Southwest Oregon recorder. (Denmark, Curry County, Or.) 188?-18??, November 25, 1884, Image 3

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Memorable Hliiei of Noted Women.
, Georgiana, duchess of Devonshire,
gave Sleet, the butcher, a kiss for his
Vote nearly a century ago. Jane
duchess of Gordon, recruited her regi
ment in a similar manner.
Duncan Mackenzie, a veteran o
iVaterloo, who died at Elgin, Scotland
in 1866, delighted in relating how he
kissed the Duchess in taking the shil
ling from between her teeth to become
one of her regiment, the Gordon High
landers, better known as the 62d
The old Scotch veteran of '87 has no
left one behind him to tell the same
tale about kissing the blue-eyed Duch
ess in the market place of DutkilL
-A Lovely Uown of Valenciennes.
Madeline has a lovely gown also of
lace. It is Valenciennes not real, of
course, but a very good imitation
The skirt is satin, in a shade of orange
red. The Valenciennes is a yard in
depth, and falls over the satin with
very little fulness in front, but with
quite an enormous quantity gathered
into the back. There is, I should think,'
nearly twice a3 much compressed into
about six inches at the back as there
is round all the rest of the skirt The
effect of the deep orange-red, a3 seen
through the meshes ot the cream
colored lace, is quite lovely. She has
two bodices for this dress. One i3
made entirely of lace, with a silk lining
like that of the skirt. The very short
basque is edged with Valenciennes,
about five inches wide, slightly fulled
on. Over this falls a second row, just
hiding the top of the first. At the
bacK there is an immense quantity of
the lace, and, though it seems hardly a
rational gown, I must say it is a very
stylish one. The second bodice i3 of
orange-brown velvet, edged with lace
like the other, and with a lace jabot
and transparent lace sleeves. You
can imagine how well that would suit
Madeline'3 dark hair, large, languid
eyes, and perfect coloring. London
Women In Civil Service Offices.
Louise M. Alcott says: "Whatever
r I may have written to some girl, who
was evidently unfit for public office of
any kind, I desire to have it plainly
understood (if I am to be quoted at
O all) that I most sincerely be
lieve in the propriety of any
woman filling any office, from
the Presidential chair to the washtub,
, - if she is fitted for it, and capable
P jjt wisely and faithfully discharging
the duties laid upon her. Having
been a worker all my life, and tried
nearly every employment for woman,
I am the last person to put the ob-
stacle of even a misunderstood word
in the hard path of my sisters."
Wedding In the English Style.
As weddings in the " English, style"
are all the rage this season, it may be
interesting to mention a few points
regarding what is considered the cor.
rect form on the other side of the At
lantic. After the departure of the
bride and bridegroom the party at
once breaks up, and in London it is
not customary to have any festivity in
the evening. In the country there is
often a dance to amuse those staying
in the house. Neither cards nor cake
are sent, and people discover for them
selves when the young people return
from their wedding tour and call at
their convenience. "When the bride
appears for the first time at a dinner
in any house, she takes precedence of
everyone, no matter how high his
rank, provided such appearance is
within three months of her marriage,
. after which time she is no longer con
sidered a bride. This custom is, how
ever, beginning to fall in disuse, ex
cepting in rural districts. The bride
groom does not obtain any precedence
The bride often wear her wedding
dress for her first large dinners and
parties. The orange blossoms must be
removed, a3 they are only permissible
. on the wedding day. New York
- Star.
The Disappearance of "The Scold."
Nothing was more common in the
sixteenth century than a "scolding
woman," and the scolding woman had
not disappeared in this country titf
after the Declaration of Independence
some even survived that. The evi
dence of this does not rest upon tradi
tion. The literature and the laws are
full of it. Laws had to be framed
With severe penalties to protect men
from the "common scold;" and these
penalities were often inflicted, one of
the most effective of them being the
"ducking-chair," which in many cases
was the only one that could check th
wagging of a virulent tongue.
Nothing is commoner in the ballad
literature of the sixteenth century
than the complaints of the railing of
the scold and the shrew, and the de
vices for taming them were as in
genious as they were brutal. Either
the literature of the time is an awful
libel, or scolding women were
so numerous as to be a great
feature of the age; scolding was
a3 prominent as begging, and
the scolding wife as common as the
tipsy husband. The philosopher wants
to know whether it is the temper of
women which has changed, since it is
a fact that the "common scold" has
practically disappeared- from modern
life (there used to be women whom
even the sheriff was afraid of), is no
more a piece de resistance of literature,
and has not to be legislated against, or
whether the apparent difference is only
a change in man's attitude toward the
sex. Some students of sociology think
that man's submission has wrought
the transformation, and that women
appear to be more sweet and amiable
now they have their way unruffled. It
is a very delicate question, and one
that would not be raised here except
in the interest of science. For the
disappearance of traits in human
nature is as useful a study as the elim
ination of useless members or the de
velopment of new organs in our evolu
tion. Nobody except the sociologis
can say what the disappearance of the
"common scold" has to do with man's
position in the modern recreation of
society; the business of this depart
ment is to collect facts, not to co-ordinate
them. Harpers Maagzine.
