FOE FEMININE READERS for the Hands. This remedy was given to a lady by a doctor in reply to what she should do for the "hard bunches and knots," as she called them, inside her hands. He told her to get a small bottle of olive oil (one-half bottle would do to try), and Sut in as much camphor gum as it would issolve, pour some in the hands, rub them together and heat it by the fire. She continued in this, usually evenings, tubbing and heating, and in a short time her hands were as soft as need be, not a "bunch" remaining. A Woman Farmer. "Yes, my husband has been dead fif teen years," suid an old lady to a Eoston Globe correspondent, "and I have run the farm ever since myself, and, in fact, I have had the who'e care of it for twenty one years, lor within a year of our mar riage ray husband had a stroke of paraly sis that left one side entirely useless, and it is over a score of years since we moved here." It was an old lc.dy of Kennebec county, Maine, who made the above statement, and she seemed to see nothing remarkab'e about the fact that she, en tirely unaided, should be running a farm of sixty acres, in spite of her three score years and ten. "Do you do the whole work your self?" "Yes, almost all," she replied. "I never hire by the month, but in the busi est season I hire a man to help by the day in haying and such work." " Do vou take care of your stock yourself?" "Oh, yes; but I have not as much stock as I had formerly, having sold many, including a3 fine a stock bull as hey had in the county." "Do you take the daily papers?" "No, I can find all the lies I want to in the ordinary story and religious papers with ut pestering my head with fresh ones made up every day." "Are you not lonely in the winter?" asked the reporter. " I notice your house is oil the ran in road, and you must find it hard getting down to the villaga." "Ye-, you are right there," responded the old but en?tic lad j. "Sometimes I can't get out for five or six weeks un less my neighbors take the trouble to come anil shovel me out, but I don't mind much, and manage to get through all right. Ilowsomever, I don't see any thing much alout this; but there is a funny idea about you newspaper fellers, and people seem to take anything they see in print lor gospel. For instance, I knew two neighbors who was always fighting aout the way to cultivate a field, and they both declared the other was a fol. Finally one got his primed in a farming paper, and the other feller saw the piece, and not knowing whose ideas they was he thought he had learned something and went home and followed the advice of the man he had called a fool, just because he saw it in print. Don't you want to come to see the farm? it don't amount to anything, though." she added. The writer walked out to the door, and the first thing that attracted his atten tion was a tombstone in front of the piazza. He was about to ask if it was erected in this certainly unusual spot at the particular request of some near and dear relative, when he noticed that a ring was p issed through the top of the marble stone and that it served the purpose of an ordinary hitching post. Therefore he forebore lest he should touch on a forbidden topic, and even the broadest hints did not elicit any infor mation on the subject of the sepulchral horse-fastener. Everything about the farm, to use a localism, was in apple-pie order, just as one might find the farm of an old farmer with able-bodied sons to help him. Fashion Notes. Black pearls are in demand. All-feather bonnets are to have a run. Little girls are wearing very large hats Fine felts are largely worn for walking hats. Bonnets for evening wear are small in shape. Novelties in wool goods all show rough surfaces. Velvet and brocade are much used fo. dress bonnets. Lizzard and moss greens are much fa vored in millinery. Bonnet strings are medium as regards length and width. Brown is a leading color in both dress goods ana millinery. Square -toed shoes are gaining popu larity with gentiemen. Tying the bonnet strings in a square bow under the chin and making them into a pert little knot under the left ear seems equally in favor. Most of the new Newmarket coats have the seam at the back closed, but are made full enough to wear with large bustles. Braid is tueir most common trimming. Bonnet to match each costume now form part of a oridal outfit, and the near est approach to a white bonnet is that sometimes prepared for evening wear and which has a wnite crown and a colored brim. When the new watercress green is used for the crown of a hat, the brim is of