Western world. (Bandon, Coos County, Or.) 1912-1983, November 04, 1915, Image 1

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    The Official Newspaper of the City of Bandon
With the Largest Sworn Circulation in the City.
NO. 50
boats were more fortunate, reaching
sum greatly in excess of the budget
land safely, but Die fifth with eight
As no recommendation
members of tlie crew including the
was made for the labor, etc., in the
captain and first mate, was twice
Water Department.
I have
capsized in attenii>ting to cut loose
charged this to the street department
from tlie ship. Each time the men
lint I am setting all of said matter
»V't thrown into tin) water, but
out in Water Department. However
Chief item of interest in the coun­ $1060.00. Certain supplies allowed tills amount stands as an indebted-
succeeded in again getting onto tlie
ship, and they were finally rescued cil procedure last evening was the for last year have not been pur­ nesj against tin« General fund until
by the life saving crew with tlie use reading of tin- mayor's budget and chased and this office
run $61.12 tlie General fund is reimbursed from
a discussion of tlie same.
in the under the allowance last year.
of tlie breeches buoy.
tlie Water fund.
early part of the evening the time Office of City Engineer.
Facts About Ship and Cargo
City Library (During time operateti ).
The Santa Clara had a gross ton­ was taken up in discussing minor
nage of 1588. net tonnage
1208, questions of routine work.
This department was allowed the
The General fund carried the ex­
Elbert Dyer made the city an offer i amount of $2.300.00 last year, no
length 223 feet, breadth 38 feet and
pense of tlie Library until taxes for
a depth of 2 4.1 feet, horsepower of a lot. 80 foot front on First street allowance was made for assistant
that fuud were available, therefore
900. owned by tlie North Pacific ■ west, opposite the Gallier hotel, on engin«?er. Said officer was retained
reimbursement should be made to
Steamship company. The loss on ves­ condition the city pay $25 per month for a period of three months after
til«1 General fund for tlie amount of
sel is estimated at $150,000 covered : during tlie lifetime of Mrs. Fannie budget made and therefore a deficit
$363.81, being the total amount as
by blanket insurance: loss on cargo Dyer and assume street and sewer will exist under this department of
paid out of tiie General fund for the
probably $50,000, partly covered by assessments against the
property $147.12,
Had the service:« of tlie City Library,
♦ ♦
At present time the ♦
♦ ♦
That a Bandon woman was a ♦
amounting to about $800. The lot assistant engineer been dispensed
insurance held by consignees.
balance in this fund will not allow ♦ victim of the ill-fated steamer ♦
Dead—Bodins Reoovcred
Bar Reported Shoaled
is proposed for a city hall and li­ witli at time budget was accepted,
for all of that amount and carry the < Santa Clara is the belief here ♦
Mrs. M. ,1. Dunn, Butte, Mont. ♦
have brary site. The matter was referred this department would h I ho have been
According to parties who
running expenses, lint 1 shall from ♦ since the passenger list lias been ♦
Mrs. D. H. Thorne, Hood Riv­ ♦
knowledge of tlie waters at Coos Bay to a committee of Mast. Pape
time to time present claims as this ♦ made public. Mrs. H. A. Mor­ ♦
♦ er, Oregon.
♦ tlie t ar there lias evidently shoaled Johnson, for consideration and re- under the budget allowance.
Office of city Treasurer.
fund will allow, until said amount ♦ rls, who is still among the in Is- ♦
Eugene Gillenwater, aged 7, ♦
during the storms of the past week. port.
$151.10 is paid back to the General fund ♦ slug, is thought to be the wife ♦
♦ Seattle.
♦ They claim that tlie ocean currents,
The report of tlie viewers on the
The allowance made this depart­ Light Department.
Mrs. H.
♦ in their uninterrupted sweep down First street east extension was re­
♦ of II. A Morris of Twelfth ave- ♦
Mrs. II.
