Western world. (Bandon, Coos County, Or.) 1912-1983, November 11, 1915, Image 1

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    The Official New spaper of the City of Bandon
With the Largest Sworn Circulation in the City
Photos of Local
Man and Wife
Found in Wreck
Mystery Surrounds tlie Recovery of
Mr. and Mrs. Wolverton's Pic­
tures Front Wreckage.
Claim Channel is in Good Shape and
I’lescnt Commerce Does Not War-
■ ant Consideration of New
project—Port Commission
Appeal to Washington Engineers.
“In view of the excellent con­
dition of the existing channel be­
tween Bandon and Coquille and
the present extent of the com­
merce of the river, it is not be­
lieved the locality is worthy of
further improvement by the gov­
ernment at this time: except the
maintenance of the present pro­
Quoting this as tlie principal
grounds upon which liis conclusions
are based, Arthur Williams, major
of the corps of engineers, at tlie Port­
land office, under date of October
20, has submitted an unfavorable re­
port on the provisions in the last
livers and harbors law providing for
a survey of the Coquille river from
Coquille city to the sea, with a view
to provide a project for improve­
Privilege of Appeal
The report was received by the
local Port Commission this week.
It continues: “You are further no­
tified that all interested parties have
the privilege of an appeal from this
conclusion to the lioard of Engineers :
for Rivers and Harbors, a permanent
body sitting at Washington, D. (.’.,
to which all examination and survey­
reports of this character are refer­
Four Weeks Time Allowed
Explaining further, Mr. Williams
states that an appeal may be made
in writing or orally and that writ­
ten communications must be in the
hands of tlie committee within four
weeks from the date of his report.
If, however, more time is desired,
the board should be informed and
a request made for an extension. He
says further:
parties desire data necessary for the
preparation of their appeal to the
Board of Engineers it will be given
them verbally by the district officer
or, in his absence by the senior as­
sistant engineer connected with the
Hawley to Intercede
A letter from Congressman Hawley
referring to the report, states that he
will be glad to receive data ami ad­
ditional facts showing the need of the
improvement and will take the mat­
ter up personally with the Board of
I'ort Will Appeal
Port Attorney Treadgold
that the Commission will prepare an
appeal at once and forward the same
to Washington. ’I he appeal will be
based on the fact that the present
need of improvements is preventing
the local port from developing the
great commerce which it has re­
sources to support.
A puzzling situation has presented
itself to E. T. Wolverton, the local
real estate and insurance man, and
for the past few days he has been
scratching his head in vain endeav­
or to find a solution.
Individual photographs of Mr. and
Mrs. Wolverton, together with one
each of well-dressed middle-aged wo­
man and a grown boy, were picked
up on the beach at Coos Bay among
wreckage of the Santa Clara, which
had floated ashore, and Tuesday
were brought here by Erank Catter-
lin. Immediately the sailing list of
tlie ill-fated vessel was scanned for a
relative or friend's name who might
have been in possession of tlie pic­
tures, but not a name is familiar.
The picture« are in small neat fram­
es, the lattei bearing the trade mark
of a Detroit firm.
A dozen of each of the photos of
Mr. and Mrs. Wolverton were made
by J. W. Applegate, former lo-al
photographer, last spring. Each one
can be accounted for by Mr. Wol­
verton, but it is impossible to figure
out how any of them got onto the
Santa Clara.
Letters of inquiry are being sent
to each of the parties who had been
given the pictures in hope of receiv­
ing information that will solve the
Voters of District to Meet Novemltcr
2t*tli to Vote Next V ear's
Tax Levy.
The School Board is calling a
special meeting to be held at the
High school building the evening ot
November 29th, at which the voters
will discuss tlie finances of the dis­
trict and decide upon tlie levy neces­
sary for tlie coming year.
official notice of the call and budget
for the district are published this
week on the Western World legal
The total budget calls for $39,-
457.63. Of this amount $15,625.00
is necessary for teachers' salaries
and $13,141.30 for outstanding war­
rants. The other larger Items of
the budget are $3.206.83 for inter
est on warrants; $1.450.00 for jani­
tors, and $1,000.00 for repairs on
buildings, etc.
According to the report recently
published covering the affairs of the
district for the past years, the lev­
ies heretofore have been underesti­
mated. The Board urges that every­
one interested in the schools attend
the special meeting, if possible,
when the budget and all matters
concerning school district finances
will be discussed.
To Complete Building
Bids are being asked for by the
School District for the completion of
42 HIGH SCHOOLS TO DEBATE the second story of the Eastside
school building.
It appears the
Several New Teams Will Be Seen in grades are crowded and that tt will
Oregon la-ague This Year.
be necessary to complete the second
story of the building immediately.
