Image provided by: Bandon Historical Society Museum
About Western world. (Bandon, Coos County, Or.) 1912-1983 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1915)
ENGLISH ARTILLERY IN ACTION O CEDAR HILL DAIRY 00 New Milk Route For This City F, V an L e UVEN, Proprietor. Opened Monday, March 15 Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered to any part of the city daily. 111 You can now get high quality fresh milk de livered daily at your door at We please others let us please you. Six cents for single quarts Five cents in two-quart lots. Phone Rural MUSIC Anyone of 2000 standard and class ical foreign an«« American composi tions. Regular prices range from 50c to »1.IWI. WATCH FOR THE WAGON! Make arrangements with the driver to become a permanent customer. We guarantee satisfaction at the lowest possible price. • tilt. by American P imi AeeociaUon. Chemists’ Analysis Coos Bay Has Clear Little Chance For Sailing But Bandon Appears Damaging Roseburg Railroad Strikes a Snag SEASIDE DAIRY CHRIS. RICHERTS, Prop. Examination of Arthur Russell's Produces Sufficient Arsenic to Have Caused Death. From newspaper reports it ap pears that the main point upon which tlie supreme court granted a OUR PRICE i(»c A COPY The report of E. P. W. Harding, Mr. Richardson said lie passed re-hearing in the Port of Bandon nearly four weeks in the east, and case, which was brought to test the the O. A. C. chemist who analyzed had tlie pleasure of talking with validity of said port, was on the portions of the stomach and intes some of tlie greatest financiers of grounds that the territory enibrac- tines of Arthur Russell for the pros ARRIVING—ALL—THE—TIME the I'nlted States. In New York and ed in the Port of Bandon overlapped ecution In murder charges against Chicago, Mr Richardson said, he dis or included land already incorporat Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Russell of cussed tlie proposition of selling the ed in the Port of Coos Bay. To the Myrtle Point, is to tlie effect that bond Issue with the heads of two of lay mind this contention, if true, ap he found no trace of any poisonous But what matter except arsenic. The amount tlie most important banking houses pears necessarily fatal. of those great cities. "I discovered Coquille seems to have encountered of arsenic was small, but the amount after a brief conversation with east in forming its port district seems to of material was small, consequently ern bond buyers,” said Mr. Richard have been overlooked in the "friend the chemist declares in proportion son. “that we are going to meet with ly suit" that followed the organiza there was sufficient of tlie drug pres Rease & Eaton, Props. considerable difficulty in selling our tion of the Coos Bay body. If the ent to have caused deatli to a person. ra ilroad bonds. It was the general Port of Coos Bay has included part Tissues near the bones of the body of tlie persons with whom 1 of the Coquille watershed in its con had been examined and found American Plan $1.00 and opinion talked that tlie legal restrictions im fines, and we are satisfied that it to contain arsenic, but the bone it posed on the railroad commissioners lias—Prosper precinct having voted self had not yet been analyzed. Wat $1.50 per day. at tlie time tlie bonds were voted on the selection of commissioners for er from a spring near the grave con European Plan, Rooms 50c, makes their sale almoHt an impossi their side—it seema seems to be very tained no arsenic, but an extremely bility. it is my opinion that we will strange that the issue was not raised minute arsenic mirror was extract 75c and $1.00 per day. have to make tlie bonds more flex in the Coos Bay case. Or was the ed from the earth taken near the ible before they can be sold. Tlie friendliness of the case so pronouc- grave. great banking interests of tlie east ed that this particular issue was al- "From the present indications,” uro looking for investments in de lowed to get by. It was generally says Prof. Harding, "I should judge velopment enterprises, rattier than in clear in the understanding of the the person must have been given at railroads. A New York bond buyer average individual that the port dis least one-half gram, but until I have and a man who lias made a careful tricts were to embrace territory with examined tlie bones I could not make study of conditions on the Pacific in that particular watershed. But in it more definite. I will be able to const, informed me that money was the formation of the Port of Coos make a more definite statement aft now available for the development Bay, we went out of this watershed er examining them." of legitimate wa’er powers, sawmills and included the Ten Mile country, It is not known here whether or and other industries of le similar na which has a distinct and separate not the body was embalmed by an ture. This same bond buyer, how watershed of its own. Big Creek, undertaker and that possibly the ar ever, did not appear to relish the embracing Shore Acres and other senic was injected by him at that idea of purchasing bond whicli had lands, near the entrance to Coos Bay time as a preservative. for their purpose the construction of were omitted and the reason given The preliminary hearing for the a railroad from Roseburg to Coos was that it had a watershed of its Russells has been indefinitely post- county. Almost without exception, own, tlie argument being supported poned. tlie first question asked by eastern by the facts. Then we jump over Clarence Russell Friday furnished capitalists ’ wus with regard to the the divide and grab a piece of Co bondsmen for $3,000 and was given New Location amount of tonnage that would be quille territory. The Port of Coos his freedom. S. F. Reed and Mr. TIMMONS BUILDING, available in i the event a railroad was Bay received the official sanction of First Street. Warner of the Myrtle Point district constructed from Roseburg to the regularity from the supreme court, went his bonds. So far they have coast. From my talk witli these men but now comes the Port of Bandon been unable to furnish bondsmen