short
business trip. Mr. Wesleder recently
secured pictures of the Hanta Clara
wreck, the beachcombers and crowds
thronging the beach, which have
been placed with a Portland concern
Friends of Ralph Thom have re­
ceived word that he has started on
his way to Oklahoma, where he
will be employed on a government
survey. Mr. Thom recently arrived
In San Francisco from a two years'
Misn Stella Shields arrived llOlllfc service on a surveying party in the
on the Elizabeth Tuesday, after wilds of Alaska.
spending the greater part of the sum­
■lack McAdams returned from the
mer and fall with relatives and south on the Brooklyn after spend
ftknda at Han Francisco.
mg some time in San Francisco and
T. M Nielson of the Bandon other points on buaineas and pleas­
Hardware company was at the Geo ure. He brought with him a thor­
P Laird ranch n*ar Lamps several oughbred Durham bull which he pur­
al days this week, supe-|r.tending the chased at Petaluma. The animal is
1 1 months old and a splendid speci­
In tails'I >n of a plumbing system.
men of that popular breed.
Kwick-lite, the very latest patent
We are exclusive agent« for River-
pocket flash light, all size«. Open*
coni in Handon. I’honr 33. Ulp-
in the middle; easy to change bat­
teries; they never gel stuck. Orange p»-l A Holverton.
Roy Thom, genial salesman at
The fresco work around the base Trowbridge's, returned on the Eli­
of the four large pillars In the First zabeth from a few weeks’ st»y at the
County Commissioner G. J. Arm­
strong returned the latter part of
last week from the county seat after
attending the December term of conn*
ty court.
ed the landlord to rebuild the walk,
and W. H. Button and assistants yes­
terday completed the job. It's an
easy grade to the front door now, try
Frank M. Langlois, who has lived
In this locality for the past 81 years,
who is well and favorably known,
has disposed of his entire holdings to
E. B. Thrift, and will move to Myrtle
Point about Christmas
He will go
to Bandon where he and his family
will spend Christmas with their
friends and relatives, after which
they will make their future home.
Our loss Is Myrtle Point's gain.
Langlois Leader.
Bandon housewives should listen
to this from the Coquille Sentinel:
Three of the First street residents
were the victims of a sneak thief the
first of the week. Men's undercloth­
ing, table and bed linen were taken,
and not much was left on the lines
after the week's wash at Bert Fol­
som's. F. B. Phillips' and W. H Man­
sell's. Home of our ''undesirable cit­
izens" have moved to Bandon recent­
ly, bat there appear to be more left.
Popular brands of cigars In neat
Xmas packages -Just the thing for
gifts—Orange Pharmacy