University of Oregon,
Nov. 8 Forty-two high schools of
Jury Deckle». Minor Case
Oregon have entered the Oregon High
The case of Eddie Oland vs. Jim
School Debating league.
Tito 42 | Benn was heard by a jury in Justice
are the high schools of Oregon City, Court Tuesday afternoon, and decid
t'latskaine, Silverton. Vale.
Bend. ed for the defendant. Oland was
Myrtle Point. Marshfield, Estacada, | suing for $26 and some cents alleg­
The Dalles, Union, Athena. Madras. |
ed to be due him for making ties
Astoria, Woodburn, Jefferson, Scat»-'
for Benn The defendant claimed he
poose. Corvallis, Junction City, Rose­ had no contract with young Oland
burg. Canby, Talent, Forest Grove. < but had paid the latter's father In
North Bend, Coquille. Grants Pass. full for all ties delivered to him.
Echo. Enterprise. Pineville, Ashland. The jury was made up of T. W.
Moro. Klamath Falls. Medford. Con­ Robinson,.Harry Allen. Victor Breu­
don. St Helens. Newburg, Lebanon. ! er, W. D. Marshall, Thos. Anderson
Tillamook. Rrownsvllle, Prairie City. |
and John Nielson. Chatburn A Gar­
♦ ♦ ♦ dner appeared for plaintiff and G P
♦ Topping for defendant.
Piling Jrtly Washed Out
The piece of piling jetty put In
♦ by the Port of Bandon near the
♦ Breuert dock early this summer was
taken out by the highest tide of the
♦ season, which
served its purposes during the sum
incr in keeping the chant-el open.
♦ .
« ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦
NO. 51
Joseph Fyfe Buys
$25,000 Voted To
Interests of Local
Rock River Jetty
Government To Give Use of Plant and
Donate Rock To F ermanently Check
Current from Leaving Channel.
A bond issue of $25,000 Is to be
advertised for sale immediately by
the Port of Bandon commission for
tlie purpose of rebuilding and rock­
ing tlie inside jetty from the Breu­
er dock towards the south bar jet­
ty, a sufficient distance to prevent
the main current of the river from
going into the lagoon in Breakwat­
er addition.
Such is the result of a meeting of
tlie Port Commissioners held in Ban­
don Saturday, when an ordinance
was passed appropriating two $25,-
000 bond issues, one to be sold at
once and used for the aforemention­
ed purpose. It was not definitely de­
cided at the meeting whether it
would be advisable to rebuild and
rock tlie present inside jetty or to
build wing dams that would divert
the current back into the main chan­
nel at the point where it is now
breaking through and running to­
wards the lagoon.
But since the
high tide of Monday has carried away
that portion of the pile jetty rebuilt
early In the summer, it is practi­
cally agreed among the port offi­
cials that a rock jetty is the only
kind of sea wall that will hold.
Local engineers, who have been co­
operating with the port officials on
friendly terms, also advise that rock
be used, as that will be the only way
to make the work permanent.
Port Attorney Treadgold states
that the government engineers have
offered the use of the local plant
now in operation, without charge to
the port for use in the work, and
will donate rock from the Tupper
la-cal Work to Continue
Commissioners J. E. Norton and
E. E. Johnson, who went to Port­
land to interview the government
engineers on the question of using
the unexpended $30,000 of the Co­
quille river's appropriation towards
repairing and extending tlie nortli
jetty towads the sea, reported at
tlie meeting that while no definite
agreement was obtained they were
much eucouraged as to the success
of the plan. According to Mr. Tread­
gold, the Port is assured that the
present work by
‘lie government
force would continue uninterrupted­
ly until the Port is ready to use the
plant for rocking the inside jetty.
It is understood that the local work
will not stop until the balance of the
Federal appropriation is consumed,
which means that much work will
be done on the north side.
Boring Survey at Bar
The government men at Portland
also informed hte committee that a
boring survey of the bar and chan­
nel at the mouth of the river has
been authorized. It has been stated
that a rock reef exists across tlie
channel between the two jetties
which makes it dangerous for ships
In crossing while the bar is rough.
Others claim that the reef is far
enough down not to interfere with
tlie channel, but that sharp pinnacles
protrude from tlie reef which should
aod could easily be removed. Til«-
latter theory is considered more
plausible because of the fact that
there has been as much as 24 feet of
water on the bar. The boring sur­
vey will determine exactly the con
dition that exists.
The Port Commission ulso passed
An ordinance regulating placing of
drift wood in the river, which dur­
ing high tides lias been proving a
menace to navigation.
