-i 4* T IJ W BIG SACRIFICE SALE í Will be held next week at *< ■ - » *4 ♦ L CASH STORE If you are looking for Bargains in NOTIONS, GRANITE WARE, GLASSWARE, CHINAWARE, and DRY GOODS, prepare to attend our big sale, beginning Saturday of next week. We will give you the finest bargains ever offered in Bandon. tH Permanent location 24 First street east, in building formerly occupied by Red Crain Drug store. -• The l'r< byteriuil Ladies' Aid so ilvly will meet at the church par lots Wednesday, October 20th. Tin ladies are Utting up a kitehen am: urge nil members to be present to ill The L ui II ch ' Help Band of the Ad­ sped the work of the committee. A ventist church were the guests of business meeting of the Aid will alsi Mrs. F. I. Christie, Wednesday be held It is said the India ul'i* coll • « • « templatllig holding a chicken dinnel Mrs. Conger entertained a numbi i at the I 0.0 F. hall. October of her lady fl lends ill u Jolly W Ills! * * • • party Tuesday iiftvrnoen. at her The Mother's Study club met will homo on Ocean Drive. Mrs. ('Illis Mrs Bethel Hughs last Friday after L'usmussi ii wiia av arib d the first noon. .VII tnt*‘i valid ill this excel I l ire. Refreshments lent work nrv invited to attend Illesi Present w« ri Mr dm meellin s The chili will meet Ilex er, J Jones, Tiickvr. I time, on Friday, October 15th, will 1'ii'HuiiHsvn, Bob« rt n Edna Lorentzeii Those prvseni Hughs' Conrad Mortal Nutra '“aramounf^roaratn •layer« and <’ ’ tolmi n <' | r<“- nt ARE YOU A MASON?” TI ila liilaiioiis I omedy lias made r Ü in i ° Millions Laugh you waul to enjoy a rare u< it you «li. uld by see this world famous I arce < all A t means r A aedi. Sunday October, 17 I lady was at the L. I*. Sorensen home ’ noon and interment was in the K. when she was stricken with an at­ of P. cemetery. tack of heart trouble, dying within a : Reverand W. S. Smith, pastor of few minutes. Shi had been apparent the Presbyterian church, who paid a ly in the best of health and her fitting tribute to the sterling quali­ death came as a distinct shock. ties to the deceased, preached the She had been a resident of this funeral, sermon. meetion for twenty-eight years, all hut a few of which had been spent in | Musical Trio Coming Bandon. Deceased was born -at ! Dayton, Ohio, July 7th, 184'J. Iler' The Marshfield trio, said by inimi­ parent moved to Iowa Hire«' years cal critics to be the best organiza­ later where she grew to womanhood. tion of its kind in Coos county, will In 1X67 she married Albert Osborn, appear in Bandon Friday, October to which union three children were 22nd. born. Tile young couple moved to Headed by lienrich Gjerdrum of Vrkansns from Iowa, coining to this the conservatory of music, the trio state in 1S17. They moved to Coos has been welcomed as a real treat county about 2X years ago. Her in the Bay cities. .Mr. Gjerdrum i ■ a husband and one son. Spray, reside pianist of professional talent and lias in Canada. Two sons. Elmer and studied under the beat teachers in Li ster reside in this city. Europe. He is assisted by Gerald Funeral services were held at the Hunt, baritone soloist; Jens Beverly, Prt byterian church Sunday after- violinist. i COMING-—“Marguerite Clark” in Gretna Green a Famous Playe s feature, Thursday Oct., 21 g 4. r f Grand Theatre Delightful! ctauct f the superb chance music —loud and clear and in perfect dance time. Delightful bccau e you can dance whenever you feel like it the Victrola is always ready. I Turkey lrots, Tangos, One Steps—dance | music t f e\ cry kind, Come in and we ll gladly I nlav some for vou. H DIAMONDS V ATCHES CLOCKS And a complete line oi j< welry carried in stock. M iny beautiful designs in cut glass, stalling and plated silverware, are to be had at very reasonable prices. Watch Repaiiing, Eyeglass Dupkating, Agate Cut­ ting and Mounting Skillfully done. SABRO BROS. .M a N r i .\ er i ■ i : i n t ;. 11 : w i : le rs It i\DO\. ORIGOX I’hone 751 Mrs. Baird. Mrs Curren, Mrs Lev, Mrs. \\ esleder. Mrs and lira. Hughs. • • • • Bell. Mes'lanie.s E. Ii Kausrud, W. E Laub, Crainv, T. D. White, E. 1». Webb, ( ohman.. C TitniiK ns. II. E. Wilson S. Gallier, E. Gallier. Robert John son. Arthur Gale. I \\ Robins n. ii. Mrs 8. Curren received Satur Pv.irce. William Sweet. day evening at her home, a rvcepti, n Hom. 8. E Pearce Rosa, Ralph Dipp.I. Lenitili In celebration of her birthday About \. II. Rosa. (.« rge W. twenty guests gathered to congratu Gallier. . George Laird. T Sul late her and enjoyed a pleasant eve Moore. Manton Trva I lol Lillard nlng. At a late hour the guests re­ livan, L. H. Eelsheim. J O. A. paired to the dining room where a Harry* Walker. dellelotia luncheon awaited th« III John Hickey. George To I hose present were Mesdanu's l.or- Wade. W 8. Wills, I.. I I entzen. Hell, Hughs. Nygren. Pom- 8. C. Endicott. C \\ roy, Eiger, Tenhrook, Manciet. Bar chi«' Kruse. I' I. Griem rows, Wvsledvr. Baird. Laub. Gib n. I. affaw, Smith J Mann, II. 1.. Houston. J A II; Lev. Baird, Hausen and Curren Garfield. N’ejs Rasmus • • • « Nielson. Ilorai'v Richards ley. 1» E Illg .». V 8 Mrs. (.raydeti T Treadgold en Gviaendorfer. N. I. Cra tvrtalned a number of her friends Solve. Hugfus and Manci at a pleasant "500" party Tuesday She w as assist ml liy Mrs Harry « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Walker, Mrs. George I .a flaw and « OBITI im ♦ Mra. Albert Garfield V llelous ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ 0 luncheon was enjoyed and the ladies Mil* I vivi \ oslMiliX report one of the most delightful gathering* of the season The prize Saturday. October 9th. the grim for high Score was wen by Miss Nora reaper claimed «ne of I andon's , le­ Solve The invite«! guests were. ncera. MS» Emma Osborn The STOVES I If you are in need of a heating stove come in and see our line, we are sure to please, in price and quality. Priced from $1.00 to $17.50 Me Nair Hdwe Co. "THE HOME OF GOOD HARDWARE” TI I I PHoXE ini I •<