Women Folks Will Do Well To Prepare Pacific Coast Kelp White Plague Shown Beds Are Valuable The Gohlen Itule Has Purchased the Moi in_ Pictures ol Modern Woodmen European W ar Results in Attempi Averill Stock anti is Going to Sanitaiium, With Lecture, at to Obtain Valuable Chemicals Hell it Out. (•latiti, WetlneMlay. From Sea Weeds. Hallovve'en Party Mrs. Harry Pearce and F. Pape were hostesses at a deligiit- ful Hallowe'en party given at i lie former's home Friday afternoon, l'ive Hundred was played, prizes being won by Mrs. A. S. Elliott and .Mrs. Harry Walker Refreshments were erved. Tlie invited guests were: Mesdames Sorensen, Crain, Richards, Best, Nielson. Lowe. Walker. Mann, Reynolds, Gale, Radley, Dyer, Goy Dippel, (ieisendorf*!-, Ellit It. Kaus- mil, Laffaw, Trowbridge. Fei.dieiiu, Lillard, McC. John-ou, Slagle. M -iil. (’raine. Dickey. Laird, Garfield, Baker, Timmons. Fiotn, Wilson, BiggS, WalHtrom. Johnson. itj rne. Rasmussen, Webb, Pearce, McCreary, Gallier, S. Gallier, Buck, Kronen­ berg, Ralph Dippel; Misses Lowe, Rosa. Radley and Alice Tickell of Marshfield. Bargains beget bargains. Last The vast kelp beds of tlie western Theatre goers will have an oppor- week Stanley & Sessions of Eugene, unity next Wednesday evening at the t coast may be developed much more who bought the D. M Averill stock Grand to si e a wonderfully Interest- rapidly than anticipated only six of dry goods and ladies’ furnishings Ing and t durational film of over months ago when the Bandon com- at 75 cents tin the dollar, startled 1000 feet showing what the Modern mercial club in discussing a possible Uie fairer sex of the city with bar­ Woodmen of America are doing in use for kelp, was of tlie opinion the gains heretofore unequalled. They lie national fight to stamp out the sea weed was filled witii Chemicals enjoyed a good busim t for a while, Great White -Plague. The film is of considerable value but that no at but wlicii interest became slack grew »ver a 1000 feet in length and will tempt would be made to extract them Impatient and without further for­ bi shown in connection with the for years to come, The war in Eu mality lumped the whole works off regular program without extra rope lias increased the value of these to It. A. ('oppit of Marshfield at the charge. Viee Consul M. F. Hardesty, chemicals enormously, though, and it eUremely low figure of 53 cents on who accompanies the picture to the tlie conflict continues a few years, It the dollar. various towns will also give an ex­ is more than probaldy tlie industry Now all of the Averill stock is of planatory lecture. Tlie Modern from Wood­ of reclaiming the chemicals excellent quallly, new and up-to-date, Illi tl lodge is one of the most A Marshfield paper says Gay active sea weeds will be established along lint Mr. Popple who already owns the Lombard of Portland is figuring on in the country in fighting tubercu­ tlie Oregon coast. splendid Goldi n Hille store in Ban­ Tlie Hercules Powder company if plans for the building of an electric losls. lt has a large sanitarium at ti m hasn't any more use for it than Colorado Springs, where it Is already (tie pioneer tn the field and it is said line from North Bend to Sunset Bay. a dog has for two tails, so lie has Mr. Lom- is planning on spending as much a: a distance of 12 miles. taking care of IK0 patients. decided to get rid of it, and in doing $5,000,000 in reclaiming the chemi baril is said to be able to build the i. • I h going to give the women of Mi .. Fay Wolfo is reported quite cals, if a successful plan of gathering road without any assistance. Bandon a still bigger surprise than the kelp is found. It is now con III with I lie la grippe. they received from Stanley Ai St'SS J. rancher of the Four ducting experiments at .Monterey ions. is laid up with a brok- Bay in California and will try out a Mile About (lie latter part of next week, tubmarine reaper that will cut the on leg as a result of an accident last utter the entire Golden Rule stock streamers of kelp beneath the ocean's Sunday. Mr. Adams as lording ties has been moved into tito former The Tillamook is expected this surface. The submarine is provided anti in some manner one of tlie heavy Averill location. whii'li is to lie tlie week with a cargo of building ma­ with propellers having knife blades, timbers fell across tlie leg. Golden Rulo's permanent location in terial for the Bandon Bakery and the which cut tlie weed into six inch tlie future, there Is going to be one B-B buildings, which are rapidly pieces. A record for holding breath was These are sucked into the