Western world. (Bandon, Coos County, Or.) 1912-1983, November 04, 1915, Image 7

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    Military Road Down
Coast Is Promoted
Committee Named at North Bend
Meeting to Take DeeLsive Ac*
lion Towards Getting Aid.
We Mean Just What We Say—FREE!
A dandy. miarat.l-^d J.-u-kknlfe. made of the beat
Mtcii away hbaolutely free to any
b<>y who will do a few bourn' work for ua in hi»
own t.eighborhood.
We Want One Boy
In every country town in Orv-’on, Washington «nd Idaho to have
one of these Knives.
So knives given away to boys tn tho city of
Cut Out this Coupon and Mail it to us
Please tell me how I can secure the $2.00 Boy
Scout Knife Fi-ee.
Result-Getting Classified Department
CLASSIFIED RATES--One cent per word, first insertion;
per word f".r each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less, $1
month. No advertisement inserted for less than 25 cents. All classified
ads are cash with order.
SALE—Big Type Poland Chi­
hogs; 3 boars, 3 sows, register- ♦
112.50 each.
E. F. Topping.
Ore., Telephone 505 6.
WANTED A second hand cooking
range witli hot water connections.
Postoffice Box 803, Bandon.
LOST—Between Bandon and Sixes
river in Curry county, an auto­
mobile rolie, black on one side and
brown and white on other,
reward for return to this office or
to S. G. Whitsett.
Mrs. A Rinne masseuse and medi-
cal gymnastic. Hx. 853 Bandon, Ore-
RENT Five-room furnished
house on Chicago ave.. $ 1 2.5(1 per
month. See Dippel & Wolverton. :
WANTED Someone
to build a
permanent renter,
house fur a
Must lie on a lot near the down town
section, Address World, for infor­
GOOD POTATOES For good pota­
toes cheap. Inquire at tlie Bar­
gain store.
WANTED To trade a 7 passenger
Buick car for house and lot in
Inquire at the Bargain
Bargain Store.
We pay
EOK KENT 7 room bungalow, all
modern conveniences, ('all at 9th
and Baltimore avenue.
EOK SALE—A few cows and some
young stock. De Long Four Mile
Phone 1X6.
We are sole agents for Hiverton
Coal at Bandon. Dippel & Wolver­
ton. O28tf.
Department of the Interior. U. 8.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon.
October 13, 1915.
NOTICE is hereby given that ROB­
ERT H HI NT, of Bandon, Oregon,
who, on October 4. 1913, made liome-
slead Entry, Serial, No. 09009. foi
the NEVi of SE’4 of. Section 13.
Township 303, Range* 15W, Wiliam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of In
tention to make Final Commutation
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Manton E
Tieadgold. U. 8. Commissioner, at
ids office, at Bandon, Oregon, on tlie
26th day of November, 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Sidney N. Croft, of Bandon. Oregon,
.lames Clenbougli, of Langlois, Ore.:
T. J. Wooden, of Langlois. Oregon
R. R. Davis, of Bandon, Oregon
021 28 N4 1 1 18 25
Cured Boy of Croup
Nothing frightens a mother more
than the loud, hoarse cough of croup
Labored breathing, strangling, chok
ing and gasping for breath demand
instant action. .Mrs. T. Nettreur. Eau
Claire, Mis., says:
"Foley’s Honey
and Tar cured my boy of croup aft
er other remedies failed." Ileconi
mended for coughs and colds. Orange
Meesrs.. Langley and McAdams of
Bandon spent Sunday of last week
with John Hurly of North Prairie.
Tlie Hallowe’en masquerade ball
at the Socialist hall was not alto­
gether a financial success on account
of tlie small attendance.
Wm. Cox, not being satisfied with
his new- tenant, has made arrange­
ments whereby lie again has possess­
ion of his dairy ranch at Four Mile.
Elbert Dyer was a visitor at the
Willoughby ranch Tuesday of last
From there Mr. Dye- went
to the oil well on Floras creek.
Jim Adams, who iiroke one of Ills
essential bones a week ago last Sun­
day, is recuperating slowly. Jim says
it is hard work to not have to work.
John Tucker and a few friends
were hunting on tlie Tucker rancli on
tlie South Fork last Saturday and
G. M. Willoughby took in liis last
load of dressed hogs Thursday.
The Two Mile grading contract is
about finished and tlie steep hill that
lias been a menace to the traveling
public for so many years is no more.
We now have a nice easy grade al­
though it will lie necessary to haul
surface or plank it on account of »he
sandy nature of the soil. The con­
tractors, Messrs. Steinhoff and Ply-
male, are to be congratulateil as this
is tlie best piece of work done in this
part of tlie county in so short a time.
