Southwest Oregon recorder. (Denmark, Curry County, Or.) 188?-18??, December 01, 1884, Image 5

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A. Woman and a Child Seemingly
Dead Hetitored to Consclouwucti
Some Valuable Suggestion.
The "Washington Star prints the fol
lowing letter: My attention has been
called to an article contained in your
publication entitled "A Wonderful
Resurrection," quoted from the Lon
don Lancet, relative to the case
of a woman fifty-three . years old
who was found hanging eight min
utes after she had been last seen alive,
suspended by a cord which encircled her
neck. When cut down the latest known
-appliances failed to indicate the slight
est spark of life. The physician in at
tendance, however, resolved to try slow
artificial respiratory action. In the
course of ten minutes application of
such action the faintest signs of return
ing life were observed by means of a
stethoscope. The work was continued
incessantly for two hours before natural
breathing was sufficiently established to
dispense with the artificial means.
Apropos of the need ot steadfast and
.hopeful perseverance in efforts to restore
those who have apparently lo3t their
lives by strangulation which this lesson
teaches I desire to relate an incident of
. my own experience.
While engaged in conversation with
relatives, whom I was visiting a year
ago, I was abruptly interrupted by the
startling information that the little five-year-old
daughter of the next door
neighbor had fallen into a cistern, con-
i;uuiiig ram wmci, uuu uctu uiu utu.
Hurriedly proceeding to the spot I
learned that the body wa3 still lying in
the water. As soon as possible it was
gotten out and laid face upward on the
ground, with the hands fixedly extended
beyond the head, then with my hands
I exerted a continuous pressure on the
- chest in imitation of slow breathing mo
tion. The feet were immediately bared
and a large cloth, dipped in boiling
hot water, was held to the soles. In
about twenty minutes from the com
mencement of the restorative action we
were rewarded by seeing the little one
breathing naturally, and in a few days
she was playing around as well as ever.
On a comparison of notes it was dis-
covered by the closest calculation that
the child must have been in the water,
which was three feet in depth, at least
five minutes. When taken out the body
was cold and rigid, the eyes set, the face
of a deathly pallor, and, so far as ordi
nary signs indicated, resuscitation was
apparently an impossibility.
In view of the surprising success at
tained in the case of the woman, by
means of artificial respiratory action
Only, would it be unreasonable to pre
sume that if the blood had been forced
to circulate by the application of heat,
as in the case of the child, that she
might have been resuscitated in less than
two hours?
The result of suffocation is a sus
pension of respiration. Taking for
granted, as a matter of couese in all such
cases, that the condition of the heart is
normal, can any one say positively that
asphyxia of even thirty minutes duration
might not be overcome?
The possibility of resuscitation in va
rious cases of sudden apparent dissolu
tion, resulting from other causes than
tLose mentioned, is well worthy of seri
ous contemplation, in view of instances
constantly occurring of persons having
been buried alive through ignorance of
the attendants concerning prompt and
proper action. In any event, what harm
can result from a practical application of
the remedies suggested?
Birds and Wires.
Animals great and small have ways of
avoiding danger to which their ancestors
have been exposed. But when a new
danger arises, they do not know how to
meet it. Telegraph and telephone wires
are a deadly peril to birds which haunt
cities and other places where the wires
are numerous. A few generations hence
wires will be as harmless to birds as
trees are now. . In the following extract
It is the wires which suffer, owing to the
size of the bird :
According to the Brazilian Germania
of Rio de Janeiro, the telephone wires in
that city have found a formidable enemy
in the "assgeier," a large bird of the
vulture species a kind of John Crow
which, flying very low as it passes over
the tops of the houses in scavenging the
streets, hits the wires and breaks them,
or else becomes entangled.
Good wire is very expensive in Brazil.
In consequence of the damage done by
these birds, the telephone people are
compelled to keep up a large force of
men for repairs. No sooner are the wires
mended in one part of the city than re
port comes of interruption in another
part, owing to the operations of the
-assereier. It is against the law to kill these
birds, and as a result they increase very
rapidly in number.