Fashion Notes.
The blouse dress is popular both for
street and house wear.
It is said that side-laced shoes will
be in great favor all this season.
Skirts are made this season so long
that they barely escape touching the
Velvet ribbon backed with satin or
ottoman is largely used in autumn
millinery. 1
For travelling costumes and simple
walking dresses the redingote is in
much favor.
Jet butterflies look well placed in the
centre of large velvet bows of gay
colors on hats.
Lace panures with a ruffle, and gath
ered and turn-down collar, are wor
with all elegant dresses.
Both plain and Terry velvet are
largely used for trimming costumes
and mantles.
The fashion of the epaulet or passe
menterie, is very pretty; it is added
to many dresses, on one side only, of
Jerseys for house wear are orna
mented with gold and silver braiding,
which extends down the front and
around the sleeves.
Two-toned glace silks, matching the
colors of the upper part of the toilet,
are employed for underskirts, with
but very little trimming.
Hair stripes, rough looking woolens
trimmed with fanciful embroidery,
and small checks and plaids of various
styles are equally frshionable.
Black straw hats are brightened by
very rich colors both in velvet and
fruit clustered, such as cherries,
strawberries, crab apples and golden
As a compromise between the plain
bodice and the draped tunic a sort of
jacket is made with pleated basques,
which form a kind of pannier and
A unique coat of brocaded wool
has the back arranged in fine .plaits;
the front has the shape of a plain
sacque, revers of velvet extending
from, the neck to the foot; cincture
belt, coat sleeves and velvet cuff.
A pretty suit for a young girl is of
blue and chestnut plaid, and has a kilt
ed skirt faced up to a depth of six
inches, with chestnut and blue short
The satin damasks and brocades
worn last year have lost favor for mon
otone dresses, but will continue to be
used in small figures that are made up
of many colors.
Frise velvet of the creamy white
shade called orange' blossom is chosen
for the fronts of rich wedding dresses,
while the basque and train are of un
cut velvet
The newest cashmere dresses are en
tirely of one fabric, being made up
without silk in the lower skirt, and if
anything is added for trimming it is
a little velvet on the basque and
A pretty dress for a young girl is of
gray cashmere, crossed with crimson,
and has a facing upon the kilts and
tint of crimson serge. Above these
skirts is a Russian jacket of plaid,"
with plaited serge waistcoat, ending at
the waist and finished by a ribbon
belt of crimson satin, clasped with a
silver buckle.
Something About Ships.
Sailing vessels carry their square
sails or fore-and-aft sails. A square
sail is one the head of which is "bent"
or made fast to the jack-stay an iron
rod on a yard. Fore-and-aft sails, in
stead of being bent to yards, are most
ly supplied with a boom or a gaff, or
both. The lower corners of square
sails are called clews. The foresail an!
mainsail" are often called the courses.
Sail is seldom carried on the cros3-jack
(pronounced krojik) yard, the lowest
yard on the mizzenmast.
The courses, when "set" are kept
down by means of ropes leading from
the clews fore and aftcalled tacks and
sheets. Above the- course come the
topsails; above the topsails, the top
gallant sails; and next above, the roy
al$. Some very large ships carry still
loftier sails, called sky-sails.
Most merchant ships carry double
topsails, one above the other, for great
er ease in handling; but on men-of-war
having large crews, single topsails are
the rule. -
The head-sails are those which the
bowsprit and the booms it supports
carryforward. These are the foretop-
mast stay-sail, the jiby and flying-jib.
Large vessels carry even more head
sail. The spanker, or driver, as our
merchantmen sometimes call it, is a
fore-and-aft sail, and is the af tersail of
a ship or bark.
A compass being divided into thirty-
two points, sailors consider the horizon
at sea as having an equal number of
divisions,and speak of a ship as sailing
within five or six points of the direction
the wind is blowing from.
When the sails of a ship are filled
with wind, they are saii to be drawing
or full. A good sailor is never so hap
py as when with a whole-sail breeze he
sees all his canvas spread and drawing,
and feels himself "off before it." Har
per's Young People.
