Southwest Oregon Recorder PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY jMORNING, . ... AT .... Denmark, Curry County, Oregon. .... BT .... Tag Recorder Publishing Company. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One Year $2 60 Six Months 1 60 Adverting IKates Reasonable. This paper is entered at the Denmar postoftlce us Second-class Matter. TUESDAY, DECEMBER, 1 1884. PHARISAICAL. That the claim' that women seek the ballot in hopes to ''purify politics" is a hypocritical pretense, or is put forward by those who are incapable of distinguishing between purity and the reverse, is abundantly proven by the action of representative suffragists from one end of the land to the other Bupporting Blaine, the tattooed can didate, whilo not one of them dare attempt a defenso of his character forhouosty, probity and integrity. They could not but have known that their favorite was corrupt and venal to the last degree, that he had pros tituted official position in the pursuit of private gain, that all of his meth ods had been notoriously indefensi ble, unscrupulous and debasing, and that no distinctive public act of his had, in the past, been such as should rightly have commended him to the support of conscientious, upright, disinterested voters. That he should have been the pet, aye, the idol, of all official rogues as well as of those who expected to bfs was but natural; and that he was supported by thous ands of honest voters for the sake of the "party," who lay no claim to dis tinction on the score of excessive "purity," is also true; but that such a man, such a candidate, could have enlisted in his behalf an army of ex pectant voters who claim the ballot on the score of their exceptional "purity," is what staggers us. They opposed with all the forces they were able to bring to bear, the election of a man against whom no whisper of official delinquency or dishonor had ever been uttered, a man whose re cord stood unimpeached and unim peachable. And it will not do to take refuge behind the "Mariah Hal pin" story, for Blaine's social record will loom up to confound them. Let us hear no more of the "purfying" dodge, at least DISTRUST OF THE WESTERN UNION. We know of nothing which the re cent campaign has brought to light in a more forcible way than the dis trust with which business men re gard information coming over the wires of the "Western Union Telegraph Uonipany. wnetner tneir belief is true or not, the fact remains that "Wall street credits the management with using its power to further stock jobbing and political schemes of all sorts, and mistrusts information given out by its agency where ' the dissemination may have some effect upon the political or financial pro jects of Jay Gould. It is extremely unfortunate that this should be the case. People distrust everything that Gould owns, manages, says, or causes to be said. They are afraid that he will pry into their business anairs wnenever tney send or re ceive any important mess age. . Yes terday, for instance, the street ' gen erally cedited the Western Union with fine manipulation of political news of this State, having for its ob ject the breaking by degrees the force of the news that Grover Cleveland had been elected President To morrow they will probably discover some other cause of complaint, and as in the case of the Ohio election, lay the blame on the head of Mr, Gould. We ii6ver heard of such complaints when Mr. Vanderbilt was the moving power in the management and probably because he is better at minding his own business than in terferoing with other people's. It is said that Blaine plumes at auction1. has sold his The N. Y. World says: "Claus Spreckles' Hawaiian suerar monopoly of San Francisco has caused much trouble to Eastern refiners, and de termined efforts have been made to secure the abrogation of the treaty with the Hawaiian islands, allowing the free entry of sugar grown in that country, it being considered unfair to Eastern refiners, who . have to pay duty on their importations from Cuba. but Claus Spreckles has been a power witn iteguDlican administrations, and all efforts to overcome the monopoly have failed. Spreckles has been able to ship sugar as far East as St Louis and undersell all Eastern re finers. It has been an open secret for many years that San Francisco mer chants could buy San Francisco su gar in St Louis cheaper than the same grades could be had of Claus Spreckles right at home. But they cannot ship sugar from Eastern re fineries to compete with Spreckles at