The Protincia, too, says that nothing
positively remedial can be done at pres
ent. The telephonists .must wait until
the bird learns by experience that it will
enjoy more personal comfort by flying
There are in this country 11 St. Pauls,
20 Bridgeports,18 Buffalos and Newarks,
17 Brooklyns, Clevelands, and Roches
ters, 16 llartfords, 15 Louisvilles, 13
'Bostons and Pittsburgs, 8 Cincinnatia
and Philadelphias, 6 Chicagocs, 7 De
troits, 5 Milwaukees and St. Louises, 32
Washingtons,and 2 New Yorks and Bal
timores. New Orleans and San Francis
co are not duplicated.
A standard rose, said to have been
planted by Charlemange, 1000 years ago,
,is one of the great curiosities in. the
ancient city of Ilildesheini, Hanover. .
A.t Pernambuco a snake of the boa va
riety is used to drive rats from houses.
Envelopes are now made and sold for
thirty cents per thousand. They once
cost five cents apiece.
The streets of Rome in tne time of Do
mitian were so blocked up with cob
blers' stalls that he caused them to be re
moved. In Germany a boy under twelve can
not for any offence go before a magis
trate; the schoolmaster must inflict the
necessary chastisement ; between twelve
and eighteen he may be sent to a reform
atory and detained till twenty.
Large numbers of dried and smoked
lizards are imported by the Chinese phy
sicians. They are used in cases of con
sumption and anaemia with considerable
success. Their virtue seems to lie in the
large amount of nitrogeneous compounds
and phosphates they contain.
In 1739 the first type foundry in
America was established by Abel Buelf.
at Killing worth, Conn., in which he
made good long-primer type. That
year he had asked assistance of the Con
necticut Legislature in establishing a
type foundry.
The year before the introduction of
cheap postage into England, the average
number of letters written by each person
in a year was three. The next year it
ya3 seven, it i3 now thirty-six. In 1839
there were 82,000,000 letters posted, of
which about one in every thirteen was
franked. In 1840 the circulation rose
to 169,000,000, although franking was
abolished. At the present time it has
reached the astonishing total of 1,280, -000,000.
M. Vulpian, the Paris doctor, had a
patient some time ago who was afflicted
with that form of aphasia in which
speaking is impossible, though the indi
vidual is able to sing without difficulty.
The doctor utilized the singing power by
teaching this patient and those who fol
lowed him to sing whatever they wished
to say, without confining themselves to
the words of the air. As a consequence,
the hospital has become musical with the
notes of the opera bouffe and the Mar
seillaise, in which the patients ask for
everything they desire.
Cuttle bone is not bone, but a kind of
chalk once inclosed in the fossil remains
of extinct specimens of cuttle fish, Cleo
patra's needle was not erected by the
Egyptian queen nor in her honor. Pom
pey's pillar had no historical connection
with Pompey in any way. Sealing wax
does not contain a particle of wax, but
i3 composed of Venice turpentine, shel
lac and cinnabar. The tuberose is no
rose, but a species of polyanth. The
strawberry is no berry, but only a suc
culent receptacle. Turkish baths did
not originate in Turkey, and are not
'oaths, but heated chambers. Whale
, bone is not bone, and is said not to pos
j sess a single property of bone.
The Paris of America.
San Francisco is the Paris of America.
The fondness of the people for amuse
ments, their ''fastness," love of display,
disregard of tne Sabbath, wild, reckless
habits of speculation, all tend to justify
the comparison with the French capital.
Like Paris, this city is decidedly cosmo
politan in its character. Through its
broad 4 'Golden Gate" and over its conti
nental highway' people of all nations,
creeds and language have thronged, with
one idea in common, the thirst for gold.
There are probably more rich men in San
Francisco, in proportion to its population,
than in any city in the world. There are
many good and righteous people who are
fighting faithfully against evil; but there
are many more with whom morality has
probably lost all its significance. In pro
portion to the population,there are proba
bly more vile, criminal and abandoned
creatures here than in any city except
Paris. Divorces and suicides are matters
of lictle or no account here. It is an ad
mitted fact that California buries more
suicides in proportion to the population
than any State in the Union. The prolific
causes are dissipation, financial embar
rassment, and domestic trouble. No
where is the marriage bond, that should
be the guarantee of peace and content
ment, so lightly regarded; nowhere is
fortune so fickle : nowhere do so many
fall in a day from a position of wealth
to want. Such transitions disturb the
mental balance, and destroy the power
of self-control. Rev. Dr. Eccleston.