a brown with a greenish tinge almost like olive, for the watercress green could only be worn on the stage, or with a stage complexion. Some of the new costumes have their skirts almost covered with mohair braid sewed on in perpendicular rows, almost but not-quite touching. The braid is sewed on its edge, so as to stand out frn the surface, and a border of braid set still closer finishes the skirt at the Jbem. THE HOME DOCTOB. A Sea Atmosphere for the Sick Room. The solution to be used and diffused as spray consisted of solution of peroxide of hydrogen (10 volumes strength) con taining 1 per cent, of ozonic ether, io dine to saturation, and 2.50 per cent, of sea salt. The solution placed in a steam or hand spray diffuser can be distributed in the finest spray in the sick room at the rate of two fluid ounces in a quarter of an hour. It communicates a pleasant sea odor, and is the best purifier of the air of the sick room I have ever used. It is a powerful disinfectant as well as deodorizer, acting briskly on ozonized test solutions and papers. Mr. Carl R. Schomberg has recently invented a large spray producer, which will diffuse the artificial sea air through a hospital ward. B. W. JticIiarcUon, Jf.D. Whooping Cough. A correspondent writes: "Will you not give your readers an article on whooping cough, stating what it is, and whether there is any k nown remedy ?" The disease is a peculiar form of bron chitis, attended, in its first stags, with 6ome fever, and, in the second, with spasms of the glottis, the vocal cords in the upper part of the larynx. It is highly infectious, and since few children es cape it, and it generally destroys one's susceptibility to a second attack, it is largely confined to childhood. At the commencement it resembles a hard cold, but the acts of coughing are more violent and last longer. At length it may be in two or three days, or in as many weeks the spasms of the glottis are developed, and the well-known whoop settles its real character. The whooo is due to the fact that it is imnnssihln to takn hr:ith durinrr the rapid cousrhinsr, and hence, on its ceas- I ing, there is along and labored inrush of Moreover, as the blood cannot freely enter the lungs during the paroxysm, the impeded blood causes the veins of the neck to swell out, gives to the face a livid look, and sometimes occasions various hemorrhages of the noise, stomach and lungs. But there is no danger of the patient's dying of suffocation, as is so often feared. The diaeiisa may be quite mild, or J . .. 1 . ' very severe. Uccasionally the person , gets well in a few days, without any medical aid. But generally the disease lasts six weeks. Sometimes when neg lected, it runs on many months. As a rule, the paroxysms gradually become less severe and frequent, and then cease, though for a time an ordinary cold will be attended with a whoop. The most that medicine can do is to palliate the symptoms., and shorten the duration of the disease. Alum acts well on the inflamed bronchial tube; bella donna on the iritated nerves that cause the spasms of the glottis. A doctor must be consulted for the more danger ous Dut emcacious remeuies. JNo one medicine meets each case, nor any case in all its symptoms and stages. Tne only wise course is to employ an intelligent physician who can study its ; 1 he brig proved to be the F. J. Mer peculiararities and watch its tendencies, ryman and the four men were all that Tnis is the more important since there is was left of her crew. The Merryman always danger of grave complications had sailed from Boston for Sierra Leone acute bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy and other lung difficulties, indirectly, often fatal. It is thus, Unless where there is serious compli cation, it is best to have the child as much as possible out of doors. The diet should be nutritious. This should be looked after more carefully if the child vomits much. Food should be given often, and as early as possible, before an expected paroxysm. Youth's Compan ion. POPULAR SCIENCE. Dr. Brown Seouard believes that the conversion of venou3 blood into arterial, accompanied by alteration of color and plentiful admixture of oxygen, which takes place in shock, is due to a nervous inhibition of the circulation of gases and their passage from tissue to tissue. Possibly the habit of blushing at every slight surprise, common to many people, may find its explanation in the same fact. All fishes that live continuous! v at a depth greater than two thousand feet T,ie March to the Grave, are carnivoious. This results