Western world. (Bandon, Coos County, Or.) 1912-1983, March 25, 1915, Image 4

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Jimmie Dollar spent Sunday in
D. M. Averill was at Coquille Sun­
day attending the Johnson funeral.
I>r. 8. C. Endicott was a business
visitor at Marshfield the first of the
seldom come suddenly.
I hey are usu­
ally the result of thrifty habits form­
ed in youth, supplemented by the habit
of saving.
The person who SAVES always Al -
CUMULATES and accumulations pave
the way to riches.
Any person, old or young, can begin the
habit of sating by opening an account
at this bank. It will start you on the
road to wealth.
Mrs. O. A. Trowbridge was a visi­
tor at Marshfield the latter part of
last week
George Mather of Portland has
arrived in the county enroute to visit
friends in Curry.
The Tillamook arrived from Port­
land with a load of miscellaneous
merchandise for local stores. Mon-
Contractor R. F. Miller is unable
to work on account of an attack of
rheumatism In the wrist of the right
Councilman C. F. Pape has been
confined to his home several days
suffering from a severe attack of
(The JFirst National Sank
of Uanfton.
The Pacific Cleaners and Pressers
have put out some neat blotters, ad­
vertising the scope of their business
in the tailoring line.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Warren and
the former's father, S. H. Warren
dishes can be prepared In paper bags of Coquille, came to Bandon Friday
in the oven, The creamed salmon, for a few week's outing.
cooked in a bag, cau be dished In
Mrs. S. C. Endicott of Bandon,
paper cases.
One might plan a third annivcrs- was over from Oakland today. Her
ary party for Home friend and ask mother, Mrs. J T. Bridges, is said
all the guests bidden to observe its to be improving in health.—Friday's
significance. The third anniversary Roseburg Review.
is the leather one, and the gifts
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McNair were
brought might include leather-bound at Marshfield the latter part of the
books, leather belts, purses, hand­ past week, where Mr. McNair was
bugs, key cases and the many little attending business mattery for the
traveling conveniences of leather— McNair Hardware company.
cases for sewing materials, drinking
A. J. Hume,
an occhardist, of
cups, scissors, bodkins and many oth­
Seattle, Washington, has been in Ban­
er things.
The woeden anniversary might be don and vicinity the past week. Mr.
celebrated with a feast of picnic na­ Hume is on hie annual spring tour
ture served on wooden tray, s—in­ throughout this Bection of Oregon
pruning treeB.
eluding sandwiches and cold dishes
served on wooden plates, a salad
C. A. Glenn has installed three
mixed with wooden fork and spoon new chairs in his barber shop. They
in u wooden bowl, a cake on a wood­ are white, to match the new wood­
en eake board and nuts from a wood- work, and are of the latest improved
en nut bowl. Little carved wooden designs.
Still more improvements
paper knives, nut crackers and other are to be made.
knickknacks would make appropriate
M. G. Pohl 1 b making regular trips
to Coquille where he is receiving
* * * •
treatment for a cancer at the hands
An Excellent Recipe
Brown sugar cookies—Cream two- of Dr. Richmond. The growth on
thirds of a cup of butter, or butter Mr. Pohl’s lip has been removed and
und lard mixed, with one and one- is apparently healing.
For Different Anniversaries
Here are the wedding anniversar­
ies: The silver wedding is usually
celebrated in some way or other, und
so is the golden wedding anniver­
sary, by those who are fortunate
enough to have one to celebrate. But
the many anniversaries that come be­
fore these famous ones are very oft­
en left uncelebrated, save, perhaps,
by a dinner, or perhaps a theatre
party. The old-faHhioned characters
of the different days are not taken
into consideration.
The first anniversary is the one
dedicated to cotton. A cotton party
might tie given, to which all guests
were invited to come, dressed in cot­
ton. The rooms should be decorated
with cotton bolls und "cotton" re
freshments should bo served any
delicacies suggestive of the cotton-
growing belt. For a cotton luncheon
the refreshments might tie cream rice
■oup, fried chicken, hominy cakes,
stuffed sweet potatoes, small squares half cups of brown sugar, add two
of hot corn bread, stuffed tomato well beaten eggs and mix thorough
salad, cotton bolls (balls of vanilla iy, then stir in three rounded cups of
flour, sifted with one teaspoonful of
ice cream) and coffee.