The Bine Grass Country not Bine.
The term "Blue Grass Region" of
Kentucky is quite extensive in its appli
cation, but in its popular sense it applies
only to the remarkable body of land in
the center of the State, which comprises
six or eight countries surrounding Lex
ington. The favored district, which
scientific authority has styled " the very
heart or the United States," is underlaid
by a decomposable limestone, which im
parts to the soil an unsurpassed fertility,
and gives to grass, known to botanists as
Poe Pretensis, a rich and permanent lux
uriance which it attains nowhere else.
Hence the term "The Blue Grass
Region," a synonym for the acme of fer
tility of a district which also bears the
proud distinction of " the garden spot
of the world." But why our grass is
called "blue," when it never is blue, is
one of the unsolved problems. It is al
ways green except when in bloom, when
the heads have a brownish purple tint.
If. however, the term "blue grass" is
meant for an abbreviation of blue lime
stone grass, then it will do, for certain
ly it only reaches its highest perfection
on wonderful blue limestone soil. Pro
pagated without cultivation, it comes up
thick and juicy early in the spring,
ripens in June, renews its growth in au
tumn, and, retaining its verdure in spite
of snow and ice, furnishes abundant and'
unequaled pasturage during the entire
winter. It is believed to be indigen
ous. Sportsman.
icxar possessed or the attri
butes or moves rs.
A Journey to tne Swamps of Lao In
Southern Asia The Child "Won
der, Kraoi
'I am prepared to swallow the whole
story, except the pouches in the mouth,"
said a gentleman, the other day, to whom
Professor George G. Shelly, the anthro
pologist and member of the geographi
cal society, was recounting the story of
the capture of a hairy family, clearly hu
man, but bearing many strong resem
blances to the anthropoid apes, which
were secured by himself and the well
known explorer, Carl, aided by some na
tive soldiers, in the wilds of Laos, in the
year 1882.
" There are," said the professor,
"three distinct races of men who live in
trees. These are Indians in South
America who inhabit the borders of the
Orinoco, Tucuyu, and Madera rivers; the
Veddas, of Ceylon, and the Krao-Mo-neik,
of Laos, a dependency of Siam.
Krao-Moneik means man-monkey. Laos
is a part of the world which has never
been thoroughly explored, and but com
paratively little is known about it by ge
ographers . and scientists. It contains
from eight . hundred to one thousand
square miles, and lies between the fif
teenth and twentieth degrees of north
latitude, north of Siam, cast of the Me
nam'Khong, west of Annam, and about
four hundred miles southwest of Ton
quin. The reason why , Laos has
not been thoroughly explored is because
almost every one who has attempted it
has died of malarial fever. That part of
the country in which the Krao lives is
inhabited only by the men who live in
trees to escape the snakes and the wet
ground. They weave the branches to
gether and build huts therein. In climb
ing the trees they use their toes as a
monkey does. They do not grasp the
trees with their legs, as we do. They do
not use fire. They live on dried fish,
wild rice, and the rind of green cocoa
nut. Their only weapon is a club.
"Ten years ago Carl Bock, the author
of 'The Man Hunters of Borneo' and
'My Travels in Siam,' was traveling in
Asia on behalf of Mr. Farini, the Eng
lish Barnum, to look for the tall people
which were said to live there. In the
court of the kiog of Burmah he saw and
talked with a hairy family, which were
kept by the king for his amusement, as
European kings formerly kept fools and
dwarfs. Bock tried in every way to se
cure them to take to Europe, "but lie
failed. He offered $100,000 for one of
them, but money is no object there ; they
have more of it than they know what to
do with. These people that Bock saw
were the grandchildren of a hairy couple
which Crawford, who went to Burmah'
in 1835 as English plenipotentiary, saw
there, and of which he published an ac
count in his book, 'A Mission to the
court of Ava.' Crawford said that these
people had been give'n to the king of
Burmah by the king of Laos.
