4 V ) Crocfi cab bap) Sher try, that eagU The m Europe &v e as UjLoiarned parliailMit," Cambild TeJtkmedparliamlit," held at Coventry in 1404, wa3 so called be cause lawyers were excluded from it. A stranjre fact about the Snake river in Idaho is that a body drowned in its waters is never seen or heard of again. The loss of life at sea has been in creasing for the last six years. Of the otal number of seamen employed one in sixty lost their lives "by drowning last year. The spinning-wheel and hand-loom of less than a century ago would require 16,000,000 persons to make the cloth used by our people, which is now manu factured by 160,000 operatives. At, a recent execution in Japan it took thirteen strokes of the sword to decapitate the criminal. The edge of the instrument had been purposely dulled, in order to make the death agony a3 great as possible. It was formerly the custom to hold "feasts of fools" in Paris on the first day of January, and all manner of absurdities Avere committed at these times. The feasts ceased in 1438, hav ing lasted three centuries and a half. The origin of the term "catch-penny" is said to be that after the execution in London of one Weare for murder, a publisher named Catchpin printed a penny ballad entitled, ""We are Alive Again." When cried on the streets it sold to the extent of 2,500,000 copies, the persons buying supposing from the sound that the ballad had reference to Weare. It came, therefore, to be spoken of as a "catch-penny affair." A new building now in process of construction in New York has a cellar which will alone cost, below the floor beams, about $430,000. Before com mencing the building the rock upon the lot was in places twenty-five feet higher than the grade of the neighbor ing streets, and all this mass had to be cleared away before the excavation proper could begin. The average depth of the cellar below the curb stone grade is eleven feet, so that in many places thirty-six feet of rock was removed. The building itself covers 81,000 square feet of land, and the excavation was carried out under the sidewalks all around to the curb, a distance of about fifteen feet. The cost of the excavation alone is esti mated at $113,000, and the foundation walls, concrete, drainage-works and so on, will be about three times as much' more. v Meat fnr th Poor. It will, perhaps, surprise some peo pie to hear that there are still agricul tural villages where the laborers do not taste a " bite of butcher's meat" from pne year's end to another. One such village i3 High Boding, in Essex if one may judge from an interesting letter in last week's Guardian. It is commonly supposed that by the time beef-tea has been made out of a piece of meat all the "goodness" has gone, and the residue is generally sold by thu London hospitals at a ridiculously low price to feed pigs. In fact, however, the extraction of the beef-tea only re moves such of the " goodness " as is soluable in water, and the residue, al though "insipid and not remarkably digestible," is still "really nutritious." Most people, by the way, have proba bly eaten something of the kind to their cost in the shape of the bouilli, which Is a standing dish at small French inns. However, this residue of beef is highly appreciated down in Essex, and the first of the laborers who tasted it exclaimed : "Ah, if I had some of this every day it would make a new man of me." The vicar has now obtained large consignments of it from some of the hospitals, and it L eagerly bought by villages at a prico sufficient to repay the prime charge and thecost of carriage. What pro portion of our agricultural population, one wonders, would be equally glad to get this husk of meat which has hitherto been feeding the pigs? Pall Mall Gazette. Ella Wheeler says in one of her poems: " Oh, let me hurry on." You had better take it easy, Ella. Some of 1 the boys say you are over thirty al ready. Rochester Express. J use. .siL Stephens nad jhe ridiculous, and idotes from his own e hi3 friends. One ifond of telling oc service in Congress nen Senator Edward L de Sartiges, the French er, resided in adjacent houses on treet. One evening, as the guests invited by M. de Sartiges to a dinner party arrived, Mr. Stephens came with them in evening dress. The polite Frenchman, not having invited the well-known representative from Geor gia, asked him if he wished to con verse with him on any subject. "No, thank you," replied Mr. Stephens, who went on chatting with the other guests. M. de Sartiges went to his dining room, told his butler not to announce dinner until that little gentleman in the parlor had gone, and returned there. After waiting a quarter of an hour, with the full knowledge that hi3 good cheer wa3 being spoiled, he again approached Mr. Stephens, saying : "Meestear Steven, would you like to see me about something?" " No, sir! No, sirT was the prompt reply, and, as the disconsolate host walked away with a gesture of despair, Mr. Stephens said to a gentleman with whom he was conversing: " What does that impertinent little Frenchman mean by thinking that I want to talk with him ?" " That," was the reply, "is our host; you know, and perhaps he invited you to have a little chat before dinner." " Our host!" exclaimed Mr. Stephens, " why I came here to dine with Sena tor Everett, of Massachusetts!" The joke was too good to be kept quiet, and after Mr. Stephens had left the guests at the French legation joined in the roar; he created another hearty laugh in Mr. Everett's drawing room next door, where the guests for another dinner, had been waiting for his arrival. 