grand big sale, which will be of nearing completion. ' The former will hull of the vessel by a large pump, established last week by Warren D unusual Interest to the community. be ready in about a i week and the and as soon as a load is gathered it Horner, a graduate medical student A formal announcement, quoting an latter in about a month. will return to the land and unload. at Berkeley. He held ills brcatli 10 array of unheard-of prices will ap­ The chemical obtained from tlie minutes and 10 sec. This experiment Government Engineer ('. It. Wright pear in next week's Western World kelp are chloride of potash, iodine was conducted by' Dr. Saxton Temple arrived back in Bandon last week und every woman in tills community and nitrates. The potash before the Pope, instructor in surgery. will he wise to prepare for her win­ from the 1,'inpqua where he went t< war was selling at $35 a ton but the lupetintend a bar and harbor sur- ter's purchases. Opportunities like ■ y. He returned to that section price has now Jumped to $2(10 or tills one will be, are very rare at this ".ain tills week. Mr. Wright states more and the supply on hand is al- day and age und should not be over- he I’mpqua has a basis for a fine most used up. At tlie former price looked. barb >r and that the survey will In It was found impossible to extract all probability determine as to gov- the chemical at a profit from tlie Iler Sixteenth Birthday tea weed and no plants have been Miss Oslia Kelley was guest of eminent improvements there soon. established on the west coast as a honor at a birthday party Friday esult, although the possibilities of evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. tucli have been discussed at various Wm. Laub, It being her sixteenth There was a man in Bandon, places. anniversary. Tlie color scheme was Ami lie was wondrous wise, Large Beds Near Here pink and white, tlie decorations be­ He made a lot of money, and There are numerous kelp beds ing very pretty and tin* birthday cake He used to advertise. along the north Pacific coast and delicious. It was pink In color and And when tin* time for him to tlit leveral beds of considerable area are was udorned witii dainty little pink Stopped at him on Its round, near Bandon There Is a small one candles Tlie evening was pleasant­ Ho snltl, "I guess my work is done lust off and to the north of the bar, ly spent In games and music. Those I've boosted my home town” t Is understood, one down the coast present were: Osliu Kelley, Martini near Port Orford and a large one Bane, Estelle Barrrows, Mildred Wy­ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « iff Coos Bay. mer, Barbaru Barrows, lliiz.el Gib­ ♦ « Industry Established in Europe son, Vernal l.auli, Roy Henry, Ira ♦ ARROWS The chemicals needetl in times of Tucker, Thomas Thorn, Willie nick­ ♦ peace are obtained principally from ing, Randall Kay, John Gardner. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « nines In Germany. Some of them, Chester Bingaman and Orval Bar Shields-Hull X uptials hough have been extracted com rows. .Miss Lula Shields, daughter o ■ nerclally along the Scandamivian Mr. and Mrs. John Shields, anil liar coastal region. The weeds are also Util Give Annual Dance ry Frank Hull, son of Mr. and Mrs harvested along the Japanese coast The Knights of Pythias lodge is | Felix Hull, were married at Tlie Japanese th< in large qantities. planning on holding their annual i home of the bride's parents in Hilf use the weed for making a certain dance about the middle of Hext I city at 6 o'clock Wednesday eve kind of glue and for food purposes month. Arrangements have not as ning, Rev ('. A Croft officiating mostly, though, and but a limited yet been made, but it Is understood Only immediate relatives of tlie con amount of tliu chemical constituents tlie affair is planned to be one of the t,"i"t!n- parties were present. An are extracted. The Japanese cook big events. elaborate wedding dinner was serv the weed, obtaining a gelatine which Henry T. Geary took the second ed after tin* ceremony. Mr. anti Is said to be very nutritious and pal­ degree work in tlie K. of I* lodge Mrs Hull arc popular among tlieli atable. Monday night. before Tlie week friends in the younger set, tlie lat Where the kelp Is being harvest­ Aimer Walstrom took tlie first de- ter having also been a student ai ed for Its chemical constituents, the gree work and two weeks ago Tom llit* Bandon High school, They will weeds are gathered and taken to a l aird and Axel Erickson finished the make their home lien*. central station where they are placed third degree work. This ev. ning bride and groom wil in huge kilns and heated to a high In* guests i f honor at a serenade t< temperature. The iodine paaaes off be given at the Hull home, when is a beautiful violet vapor and is col­ music will furnish tlie entertain­ lected In the form of dark reddish ment. brown crystals by condensation, The potassium compounds mostly ni- rates and chlorides remain in t lie retort when the great heat lias re- I need thc mass to a powder. This is SAID OF WIT. taken out and tins been mostly used The next l«'st thing to being witty oneself |a to lie able to is a potassium fertilizer of great quote another's wit.