Southwest Oregon recorder. (Denmark, Curry County, Or.) 188?-18??, June 02, 1885, Image 6

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Fat Walking Horr.
One experienced in the management of
horses tells us that any colt may be
taught to be a fast walker by a littlo
continued care in handling. A fast walk
in a horse is the most valuable gait that
training can acquire. It is valuable in a
plow horse, in a team horse, and partic
ularly so in a driving horse.
Some horses will trot along very well
until you come to ascendiug ground,
wheu you wish to relieve him by letting
him walk up grade; he then falls into a
Blow lazy walk that is very trying to the
driver's patience, but a vvell-trained
walker will step off briskly at the rato
of four miles an hour, and the driver
feels that he had been detained but very
little by letting his horse walk up the
hill, as he starts off at his usual trotting
speed, being relieved by the change of
walking up the hill.
Colts should be trained to walk fast
before there is an attempt made to im
prove them in any other gait. This may
be accomplished by commencing very
young, and leading at a walk by your
side, urging additional speed little by
little without letting it break into a trot ;
but this must not be continued long at a
time so as to worry or tire. One or two
short lessons a day will soon show a
wonderful improvement; but after les
sons will be' required to prevent a re
lapse. 0
Farm and Garden Notes
To keep hens from flying over high
fences, cut off all the fly feathers on one
wing and it will stop them.
Scotch farmers believe that cut straw
is better for the dairy wheu newly
threshed, hence they thresh every day
enough fodder for the following day.
Horses may be taught to canter slowly
and gracefully by riding them under the
saddle for long distances up hill. The
canter is a gait not so much desired
since horseback riding has gone into dis
use, but there arc many indications that
the healthful exercise given by riding on
horseback is to become more popular, as
it certainly should.
The quince is a slow grower. For
this reason it is an advantage to buy
trees well grown, say four or five feet
higb, rather than mere slips. Such
iieg will come ia bearing in three or
foax years, and prove cheaper in the end
than smaller trees at a lower price. They
will have more than paid all expenses be
fore the smaller trees will yield any
thing. Abide from the looks of the thing,
dead limbs on fruit or other trees should
be promptly removed. Where limbs die
from blight the cutting should be below
any diseased part, or it will spread the
infection. Prompt cutting down to
healthy wood will check moat cases of
blight. The saw used should not be ap
plied to healthy trees unless first washed
with carbolic acid and water.
Barnyat d manure is commonly deficient
in phosphate, which is one reason why
the two kinds of fertilizers go so well
together. There is one advantage in
mixing phosphate in manure heaps, as
the fermentation which takes place
makes the mineral mauure more soluble
and available. In soils deficient in veg
etable matter phosphate often becomes
insoluble before it can do any good.
The only safe way when weed seeds
abound in manure is to thoroughly com
post it until their vitality is destroyed.
Turning the heap over at least once, to
get the outer edges of the first heap in
the middle, it is necessary, in order that
all the seeds may be exposed to the heat.
If well done, so as not to burn the cen
tre, the manure will be all the better for
the operation, as the plant food .will be
more soluble.
There is a growing inquiry among
farmers as to the profits from keeping
geese. Feathers are high, and though
geese if unrestrained are destructive to
grain crops, yet it is the belief of many
that they fully pay for all that they -de-p
stroy. A gooso- may be plucked three
' to four times during the warm season,
: and despite the outcry against the cruel
ty of picking live 'birds, the goose will
"bo in as good condition in fall as if the
feathers had been allowed to drop out.
It is well known that the common po
tato is the product of seed which in its
wild state is wholly unfit for food. Thit
s he quality of potatoes now, however,
rends largely on the soil and methods
iltivat.icn, i? less generally under-
The potatoes grown on the soil
ivegetab.'e matter will be large
rse. In a wet season they will be
bv .
"soggy" when cooked. If not well
covered from the sun while growing, the
tubers will be green and have a harsh,
bitter taste, which is really that of poi
son. At a recent meeting of the Massachu
setts Horticultural society Dr. Goessman
announced that in his analysis ho had
found that the ashes of asparagus con
tain a very large amount of potash fifty
per cent. With this knowledge he de
cided that the asparagus plant requires
Eotash fertilizers, and for several years
as ured potash on his asparagus beds
together with bono dust. On an acre
and a half of poor gravel land he has
grown prize asparagus by the applica
tion of bone ana potash only, no animal
For uso on the farm, especially in
drawing manure, the tires of wagons
should be three inches or more in width.