Tlie B. F. & M. Telephone Co. held
¡heir annual election meeting at Four
Mile hall. Monday, November
Not having a majority of the stock
represented the meeting
journed until a later date.
Mi ss Minnie Perdue, who lias been
on the sick list for some time, is con­
♦ ♦
B <> O H T !
♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦
Do you know there’s lot of people
siftin’ round most every town growl-
ing like an ugly puppy, knocking ev­
ery good tiling down. Don't l>e that
kind of cattle, 'cause they ain’t no
use on earth, but just be a booster
rooster, crow and boost for all you’re
If your town needs boostin' boost
her, don't look back and wait to see
if some other fellow's willin', sail
right in, this country’s free.
one's got a mortgage on it, it’s just
yours as much as his; if your town
is shy of boosters, you get in the
boostin’ biz.
If things don't seem to suit you
an’ tlie world seems kinder wrong,
what’s the matter with a boostin’ just
to help the thing along? Cause if
things should stop again, we’d be in
a sorry plight, you just keep the horn
a-blowtn', boost her up with all your
If you see some fellow tryin' for
to make some project go, an’ you
can boost it up a trifle, that's your
cue to let him know •hat you're not
going to knock it, just because it
ain't your shout, but that you are go-
ing to boost a little ’cause he is got
the best thing out.
Methodist Church Notice
Our regular services are as fol
Public worship each Sunday
at 11 a m. and 8 p. m; Sunday
school at 10 o’clock; Epworth league
at 7 p. m.; prayer services at privat«
< licajaT Than llmne-Made
You cannot make a good cough
homes on Wednesday evenings: a cor
dial Invitation is extended to all.— medicine at home for as little as you
pay for Foley’» Honey and Tar, nor
Rev. C. Mayne Knight, Pastor.
can you be sure of getting the fresh,
full strength, clean and pure ma­
* Snobs" is a great comedy in four terials. Did you ever hear of a home
acts a Paramount shown at the made cough piedicine doing the work
that Foley'» 1» doing every day all
Grand theatre next Sunday Novem­ over tiie country?
Orange Phar­
ber 7th.
Victor Moore, positively one of the
foremost theatrical comedy stars in
the world, will make his film debut
as the star of Jesse I,. Lasky's plc-
turization of "Snobs", the famous
society satire by Geo. Bronson-How­
ard. which is to be the offering at
Grand theatre on Sunday. November
"Snobs" which may be described
as au uproarious comedy based on an
ssentiaily satirical idea and which
s therefore completely
t'rorn cheap slapstick
farces tells
¡he storv of a milkman who suddenly
nberits the title of an English duke
mil some twenty million dollars of
actual money. He is anxious enough
to have tlie money, but tlie society
labors of being a duke are quite an
other matter.
A prominent lawyer of th<* town
has advance information that tlie
milkman is about to become » duke
and seeks to arrange matters in ad­
vance so that the man shall marry <0
his sister (the lawyer’s sister) be­
fore he comes to any knowledge of
his good fortune.
This plan falls
through. The milkman, who is just
l typical milkman, gets possession of
m advance on his riches and begins
it once to blossom out most amazing-
iy. He is anxious to marry a society
<irl of genuine worth whom lie lias
met by accident in his milkman days
—but just because she is truly worth
while, the display of wealth and title
to which the other women all yield,
while tlie laufeh at the "duke" be
hind hie back, makes him intolerable
to her. In the en«i the duke comes to
Tilings are dull in San Francisco,
understand tliat
he ts only being
“On the bum" iu New Orleans;
Rather "punk" iu cultured Boston. made fun of, and tries to go back to
Famed for codfish, pork and beans. the milkwagon. By this time, how­
ever the girl lie loves has recognized
On the hog In Kansas City,
Ills sterling worth and agrees to
Also in Denver tilings are jarred
teach him how to be a duke in the
And they're beefing in Chicago,
most approved manner.
That the times are mighty hard.
the date,
Grand theatre. Sunday,
Not mudi doing in St. Louis —
November 7th.
It’s the same in Baltimore—
Coin don't rattle in Seattle,
Fatty Arbuckle will soon In* as
As it did in days of yore.
as Charlie Chaplin he
Launching Oregon's part of a pro­
ject to bring about the construction
of a military highway from Canada
to the Mexican boundary, was the
topic of discussion at a banquet giv­
en by the Chamber of Commerce of
North Bend Wednesday night and at­
tended by 75 men from there and
The idea was presented by Freder­
ick Hollister. His plan is to start a
movement in Coes county and to have
other coast counties of the state join,
expecting other coast states to lakt
up their part.