"Early in 1882 I joined Carl Bock at
Singapore. We went up the straits of
Malacca and made an expedition into
Rumbo, in the Malay peninsula, where
it was reported that a hairy race lived
called Jaccoons, but we did not find
them. We then went to Rangoon and
thence to Bangkok, the capital of Siam.
Bock had once cured the prime minister
of Siam of a malignant disorder. This
was the means of procuring us an escort,
twenty elephants and letters to the king
of Laos. After a four months' journey,
partly by land and partly by river, we
reached Kjang-Kjang, the capital of Laos.
"Our letters from the king of Siam
procured us the good offices of the king
of Laos, who gave us guides, fresh ele
phants, an escort of ten native soldiers,
armed with spears and bows and poisoned
arrows. After a journey of several weeks
we came to the swamps where the hairy
people lived. But we had hard work to
catch them or even to see them. They
are wonderfully alert, their scent is re
markably keen', and they are very shy
and timid. We saw many of their huts
built up in the branches of trees before
we saw a person. At last we sur
prised and surrounded a family, a man,
wife and child, at their meal. We
made a dash for them and captured
them. The parents made a little re
sistance, but the child fought,
scratched, and bit like a monkey.
None of them were clothed in anything.
We took them to Kjang-Kjang, and
there the king refused to allow the
woman to go out of the country. ; He
had a superstition that it would" bring
him bad luck. She is kept in his court
and t treated with high consideration.
She appeared to have little affection for
the child, and made no opposition to its
being taken from her. We started from
Bangkok with the father and the child.
At a stopping place called Chieng-May
the whole party was attacked with
cholera. The hairy man captured and
three of the escort died. The rest re
covered, though Mr. Bock came very
near dying. We landed in Europe with
the child October 4, 1882. The child is
the child now known as Krao. We
know by her teeth that she is eight
years old. She talks English and Ger
man, can read and write, and has devel
oped the true feminine love of fine
" She is modest, affectionate, playful
and easily managed. Every part of her
body is covered with hair except her
palms and soles. The hair on her fore
arm grows upward, that on her back
grows inward toward the spine and will
form a sort of mane, as her father
and mother had, when she
grows older. Her forehead is covered
with thick black hair about three-eighths
of an inch long. The hair of her fore
head is entirely distinct from the hair on
her head. Her hands and feet, though,
entirely human in shape, have the Dre-
hensila qualities of a monkey's hand.
She has thirteen dorsal vertebra and
thirteen pair of ribs, like the chimpan
zee, while we have only twelve. And
she has pouches in her mouth in whict
she carries nuts and other food like th
At this point the visitor made the re
mark which stands at the beginning ol
this article. Prof. Shelly disappeared
for a moment and retutned with the
child. The pouches in the mouth were
there, and in each one of them was a filbert
almost as big as a hickory nut, and all
that the professor had said about herwat
proved true. She talked intelligently
and wrote her own name and the visitor'!
name on the back of a photograph ol
herself, which she presented to her caller.
She has been examined by Prof. Virchow.
of Berlin university; Prof. Kirchkoff and
Prof. Welcker, of Halle university; Prof.
Haeckel, of Jena; Prof. Lucae, of Frank-fort-on-thc-Main
; Prof. Hale, Washing
ton, D. C, and much has been written
about her in the medical and scientific
journals. Philadelphia Times.
Saved by a Load of Hay. .
A Bradford (Penn.) correspondent ol
the Philadelphia Times writes : "I tell
you what, boys, I've railroaded it foi
years and been mixed up in all kinds of
disasters, but I hope to croak right here
if I want to be the eye-witness again of
such an awful sight as I saw a day or two
The speaker was a brakeman on the
"A day or so ago," he continued, "a
tall and handsome woman got into the
ladies' car at Dunkirk. With her was a
bright and interesting boy, possibly two
years of age. The child laughed and
crowed and played with the passengers.