Last of Government
Type Was Always a
Land Is Surveyed
Source of Trouble
Grund Jury Will Investigate Charg­ Squatters at Headwaters of Four
Mlle anil Floras Creek May
es Against IxM-al Parties—l'art
Soon Make I llings.
of Simpson Plant Gone.
Some of the biggest surprises are
encountered when least expected.
Frank Cameron, editor of the
Agitator, came over to Bandon this
week to purchose the type of the
Surf plant from Miles A. Simpson.
They had practically closed the deal
and were down to the point of com
paring inventory and visible assets
presto! Tlie type could not be found.
It had been stored in the Oriental
hall after the fire of two summers
ago and the owner had not looked
it over since. The cases were there,
but that was all. Not a single essen­
tial of the art preservative remain­
ed. Marshal F. A. Holman was In­
formed and a still-hunt for the metal
started. James McGlynn, the junk­
dealer came under the eagle eye of
suspicion and he was Invited into
Justice Wade's court on the charge.
Several hundred poundp of metai
lying on the dock ready for shipment
was compared with samples of type
and similar characteristics observed
Mr McGlynn stated the metal had
- been purchased here and there about
1 the county and melted into bars at
: the Rogers foundry.
Mr. Rogers
states that metal belonging to vari­
ous parties is occasionally melted
there and shipments made in his
name as metal buyers in the south
¡will pay the foundry more for met­
al than they will indivduals. The
case goes over to the grand Jury for
Uro S«are Tuesday
The tiro apparatus started for C.
i R. Wade’s residence Tuesday after-
I noon in an«wer to an alarm. A kero­
sene can caught fire whilo the girl
was pouring oil in the stove, but Mrs.
' Wade came to the rescue in time
to prevent a conflagration.
Do your Christmas shopping early
The only portion of unsurveyed
laud near Bandon, which lies in
township 30 south, range 13 west,
is now being brought under the tran­
sit by Government Surveyor Fred
Mensch and crew. The land is situ- .
ated about 15 miles southeast
of !
Bandon at the headwaters of Four ,
Mile and Floras creeks. Practically
all of thia land is occupied by squat­
ters, who settled on it during the
laat few years and have made many
improvements. They now have an
opportunity to make filings.
Closed Deal With Geo. M. l.affaw—
Also Buys Estabrook Interests
Says Report.
Joseph Fyfe of San Francisco, vice
president of the Estabrook company,
this week closed a deal with Geo. Thrown Into Surf When Lifctx.at
Capsizes She Holds Seven Year
M I affaw for the purchase of tlie
Ol<l Boy in Arma Until Big Break­
latter’s entire tie and pole business.
er Tears Them Apart—Was Rend­
Mr. l.affaw has been conducting
ered I nconscious and Injured.
an office on the water frant for the
past two years, shipping thousands
of dollars worth of cedar ties a
Mrs. H. A. Morris, the local woman
month to California ports. The past who was a passenger on the ill-fated
summer he had the
steamers steamer Santa Clara, and who was
Acme and Phoenix plying between reported missing for several days
here and the Houtli. He has not yet ' after the wreck, is now at her home
decided what he will do in the future. in this city. She came from North
All his interests have been disposed Bend with her husband Friday, the
of except 160 acres of tie timber latter having gone there in search
which he holds south of the city.
of her the day previous.
It is also reported that Mr. Fyfe
Tried to Save Stoy
has purchased the tie business of the
In a heroic effort to save a seven
Estabrook company in Bandon and year old boy. whom she was holding
other sections of the county.
on her lap at the time the life boat
Gas Schooners In
The gas schooners Tillamook and
Ahwaneda arrived in port from Port­
land this morning with cargoes of
local freight.
The former carried
material for the Steplian and B-B
buildings. The Ahwaneda proceeded
to Coquille after cflscharging part
of her cargo hero.
Stoi-VH ill Ellingson Building Htart
New Advertising Stunt
This Week.
“You can buy for less In the El­
lingson building". Under the above
slogan, the three stores, Orange
Pharmacy, Boyle Jewelry Co. and J.
Ira Sidwell, are in thiH issue of
Western World firing the opening
gun of a spirited advertising cam­
paign that will last until after the
holidays. They have reserved page
five of the World "for the Ellingson
building" and a glance at that page
will reveal an attractively display­
ed three-quarter advertisement that
is us interesting as it is conspicuous
The three stores are among the
most enterprising of the city, and
have done much to give Bandon mod
orn up-to-date goods and services.
This year they have taken a special
interest in the holiday season and
are making a united effort to make
shopping pleasant.