How a Ho? Hooted Up a City.
I have just returned from the shores
of Lake Superior, where I spent some
time visiting the copper regions, said
to be the greatest in the world.
Throughout the rocky, barren Kewee
naw peninsula, good for nothing as
farming lands, the immense copper de
posits have caused large towns to
spring up, and they now give employ
ment to tens of thousands of men.
About 18 years ago a pig strayed from
the drove to which it belonged and fell
into a pit on a spot where the city of
Calumet now stands. In rooting about
it uncov rel a mass of native copper,
and showed to the world the location
of the greatest copper mine it has ever
known. As the result of that pig's
rooting humanity' is now $35,000,000
richer in the use of the copper there
discovered, and the stockholders, who,
aided by the pig, have helped the world
to this wealth, have received about
$25,000,000 for their trouble. A town
of 6000 inhabitants has gathered
around the pig's hole, and nearly 2000
men are employed in operating the
mines beneath it. Cleveland Leader,
Heavier than Dough.
"What is the heaviest thing in the
world?" asked young Sharply of Mrs.
Badger, his landlady, as he poised a
biscuit in his hand.
"I should say it was money."
"Ah?" inquired the young man.
"Yes, because you never seem strong
enough to raise sufficient to pay your
board when it is due."
Mr. Sharply eats his biscuits now
without asking any conundrums.
A garbage sifting machine in use in
New York will make way with 140
tons of rubbish a day. One hundred
tons is found to be valuable, and so
only forty tons are carted away as
waste. The coal, iron, tin, glass, rags
and paper are saved.
Studies in
Significance of Some Flowere-The Origin
of a Familiar Lina
The name of the peony is derived
from Peon, a celebrated Greek physi
cian, who taught the Greeks that this
pretty flower was of divine origin, em
anating from the light of the moon,
and a valuable cure, therefore, for epi
lepsy, which was supposed to be a
moonstruck malady. The peony was
thought to have power over the winds,
to protect the harvest from storms
and to avert tempests.
The floral kingdom furnishes plants
which flower unfailingly on certain
days, and superstition has seized on
this fact and associated some with the
qualities of great persons who hap
pened to be born on the day they plant
flowers. The eyclamon opens in
Southern Europe eo St. Itomoald's
Day, and is dedicated to this romantic
recluse, who abandoned a noble career
for a monastery, because he witnessed
his father kill a kinsman in a duel
The rose bay willow herby the French
called St. Anthony's fire, because of
its red hue, and its having appeared
first in the eleventh century, when the
plague of erysipelas was raging, and
accord to it the powers of intercession
with disease which its patron, St. An
thony, was believed to possess
The early Christians,, attracted to
some flowers by their peculiar beauty,
gathered a number of these into a her
barium, and dedicated them to the Vir
gin Mary. Among these are the
snowdrop, the lily of the valley, white
daffodil, white rose, white hyacinth,
white clematis, lady's-finger, lady's
slipper, lady's-glove, marigold, lady's
mantle, etc., to all of which supersti
tion attached qualities of purity and
goodness, and conferred these upon the
wearer of any of the symbolical flow
ers. The common hollyhock is a cor
ruption of holy oak, and is reverenced
in parts of rural England, where tradi
tions percolate through centuries, be
cause crusaders brought it from the
Holy Land. The modest, shrinking
blue bell is, despite these most oppo
site qualities, a plant of war in the
superstitious belief of the same people.
It is dedicated to St George, their
patron saint. By the French the
white variety of this plant is, in curi
ous contrast, associated with the peace
ful character of a nun, and is called la
religieuse des champs.
The familiar line "balm of Gilead,"
is the name of a plant whose nearest
summer relation is our acacia In the
earliest ages it was celebrated by Pliny,
Strabo, Tacitus and Justin, not alone
for its medicinal qualities, but the
lofty spirit and dignity its meaning
was supposed to increase. The Queen
of Sheba brought it to King Solomon,
and Cleopatra planted one species of it
near Matrara, which ripened into a
shrub celebrated by, travelers for ages
afterwards. The Eastern Christians
believed the plant would grow only
under the care of a Christian garden
er, and that were the bark incised by
any instrument of metal, the flow of
balsam would be corrupt. Under
their fostering care, the plant grew as
large as a fir tree, and such was the re
spect that it exerted that when Chris
tianity spread into European courts
the balm of Gilead came to be min
gled in the oil used at the coronation
of irionarchs. The ' Coptic Christians
had a tradition that when the Holy
Family were leaving Egypt to return
to Judea, they stopped to rest at Mata
ra and went from house to house beg
ging a cup of water, and were every
where refused. Faint with thirst and
sorrow the Virgin Mary sat down
under a balm of Gilead tree, and im
mediately a fountain sprang up beside
her, and the tree rustled its leaves and
fanned a gentle breeze as the Mother
and Child drank of the water and rest
ed. Inter-Ocean.