from the! A statistican recently stated that if one fact that, owing to the absence of light, 1 could watch the march of 1,000,000 peo vegetation gradually disappears as the pie through life, the following would be depth increases, and consequently all" observable: Nearly 150,000 would die species of fish that do not ascend to the first year, 50,000 the second year, within five hundred ieet of the surface the point at which the last algiee are found are obliged to hunt for animal food. Some very minute inquiries have re cently been instituted by M. Ilaslam, of Derby, England, to determine the tem perature best adapted to the preservation of fresh meats, eggs and other animal products without absolutely freezing them. The result has been to fix upon a temperature of from thirty degrees to thirty-four degrees Fahrenheit, as the surest and safest for refrigerators, ice boxes, etc. Samples of green peas, from a lot alleged, to have caused sickness and diarrhoea, have been found by Dr. John Muter to be affected by a fungoid growth on the inner surface of the outer coating of the seed. When boiled with water the peas have a sickly, pale-green color, with yellow spots; but when the water contains a little soda they show deep violet-brown markings, and emit a fra grant odor on keeping. M. Aime Girard, regards the grain of wheat as consisting of three parts, the shell, (which forms 14.3G per cent.,; the germ, (1.43 per cent.,) and the far inaceous layer, (84.21 per cent.) In a recent paper on the chemical compo sition and Nthe alimentary value of the various parts of such a grain he considers that the introduction of the shell and the germ into the flour is onlv of an in- significant utility, and is attended with serious inconvenience. ; Diving for Sea Eggs. . The "sea eggs" are a species of the family Echindse. Diving tor them by the Fuegian women is one of the most painful and dangerous ways of procur- t j t.' tn ,fii- mg food, as they often have to follow it when the sea is rough, ana in' coldest weather. -The following description is taken from Mayne Rcid's serial, "The Land of Fire." The savages do not long remain idle, another resource engaging them & feat for which the Feugiun native has ob tained a world-wide celebrity namely, diving for sea-eggs. A difficult, dan gerous industry it is, and just on this ac count committed to the women, who alone engage in it. Having dispatched their poor breakfast, half a dozen of the younger and stronger women take to the canoes two in each and paddle out to where they hope to find the sea-ur- cnins. Arriving tnere, sue wno is to ao the diving, prepares for it by attaching a little wicker-basket to her nip, her companion is intrusted to keep the canoe in place, a task which is no easy one in water so rough as that of the sea-arm chances to be now. j Everything ready, the diver drops over, headforemost, as fearlessly as would a water-span'el, and is out of sight for two or three minutes ; and then tne crow black head is seen bobbing up again, and swimming back to the canoe with a hand-over-hand stroke, dog-fashion, the egg-gatherer lays hold of the rail to rest herself, while she gives up the contents of her basket. Having remained alfove water just long enough to recover breath, down she goes a second time, to stay under for mimutcs as before. And this performance i3 repeated again and again, till at length, utterly exhausted, she climbs back into the canoe, and the other ties on the basket and takes her turn at diving, Thus, for hours, the sub marine egg-gathers continue their arduous, per- ilous task; and, having finished it, they come paddling back to the shore. And on landing, they make straight for the wigwams, and seat themselves by a tire almost in it leaving the spoil to be brought up by others. rerils on the Sea. Many strange stories are told of the sea, but few of them surpass the expe rience of two crews who reached New v- i. ; t, i;1 t ivro..rnn n u l"- ulls 'c"Jmju' tain xiunscmeu satiuu m cuminattu vi the bark Friederick Scalla, loaded with , salt from Stettin, Germany, for New York. He had a crew of eleven Ger mans. The ship met with baffling winds, but one day she encountered a terrific hurricane that lasted forty hours and left j the vessel disabled, with her rudder and masts gone and a big leak in her side. For nine days the sailors worked at the pumps while the ship drifted helplessly over the sea. On the evening of the ninth day they say a large brig appar ently drifting like themselves helplessly on the waves. Fortune drew the two ships together, and