The second anniversary is the pap­ loda, two teaspoonsful of cream of
er anniversary, and In these days of tartar and a pinch of salt; flavor
the perfection of crepe paper for dec­ with a teaspoonful of vanilla, roll
oration purposes no clever woman thin, cut with a cookie-cutter, and
need be at a I ohs for effective paper bake in a brisk oven.
« * * •
decorations. Paper flowers, candle
Care means more to shoes than
shades, paper tablecloth, napkins and
dishes might all be used at a paper it means to almost any other article
supper. And the cooked food might of woman's apparel. I'ntldy shoes
lie prepared in paper bags. Of course makes the smartest costume look
there should be paper place cards, dowdy. Dusty shoes make the most
and ice cream could lie served in - potless costumes look dirty. So it be­
paper cases, the bonbons wrapped In hooves the woman who would be well
paper and the sandwiches tied with dressed to look to the care of her
paper ribbon.
A good menu for a paper bag sup
little Step Savers
per would be
Grap«1 fruit and or­
Have you a set of cheap casters on
anges served In glass cups, wrapped
in tissue paper, tied with a ribbon the legs of your kitchen table, so
around the top
(the guests open that you can roll it about at ease In­
these themselves); then creamed stead of lifting it and »(training your
salmon in paper eases, lamb chops, back ?
Have you a pair of sharp scissors
peas and hashed potatoes, rolled
sandwiches tied with paper ribbon, hanging in a convenient spot to use
pepper and cucumber salad served on in trimming lamp wicks, cutting up
paper plates, biscuit tototli In paper parsley, und trimming the flower
cups, cakes and coffee
The coffee stems?
will have to be served In china cups
Everything else can be served in the
Baby shoes, size 5 to 8, for less
paper utensils, and all the cooked Ilian cc it at Breuer's.
this is a store
Hhat more need we say?
Except that we save you 5 per
tent on all you buy anti 10 per
cent if you buy a $25 cash
rdephone 582
Cor. hirst and Filmore
R L. Gimlln was up from New
Lake Monday. He expects to move
some of his cows to his new ranch
near Coquille this week. He will
drive them to Bandon and from here
take them up the river on a boat.
Harry Morrison has been out late­
ly in his new model Studebaker road­
ster which he purchased from Al
Garfield. He likes it much better
for his purpose than the touring car
model which he owned last summer.
A FTER March 29th we will occupy our
new store in the Johnson building
where every convenience has been
arranged for service to the public. This
move is the result of circumstances arising
from the big fire of last June at which time
Bandon suffered a heavy loss; nevertheless
it is a demonstration of our faith in the fu
ture growth of our city that we shall con
tinue to improve and advance with its de
velopment. We solicit your patronage and
extend a cordial invitation to all to visit
this store
ed, and will move his second hand
tains. Several thousand acres will
store to that Ideation. The building
be surveyed and mapped intensively,
is receiving a glass front and the ex­
a detailed cruise made of the
List of letters remaining un-
terior is being covered with siding.
resources of the region. \
claimed in the Bandon postoffice for
Mr. Beach has ±een conducting a
forest service inspector who recently
the week ended March 20. 1915:
rtore on Cleveland
id avenue for a num­
visited the party, reports that in spite
J. H. Bennett
ber of years, enjoys a large patron­
of the roughness of the country and
Geo. R. Hancock
age and finds it necessary to occupy
the frequent rains, the work is pro­
W. A. Owsley
better quarters.
gressing rapidly.
Chas. Owsley
The Western World is in receipt of
G. W. Smith
Some men base all conclusions on
an advance copy of the new Oregon
These letters, if not claimed will
the idea that all are grafters but
Almanac, a volume of statistics and be sent to the dead letter office on
Information regarding every com­ April 3. 1915.
munity in this state. These copies
W. J. SWEET, P. M.
It is claimed that people's talents
are being received by the various in-
vary according to the month in which
fluental papers of the state for press
Examining Curry Timlrer
they were born. If you are not satis-
comment. In a few days the various
The district forester at Portland fled wlth yours, change the month.
commercial bodies will receive copies
has detailed a party to examine ami
and the big run of 300,000 copies is
report upon a body of timber tn Cur­
The fellow who wanted to lick
then to be distributed to the citizens
ry county for which a tentative ap­ us because he thought we had called
placing a request for the pamphlet
plication to purchase has been re­ his a fool was quite satisfied with
with the proper bureau.
ceived by the Forest service. The our explanation that we had not cal­
Coos county is soon to have an- party is now at work on Jack's and led him one because we thought ev­
other sensational court case in the Mill creeks in the Siskiyou tnoun- erybody knew it.