The plan is to ask the government
to pay 50 per cent, the state 25 per
cent, and the county 25 per cent of
the cost, estimated in Oregon at $7,-
500,000. It is claimed ttiat the in­
creased value of property owned by
tlie goxernment in the state by rea
son of the road building warrants
asking for federal aid in paying halt
the cost. Many speaker» at the ban­
quet indorsed the plan, and a com
mittee of 16 men was named to for­
mulate «ome program of action tc
inaugurate the project.
matter of
Marshfield and North Bend into on«
municipality was brought up and ap
proved by all speakers, though ni
definite step in that direction wa:
Jobs are scarce around Atlanta,
All through Texas it is still
And there's very little doing
In the town of Louisville.
There's a howl from Cincinnati,
New York City, Brooklyn, too;
In Milwaukee's foamy limits,
There's but little work to do.
And where else you may go,
If you seek for 'biz., 'tis said.
Keep away from San Diego,
“City of the living dead."
In tlie face of all such rumors,
It seems not amiss to say,
That no matter wtiere you’re going,
In Bandon you had better stay.
Locating the Trouble
When one is suffering from back­
ache, rheumatism, lumbago, bilious­
ness, sharp pains, sore muscles, and
stiff joints it is not always easy to
locate the source of the trouble, but
nine times out of ten it can be trac |
ed to overworked, weakened or dis­
eased kidneys.
Foley Kidney Pills
have benefitted thousands of suffer-
Orange Pharmacy.
Our Candy
Won’t Harm
Any One
Pure candy, such as we car­
ry, is doubly enjoyable be­
cause you can feel assured
that it tastes fine and is not
Particularly if
you are buying candy for the
children be sure that you get
it here.
Many kinds of loz­
enges and drops, too.
makes a hit in those Keystone come-
dies every Tuesday and Saturday
at the Grand theatre.
What became of Craig Kennedy
tlie famous detective? Tlie Romance
of Elaine will tell Grand every
Monday night.
The tax reduction campaign is on
in Oregon Iu many ’ ways.
counties reduced sclu ooi taxes on an
average twelve percent, Multnomah
on one-third valuations of entire
state reducing 24 percent, Twenty-
three counties reduced tlie levy for
general county and road purposes
$376,255. There lias been a general
tight to liold down city budget», and
in Portland half a million lias been
cut off tlie estimates. Tlie Oregon
legislature reduced Hie fixed charges
of the state by over two million dol­
lars below what it was two years ago.
Superior Printing
Western World
Auto Stage
Leaves Hotel Gallier Bandon,
every morning (except Sunday)
at 5:30 o’clock.
Leaves Hotel Umpqua Roseburg
every morning (except Sunday)
at 7:00 o’clock.
FARE $8.00
The Easiest, Quickest, and
Cheapest way to travel to and
from Coos County.
Bandon Garage Company
Foster & Henry Props,,
Telephone 51
Tho Portland Evening Telegram
editorially snvs that like snakes In
In land, tho Pacific coast lias no forts
"at least that any foreign warship
of today would regard as ali)thllig
more than a huge joke. Taking those
at the mouth of tlie Columbia, for
"The Idg guns at Fort Stevens are
credited with a range of five miles.
They are placed on a sand spit in
plain view of any incoming vessel
when it isn't foggy and it's a poor
battle ship that hasn't guns with a
range of over five mil«*».
"On tlie north side of tlie Colum­
bia Fort Canby is ideally situated In*
hind a glint headland, on which are
located three batteries
Second & Chicago Sts.
guns. If every nation in the world
hasn't a complete description of tills
armament, It's only because they
haven't wanted It.
Tin* corporal's
guard tliat is stationed there pays no
more attention to visitors who roam
about tlie* fort and all over the reser­
vation than if they did not exist."
Still, Senator Chamberlain says:
"As to coaHt defenses, I believe tliat
tlie present ones should lie maintain­
ed, but tliat no new ones should lie
An old colored woman when asked
wh) slid shouted so when she "got
religion.” replied:
‘If I could get
religion and not know It, I might
lose it ".nd not miss It.”
The moment a new song becomes a
hit” it can be secured for playing on
We will have a fine display
Pianos at the
Furniture Store
? Y
at Bandon, in a few weeks. Drop
at any time, and see our line.
We have a piano to suit every
pocket book, and terms to suit your
Also a large stock to select from
in Marshfield at 73 Central Avenue.
L. L. Thomas Music House
Victrolas and Records, Sheet Music,
Teachers Supplies
The piano that anyone can play
artistically with personal expression
rT5HIS constitutes one of the principal charms
X of the ANGE LUS. Particularly where
young people are gathered, popular composi­
tions are much in demand. But, equal to the
demand for this class of music is the desire
that it be up-to-date. The promptness of
issue of popular music is a decided feature
of the Artistyle Music Kolla.
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦^♦♦^♦•♦•♦♦**»**»**»**»**»**»*****»**»**»**» ,*»*V*»*********************************4‘v**********************************