♦ tlie sand bea« li to the north of the jected and a new board appointed, ment was $225.00 and provided for
$1.881.92 ♦ nue west, the man who owns ♦
I *el mar
♦ bar there carry an enormous amount consisting of C. E. Bowman. P. C. certain Looks needed. In as much
The above amount is for the gen- ♦ the caterpillar traction engine. ♦
as said books have not been provided eral service of the City only, includ­ ♦ The latter’s
♦ of sand, a largo percentage of which Stephenson and F. 8. Perry.
has been ♦
by said officer, this department at ing supplies, and does not include the ♦ spending the summer with rela­ ♦
♦ Clara.
♦ is swept far out to sea again when
Would Reduce Size of Light
present time stands $68.40 under tin Library service. The lights for the ♦ tives at The Dalles. It was not ♦
Alfred Crowley, aged 13 mo. ♦
tlie current strikes the rock wall at
City Attorney Treadgold reported budget allowance.
♦ of Sedro-Wooley, Wash.
♦ Coos (lead, Bastendorf and Mussel
past three months run $167.00 each ♦ known here that she was en­ ♦
♦ reef, The greater portion of the Hie Port of Bandon was now prot«vst« Police Department.
month, for City alone.
There are « route home, but as Boon as Mr ♦
$2,542.50 petitions on file at present time ask­ < Morris saw the name In the pas­ ♦
Those Repoiu-d
♦ north jetty has sunk and the sand ing against tlie government's pro­
posal to reduce the size of the local
C. Allen, J. A. Gilman, Fred ♦
This department, under
budget ing for more lights, and upon whicli I ♦ senger list
he telegraphed to ♦
allowed a clean light station and the council voted to
laden current is
provisions, was allowed $2,640.00 no action lias been taken.
♦ Jolies, Mrs. II. A. Morris, M. ♦
The ♦ The Dalles and learned that his ♦
sweep directly across the mouth of cooperate witli the port in the move.
last year. Tlie services of one night provisions made in budget last year ♦ wife had left there for home ♦
♦ Weekie, S. Collins, James llayes ♦
tlie bar. The storms are supposed to As noted in writeup on the proposed
watchman having been dispensed for lights including supplies was the ♦ Although It is possible that the ♦
♦ Henry Kanack. Mrs. W. G. Mar- ♦ have increased I lie sand, forming a
removal, appearing in tlie
with, this department stands $97.50 amount of $1,925.00.
< gnard.
The general ♦ missing woman Is not the local ♦
shoal on the bar and leaving only tlie idea is to place the station on this
fund carried the light service of the ♦ one, It Is generally believed here ♦
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ tiie narrow channel cut by tlie tidal side and use electricity from tlie lo­ under Its budget allowance.
City Library for four months until < that she Is for it would only be ♦
flow of Hie Bay, approaching tlie cal plant. The plans are said to be Health Department.
Passenger List
$i(i7iu taxes were available for that fund, ♦ by the strangest coincident that ♦
deptli maintained by the bar dredge for an inferior light. The majority
R. W. Anderson, F. T. Ballard.
This department
budget therefore the Library fund should ♦ another woman with exactly the ♦
during the summer.
of the citizens favor leaving the light
Lucille Ballard, Henry Bogue, Del­
of at this time take up said amount as ♦ same name should be traveling ♦
in its present location and making no
mar Bogue. J. Cramer, S. Collins, B.
of the general fund. After ♦ to Coos county.
$270.00. In ns much as the servic­ paid out
change in its size.
J. Crowley. Alfred Crowley. Mrs. B.
Mr Morris after receiving an ♦
es of the health officer lias been dis­ said amount Is so reimbursed the ♦
Tlie Mayor’s budget follows:
Dunn, Margaret Dunn. T. Goff. A.
pensed with, tlie amount of $102.90 light department stands $43.08. The ♦ answer from The Dalles charter­ ♦
Gillenwater, Hugh Gillenwater, W.
stands to tlie credit of this depart­ aniou mt due from the Liluary fund Is ♦ ed the Whitsett car and drove ♦
Hunter, Fred Jones, I. W. Larson,
♦ to Marshfield this afternoon, in ♦
ment under its budget allowance.
THE CITY OF BANDON AND T< < l<egal Depa« I it«««»«.
Mrs. II. A. Morris. W. G. Marguard,
♦ hope of finding Ills wife alive. ♦
City Print Ing.