Russell matter, besides the continu-
ation of the Simpson case, giving
certain newspapers of that county a
chance to fill space with very ques­
tionable matter for the reading pub
lie which dotes on such news. We
cannot see the benefits of such ad­
vertising. From a moral standpoint
Then why not your clothes— they
publications which attempt the sen­
sational by publishing all the dirt and
cost money. Get them cleaned and
filth which is connected with some
pressed regularly. They’ll always
of these cases are catering to a very
low standard of morality among
look neat, and they’ll wear three
their readers—Gardiner Courier.
The ladies' aid society of the M
E. church will give a bazzar and
lunch sale Wednesday afternoon and
evening of March 31st. It will be
Aliwaneila in laical Port
held in the First National Bank
The gas schooner Ahwaneda of
building formerly occupied by Aver­
Newport arrived in Bandon Sunday
ill's annex.
afternoon with a miscellaneous car­
George I.affaw made a trip to the go of freight and lath for local mer­
Two Mile section on tie businesi- chant*. The schooner will load with
Monday. He found the road in pret­ the famous white cedar shingles at
ty bad condition, but he has so much the Kruse mill for Newport deal­
confidence in his little Buick road­ ers. The Ahwaneda has made the
ster that he doesn't hesitate to try local port a number of times, but is
any old road once.
not on a regular schedule here. The
Bev. and Mrs. C. H Barklow of craft is about the size of the Ran­
Myrtle Point came to Bandon the lat­ dolph.
t er part of the past week to spend a
Library Benefit Ball a Success
few days with local parishioners of
The ladies of the l.irary board who
the Church of Brethren.
Barklow delivered the sermon in the worked hard for the success of the
dance given at Dreamland pavlUon
local church Sunday morning.
last Saturday evening for the benefit
D M Charleson and family of
of the Library, state that the dance
Marshfield came to Bandon Monday
was a complete success both from a
Mr. Charleston is engineer for the
social and financial standpoint. The
Port of Coos Bay. He Is being em­
ladies cleared over $50 on the ven­
ployed by the Port of Bandon to do
some work Incident to the dredging ture which Is to be used as a fund for
that is to commence about the uiid- purchasing new books for the insti­
die of next month.
Girls' lace shoes, from 10 1-2 to 2.
Foresters Have Big Dame
below cost while they last, at Brou-
The Companions
Miati dance at the Bank hall Saturday
night «as a big succeBe and netted
Electrician Lillard has installed
the ladies a
handsome return for
the first permanent cluster arc lamp
their efforts
well as turning out
post on First street, tt is at the
a great success in a social way. Mr.
corner of Bandon avenue and First
Gross, manager of the hall, stated
street in front of the Laird & Lowe
they were well pleased with the
property. Mr. Lillard s model Is the
cese of the affair tn every way
latest design, guaranteed to be of
that possibly the ladies would
non rusting metal, and Is very ar­
another tn a short while.
where you
Pollock & Pollock
The Central Warehouse company
has installed a new hoist west of
their building to be used In lifting
coal from the barges into the bins
Power is furnished by electric mov-
ale winch used in unloading river
Tie» Bring In Much Money
March 15th was pay day for
Estabrook company. >6500 having
been paid out here for ties. Mr Bed
" I. Reach Is having the tempor­ •ays that since February 15tli the
ary building at the corner of First company has paid out approximate!,
street and Bandon avenue remcdel- 130,000 locally.
A few pair of boy» shoes, size 3
to « now 11 25 and »1 50 at Breu-
times as long.
Mark Windle, Tailor
Rear of Hub Clothing Co.
A Smile
I here s a reason w liy you get a smile w it It
e'ery bite when you purchase our groceries.
I here s a reason why you continue to smile, and
tonfinue to purchase OUR groceries.
Have you noticed the smiles our custo-
mers are wearing.’
> ou ought to be smiling
t ome in and let us tell you
good one.
the reason
Bungalow Grocery
Phone 673
Prompt Delivery