Volume II. DENMARK, CURRY COUNTY, REGON : TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1885. Number 40. FOURTH OF JULY. Preliminary nr.tin- f rttlzona to Ar- range for Picnic and Celebration. Citizens of Flqras creek met May 30th, pursuant to call, at North side school house to take into considera tion the advisability of having a pic- mc ana ceieoration on mecouuu i i il ' Fourth day of July. On motion of V. H. Averill, J. H. Unton was arrxinted chairman. H. A. Hawkins was elected as secretary. On motion of J. A. Cox it was de cided to have a pic-nic in the grove near the ford on the road between V. H. Averill's and J. H. Upton's places, Tf rWidfid hv motion to have ,V On motion a committee of three, composed of T. J. Stitt, J. E. Hawk- ins and J. A. Cox was appointed by the chair to prepare grounds, On motion nf W. H. Averill a finance committee was appointed, AV. H. Averill, P. Nelson and t, M. Blackerby said committee. On motion of T. J. Stitt the chair was directed to appoint a marshal of the day.. N. C. Lorentzen was ap pointed as such marshal. On motion of J. E. Hawkins, A. H. Thrift was appointed President of the day. . On lnotio-i-T. J. Spti, tho chdr ap- pointed a committee on programmo for the day, composed of J, E. Hawk ins, W. H. Averill and D. E. Stitt On motion of P. Nelson it was de cided to elect a committee of pro gramme for evening and night. W. Shoemaker. Charles Lanerlois and JL A. Hawkins elected On motion of J. E. Hawkins, J. H. Upton was elected orator of the day. On motion "W. S. Guerin was elect ed reader of the Declaration of In dependence. On motion it was decided that "W. H. Averill. "W. Shoemaker and D. E. Stitt act as committee on music. On motion adjourned sine die. J. H. Uptox, H. A. HawKixs, Chairman. Secretary. Gone Below. Mr. Sam Bernstein, of San Francisco, who has been in these parts some weeks settling claims against the Burnham Lumber Com- pany went below by way of Coos Bay n i Snndav nccomnanied bv Mrs. Robert Burnham. Mr. Bernstein was sig- nally successful in his endeavors to satisfactorily settle claims against tho company. Surveying. W. P. "Wright, who has had many Government contracts for surveying in this county, passed down Saturday with his party on his way to the Upper Roguo river and Euchre creek countries where he has contracts. Sluices Robbed. It is stated that last Friday night some Chinamen robbed the sluice boxes at the Cooley mine this side of Roguo, of about 350 in dust. Fourth of July comes on Saturday. JUDGE MOSHER. JUUffO Jj. 1 . AlOSh- I m t i . i : i .,n.i er Ol, iVUHBUUiir, uaviuii vvvu tuiiuu over to manage several important ac tions and 6uits in our Circuit Court, arrived at this place during the latter part of the past week, and we wero most happy to greet him over ngain, this being our first meeting for a pe riod of about eleven years; and if ap pearance are not misleading, those eleven years have dealt kindly with him as we note but little change in his appearance since we saw him last prior to departure for Southern Cal ifornia in 1874. This is the first visit to Curry the Judge has made since his retirement from the 13ench of the oecona J uaicial District, lie will remain in the county until after the closes of the term of our Circuit Court which commences Monday, the bth insL His hosts of friends in the county will be pleased that ho is I v among them again. New Jury. Proceeding under the old law a new jury was drawn. It comprises S. Thornton, Thos. Smith, A. It. Miller, P. McManus, E. Carey, P. G. Egan, Edward Clark, Edward Good, A. B. Sabine, J. M. Upton, D. L. Anderson, C. S. Langley, J. A. Cooley, James "Wilson, Michael Dnffy, John Billings, Frank Smith, Antono Pob'ofonto, John D. Cooley J. JL Koch,' T. Cornwall, T. J. Stitt, J. "W. Carey, James White George Harris, W. C. Lake, A. W. Forgey, David Libby, H. G. Blako. Appointments. The latest Federal appointments for Oregon are, Hon. A. C. Jones of lloseburg, Receiver of the Land Office at that place, and Judge Wm. M. Townsend of Yam hill, Receiver at tho Lakeview Land Office, Lake county. Both theso ap pointments are excellent and cannot but meet the approval of the party in the State, Failed to Connect. "Wo learn that the mail from Roseburg to Coquillo City fails to connect at Fairview as advertised, the stage leaving the lat ter office about two hours before tho arrival of tho Roseburg mail. This I -1 t 1 causes a eiay 01 over one wnoio aay. I r I ' l i . j - i.i l i xuo cueuuie fewuum ue cuungeu. To the Bay. Mrs. James Black lock and daughter, Mrs. Roberts of Marshfield passed up on "Wednesday's stage for Coos Bay. Mrs. Roberts has been visiting her mother at Port Orford for some months. Taken a Ranch. Mr. Goo. Beobe of Ashland who was here some months since in the interest of a Chicago school desk house, has returned with his family and taken up a place ncrth of Ed Crook's. Official Visit. Sheriff Bailey has made two trips up this way during the week on official business. He was accompanied on his first trip by Miss Nellio Gardner who came up to visit Mrs. E. Crook of New river. Appointments. The Jackson horse will be at Zumwalt's next Wednesday and Thursday, and on tho 11th and 12th, See advertisement, Ciiaos in Jury Matters. Our Grand Jury as was that of several other counties of the State, was sum moned in pursuance of the new law providing for the separate designa tion of the Grand and petty juries. This law has already been decided unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, wherefore it becomes neces sary to proceed under the old law. This turn of affairs involves but a trifle of extra expense in this county comparatively, as the authorities had noticed it in time to correct the error in advance of the convening of our Court. ' Returned. J. L. Nay and F. Uni can returned from the Bay Thursday where they went, as Btated last week, to make settlement of the claims against