J. W. Noyes, Thomas R. Roy, Chas.
$280.74 ♦ Late tonight no trace of her has ♦
C. Stncaid, E. A. Sykes, Mrs. Nettie
Tli<* budget provisions for this de­
Tlie allowance made under tlie « been found and a patrol has ♦
Mr. ¡«nd Mrs. F. T. Ballard and
Thorn. M. Weekie. C. Mien. Mrs. F.
Gentlemen: We have entered up­ partment last year was tlie amount budget last year for tills item wan ♦ been established along the beach «
T. Ballard, Win. Bogue, Mrs. S. Cald daughter Lucille, Who ar«( among on the second year of our admlnls- of $1,625.00, and included salary for tin* amount of $200. Owing to special ♦ in the vicinity of the wreck, ♦
beck, Alice Church, M. Castigan, the rescued from the steamer Santa tration and, the time han arrlt ed attorney; $200 for additional legal improvements made tlie cost of ♦ keeping watch for dead bodies ♦
Mrs. II. J. Crowley, Mrs. B. Cullen. Clara, are parents and sister of Mrs. through the provisions of Section expense*«, $25.00 for supplies and printing I iuh been greater, tint tills ♦ that might drift ashore with the ♦
Ray M. Dunn. Dr. D. F. Davis, J. J. II. Biles of Bandon and were en­ « 1 of the Charter of the City of Ban­ $500 for tlie disputed claim of J. D item Is not a direct charge against ♦ tide
A. Gillen, June Gillenwater, Chas. route from their home at Sedro-Wool- don, where It becomes my duty to Goss. In as much as tills matter is tlie General
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« «
fund, as tlie General
Holgart, Jas. Hayes, Henry Kanack. ey. Wash., to spend a year with a submit to your consideration, a mes­ pending, according to tlie City At­ fund lias n resource from tlie special
Patrick Murphy, A. P. Martin, H. son at Coos Bay and their daughter sage and recommendation for tl e en­ torney’s ruling on the matter, this improvement funds created, and the
Both Mr. and Mrs. Ballard suing Fiscal year.
II McCarn, .1. Niel G. W. Seiiliauser, here.
amount stands to tli$ credit of the i 5 per eent as assessed to each pro­
Thelma Snell, C. H. Thorn, Annie are said to be invalids. Hie latter
I »ake pleasure in first mentioning department at tills time. Tlie depart­ ject will defray tlie coat of printing
having sustained a broken shoulder, the fact, that the members an I of­ ment stands $641.55 under Its bud­
and reimburse the General fumi In Kotiert Indiar Company Suing Ban­
and it was only by sheer good for­ ficers of this administration for the get allowance for last year.
The actual amount ex
don Power Company For Fuel
tlie end.
The steamship Santa Clara, operat­ tune that they were found in their last sixteen months, have worked har­ Fire Department.
Latter Hay Not Received.
pended in tills line for which the
ing between Portland, Coos Bay, Eu­ berths after the first life boat had moniously together, not so much ts
$721.45 General fund defrays is $63.00 and
reka and San Francisco, was wrecked been launched for they would surely a matter of agreement, but for com­
A civil suit, brought by the Robert
Tlie allowance made Hits depart­ includes all stationery for all depart­
ed while entering the Coos Bay har­ liavu been placed in tlie first boat mon causes, that of good govern :i< nt, ment last year was tlie amount of
\\ e have not exceeded Hie Dollar Company against the llandmi
bor at 4:20 Tuesday afternoon, and and would probably have been lost, economical administration
of ihe $1.240.00, and provided for $1000.- allowance made in tlie budget which Power company, attracted consider­
eight people are known to have lost as the boat capsized.
city's affairs, and for the general wel- 00 hose and $240.00 rent. Tlie addi­ did not take Into consideration print­ able attention here the first of the
their lives, their bodies having been
Mr. and Mrs. Biles, hearing of fare of the community.
tional amount of hose provided for ing and stationery for special Ini week, when Deputy Sheriff Laird
recovered, while nine more are still the wreck. Tuesday evening took the
Taking into consideration the lim- was not purchased and in as much provements as that fund itself car­ and James A. Dollar canvassed the
unaccounted for. She carried 48 first boat for Coos Bay Wednesday ited resources of our commonwealth, as tlie rent lias been reduced on the
city attaching the monthly light and
ries said expense.
passengers and a crew of 42.
and are now with their relatives who it is important that each officer and fire hall this
power bills, The writ or attachment
stands Election Costs.