Th host mndn rf nnnlvinr m.inur ia a
uicoaiug unci juuvyiujj, uuv wis ta
made impossible by the common narrow
tired wagons, which cut into the plowed
soil like knives. On roads broad tires
are equally beneficial, as they fill up
rather than cut the ruts more deeply. It
is, however, discouraging for one or twq
alone in a neighborhood to use broad
tires on roads, as they are mending, at
some expense, the ways of other people.
English farmers make much of then
turnip crop. It is, with oil meal,
and corn meal when it is cheap
enough, the staple food for fattening
stock. We, perhaps, do not grow as
large turnip or rutabaga crops as English
farmers, but we do grow mangold wurtzul
as large as anybody, and presumably ol
greater sweetness, as our summers are
warmer and dryer than those of England.
But here roots are scarcely considered a
staple food for anything. We feed some
to milch cows to promote milk secretion,
but supplement it with grain. The rea
son is that we can grow Indian oorn. II
English farmers had our corn crop they
would think less of roots.
Sulphur-bleaching, by which means
even inferior dried and evaporated fruits
are made to appear white and attractive,
is denounced by Professor E. W. Hil
gard, of the California university. Pro
fessor Ililgard, having duly investigated
by analysis and otherwise the effects of
sulphur fumes on the fruit, states his ob
jections in an effusive bulletin. These
objections are not alone on the score of
health, but he insists that fruit arti
ficially bleached by means of sulphui
loses its flavor and is not nearly so pala
table as the darker-tinted fruit. He
therefore advises consumers to select
dried fruits that possess a light, brown
ish hue in preference to the white
bleached fruits. J
Oatmeal Muffins. One cup of oat-,
meal, 1 pints of flour, one teaspoonful
of salt, two of baking powder, one table
spoonful of lard, two eggs, one pint of
milk Sift together meal, flour, salt and
baking powder; rub the lard in cold,
and then add beaten eggs and milk.
Turnip Soup. Slice five turnips and
three onions, with a piece of butter, in a
saucepan (cover close.) Let it stew half
an hour; then pul in as much good stock
as you require for the quantity of soup,
add a few peppercorns ; let it simmer for
two hours, add a good slice of bread,
rub it through a sieve and add half a
pint of cream before serving.
Boimno Fish. After washing thor
oughly in salted cola water, sprinkle the
fish with 6alt and pepper, and tie in a
clean cloth with a sprig of parsley.
Cover with cold water, except in case of
salmon, when luke-warm water must be
used to preserve the color. Cod requires
fifteen minutes for each pound. A fish
weighing one pound will be done in ten
minutes after the water begins to boil.
Draw butter sauce, with a hard-boiled
egg chopped fine and stirred in at last,
is very nice for bass. Oyster sauce is
the best for cod.
Apple Puddino, Baked. Cut two
or three slices of bread from a stale loaf;
cut them not any thicker than a quarter
of an inch; pare one pound of good bak
incr apples, cut them in quarters and en
tirely move the core; then slice them
very thin; butter rather liberally a good
sized pie-dish, and lay at the bottom one
of the slices of bread, cut to fit the dish;
put upon this a layer of the apples, a
good sprinkling of sugar, and a few
very tiny pieces of butter; next another
slice of bread, apples sugar and butter,
and so on until the dish is as full as re
quired ; pour over the top one pint of
milk, and bake in a moderate oven for
about an hour and a half, or until the
apples feel quite soft , when a fork is
pressed into them.
A Slngln? ItlTer.
A peculiar musical resonance, which
John Boyle O'Heilly describes in Outlna
as occurring in a e juestered portion of
the Susquehanna, finds its counterpart in
the low sandy banks and marshes of the
Pascagoula river, and is accounted for
by the inhabitants of its shores in a more
picturesque, if not so practical, a manner.
Among the numerous Indian legends
which have drifted back to us from the
old colonial life of our country, there are
none more Iihcnish iu flavor than the oft
told legend of Pascagoula bay. Upon
calm, moonlight nights a mysterious
music has been heard to issue at intervals
from the water, and floating over its sur
face for a time, dies away in soft melo
dious fragments. Apparently it comes
from caverns or grottoes below the bed
of the stream, and, ascending from the
water in a volume of sound, it curls
under the very keel of the traveler's boat,
and reaches the ear like tho strains of a
thousand distant seolian harps.