tho Elk river mill. It is said that all of the holders of checks ac cepted the offer of fifty cents on the dollar, and that Mr. Unican brought back with him coin to take up tho paper on that basis. In Charge. Mr. Joseph A. Cork ill was placed in charge of the Burn- ham Lumber Company's business, as manager last week by Mr. Sam Bern stein prior to his departure for San Francisco. Mr. Corkhill is in eyery wxmalified to discharge the respon J' I'OKT OIIFOUD NOTES. Mr. Henry McBride and family have moved down from Sixes where they have been sojourning for some time. Mr. Adams the genial book keeper at the store was unfortunate enough to loe his purse containing eighty dollars in coin and valuable paiers. This is a very severe blow to Mr. A. at this time, and the finder should return it to the gentleman and receive his reward of ten dollars and heartfelt thanks, Mr. Divelbiss was down from his home to-day and reports everything progressing nicely at his mine, three or four men being engaged in developing the ledge. It is to be hoped that their efforts may be crowned with success and reveal some of the hidden wealth which nature has so deftly buried in this section. Mr. Bassett, son of the late Joseph Basset t who formerly did business and had exten sive interests here, is up looking after his property, and is fast making friends by his affable and courteous manners. We are in formed that Mr. 13. is already becoming quite noted for hisadeptness with the caricaturing pencil on a prominent San Francisco maga zine. He will remain some time. Mr. J, "W. Wilson of Eckley has been visit ing here some days. The work of opening the roadway to the t-ite of the proposed wharf has been com menced, the route surveyed and workmen already engaged in grading. The piles for the structure will be delivered immediately, part of which having been distributed around temporarily until they could be hauled to the terminus. With the inauguration of this long-expected project, Curry county need f t i no alarm as to its future importance. This will enable vessels to discharge their cargoes without any more delay than is ex perienced at the most favored ports, and will afford a convenient outlet for products that now seek other points, besides awaken ing industries which have long lain dor mant on account of the indifferent shipping facilities of the place. With the consti ac tion o the warehouses, consignments oan be forwarded without delay and also with a great freight reduction. The need of these enterprises must be felt to appreciate them fully, The Carey brothers are doing a land office b ashless delivering wharf piling, making everything hum, as it were. Mr. Geo. Guerin came down from Eckley last week on a visit to his family. The road to the proposed wharf site is about completed. This will enable the con struction to go on with greater dispatch hereafter. The steamer Coos Bay called in Tuesday afternoon, taking Mrs. Wilbur as a passen ger to the city, also some freight. Dr. Downing and Mr. Bassett took an af ternoon's recreation at Orford Lake Tues day, ostensibly for a boat ride, but we be lieve some of the finny tribe were served at 5 o'clock dinner, which were pronounced first class.' NORWAY NEWS. Believing that a few items from this part of the country would once in a while find room in the columns of your paper, I post the following. The rain which lately visited this section has livened ap growing crops wonderfully, also the downcast look of many of our farm ers and stockraisers. A large number of the farmers were late getting in their crops on account of their land being in a bad condi for the plow trampled too much by stock; but after all such bad management fair crops are promised. Work on the race track at Hall's prairie is progressing rapidly under the supervision of Hon. J. H. Schroeder, and a fin track it will be when finished. The lumber for a pa vilion, 40x80 feet, was sawed at Myer fc Hoaers' mill at this place which has lately been repaired and put in running order. TlLese gentjenien, are worthy the good will X everybody, ' They have a grist mill in connection with their lumber- business where they make the best flour to be had on the river. Captain Reed of the Ceres has been overhauling his little steamer and giving it a thorough examination. The Captain is very much of a gentleman and never snarles when asked for a favor. , Business in the neighborhood seems to be moving along with some vigor, several farmers widening out their fields and others erecting buildings, all of which goes to show that a community can thrive somewhat on "dicker'' when drained of monev. ELLENSBUKG ITEMS. The run of salmon still continues light. Dr. Downing of Port Orford came down Wednesday and remained several days. The school directors of District No. 3 have engaged Miss Booth of Drain's Sta tion, Douglas county, to teach a term of school to commence the first Monday after the Fourth of July. Hon. T. W. Crook has Maplewood in charge and will care for him this Summer. tf. D. Hume last Thursday purchased Robt. "Walker's interest in the saloon . and hotel property. It not known whether Mr. Walker will remain longer in Ellensburg or take up his home elsewhere. George Forty's Wcodbury colt will tale part in the Smith river races on the Fourth. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT until further notice Mr. Joseph A. Corkill is in charge of the milline pronertv of the Burnham Lumber Company, and is authorized and empowered to transact any and all business appertaining to the same. He will promptly fill local orders for lumber. BURNHAM LUMBER CO.. By S. Beenstein. FOR SALE. ACRES OF LAND TOLERABLY ACl( TJVV well nnp: well improved; about 150 acre of it good crazing land seeded down to tame fencing. Situated 8 miles from Coqttil'Jc City; near the river; good wagon ror.d IV the city. Trice !2,M!0. Enquire at Jta oillce for further particular?, V, r