When the train left " Cattaraugus the
woman, who seemed nervous, got out oi
her seat, picked up the baby and started
for the rear end of the coach. A short
distance east of Cattaraugus is a long,
deep gulf, over which the railroad has
built a high trestle. The distance from
the top of the trestle to the wagon road
below is perhaps one hundred feet. A
sharp and short curve leads to the trestle.
As the train rushed over the culf a
woman's piercing shriek was heard. I
looked and saw an object leap from the
platform into the rocky gulf. That ob
ject sir, was the lady passenger, and in
her arms closely clasped to her breast
was her infant. I pulled the bell-cord
and the strain came to a halt. How it
happened I cannot say, but at the time
the woman jumped a load of hay, drawn
by a pair of oxen, passed under the
trestle. Mother and child landed squarely
in the center of the hay and were thus
saved f Fom a horrible death. The farmer
was so horrified thai he jumped from his
wagon and darted up the hill. The
woman, who was not hurt in the least,
said her name was Mrs. Adam Scell and
her home in Michigan. She was on her
way to visit friends in the oil country.
Hers was indeed a miraculous escape.
Mrs. Scell said that she could not explain
her action. When near the car door she
was seized with an insane desire to jump
from the train. The farmer, as he drove
along, was thinking of his dead wife and
daughter. When the visitors came
through the clonds, as it were, and
landed on his hay he thought that the
dear departed had come back to earth to
revisit him.
How the Chinese Aim.
When the French trops made their
first and unsuccessful advance against
Scntay, some importance was attached
by the special correspondents of the Eng
lish papers to the circumstance that the
Black Fiags apparently fired low. It was
pointed out that most of the bullet
wounds received by the French soldiers
were found in the legs and lower parts
of their bodies. Of course, the practice
of firing low is one strongly urged upon
the troops,, a shower of bullets being
much more effective if fired low, even if
it strikes the ground in front of the ad
vancing hostile forces, than it would if
sent into the air over the heads of the
approaching enemy. But a rather inter
esting explanation is given of the reason
why the Black Flags and their allies fire
low by one who has had a great
amount of experience with Chinese
troops. He says that the bulk of the
Chinese had no idea of the use of the
sights on the rifles, and it is almost use
less to attempt to teach them the use of
such contrivances. Thus, a Chinese sol
dier armed with a modern rifle would
never think of raising the sight of his
weapon when he was called upon to use
it, especially in the face of an enemy.
He would fire at an object six hundred
yards off with the sight down, the con
sequence being that" the muzzle of the
rifle not receiving the necessary elevation
to carry the bullet over a long distance,
the ball would strike or descend very
close to the ground before it reaches its
destination. It was also asserted that
some of the Chinese soldiers actually
knocked the sights off their rifles as be
ing entirely useless.
The Box Tree.
The box tree, from sections of whose
trunk the blocks for engravers are made,
is found in marketable quantities on the
shores of the Mediterranean. It grows
very slowly, and seldom reaches more
than twenty feet in height, and the
pieces in commerce are seldom more than
five inches in diameter; The increase of
illustrations is said to be causing a rise
in the cost, and we may expect soon to
have a substitute which the engravers
will denounce as the invention of the
sons of Belial. Philadelphia Bulletin.
St. Augustine, Fla., proposes to cele
brate the anniversary of the landing of
Ponce de Leon in 1512, and at the same
time to commemorate the founding of
the city in 1565. by a demonstratien on
the 27th of March. 18S5.
Without earnestness no man is evet
great or does really great things.
Experience is a trophy composed of
all the weapons we have been wounded
with. ,.
The truly grateful heart may not be
able to tell of gratitude, but it xaa feel,
and love, and act.
Genius is only entitled to respect when
it promotes the peace and improves the
happiness of mankind.
In the literary world as well as military
world, most powerful abilities will often
be found concealed under a rustic garb.
A plain, genteel dress is more admired
and obtains more credit than lace and
embroidery in the eyes of the judicious,
and sensible.
The knowledge which we have ac
quired ought not to resemble a great
shop without order, and without an in
ventory; we ought to know what we
i possess, and be able to make it serve
us in need.
! Nothing so cements and holds together
' in unison all the parts of society as faith
( or credit, which can never be kept up
I unless men are under some force or ne
cessity of honestly paying what they owe
to one another.