'He had gotten into the wrong house. Rheumatism. Acute rheumatism, or rheumatic fever, i3 mainly a disease cf early life. There are two varieties of rheumatism the progressive and the partial. In progressive rheumatism, it i3 the smaller joints of the upper extremi ties generally of the fingers that are first attacked. In time the disease extends to other and larger joints sometimes even to those of the spine In the first stage there are pain, red ness, heat and swelling of the affected joints, and often a spasmodic contrac tion of the neighboring muscles, caus ing a permanent distortion. In the second stage, changes take place within the joint, resulting in the form ation of chalk-like excrescences, the loss of the cartilage which lines the inner surface, and rendering the end of the bone hard, like ivory. In old people the disease is not confined to them, though much more common among them the changes are much slower than in others, and the movements are less interfered with. Fortunately, the right hand suffers less than the left. In time, from pro longed immobility, there i3 a wasting of the muscles and the bones. Spas modic muscular contractions also often cause the limbs to be drawn perman ently into various unnatural postures. Partial chronic rheumatism attacks only a few joints often a single one but generally the larger. The pains are at first slight and vague, and pas3 off when the person is walking, but at length are severe. The joint becomes much deformed; motion, however, is more or less preserved, and the patient manages to get about. The muscles are seldom contracted. The disease does not threaten life. Progressive rheumatism is much more frequent in females; partial, in males. The most common causes are hiving in damp rooms, insufficient or improper food, various other diseases, especially scrofula. Youth's Companion. " Will you have your eggs scrambled or poached?" asked a second-grade hotel waiter of a grangerly-looking hungry man who sat down to the table in his overcoat. " Nuther one,' was the quick reply. "I've been scrambling around and poaching through the mud all day myself, and have got enough of it. I don't want any of your lively city eggs, anyway Bring me a sasserful that have never been sot on, and bile 'em hull." Toledo Avfvrican. COUNTING THE CASH. (law the money In the United States Treas ury is Counted. A Washington correspondent de scribes the interesting process " of counting the money in the treasury vaults when a new treasurer takes possession. A committee appointed for the purpose superintends the work. The total volume of money falls into three main divisions. There is what is called the cash in the treasury. This was in round numbers, on the first of the month, $306,000,000. There is next the surplus reserve fund, that is, the supply of treasury notes received from the bu reau ot printing and engraving, and held to furnish banks and sub treasuries on demand. This money lay ready for delivery in the custody of the treasury, but was not included in the assets of the office. It is esti mated that there were between $200, 000,000 and $300,000,000 of this money locked in the treasury vaults. Finally, there were the bonds held by the treasury to secure the circulation of the national banks to an amount of $400,000,000. Altogether, therefore, there was a plump billion of money to be handled. After referring to the counting of the "loose change," the correspondent says : The method of working is simple. The paper money lies in neatly wrapped piles in the vaults, with the. amount of each pile , stated. The band is removed and the money given to a counter, who, with deft fingers, finds the sum and reports the result. A strict watch i3 kept to prevent bills slipping up sleeves or under aprons. If the report of the counter agrees with the record the band is put back and an entry made, and it would have greatly astonished the committee, no doubt, if a differ ence had been found and proven on a second and more careful count. Probably not one such instance disturbed the monotony of the examination, a3 the system of checks in use renders a false count in a package delivered to the treasury almost an impossibility, and no one hinted that the vaults had been tampered with. It was compara tively easy and pleasant to count the smooth, clean packages of bills, but when it came to the broken piles of mutilated returned currency, the com mittee had a disagreeable time of it. The custom of the treasury is not to destroy returned notes of