Scallop Fishing.
The scallop is of the family Pectin
idse and has a shell with twenty di
verging ribs. For eating the valve
is opened and the growth surround
ng the delicious edible mussel re
moved. The scallop is taken by
dredges of chain-mesh, which are trailed
along the bottom of the stream towed
by a sailboat. The heavy iron lip slips
under the light-lying shells, and the
dredge, which may be compared in
shape to a lady's shopping bag with the
mouth open, brings up at times a half
bushel of shells. v
Don't Be in a Harry
Don't be in a harry to answer yes or no;
Nothing's lost by being reasonably slow.
In a hasty moment you may give consent
And through years of torment leisurely repent-
If a lover seeks you to become his wife,
Happiness or misery may be yonrs lor life:
Doy't be in a hurry your feelings to ctufess,
But think the matter over before you answer
Should one ask forgiveness for a grave offence.
Honest tears betraying earnest penitence,
Pity and console bim and his fears allay,
And don't be in a hurry to drive the child
away. '
Hurry brings as worry; worry wears us out.
Easy-going people know what they're about.
Heedless- haste will bring us surely to the ditch.
And trouble overwhelm us if we hurry to be
Don't be in a hurry to throw yourself away;
By the side of wisdom for a while delay.
Make your life word living; nobly act your
And don't be ia a hurry to spoil it at the start.
Don't be in a hurry to- speak an angry word ;
Don't be in a hurry to spread the tale you've
Don't be in a hurry with evil ones to go;
And don't be m a hurry to answer yes or no.
A steal-pen The penitentiary.
Something in the wind Dust.
A rifle match The contest between
opposing lawyers.
Babies know nothing of politics, yet
they are fond of crow.
The Jiatter becomes a power in
politics when he makes his influence
A man's domestic relations don't
bother him half so much as the rela
tions of his domestic.
An ex-editor is now a barber at
Saginaw, Mich. He yields the scissors
as fluently as ever, but he does more
head work now.
1 "Money goes a great way nowadays,"
observed a New York bank cashier, as
he pocketed $50,000 of the bank's
funds and set out for Canada.
An agricultural paper has an article
on "the time to look after poultry."
We suppose it advises the search either
after dark or when the owner is away.
A shallow-brained fop remarked,
with an air of an instructor, "People
snouia never laugn at meir own joites,
I never once think of laughing at
mine." "Does anyone else?" slyly
asked a young lady. r
of Liverpool, who left his property to
public charities, opened his first shop
been a servant, and put up a sign
which read: "L Came from over the
A wealthy bank officer being applied
to for aid by a needy Irishman, an-;
swered petulantly, "Xo, no; I can't
help you. I have fifty such applicants
as you every day." "Sure and ye might
have a hundred without costing you
much," was the response.
"Ever had a cyclone here?" asked a
Kansas man who was visiting a
countryman in the east. "A cyclone?
O, yes," said his aunt; "Deacon
Brown's son brought one from Boston
a spell ago; but, law! he couldn't ride
it Tumbled off every time he tried
it" '
If there is anything that will make
a man cordially hate himself it is when
he takes a walk about a mile to the
post-office to find that he has left his
keys at home, and then on going back
after them to find, on opening the box,
that the only thing in it is a card
notifying him that his box-rent is due.
A tull-bearded grandfather recently
had his beard 'shaved off, showing a
clean face for the first time in a num
ber of years. At the dinner-table his
three-year-old grand-daughter noticed
it, gazed along with wondering eyes,
and finally she ejaculated: " Grand
father, whose head you got on?
"My dear," said a wife who had been
married three years, as she beamed
across the table upon her lord and
master, "tell me, what was it that first
attracted you to me? "What pleasant
characteristic did I possess which
placed me above other women in your
sight?" And her lord and master
simply said, "I give it up,"
"Little boy," said a gentleman, "why
do you carry that umbrella over your
head? It's not raining." "Xop.
"And the sun is not shining." "Nop."
"Then whv do vou carrv it?" "'Causa
when it rains pa wants it, an' when
the sun shines ma wants it, an' it's only
when it's this kinder wedder- that I
kin git ter use it at all."