in response to cries from the Scalla two blacks and two white men j on the brig lowered a- boat and took the crew of Germans on board. ma aiscnargea tier cargo ana men pro- ceeded down the coast of Africa to take on another cargo, when the African fever ' began to kill off the crew. The first mate and several men died. They were buried at sea. Then after lying in a primitive quarantine for thirty days off Bathurst, Africa, they were allowed to load a cargo of hides and start home ward. They fortunately secured the ser 1 vices of the two blacks 10 take the place of their dead seamen. On the voyage . home Captain Nickerson and the second I mate and another of the crew were strick ' en down with the fever. No one was left who could command the ship and she drilted aimlessly on the ocean until the crew of the Scalla were taken aboard. Captain Iloffschied, before he had straightened things out ou the African brig, saw his own bark sink with her cargo beneath the waves. Taking chargo of the Merryman he turned her bow ir the direction of New York. 28,000 the third year, and less than 4, 000 the thirteenth." At the end of forty rive years 500,000 have died. At the end of sixty years 370,000 would still be liv ing; at the end of eighty years 97,0o0; at eighty-five 31,080; and at ninety-live years there would be 223; at the end of 108 years there will be one survivor. The Bastinado. The bastinado is still one of the author ized punishments in Egypt, and is so terrible that even the silent and much enduring Arabs scream with pain after the first few strokes. First the victim is laid on his face on a stone and held there firmly. Then his legs are raised j till the flat soles of his feet are upper- most, and secured in that position. The I lash is a species of cat, but with five strands instead of nine and it stings iiuu cuts ingutiuiiy. mv tunuie is inflicted for very slight offenses, and maims the sufferers for many days. Crater lake, Oregon, is inhabited by a dreadful monster. It is said to be as large as a man's body, and swimming with about two or three feet out of water, and going at a rapid rate, as fast as a man couid row a skiff, leaving a similar wave behind it. The United States now makes one fifth of the iron, and ens-fourth of the steel of the woild, And it furnishes one half of the gold and one-half of the ail- j ver o :he world's supply, ' - Jt ,. . w.nder that w many 8mr into untimely graves when we consider how they neglect their health. They have a disordered I-aver, deranged Bowels, .Constipation, Piles , or dis- eased kidneys, but they let it go and think th wiU over it It wor80 other and more serious complications follow and soon it is too lata to save them. If such people would take Kidney-Wort it would pre serve their lives. It acts upon the most im portant organs purifying the blood and cleans- mg me system, removes miu prevents mese di&orders and promotes health. 2 A Cents Will buy a Treatise on the Horse and His Diseases Book of 100 pages, valuable to every owner of horses. Postage sta . ups taken. Bent postpaid. New York Horse Book Co., 134 Leonard Street. New York city. "Ilacha Palba." "I.,.-,.!. - -II L'iJn T?1 AA- Bnti Urinary Diseases, Scalding. Irritation, fetone, Gravel, Catarrh of bladder.$LDruggists. Chicago has 292 Chinese. A Great Victory A Terrible Case of Scrofula Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla "In the wintne of 170 I wa attacked with Scrofula. in t ne of the most aggravating forma. At one- tims I had no less than t hit teen large ascessesover and around my neck and throat, continually exuding an offensive num of bloody matter disgusting to behold, and almost intolerable t.lendure. it ia impota.bie to ,uiiy d. aoribe my sultenngs. a. the case waa complicated with Chr. nio 1 Catarrh. Alter three ye rs of misery, having been tr.s.ted by three physicians, I waa worse than ever. v;n.ll ..r. W .1 11 tint, I drucirist. of Lockuort. 1 waa induced to try UooU's S ina,iarilla. And now. after having taken twelve Dot. tlas, within the last twelve montns, the scrofulous erup ti ns have ent re.y ceased, and the abscesses have ail disappeared, except tne unsightly scars, which ara daily becoming 'smaller by degrees and beautifully less.' 1 do not Know what it may have done f r others, but I do know that in my caso Hood's Bareaparilla ha proved an r fleet ne xpvcitio indeed. As an evidence of my r .t tude I send these facts unsolicited, and 1 am r any t v.trify the authenticity of this cure by persona! correspondence with any one who doubts it." CHARLES A. Rouebts. East Wi.son, N. Y. This statement is confirmed by W. J. Huntley, drug gist, oi Lockport, ti. Y.. who calls the cure a yrtat vic tory for Hood's barsaparilla. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Made only by O. I. HUUU i. CO.. Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. . IOO Doses One Dollar Catarrh ElT3 CREAM BALM fVen! GiTS Rrlief at WcioZ fl n r t. AYFEYER Once, luorougn Treatment will Cure. Not a Liq uid orfennff. Ap ply wit Ji Finger. MAY-FEVEK Giveit a Trial. 50 cnts at drugzists. 60 cents by mail ieitred. Bample bottle by mail 10 cent. tLY liKO 1 HtRs. Dr l grists, Owego. N. T Consumption Can Be Cured! DR. 03 fl S 1 9 Cure Consumption, Colds, Piieuiuonln, In llueirs.u, lSroucliial i illicit I lies. Urourliilis, Hoiireiic, AhiIhiiu, Croup, W'kuoitiiiff Cough, ami nil Diseuwen t" itae Itrealuing Orgiuis. It tootbea aud heals the .Heuibraiis ol l lie liillu mod and poisoned by lue tiuht uerta iiri'kn the cheat wuicU accompany it. Consumption is not an incurable inafudy. JiAll,'S will euro you, even tuouKU vroleautitinul aid tails). Paynes' Automatic Engines and Saw-Mill. OrU T.EADER. W offer an 8 to lit 11. P. mounted Engine with Mil), S0-in. tol d &aw, 60 ft. bolting, cant-hooks, rig c mplete foroprrtion, on ours, $1.10'. Kngine on ski is, till loss. Sn.l for circular (B). B. W. PAYNE tfc SONS, Manufactu rers of ull styles Automatic En gine, from 2 to 3-41 H. P. : also Pulleys, Uaugors and Sdaftnc,Elmira, N. Y. Box lSdO. GOOD NEWS TO LADIES! Greatest inducements ever of fered. Kow's yourtimn to arnt np ordeis for our celebrated Teu and CoM eea.and secure a beauti ful GolQ Band or Moss Hose China Ten Set. or Handsome Decorated Goiu l.ud JtoEe Dinner Set, or Uold Bund Moss Decern ted 1 inlet !-t. i r inll p.rticnlars address THU GRL'AT A3IKUICAN TEA CO., r. O. Box 31 and St Veejp St.. New York. AGENTS WANTED for th. livfs of BLAINE & CLEVELAND & LQ8AH, HENDRICKS, InlVol-bvT. W.Ksoxl In 1 Vol. bv Hon. A. Barmim. Authorized, Authentic. Impartial. Complete, the l't snd Chrajimt. The leudinK Campaign book of 1834. Outsell all others lOtol. f V 7Ml thousand in press. Eschvol.. 600 pa.-et, SI. fro. bO percent, to Airenu. Outfit free. Freight paid. Agents earn $10 to V a day. Mow is th time to make money fast Send for ".rrro 7"rrm. at once, to llAKTr OlU FlBLlailJJSU CO., Hartford. Cobb. enta Wanted for the Best and Fastest -s liuu notorial llooks and UiblfS. rrtces reaucea &iy National. Puulimhinq Co., Piiiiadelpaia. 9i TEW PER CENT. INTEREST F1KST MOliTtJAsiES ON IMPROVED AND SELLCTtl) KA1UI I'UOPKltT V. Complete abstract ana gunrumy of title accompany ing each mortgage, j nturetit and principal payable in Kew York C.ty or forwarded promptly to lenders ad dress. The cxperienoe of 20 years shows that there is no s.tfer or better investment than good farm mort gages. We have nsver lost a dollar. Salt River Valley Land Improvement Co. W. S. LOUAN, Attorney, GO Wall St., New York. mAM ATEIIBC Send ns address if yoar prog AitlH I CUiid. ress is unsatisfactory. Land scape SKETCH on canvas, with fail instruction!. Send tUmpJorreply. ARTIST, Box 30. Brooklyn P.U..N.Y. but name, and receive onr New Hmnide Book KKIIK, Capitol Card Co. , Hartford, Ct SeDd stamp for onr New Book on Patents, h. BUVUHAM, Pit ent Lawyer. Washington. D. U. VoRairreatiy improved fl A nnftf 9 : to Soldiers neirs. Send stamp for Circulars. VOU. L. BING. HAM. Att y. Washington. P. O. CVIIES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough syrup. Tastesgood. U an in lime, hum oy arumtwts. BRAZILIAN COMPOUND. The Greatest Ciscovery of the Age. An INFALLIBLE CURE lor CONSUMPTION T Ihib Gheat South American Compound was discovei by a person traveling in Brazil for bis health. The astonishing Cares wrought by t h i Compound are trsil v wonderiul. It has cured huncr his in tbe last six months, as BRAZILIAN COMPOUND CO., 199 & mm E3ftty ' I mm Words of Warning: and Comfort. "If you are suffering from poor health or 'languishing on a bed of sickness, take cheer if you are simply ailing, or if yon feel 'weak and dispirited, 'without clearly know ing why. Hop Bitters 'will surely cure you. If von are a minister, and have o ertaxed yourself with your pastoral duties, or a mother worn out with care and work, or a man of business or labor, weakened by the strain of your every day duties, or a man of letters toiling over your midnight work, Hop Bitters will most surely strengthen you. If you are suffering from overrating or drinking, any indiscretion or dissipation, or are young and growing too fast, as is often the