a nationa bank until they amount to $500 or multiples thereof, and multilated bills are sorted and preserved until this unit of destruction is reached. Hence, as there are about 2,000 national banks, each having its little pile of greasy and torn bills, this feature of the count was a tedious and disagreeable job. Another job which the committee dreaded was the counting of the specie. The clerks are not accustomed to hand ling coin and worked slowly and awk wardly. A few Chinese shroffs might well have been engaged to attend to this part of the business. They would have clinked the dollars off in . short meter, but the clerks made slow and clumsy work of it. In many cases, however, the process was expedited by a recourse to the scales. A $5,000 bag of double eagles was counted, for in stance, then tied up and put in one arm of the scales and the contents of an other $5,000 bag of double eagles turned into the plate on the other arm, and the sack and cord thrown on the yellow heap. If the two weights bal anced it was presumed that the loss from friction was the same in both and the figures of value accepted as proven. The chief bother came from the enor mous horde of silver dollars and subsi diary coin. The birth of an eccentric child in Turkish Kurdistan is announced by the Diarbekir newspaper. The infant, who is an object of interest not un mingled with alarm to all the neigh borhood, was born with a beard and mustache, a perfect set of thirty-two teeth, and with no fewer than forty distinctly formed fingers. Its be havior frpm the moment of its birth has been far from satisfactory. It is excessively noisy and violent, and, owing to the cruel bites it inflicts on all who come within reach of its mouth, it has been found necessary to extract all its front teeth. Artificial cork has teen invented, and we shall soon hear of adulterated life pre servers. Lowell Courier. Black Men as Lightning Conductors. The electrical apparatus of Professor Balrd's expediti6n is very complete. The search-light is one of the most novel of the wonderful inventions of the nineteenth century. , It consists of three Edison electric lights of six-teen-candle power each, inclosed in a hermetically sealed glass case, which is surrounded by a glass globe, and capable of resisting the pressure of the water at a great depth. It is proposed to sink the lamp and illuminate the sea by turning on the light. This, it is expected, will attract the fish, and a net ten feet in diameter at its mouth placed below the light will be drawn at the proper time, and the unknown fish pf the lower wafers will be caught "It is an improvement," said one of the officers of the ship, "on the method of the Indian who searched the rivers at night time, with a burning pine-knot in the bow of his canoe and a spear in his hand, but the idea is really stolen from him." Paymaster Head has the most perfect arrangements for his work. He will be able to photograph fish and shells as soon as they are taken out of the water by a vertical camera. This is neces sary, as in some cases the air changes the form of some of the curiosities of the sea. The sea water will also be brought to the surface from any depth desired for analyzation. During the trip of the Albatross, an arc light has been first successfully operated on an Edison circuit, and an invention has been completed for lighting the surface of the sea, which will be useful for signaling and for the prosecution of all kinds of work at night. Philadel piiia Press. Our First Great Writer. To chis period, between the years 1789 and 1815, Washington Irving our first eminent name in terature, belongs. This is not the place to enter into an analysis of Irving's genius, but it may be fairly said that while in feeling he was a thorough Ameri can, in literature he was a cosmopoli tan. His easy style, the tinge of ro mance, and the mingling of the story teller and the antiquarian remind us of his great contemporary, Walter Scott. In his quiet humor and gentle satire, we taste the flavor of Addison In the charming legions with which he has consecrated the beauties of the Hudson river valley, and thrown over that beautiful region the warm bight of his imagination, we find the gen uine love of country and of home. In like manner we perceive his. historical taste and his patriotism in the last work of his life, the biography of his great namesake. But he wrought as, well with the romance of Spain and England. He was too great to be colonial ; he did not find enough food for his imagination in the America of that day to be thoroughly American. He stands apart, a great gift from America to English literature, but not a type of American literature itself He had imitators and friends, whom it had beeni the fashion to call a school, but he founded no school, and died as he had lived, alone. He broke through, the narrow trammels of colonialism himself but the colonial spirit hung just as heavily upon the feeble litera ture about him. Atlantic Monthly. There is a curious, clock in the cathedral at Lubeck, Germany. On the end of the hour hand there is a little clock which keeps exact time with the big clock. This little time piece of course goes round and round the larger dial, and reminds one of a "wheel within a wheel." . In a Swiss museum there is a watch that is only three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter. It is inserted in the top of an old-fashioned pencil case, such as our grand mothers used to possess. Its little dial not only indicate hours, minutes and seconds, but also days of the month. 