home, on account of an arrangement the latter has made with the Central and Southern Pacific monopolies af fecting freights from the East on su gars. We, of this Coast have a spe cial interest in the abrogation of the Spreckles treaty. By reason of his monopoly of the sugar interests of the Coast, he fleeces us at his own sweet will. Abrogate the treaty. It is a stupendious iniquity. Cleveland's vote in New York is 68,48L 69,657 and Blaine's vote is Cleveland's plurality, 1,241. THE BANDON HOTEL. Bandon, Coos Co., Or. E. ANDERSON, Proprietors. M. rpniS HOUSE HAS BEEN ELEGANTLY JL furnished, and is ut once the home of the tourist. The house is easy of access to the steamer landing. The table is supplied with the best the market affords and no pains Bpared to render comfort to guests. The Chicago Weekly News ....AND THE.... Southwest Oregon Recorder For f2 50 a Year. The CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS is reo- ognized as a paper unsurpassed in , all the requirements of American Journalism. It stands conspicuous among the metropolitan journals of the country as a complete News paper. It is INDEPENDENT in politics, presenting all political news absolutely with out fear or favor as to parties. It is in the fullest sense a FAMILY PAPER. Each is sue has several COMPLETED STORIES, a SERIAL STORY or absorbing interest, and a rich variety of notes on Fashions, Art, Lit erature, Science, etc." Send for Sample copy. The San Francisco Call Southwest Oregon Recorder For $2.75 a Year. Believing that the most acceptable and useful Premium that can be oered to our subscribers is a metropolitan newspaper re plete with the news of the day, we have made arrangements with the proprietors oi the SAN FRANCISCO CALL to club with THE RECORDER. The regular subscrip tion price of our paper is 2 50 PER YEAR. Now we will furnish BOTH PAPERS FOR ONE YEAR (including the magnificent "Bird's-Eje View of California," especially drawn for the WiSttlLLY CALL) for a per year in advance. Send for sample copy, The Farmer and Dairyman ....AND THE.... Southwest Oregon Recorder For 3 50 a Year. The NORTHWESTERN FARMER AND DAIRYMAN, published at Portland, Ore gon, is a large lb-page, b4-column handsome ly printed monthly publication, and the publisher'sprice is 75 cents a year. Those wishing a Farm and Dairy paper cannot but be pleased with the FARMER AND DAIRY MAN. Being an Oregon publication it is adapted to the wants of the farmer of this State, and is vastly suderior to the many so called agricultural papers published at the Hj&si. rxtn papers for the price of one. S. N. A. DOWNING, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, PORT ORFORD, OREGON. Calls promptly attended in any part of the Miunty ana adjacent parts. J. A. GHAT. J. M. 8IGLIN SIGLIN & GRAY. ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS AT LAW, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON. Will practice in all cf the State and Federal Courts. J. W. BENNETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Collections a Specialty. Office in Coos Bay WM. H. AVERILL, GENERAL MERCHANT, .DEALEB IN. Dry Goods, Dress Goods. Staple and Fancy Goods, Hardware, &c.,&c. FAMILY GROCERIES. Doing ray own hauling, with Teams fed from the products of my own Farm, and buying for CASH and Selling for CASH, v" ' I can Defy - - SUCCESSFUL COMPETITION, BOTH A3 TO PRICES AND OJiJ AILITY. It is my ambition, no less than my fixed determination, to offer such inducements as shall justify the people of a very large area of country round about in favoring me with their patronage. . ' JOHN N. LANGLOIS. rETER NELSON General Blacksmithing, NEW LAKE, CURRY CO. Horseshoeing, Wngonmaking;, Repairing, Etc' In connection with our shop we keep for sale cheap, a general stock of Groceries, Canned Fruit, CLOTHIN.G, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. ....A SUPFLX OF.... FARM HARmVARE, . . . .CONSISTING OF. . . . Axes, Brush Hooks, Mattocks, Spades, Hoes, - Shovels, Rakes, Braoes, Bits, Screws, Drawing Knives, Nails, Etc. AST OCK OF TABLE CUTLERY. Door Locks and Hinges, Strai Hin Coal Oil, Soap, Matches, Vinegar, Powder, Shot, Caps, Lead. gs For Sale. 160 acres good hill land buildings and some in cultivation! Good stock range on place and ad joining. 160 acres good upland, partly open. 160 acres possessory right on Elk, excellent bottom. 