case, "Or if yon re in the workshop, on the 'farm, at the desk, anywhere, and feol that vour system needs cleansing, ton 'ing, or rtirnulatina:, without intoxicat- ' 'ing, if you are old, 'blood thin and impure, pulse 'feeble, nerves nnsteady, faculties 'waning, Ii)p Bitters is what you need to 'give you new life, heaith and vigor." If you are costive, or dyspeptic or suffer ing from any other of the numerous die eaves of the stomach or bowels, it is your own fault If you remain ill. If you are wanting away with any form of Kidney disease, stop tempting death this moment, and turn for a cure to 11 op Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible sickness, XT .,, 7t ,. , . 4-,i' IS ervousness, you Will tind a ".Balin in trU- ead" in Hod Bitters. -vf uixvota. If you are a frequenter, or a resident of, a miasmatic district, barricade your sy. tern against the scourge of all countries Malaria, Epidemic, Bilious and Inter- inittent Fevers by the use of llop Bitters. If you have rough, pimply, or sallow skin, had breath, Hop Bitters will give you fair skin, rich blood, the sweetest breath and health. $500 will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. A La-iyVwish. Oh, how I do wish uiy skin was as clear and soft as yours," said a lady to her friend. "You can easily make it so," answered the friend. "How inquired the first lady. "By wing Hop Bitters that mkes pure, rich b'o d and blooming health. It did It for me as you observe." pr ne genuine without a bunch of preen Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous, tuff with 'llop' or "Hops" in their name. For the Cure of Kidney and Urcr Com plaints, Constipation, and all disorders arininsf from nn impure state of the BLOOD. To women who suffer from any of the ills pecu liar to thoir sex it is an unfailing friend. All Dru2ititi. One Dollar a bottle, or address Dr, David Kenned y, Bondout, N. Y. THE WOMEN AT HOME. Our mother, wives and daughters ! Home is no home at all without the n. Vet they may die and leave the house silent and sad kny d ty. llnsbandi and fathers, a word in your ear. '1 he ladies are nol always too blame when they are low-spirited and "cross." They ore sick. 1'iit a boitla of DR. DAVID KEN KDY'S KAVOKME REMEDY oi theshelf, and tell them to i se it The color wiB ome back to their cheeks and the laugh to theit lips. Go and t;et it at once down town, or mail on dollar to the Doctor s address at Rondout, N. Y. IOO STYLES $22 TO $900. HIGHFST HONORS AT ALT GREAT WORIJJ'I iXHUilfiONo iOK SEVEN TEEN YEARS. Only American Organs Awarded nucli at any, For Cash, Easy Payments or Rented. UPRIGHT PIANOS presenting very liiffhrnt excellence yet attained in sunn instrument; adding to all previous improve nientsone of grea r value than any; scurinR mos pure, rerined, musirsl tunes and increased durability specially avoiding liability to gel out of tune, llius bated Catalogues free. Mason & Hamlin Organ ani Fiano Co., Boston, 154 Treinont Sr.: N.York, 40 E. 14tl St.; Chicago, 149 Wabru.ii Ave. Lying Apentt cant SELL and teO the truth about Jones. lut yoal lies on paper and lira if you dara, v, s. sVandaku $60. BIG WAGON SCALES. Beam Box. Tare Beam. Freight faiU. 1'rre Pries Li.t. Every S.ia, address J01TS3 CF E:K32A)(TQ& BISQHAllTON.N. T. AfiEHTS WmED."pcVS2f4s2aDjS J. M. MURRAY, Publisher. Elizabeth, N. J. 4t'-p- cata.t gje free. Hen d SI tor a in p I ea worth 8 . Wervous Debility a OQlrk n rnrm. Book free Clviale Afncy,l V uilou oU, K.T Every Farmer and Horseman hould own a book descriptive of the Horse, and the Diseases to which the noble animal is liable, that sickness may be rec ognized in its incipiency and relief promptly afforded. Our book should be in the hands of every Horse owner, as the knowl edge it contains may be worth hundreds of dollars at any mo ment. If you want to know all about your Roree, how to Tell his Age, how to Shoe him, etc., send 25c. in stamps, and receive . the book, post-paid, from KEW YORK H3HSE BOSK COMPANY, 134 LewnaH St.. N. Y. City. Testimonials will show. It needs bnt a trial to convine th most skeptical f ti efficacy in cunn ine aisnse, even in its last stages. On r two doses will arrest Nivhft Knti rwitar. he Appetite, give tone and strenirtii tJ the sys tern and give an earnest of the rxwiuve and ter- t'ect cure which will b effected by the nse of box ft this Compound. For true history of this discovery, and testimonials of persons who have ben perfectly restored to benlth by tbe use Of thS IVimnmnrl ,m,limn mli,m.w. 201 MARKET STREET, NEVARK, N. JL NTNU-41 DR. D A VSD 31 ex 2g CENTS