for Daily Papers Magazines I learned that railroads are built and its plans seem to have been up Mrs. Russell. She is in charge of on a tonnage basis and that passen set for traveling on lines similar to All Current Publications Hark Dunham, probation officer, ow- ger traffic is not even considered by that of Coos Bay in the program of ing to the three little children them. In fact, it was tlie general Its organization. The conclusion is opinion of railroad builders that tlie therefore readily reached that what passenger business was a drain on tlie is sauce for the goose is not always A Mutter of Thanka i wish to express my thanks to the treasury rather than a dividend pro sauce for the gander—Marshfield Saturday Evening Post ducer. I was told by men of high Sun. young lady who assisted me while 1 financial standing that transporta- was attending the show at tlie Ignorance of the law excuses no- j Grand tlie other evening (ion was only incident to the estab- Being di lisliment of industries. During a one; ignorance of your own com rectly behind me she read aloud all impson talk with i one of the best known bond munity is a crime, when the Western the announcements as they were buyers in Chicago 1 was informed, or World is at your door every week at ; thrown on the screen. President TRAINED it was rattier suggested to me that a dollar and a half for fifty-two. Wilson's over taxed neutrality spiel ---------------------- 1 included, and I was much impressed. tlie people of Roseburg and vicinity ------ NURSE should first secure Home staple in Site, being tender hearted and see PHONE 934 BANDON dustries which would aid in develop ing that I was not as observant of ing the country. I found it was al tlie various announcements as I most impossible to secure transporta should iiavct been, conferred that tion unless there were sufficient in favor upon me. She is my idea of dustries to assure a large and profi what a young lady of 16 or thirty C. M. SPENCER table tonnage during tlie entire 12 ought to be. She is not one of the shy little tiling who is afraid to months of the year." REAL ESTATE speak out loud. It was a vast help INSURANCE to me because I didn't have to look OVER BANK "Ves," the pessimist »ay», at the screen at all could talk to OF BANDON after tomorrow it'll rain sure my companion and look over tlie aud the wind will blow." But ience and hear' the pictures at the more could we expect. He s same time, A gentleman in front of pessimist. me seemed to he bothered unite a bit because he kept turning around, and AT THIS BANK finally got up and left the theatre. I Te" jour n< ighbor about the World noticed that it bothered the young You may pay here, lady who was befriending me. too. but I assured her he had no refer thereby saving a ence to her. In order to fully thank special trip to the the young lady, and so there may be county seat. We no misunderstanding. I will tell her V>u had better stop at once or name. She is Miss Chew gum (»pen procure for you the you'll lose your job. Every line » of face, eldest daughter of Mrs. Gad business is closing Its doors to proper receipts, and about Openface She is to be com Drinking" men. it may be y< our Stand at Central Warehouse mended on payment file the turn next Ry the aid of ORRINE MR. SH1EL KNOTT SEEIT. same to be called Phone 1054 thousands of men have been restor (Adv.) M25-lc ed to lives <>f sobriety and industry for at your conven- BANDON OREGON We are so sure that ORRINE will lence. benefit you that we say to you that if after a trial you fall to get any benefit* from its use. your money $><$> will be refunded W hen you stop drinking." think Contractors and of the money you'll sve. besides, so Builders ber men re worth more to their em ployers and get higher wages. Costs only $1 oo a box. We have Plans and specifications fur io Interesting booklet about ORRINE nished. If you contemplate I that we are giving away free on re building see us and we can quest Call at our store and talk It 'over Orange I'liarmat,, save you money. Century Edition Latest Song Hits Phone Farmers IS >0000000000000<>0000000000000<t>0000000 For that Missouri Sorghum at 24 pair of ladies low shoes, $2.50 to $3.75 values, now $1.00 and $1.50 SPARKS' Grocery, phone 291. 28tf M18t2 I Western World—the Quick Print. at Breuer’s. J. T. MARS 1 Hotel Bandon First Class Cafe in Connection 1i R. DAVIDSON General Transferring IF YOU ARE A DRINKING MAN Light and Heavy Draying Biown & Gibson of fianiton Phone 291 Groceries That’S AU ’000000<^0000000000<z>00000000000000000 Faster Telegraph Service will be afforded on messages to Bandon if you instruct correspondents to send Telegrams, Night and Day Letters via the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, which has a DIRECT connection with the Coos and Curry Telephone Company which is never closed. Offices and lines, always open, working 24 hours every day. including Sundays. No delays in transfer at Marshfield. Coos & Curry Telephone Co. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo< OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 6 EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS ALWAYS ON TIME Q | Steamer B reakwater | Miss S Pay Your Taxes hesells QPADV'Q 01 /ALvlXO TUTTLE 0 Cigars, Tobaccos J $ Richville, Oregon SAILS from RAILROAD dock MARSHFIELD X X X Y Y X 0 SAILS I-ROM coos BAY: Saturday, March <f at I P. M. and Sat., Mar. 13, H A. M.; Monday Mar. IS, 9 A. M.; Mar. 22. I P. M.; March 20th, s A.M. First cabin 811»; second 87; Including bertha and meals. BREAKWATER TICKETS OX SALE IN PORTLAND AT TICKET OFFICE l,O< ATEI> AT SIXTH * OA K ST. BANDON WAREHOUSE CO., Agents. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: J. L. K ronenrerg . President F. J. F ahy , Cashier T. P. H anly , Vice-President W. J. S weet , Assistant Cashier R. H. R osa c . y L owe Bank of Bandon Bandon, Oregon Capital $50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $25,000.00 1 »rafts on the Principal Cities of the V,orld. A General Banking Business. Accounts of Individuals and Corporations Solicited. o X 0 O A X X X