Remember, tht if thou marry for
beauty thou bindest thyself all thy lite
for that which, perchance, will neither
last nor please thee one year; and when
thou hast it, it will be to thee of no price
at all, for the desire dieth when it i
attained, and the affection perisheth
when it is satisfied.
A father has no right to do business or
worry himself out of health, in order t
keep young men and women in idleness.
It is better for both father and children
that they go out at once to earn their
bread, and get that training which the
world never spares to those who will not
take it from a father.
Nourishing Food.
Peas, beans, lentils, vetches and a1!
the seeds belonging to that class used
as vegetables, contain rich nourishing
matter, in the same proportion a3 the
best grains. The special nourishing
azotic matter found in grains, as gluten
in the cereals, albumen in the egg, case
in in milk, musculin in meat, differs in
those seeds, according to the kind, from
24 to 31 per cent. ; the fecula and its
derivations, the dextrine and glucinum,
from 49 to 59 per cent.; the fat
phosphorated in one part from 2 to 2.8;
the mineral matter from 2.1 to 3:5: the
cellular matter forming the weft of the
seed is similar in its chemical compo
sition to the fecular and dextrine, from 1
to 3.5; and lastly, the water from 10 to
15 per cent. These seeds are therefore
very nourishing food. It will be of great
value to know that the juice of ' these
seeds, when cooked, contains the same
rich aliment. It is only necessary to take
care that peas, beans, lentils, etc., are
not put into boiling water, as that would
cause them to harden instead of soften,
and prevent a solution ot the vegetable.
The water must contain as little lime as
J possible, and the vegetable must
I be put into it before it com-'
mence3 to heat. Legumens are
especially valuable on account
of the peculiarity of having the richest
phosphoric parts of all substances in the
group of albumens which form for man
kind the complete ailment for the con
stitution, as well as for the nervous sys.
tern. Especially is such food nourishing
to the brain. Comparing grains with le
gumens, we find that the former con
tains 15 per cent, of the albuminous az
otic substances, similar in their constitu
ent parts and nourishing qualities to the
albuminous fibrin, casein, musculin and
legumin. The principal albuminous sub
stance of grain is gluten; called also fi
brin of gluten, or vegetable fibrin, in the
same way as the legumen has been called
vegetable casein. The gluten in the ce
reals represents the legumen of peas,
beans, lentils and other seeds of the same
vegetable kind. These two substances
are considered to be of the same nour
ishing value, except that the legumen is
richer in phosphorous than the gluten.
The grain contains GO per cent, of fecula,
7 of gluten, 1.2 of fat of which one part
is phosphorous, similar to the legumens
1.6 of mineral matter, 1.7 of cellular
matter, and 14 per cent, of water. Thus
we see that the proportion of nourishing
matter in the leguminous seeds is from
24 to 31 per cent., while the nourishing
substances of grain do not exceed 15 per
cent. American Miller.
Men of High Standing.
Chang, the Chinese giant, is by no
means as tall as many celebrated giants
of other nations. Chanr is seven feet
six inches in height. Patrick Cotter,
the Irish giant, was eight feet seven and
one -half inches. He died in 1802.
Eleazer, the Jewish giant, mentioned by
Josephus as living in the reign of Vitel
lius, was ten feet six inches in height.
William Evans, porter to Charles I., was
eight feet tall. He died in 1C32. Goliath,
whom David slew, was nine feet four
inches in height. Loushkin, drum
major of the Russian imperial guards,
was eight feet five inches in height.
Maximinus, the Roman emperor from
232 to 238 A. D., was eight feet six
inches tall. John Middleton, who was
born at Hale, in Lancashire, in the reign
of James I., was nine feet six inches in
height. His hand was seventeen inches
long and eight and one-half inches broad.
A human skeleton eight feet six inches
in height is preserved in the museum of
Trinity college, Dublin.
The expression, "a little bird told
me," comes from Ecclesiastes x., 20:
"For a bird of the air shall carry the
voice, and that which hath wings ehall
tell the matter."
The bell of the evening The supper-bell.