80 acres fine bottom land, 'part very . rich prairie. Enquire of J. H. Upton, Land Agent, Denmark. J- ISIifBfi FINAL PROOF NOTICE. Land Office at Robebubq, Oregon, ) October 16, 1884. f NOTICE is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim,' and that said proof will be made before the Judge or Clerk of Curry county, Oregon, at Ellensburg, on - Saturday November 29, 1884, Viz: James Monbok Upton, Pre-emption D. S. No. 4557, for the WK of W Section 11, Township 31, South of Range 15 West. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: N. C. Lorentzen, Wm. Cox and E. Sypher, of Denmark, Oregon; and S. J. Culver, of Port Orf ord, Or. W. F. BENJAMIN, Register. D R. SPINNEY. NO. 11 KEARNY STREET, TREATS ALL CHRONIC, SPECIALJAKD PRIVATE DISEASES. YOUNG MEN WHO ARE SUFFERING from the effects of youthful follies or indiscretion will do well to avail themselves of this the greatest boom ever laid at the al ter of suffering humanity. DR. SPINNEE will guarantee to forfeit $500 for every case of Seminal "Weakness or private decease of any kind or character which he undertakes and failes to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN Thare are many at the age of thirty to six ty, who are troubled with too frequent evac uations of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation and a weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot occount for. On exam' ining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will pften be found, any sometimes small particles of alburnum will appear, or the color will be of a thin, milkisn hue, again changing to a dark torpid appearance. There are mrny men who die of this decease ignorant of tqe cause, which is the second siage of seminal weakness. Dr. S. will gur antee a perfect cure in all such cases, and a healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs, uffice itouBs 10 to 4 and b to 8. bundays, from 10 to 11 a. m. Consultation free. Thorough examination and advice, $5. Call or address DR. SPINNEY. & CO., Is5tf No. 11 Kearney st. San Francisco. DOCTOR MINTIE (SPECIALIST AND GRADUATE.) TREATS ALL CHRONIC, SPECIAL AND PRIVATE DISEASES. The Great English Remedy vous Debility, Semi nal Weaknesses, Ex hausted Vitality, Spermatorrhoea, tost Manhood ,Impotency. Prostatorhea, Paraly sis, and all the ter rible effects of self- abuse, of youthful follies and excesses in maturer years, such as Loss of Memory, Lassitude, Nocturnal Emis sions. Aversion to socieiv. uimness oi y l&ion Noises in Head,-the vital fluid passing unob served through the urine, and many other diseases that lead to insanity and death. DR. MINTIE, who is a regular physician, (graduate of the University of Pennsyiva nla) will agree to forfeit Five Hundred Dol lars for a case of this kind the Vital Res torative (under his special advice and treat ment; will not cure, or ior anymmg impure or iniurious found in its composition. DR. MHJTIE treats all private diseases without Mercury. Consultation Free. Thorough ex amination and advice, including analysis of urine, 5. Price of Vital Restorative, 1 60 a bottle, or four times the quantity, 85 ; sent to any address upon receipt of price, or C. O. D., secure from observation and in pri vate name if desired, E. A. MINTIE, M. D. No. 11 Kearny Street, San Francisco., CaL SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE "Will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating symptoms, age and sex. Strict se crecy in regard to all business transactions. DR. MINTIE'S KIDNEY REMEDY, NE PHRETICUM, cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Leucorrhoea. For sale by all druggists; $1 a bottle. 6 bottles for 5. DR. MINTIE'S DANDELION FILLS are the best and cheapest DYSPEPSIA and BILIOUS enre in the market. loc2tf 13 TELLIJO ' -THIS MAN- That if he dont sell his Heavy Draft, Horse-killing nnar, ana Duy aa Easy Running Deerihg Twine Binder at once, every horao on the farm will soon be dead WILLIAM DEER2NG & CO., Chicago, III. BINDERS, REAPERS AND MOWER 3 THE ORSES FBiENDQ. tobsauzbi CANYONVILLE, OR "When the word JZetey or tho word Organ is mentioned, they each suggest the other so widely known and so popular are the in struments1 and the makers. Pive letters in each of the two words are reminders of enjoyment in multitudes of homes. Illustra ted Catalogue mailed free to all pplicanta. ins Horse Established in 1852 The Scientific American, The most Popular Scientific Pa per in the World. Only S3 20 a Year, Including Postage. Weekly, 52 Numbers a year. 4,000 Book Pages. The Scientific American ifl n In Class Weekly Newsoanpr of Sirtn knu printed in the most beautiful style, Profusely Illustrated with Splendid Ene-ravinon. sentingthe newest Inventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences. The most valuable practical papers, by em inent writers in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. It should have a place in every Family, Rend ing room, Library, College or School. Terms, $3 20 per year; $1 GO half. year, which includes prepayment of postage. Sin gle copies ten cents. Sold by all Newsdeal ers. Remit by postal order to MUNN & CO., Publishers, 261 Broadway, New York. L P. FISHER'S ADVERTISING AGENCY. Rooms 20 & 21, Merchant's Ex change, California street. S. F. Port Orford Stage Line. Port Orford to Bandon, S. J. CUIiVEB, - Propr. Splendid and Commodious Thorough- brace Wagon. THREE TRIPS A WEEK EACH WAY. i Leaves Port Orford Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings of each week; reaches Denmark at noon, and Bandon, by or before 6 o'clock. Returning, leaves Bandon Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, reaching Denmark at noon, and Port Orford from 4 to 6 p. m. FARE AND FREIGHT RATES: Through fare $3 00 To Denmark 1 go Through freight, per 100 pounds. 1 65 iu jjenmarK " 70 JOSEPH HARE, THE BUTCHER, DENMARK, OREGON. WILL DELIVER MEAT ON SATUR days at Bradley's Cooperage about 10 o'clock; Denmark, about noon: Burnharo's Camp, 3 or 4 o'ciock. About July 1st, the mail will pass my place twice a week, when an orders per post will receive prompt atten tion. In the meantime would like orders sent in early in the week or given previous Saturday. I will also buy hides and rWts. trade in eggs, eto., and don't you forget it. (T TT for the working class. Bend J AdJLslO cents for postage, and we will send you Fkek, a royal, valuable box of sample goods that will put you in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Cap ital not required. We will start you. You can work all the time or spare time only; This work is universally adapted to both Bex es, young and old. Yoa can easily earn from 50 cents to $5 every evening. That ell who want work may test the business, we make this, unparaled offer: To all who ro who are not well satisfied we will send fto pay the trouble of writing to us. Full par ticulars, directions, etc., sent free. For tunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Great success abso lutely sure. Don't delay. Start now. Ad dress Sunsoh & Co., Portland, Maine. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY virtue of a warrant duly issued out of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Curry to me directed; com manding me to levy upon the goods and chattels of the delinquent tax payers named in the delinquent tax roll for the year 1883 thereto attached, and if none be found, then upon the real property as set forth and de scribed in said tax roll, or so much thereof as shall satisfy the amount of taxes charged thereon, together with costs and expenses, I have this 10th day of November, levied up on the following described pieces or parcels of land as set forth in said tax list, situated m Curry County, Oregon, known, descriled and assessed as follows: McGraw, E. W , and wife, NX of Wm. Tichenor's Donation Claim No. 37, Sections 4 and 5, Township No. 33, S. R. 15 west; Lot 1, Section 7 and Lot 1. Sec. 8; and the following blocks and tide lands in Port Orford, according to the Fitzhugh map filed August 27, 1881: Block 28 and tide land south of and adjoining it, also Blocks 66, 68, G9, 88, 67, 68, IK), 91, iXL 93, 13, 188, 140, City of Port Orford, and improvements, assessed at $2,323, taxed at fifty-one dollars and eleven cents ($51 11) and on Monday, December 15, 1884, At the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the Court House door in said coonty, I will sell the same at publio auction to the higH est bidder therefor in U. S. gold coin, to satisfy said ties and costs. Dated this 15th day of November, 1884. WM. BAILEY, Sheriff of Curry County. A fyfriVTQ wanted for The Lives -t-VTJll Oof all the Presidents of the D. S. The largest, handsomest book best book ever sold for less than twico our price. The fastest selling book in America. Immense profits to agents. All intelligent people want it. Anyone can tecome a suc cessful agent. Terms free. Haijlett Boos Co., Portland, Maine. NORTH STAR HOTEL, ELLENSBDRG, OREGON. This House is centra Hy located, roomy, and generally adapted for the convenience and quietude of its patrons. GOOD FEED STABJ E ATTACHED. f Meals, S7' cents. Board by the wrek at. corresponding ratos. The publio , lug tuiiiivu vau. A. M. GILLESPIE. ..W.V'--Mt'. a - news unuainc.