Their idea of
uniting advertisements under a sing­
le slogan is a new one In Bandon
that is bound to prove a drawing
< aid for their stores.
capsized, Mrs. Morras almost lost her
life. She held the lad in her arms
while drifting and working her way
towards shore until within a short
distance from the beach, when a
large breaker struck them. It threw
the boy over her head and one foot
struck tier in the jaw, rendering her
When she recovered
she was again floating on the waves,
the life preserver having a tendency
to throw her on her back. When she
reached shore she was completely
exhausted and had to be carried to
a beach cabin nearby.
Sustained Fractured Rib
Later Mrs. Morras was taken to
the North Bend hospital, where it was
found that in addition to a badly
bruisod jaw, she had sustained a
fractured rib. She states she can­
not remember what happened on tlie
boat, neither does she know how she
sustained the fractured rib.
Boy's Body Found
The boy Mrs. Morras tried to save
was later found dead on the beach.
Physicians worked over him
hours lint tlie little fellow could not
be revived. The physicians stated
that lie must have been killed by tlie
force of the wave driving his bead
into I lie sand, as I i I h lungs were not
sufficiently filled with water to have
caused death from drowning
Law on la-gal Printing Rates
According to reports from Salem
tlie State Editorial Association at Its
session the past week, decided to
draft measures to be proposed at
tlie next session of the legislature
fixing the legal ra’a for county
printing in the state. This decision
1 h the result of the dispute between
the Marshfield dailies and the Coos
county court over the county print­
ing charges.
Magnificent Phenomenon Is
Observed Off Bandon Coast
A thin, graceful column of water
vapor rising a
thousand feet I
Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Engleke left
today via Roseburg for
Portland, high and merging into a mammoth i
where they will make their future' black funnel-shaped cloud, tlie entire
home. Mr. and Mrs. Engleke have mass whirling with terrific force
been residents of Bandon for some and racing up tlie coast at the rate
time and he was formerly one of of 30 miles per hour, was the won-
tho night watchmen.
di-rful phenomenon observed off the
coast of Bandon about 12:30 Bunday
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦«♦ afternoon. it was a waterspout of
♦ unusual magnitude, such as are oc­
♦ casionally seen by mariners far out
A report from Coos Bay Is ♦ at sea. but very seldom visible from
Probaldy half a bundled
♦ - | in- i ff-■< i t h ■
< lara ♦ I shore.
♦ wa afit ■ on th" lw—«-»> «’ a la"- ♦ Bsnd<>n people were fortunate en­
♦ hour last night, it la supposed < ough to be looking seaward at the
♦ ha- Ing been fired by the beach ♦ time or liad their attention drawn
♦ combers
♦ in that direction-, and they stood
The oil tanks burst about the ♦ awe-stricken at the Impressive sight
♦ t i■
■ -ae| st ruck Ml tl
♦ during the short period ot its dur­
♦ lands and the hull »as floc d- ♦ ation. The weather was calm and
♦ ed with oil
Government mail <■ although It had been raining, the
< on board the b at is rumor- ♦ sun was shining brightly at the
♦ « I t ■ havi b< i n plundered, and ♦ time.
When first observed the column
♦ the report give this a- a poa- ♦
-1, <;.i. . for firing the wreck ♦ was just off the south jetty. Its haae
I’ll Nori >>' Hl • '-** i 11 < <
M III ♦ appearing to be about in line with
♦ (laiuis th.-
I and i-ri.-u-. -I ♦ | the farthest breakers from shore. In
♦ lions may !><• iart--l a -ainst ♦ l its race up the coast it remained in­
* tact and plainly visible until about
♦ official- are
i -1 to I,.- mi tl
♦ | opposite Whiskey Run, when It grad-
♦ Bay taveatlgatlng alleged mail ♦ | Hally di- -«lived. The diameter of the
♦ thefts.
♦ ¡column appeared to have been about
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ •six or seven feet, although it might
have been much greater as it vj;s
difficult to estimate on account ot
the uncertainty of the distance.
G. T. Treadgold,
who viewed
the sight from his residence stated
tliât It was the most marvelous thing
he had ever beheld.
Captain R.
Johnson and members of tlie Coast
Guard crew also saw It and remark­
ed of ItH grandeur.
Many others,
including the usual number of Sun­
day beach strollers, were among the
favored who witnessed the occur­
A water spout, according to tlie
Americana encyclopedia, is exactly
analogous to the whirlwinds experi­
enced on the deserts.
It occur s
when opposite winds of different
temperatures meet in upper atmos­
phere, whereby a great amount of
vapor is condensed into a thick black
cloud, to which a vortical motion is
given. This vortical motion causes
it to take the form of a vast funnel,
which descending near the surface
of the sea, draws up the water in
Its vortex which joins tn its whirling
motion. The whole column from
water to cloud assumes a magnificent
appearance, being light color near Its
axis, but dark along the sides. In
calm weather It maintains its verti­
cal position and is carried along the
surface of the sea