Lost Her limhler
had been taken to the hospital at every department keep in mind and $518.55 under its budget allowance
states that action has been com-
Captain Lofsled had Just given North Bend.
study at all times the most possible Mayor and < 'oiinciliiieii's Salary.
menced to recover the amount of
The allowance made for tills item
orders to cross the bar, when a huge
ligid economy, incurring only tha'
$46«.50 was $100.00, and $54.29 was saved $551 and Intermit together with the
wave lifted the ship high into th«1
costs from the Bandon Power com­
expense which is necessary and in
The amount allowed for this pur­ under said allowance.
air. She came down with great force
pany, which amount It Is claimed
keeping with a good business system, pose last year was $685.00 en d was
in the trough of Die wave and struck
Over 50 members of the local lodge to the end, that the affairs of the based on an average of 3 meetings B« wcr I'p Keep.
Is due the Dollar company for fuel
$46.68 furnished at the Lyons-Johnson mill.
TOTAL .......... „ ....
Hie sand. Before she could be got­ L. O. O. M., went to Coquille Wed­ city may be properly attended to, a month. This administration lias
The amount allowed for this pur
ten under control another wave nesday night and assisted in the in­ that system may prevail in all depart­ not averaged that many meetings
Manager Elliott of the
«aught her and she was again ground­ stallation of the new lodge at that ments, anil that the city's affair.« eacli month and under tills item have pose was included under head of Power company states that the fuel
ed. Sho had lost her rudder by the place. About 50 members were tak though intelligently handled in a pro­ saved $219.00 in accordance wMli al "« mergeii« les" and was the amount for which the Dollar people are /iu-
of $100.00. We have saved $53.37 Ing had never been delivered or used
first blow and was at the mercy of en in and the boy» declare they had gressive manner and with an eye for lowancea made in said budget.
the mountainous breakers,
which the time of their lives. The excur­ development is yet conducted witli as Fuel for City Engineer’s Office, City on thin allowance.
by them, and that the suit will be
Interest Pahl Out by City Treasurer fought out In court. An Interesting
rapidly drifted her onto the south sion boat returned home early tliis little cost to the people as possible.
Recorder's Office »ml Hie Jail.
on General Fund Warrants Re- legal battle may result.
spit dose to w hat is known as Basten- morning.
I find it is our duty to review- the
<le«Miie<l nml Park Warrants Out­
derf's beach where she is now go-
year’s business, that we may more
The amount allowed for this item
The Schoolmasters’ Club met with
ing to pieces.
intelligently handle that of the suc­ was $50.00. We have saved $18.10
Want a Iseal Committee
$265.36 Miss Rodgers Saturday and mapped
Res« no Ship < all not lid
The Bandon Commercial Club has
on this allowance.
The total expenditures In all de­ out a program for the year Officers
Wireless distress signals sent out been requested by the North Bend review the past affairs than to care­ Miscellaneous Expenditures.
partments and miscellaneous from were elected as follows: H. Quigley,
before the apparatus went t out of Commercial Club to appoint a com­ fully consider along with other things
commission were answered by the mittee of two members to meet with the pen picture of the work we have City Water Depart men t I'Apcmllt ures October 1, 1914, to September 30, president; Ernest Sidwell, vice presi­
1915, is $23,028.06.
dent; Miss Smith, secretary-treasur­
steamer Adeline Smith, which was delegates from
other parts of the just gone through and it has been
Since Hie City Has Operated tlie
Revenues of Hi«* City of llaiulon from er. The annual banquet will be held
in the harbor at Coos Bay at the county at a conference to be held ably furnished us in the annual re-
(Continued on Last Pago)
during the present month.
time, but owing to the position of during the coming week for the pur­ port of our City Recorder, bearing
TOTAL . .. -
the ill-fated vessel it was impossible pose of promoting the proposed coast date of October 18, 1915, and on E x | m *> is «* s in the Unter Department
to render aid.
military road.
that day submitted to me us Mayor of I
Incurred Prior to the Time the
Life Ixiat Capsizes
the City of Bandon.