9 The Gigantic association is the name of an organization of heavy weights at New Haven, Conn. Requirements for membership are a weight of 220 pounds and a circumference about the chest of forty-five inches. The members must also be at least five feet and eleven inches in height One of the movers in the enterprise weigns 225 pounds.stands five feet eleven in his stockings, and measures forty-five inches at the chest. Another member is six and a half feet tall and weighs 252 pounds, while a third member weighs nearly : 850 pounds. , FUN. The patient tack will stand on Its' head a week waiting for the coming bare foot. c An Elmira man claims to have buried twenty wives. He is a grave digger, and they were not his own. A boy says in bis composition that "Onions are the vegetable that make you sick when you don't eat them youself." The great question of the day at present is how to wear a high all round collar and still be able to sneeze hard without cutting your throat Puck. A boy who will yell like a Tartar if a drop of water gets on his shirt band when his neck is being washed can crawl through a sewer after a ball and think nothing of it. The Emperor William says he feels no older now than he did forty years ago. However, when he is called on to put up a clothes-line, or to chop an armful of wood, he feels the fleeting; years. An Eastern merchant who never ad vertised was found lying dead on the counter in his store recently. It is thought the body had lain there for several days before being discovered. Duluth Tribune. "Yes," said she, with tears in her ejfes, "in his qualities of head and heart dear George is always the same." Then, after a moment's lapse into dreamland, she added: " He is so soft hearted, dear fellow. News-Letter. An Elmira man has contracted to supply an Eastern firm with 1,000,000 broom handles. And yet it is necessary to introduce the whipping post in several States for the punishment of wife-beaters t Norristown Herald. Tattooing. A St Louis reporter asked a tattoo ' artist in that city: " What would you. charge to tattoo me from head to foot?" "Between $300 and $400 say $300. I would charge more for tattooing a woman, because it would take longer; You look as if you could stand punish ment, and I believe I could put you through in four or five months; but everybody cannot take it in heavy doses- If a man's health were not to be taken into consideration, the job could be done in three ,or four weeks. The best, however, that could bet at all t expected under the circumstances would be three months; the average time required is nine months. This period is necessary on account of the rest3 that must be given. Say I tattoo " your arm put eight or nine pictures on it to-day well, it will be sore for a week and during that time I could do no work- But I would undertake to decorate you in less than nine months for $300. It would take fully a year to tattoo a woman properly. I don't suppose any of these women on exhi bition are tattooed except on their arms shoulders and legs." While the artist talked he went on. with his work. . He took the reporter's arm and with pen and India ink. first . drew the picture of a ballet girl making the figure about four inches high ; every detail of the drawing was carefully filled out, and the picture looked quite perfect when he put the pen aside. But the work was only begun. Mixing some Chinese vermilion with water, he now had two colors to select from. Producing what seemed to be a lead pencil, he dipped the point in the India ink and the first jab he gave the arm informed the reporter of the character of the instrument in the artist's hand. When examined it proved to be five fine needles bound in a line on the round bit of pencil-shaped wood. About an eighth of, an inch oi the needles was exposed. Dipping the arrayed points in the ink, the artist pricked the skin along the lines made in the pen-drawing, and by constant dipping and pricking, using now the India ink and again the Chinese red, as the picture called for either color, in three-quarters of an hour the ballet girl was finished and the reporter paid a dollar for the job. The work was cleverly done, and the needles gave only the slightest pain, and but once was there a sight of blood' above the 5S3R9 f tie ink. The needles are t&4 &t&i stnight into the flesh ; tt Instrument is held lightly in the opera tor's hand, at an angle with th$ skin surface. Instead of prodding, the points are gently inserted and the skin fibers opened out so as to. receive, the ink.