To the wholly practical mind the
phenomenon may be accounted for in
Earthy the peculiar formation of the
anks of the stream, the wild rushing of
the wind through the reeds and ledges
on the shore, or the hollow indentations
in tho bed of the river. Outing.
Killlngr Sit Jc Captives In India.
On another occasion one of the wri
ter's people describes a raid into Cachar.
On the return march a youncr woman
sank exhausted and unable to proceed:
The chief halted, and after a short
consultation, he sa:d to me: "Go, 11a
moni, and spear her. I will stand by
and see that you do it properly." I felt
much afi aid, for I had never killed a
human creature, and I was only seven
teen years old. When the girl saw me
&nnroachin? her with the snear in my
hand she fell a-weeping. and caught at
my feet ana garments, entreating me.
Then my heart beat and my head be
came giddy, so that I said to the chief:
"I cannot do it."
But the chief reproached and the
young men mocked him.
Then I shut my eyes and rushed at her
with my spear, but the blow was ill di
rected; and Rutton Pola snatched the
weapon from my hands and killed the
girl with one blow. "Here," said he,
giving me back my spear with the biood
onJt, "lick this to strengthen your
heart." The blood of Bengalis is very
salt, added Bamoni; but since then I
have not been afraid to spear any one.
Travel in India.
Agreeable to Everybody. -Col.
Bobert G. King, for ten years
Deputy Collector Internal Revenue, Bal
timore, Maryland, writes: I endorse the
Red Star Cough Cure. I have used it
in my family for a violent cough and
found it excellent. Its use was entirely
free from the' depressing effects of other
Cough remedies. It can readily bo taken
and agrees with and benefits everybody
suffenng from throat and lung troubles.
The relief is permanent, and there is no
There are very nearly 1,500,000 acres
of unimproved land in Massachusetts, ac
cording to Professor Maynard.
Especially to Women.
"Sweet is revenge, especially to women.
Said the gifted, but naughty, lxrd Byron.
Surely ho was in bad humor when he wrote
such words. But there are complaint that
only women suffer, that are carrying num
bers of them down to early graves. There is
hope for those who suffer, no matter how
sorely, or severely, In Dr. R V. Pierce's
"Favorite Prescription." Save in its action
it Is tblessing, especially to women and to
men, too, for when women suffer, the house
hold is askew.
Thk thousands of finger-rings worn in this
country are estimated to be worth $53,000,
000. An OffetiHlTe Breath
is most distressing, not only to tho person af
flicted if he have any pride, but to those with
whom he comes in contact It Is a delicate
matter to speak of, but it has parted not
only friends but lovers. Bad breath and ca
tarrh are inseparable. Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy cures the worst cases, as thousands
can testify.
These lepers were recently captured with
in o3 week by the coroner of San Francisco.
Organic weakness or loss of
Sower in either sex, however induced, speed
y and permantly cured. Enclose three let
tor stamps for book of particulars. World's
Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo,
N. Y.
Montana paid out $12,000 in bounties for
the destruction of wild animals last year.
Roach on Concha."
Ask for " Rouga on Coughs," for Coughs
Colds, Sore Throat, Iloarseuoss. Troches, 15o
Liquid, 25c.
tJKijr Disea aca. "Bkkson's Aromatxo
Alum Sulphur Soap," cures Tetter, Bait
Itheum, Ringworm, Sores, Pimples, all i idling
Skin Eruptions. 25 rents by Druggists, or
by mail Wm. Dreydoppel, Philadelphia, Pa.
With Ely's Cream Balsam a child can be
treated without pain or dread, and with per
fect safety.- Try the remedy. It cures Ca
tarrh, Hay Fever and Colds in the Head. It
is easily applied with finger, and gives relief
from the first application. Price 50c At
druggists. 00c. by mail Ely Bros. Owego,N.Y
Ely's Cream Balm has entirely cured me of
a long standing case of catarrh. I have never
yet Been its equal as a cure for colds in the
head and headache resulting from such colds.
It is a remedy of sterling merit. Ed. L.
Crcly, Nashville, Term.
I have been a severe sufferer from Catarrh
for the past fifteen years, with digressing
pain over my eyes. Gradually the disease
worked down upon my lungs. About a y ear
and a half ago commenced using Ely's Cream
Balm, with gratifying rults, and am to-day
apparently cured. Z. C.Warren,Rutland,Vt.
Ranch on Pain."