< it) Took Over th«* System.
Realizing that assistance could not
I Therefore submit the same to
$74« 73
News of tho death of Prof, and Ing west 17 years ago. Mrs. Logan's
In- ■•cured in time, Captain Ixifstedt
you herewith in full:
The above is mostly labor per- Mrs. J. C. Logan, well-known resi­ maiden name was Ella Moore
ordered life boats to he lowered
Bandon. Oregon, October 18. 1»15. formed on the Installation of th«' dents of this section, which occur­ was 58 years of age. There were no
The first in command of the tliird
October was a month of sadness OFFICE OF THE CITY RECORDER First street main; also supplies in­ red at Los Angeles on the night of children In the family.
Mr. Logan
officer was filled with women and for W. II. Logan, an empolye of the
curred, the balance is water rent October 22, was received here sev­ has one brother and four slaters all
To Geo. P. Topping,
It was launched success­ Sixes Mining company, who has b«?en
paid by the city up to time of the eral days ago by the former's broth­ of whom are living, the oldest beln»
. Mayor of the City of Bandon.
fully and was manned safely until in Bandon several days. On Octob­
He was a member of the
1 herewith submit to you Informa­ taking over of the plant.
er, W. H. Logan, an employe of the 78 years
about half way to the beach, when a er 1st. his wife’s brother at Eric, tion as to the total expenditures of Street Department (Imlrr direction Sixes Mining company.
He owned sev­
Death was I. O. O. F. lodge.
large comber struck it and turned Pa., was killed in an automobile ac­ the City of Bandon, for the period
of City Engineer and City Mar­ the result of Illuminating gas poi­ eral thousand dollars worth Of prop­
it over. It was here that the Ilves cident; about the middle of month of;
From October 1, 1914 to Sep­
soning, the gas escaping Into their erty here at the time or tils death.
were lost, the women and children Ills son in law, John Wagner, died tember 30, 1915, in all departments.
$1,107.08 bed room. The bodies of the couple
The bodies have been shipped to
bring unable to combat the waves.
of blood poisoning In the Jaw, said There are a few accounts still not
The amount estimated and allowed »■■re discovered next morning by the Barbeton, Ohio, to he interred In the
Lifesavers R cmii «* Eight
to have lieen the result of Improper submitted and I am unable at this thia department last year was $1,- kindlady. Tlie victims had apparent­ old family cemetery lot.
Tlie second, tliird and fourth life dental work; and on the 23rd he time to get them, and a« the same 100.00. t’lider the budget I am up­ ly lighted the stove to warm the room
Unde Cheerful letter
the death of Mr and Mrs.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ «
Logan was purely accidental la fur­
Wan l«teran H«lti Mil master
* sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. prior to this information, the same not the allowance for this depart­
Prof. J. C Logan had many friends ther apparent front the fact that the
* Ixigan. had been asphixiated at lx»s will be included in the expense of menl would include labor Incurred In
♦ Angeles, Cal.
next year, however, ‘hey are small. installing water lines l on First street In this section, having taught school former had written hla brother here
prior to the time the i City look over at Prosper and In nearly all the on the 19th, and In a vey cheerful lat­
Office of Re«x»r«ler.
$998 88 the plant
There Is labor perform- -«bools of Curry county during the ter told of how they were enjoying
Mrs. E. W. Sehetter left on the
The amount provided for In the ed ori this, which if charged to the pust 8 or 9 years. He was born at themselves and what their plans for
♦ last Speedwell for Oakland, where
« ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ « ♦ she was called by the seriou» illness budget for the office of City Record- street department, would show a Greenburg, Ohio, 71 years ago, com- th«« future were.
8 Dead
Santa Clara Goes to
Pieces on Coos
Bay Bar.
Mrs. H. A. Morris is
Believed Victim
of Wreck.
Parents and Sister
of Local Woman
Rescued in Wreck