—Bovee. itrength, although a certain proper tion of it has been refined and sold lie must I m * n dull fellow in­ to tlie drug trnile. The Iodine, how- Resuiiii'tinl Changes deed whom neither love, malice •*ver. being distilled off. is practically manager of Donney restaurant on nor necessity can Inspire with >ure and but little effort is needed First street east, wl e lie Is meet- wit. De la Brnyere. to refine it sufflcent for tile trade. Ing his old patrons til that broad The process has been mainly work, I 'J smile which won't mo off. Mr. Don't put too tine for the Iodine alone, the potas turn % vour wit for fear It Donahue had I mm n base being considered mainly as a % bAinti-d Cervantes pha restaurant for by-product. ej more months. A fet I ntn n fool, I know It. anti yet. Equipment Simple Meyers and Claire The equipment necessary for ex- i God help me, I'm |ss>r enough to charge of the Alpini be a w It Congreve. rncttng the constituents of the kel * ♦ stood that they will ire simple in construction and wl ere ♦ rant over to Mr. and Wit Is the salt of conversation, ised are mainly of crude and cheap the first of the month who will then not the fissi Ihmlltt. manufacture: being simply ordinary ♦*< c nduct the business fishing boats in the main for bring- ng in the "harvest," and a stone or JL brick kiln on shore with a long gal- A. i J lery leading from the top of suffi- ■lent length to cool and thereby con- lense the fumes given off. No at 'empts are made to refine the pro- AT THE luct, It being taken to the main labo- "ntorles for this process In its manu­ facture tyaramounttync jram Another Entertaining Paramount Feature WILLIAM ELIOTT Popular Legitimate Star in the great dramatic success “When We Were Twenty One” —a live reel feature— —A Veritable Screen Triumph— SUNDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 31st Also “The Honeymoon Baby” a rich comedy from the Vitagraph Studio. Tills picture ranks witii tlie best of tlie many fine Para­ See it mount features that have been shown in Bandon. Grand Theatre Gets IjWHMiO Damages The jury in the case of Mrs. Edna McDonald-Wall, of Coquille, vs. tlie Smith-Powers company, in the Fed­ eral court at Portland yesterday awarded the former $6000 damages. Mrs. Wall was suing for $35,000 for tlie loss of a leg about a year ago, when she was run over by a logging train. Invitations are out for a private dance at the Hauk hall next Wed- nesday night, given by the "Sons of the Skull," an organization of protui- nent young fellows of the city, It Is said they are planning on a novelty dance that will be one of the most enjoyable of the season. Elaborate decorations are being prepared for tlie occasion. “STAMPING OUT THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE” Over a thousand feet of interesting film, showing what the Mod­ ern Woodmen of America are doing towards the eradication of tuberculosis Mammoth Modern Sanitarium Being Con structed at Colorado Springs 180 Patients Already Cared For Grand Theatre, Wednesday, Nov. 3 Run in connection with the regular show Explanatory lecture by M. F. Hardesty No extra charge Extraordinary Offer Renewed for a Short Time Portland Evening Telegram Best Family Daily Paper in the State Best Local Weekly in Coos County DREAMLAND Y ♦ ♦ Î Y Y T Y T T Y Y Western World Hallowe’en Dance Saturday Night OCTOBER 30 New Music New Management 5c a dance. Mi. a Mystery! Marshfield Record: There is a rumor that one of Coos county's ap polntlve officials la about to resign bis place and move to California Whether or not thia la true, cannot ;ve stated, but there la said to be more than an emblem of fancy tn the rumor There will be a big dance nt the Dreamland Saturday night of thin er new management and BveryV.'dy Invited 5 3 The Famous Players Film Company —Present— See the wonderful educational picture X 4 t Y 3 Both One Year for $3.50 This generous offer will obtain until December 25, 1915 4-