Cures colic, cramps, diarrhoea; externally
for aches, pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia,
rheumatism. For man or beast. 25 and DOj.
Nature is tho greatest teacher She clothe8
the fowls and animals with warmer clothing
for winter; help3 them to cast it off iu sum
mei; makes the best hair oil, Carboline.which
ia petroleum perfumed and sold at $1 a bottle.
Tliln People.
"Weils' Health Uenewer',ittorea health and
vigor, cures, dyspepsia, sexual debility. $1.
Fob rvsTEPsiA, htdioestiox, depression of spir
its and general debility in their v&rlotu forms,
also as a pre entrre against fever and ague and
other intermittent fevers, the "Ferro-Phosphor-ated
Elixir of Calisay?," made by Caswell,
Hazard A Co., New York, and sold by all Drug
cista, is tho best tonio ; and for patients recover
ing from feveror other sicknaM it has ao eqail.
If you are failing ; broken, worn out and ner
vous, use " Welis' Health Itenewer. $1. Drgts.
Wolves are killing stock in Dakota.
j i
When yon visitor leave Sen York city, aa.vebTC4,
expresses and 3 carriage biM. an i stop at the Uraal
Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central depot.
Ux; Bit-gun rooms, nttjd u at a coat of ojh tmlllia
dollars, tl and upward perday. European plea. Kl v
valor. Kentaurant supplied with thebwt. UorasOtrs.
taa .nH .laLAi uiIhmJ ta all dao.ite. a'arail!.!
can live bettor for less money at the Oread Uoiaa
Hotel than at any other nrst-claas hotel ia the oitf .
Ax orchid in London sold for $555.
Free from Opiate; EmetU and
A PROMPl, &art, awnt vvni.
For Concha, Sore Throat, Heareenejia. IeOeejea,
Coia.nro.rhlUa. Cro.p, Wbeopln Cooh,
Aihm. QeJy. Pl"l Cheat, ndotW
Paine. KA mm a Boms. At Deireeiera
TUB tUatttKS A msraPT.
Baltiaarc, Harylaas, D. B. A
mo introduce and soU tho tr&ds the rsIMnoso auI
I celebrated Cirarsot the NEW YORK A HAVANA
CIGAR COMPANY. Liberal arrangements. SalabI
or Commission paid to the right man. For further
partn nlara and terms addi-MS, at onoe.
The Now York .V Hrtimm. Clffnr Co.,
57 Hroadway, New York.
a imr.Dsor.iE lady ,
or homrly lady can make nion' y sUina; "Treanary of
Thought' (Mother, Home, Heaven). J he beet home
book erer published. BhoulJ bo in every homi and
read at every fireside. Beautifully I llustrated. Con.
tains the brightest thought ot the best minds. Easily
sold. Good pay to earnont workoni.' Address quickly.
BR VAN, TAYLOR A CO.. 8gt Broadway, N. Y.
Dr. J. C. HOFFMAN, Jefferson, Wis
of the Face, Hands ft i'ect, Buurrtiuoot
Hair, Moles, WarU, FreckloH, Moth, Rod
Nona, Acne, Bl'k Headx, H'-nra, i'itUng
and treatment. I) rJohn Woodbury,
37 N. I'enrl Nt., Albany, N. Y
Established lsTO. Mend luc for book.
OTJB Prophylactic Appliance cnr Nwrous
Debility, Premature Decay, Lioet Manhood, etc,
by preventing tho caune. Sealed treatise free. Address
Pbophtlactio Appliance Co., Binghamton, W. Y.
10 West Uth St., New Ynrk. Cheapest place In
York for Decorative Art Materials. WholeHalo h
etail. Send 3c, for catalogue. Plea mention paper.
Keeping Tooth Perfect and Onm Healthy,
WCI rnniDIIV tattotit axd srruATiSSg
I CLCUnArlll FUKMKHED. Circular free.
1 VALENTINE lUtOS., JanewrlHe, Win.
I") I a DSIIi Great English Gout and
UlUll 5 I lllSs Rheumatic Remedy.
Oral Hex, HH.OOl round, 5Q ei.
tithors. Amateur and others. Send stamp for eir
Lcular. Fame Fortune Pub Co., 60 E.11 th Ht.,N.Y.
itn viino kliiib
M 4mm. H. tatorr. Suit,
wot., mm m r ,fi mnm
WM a m Krtml
I A. U 8B1TU A tO., .arata, ralatlae, Ul
WHfc 4trMMft MM MM I
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