Orfon Hiatoilul Society City Hall X THE BANDON il L 1 v III L 1 . VOLUME XXXII BANDON, OREGON, TUS SDAY, JU 27, 1916 NUMBER :5 LOFTY TRIBUTE IS PAID PRES. WILSON Places Country Above Self M.V.N N SAYS EXECUTIVE IS PRUDENT WITH PRUDENCE OF O.NK HOLDING DESTINY 01' 1011.000.000 PEOPLEHASAD OKI) STRENGTH TO AMERICA'S COURAGE. Former Governor Glynn, in his key i nio sneech nt St. Louis, naid the fol owing high tribute to President Wil- f on 11 k a man: "Americanism mid ponce, prepj'ed- ns and prosperity those nre tlio . Mty. ujion which the Democratic p;.rty stands, -mid the heart of Dennc- . i-y swells with pride that is mors ii i i a prldo of party, as it D-iils fie .in who asserted this Americanism nr.-d this puace, advocated this i .-parcdnuss and produced this prrs-p.-rity. "Tlio man who is President of the . - td States today has measured ur . ''o I est traditions of a great oflice ' He has liMi wlo with a wisdom ' I in ntroped in the traditions 'if ; rum try, with a wisdom, that li'ii -n dWcipli. ed by IrainTng and i o-tdunod by ii.nttnct Ion. "Ho lira Iio-jii prudent with the .i 1 -iH-c of one who has within his iiu I- the destiny of a hundred inil ) on people. "He has lieon firm with the f'nn i e .- that proceeds from deep cun vi ton-?witli tlio firmness that Is f'.opdnluTyrll defined: , e mi rage that phceH country above f, Willi the cotiragb that follows . 'lower it may lead. 'He lias been dignified with the :iv iimt is so'f-forsettinir and freupocling, with the dignity Hint Mrvos Hie majesty of tlio greatoHt ill in t lie world. "He lias been patient with Hie itieieo which IkjIIovcb wild truiits nt truth crushed to earth will r..v aln, with the pntionco that can en iro and wait watch and pray, for the rUIn vindication of Justice, human! and right. "He baa been patriotic with a t triotism Hint lias never wavered, n patriotism that is as pure and trong as the faith that moved the itliors when they made our country r-eo. "No President sinco the Civil War b;-s hail as crucial problems to solve; ind no I'residont 1ms displayed a ri isp inote sure statesmanship more profound. "Assailed by the wolves of privl-l.-M-e lie lira pulled their clnws and d'Mwn their tectli. Ac iu'ted by pmtipitn " vy he I m ii:.tiid bis tniducers into silence .- nil n d friends and fee go forward together in the paths of national pio. gress. "lie has filed our patriotism with a i ow ardor, he 1ms breathed into nur i rient traditions a now vigor and n a life. ' He baa edded strength to Anicri i i courage and mingled mercy with America 'a nlro"gth. "He has Inalonod the Imikos of jintl.ee upon Hie wheels of power; he i-m lifted the inlata from the temple n'.ih our lihortioa are onshvinod. "A- d wlion the history of tluvo in l written, and tin ,'l.lreii of tomorrow roid their .w i .i i'.i story, when thus shall uv .'. pelled all misconception, and the . rs shall have rendered their im . rtuil vordict, one name will sluna i i golden splendor upon tlio page that i . blackened with the tr.le of Europos w.ir, one name will represent the 'ri umph of American principles over the hoists of darkness and of deaHi. "That name will be the imnio of the great President who has made 'emocrney proud that he Is a Domo i tfit, and nindo Amorieans proud that 1 fi is0an .J.iiiorieaii. "It will bo Hie name of the student and the scholar who has kept his country true to its faith in a time that t'ied men's souls; the name of the r.atesmnn who has championed the rnise of American freedom wheie e r he found it oppressed; the name of the patriot who has Implanted his MRS. HARRY MATHESON DIES HERE LAST FRIDAY HOST OF FRIENDS OF YOl'NG WOMAN, VHO WAS HORN IN COOS. COUNTY AND SPENT .MOST OF LIFE HERE. ATTEND FUN ERA Ii CANCER CAUSE OF UNTIMELY DEATH. Mrs. Ilr.rry Matheaon, who recent ly returned here from Aberdeen, Wash., died at the home of hor ulater Mia. P. A. Holman, of this city, Fri day Juno 23rd, l the ago of 20 yea re Cancer, fum which aho aufferotl for noarly two yenra, wna the cauai of tho dentil. The fu: oinl awvice weru liell Sunday nfternoon from the Ellington undertaking ' pnrlota and interment was made in Hie Knight of PytliiiiH cemetery. Dozens of lifelong friends attended Hie ser vice and paid their last respects in bonutiful floral offerings. . Icraio CfctheHn Hancock was born at liiiniia, Oregon, AugiiBt 12, 1SS0 n.d lived in that vicinity until she was about seven years old, when her .;aronta moved to Marahfioid, Wler turning to Lampa and after a-few months to Handon. Slie receive! hr education in Hie scliools of Marshficld ami Iiandon & many of hor old school mate.i are living in tills city. In Astoria, Juno 18, 1910, she was murri ed to Harry Malheaon ami Uie yome couple iuovhI to Abonloen, Wash., where M". Muthuson wnc employed. Ir 101 1 tho'f roaimod to Hanuo'i vliile Mr. Mntlieaon was employed rn! dredge Oregon and later went back to Aberdeen. In November I OH Mrar-Mathos )n first began to suffer from the ail moflt which i-csullijd ii) ker death. mcr and fall appeared to have regnln-i . .. ... n.. i, ,..Im1..i- , il her he 1th. During the winter liowevor, Hie cancer returned and on. January 1th, of this yoar, another- opirntlon v.ts pei formed. In March J Mio. P. A. Holman, Mrs. Matheson's! datr, wilt to Aberdeen and arly Hie foilowing monih brought her !aol to llarnlo :, where alio remained until tlio time of hor death. , Mra. Mtt'.lioson leaves the follow- ing members of her family: llcr ; husband, Harry MaUieson, of Auor-j ln. lior mothnr. Mrs. U R. McLoud.i 'i sister, Mrs. P. A. Holman of tins city, and throe brothers, (?. U. Hai iork of this city. S. P. llancook of Salem, and W. R. Hancock, of Stock ton, Cnl. "CLEAN AND COOL" IS MODEL STORE'S SLOGAN MODERN EQUIPMENT ALLOWS SANM'O (iKOCERY TO ASSl ITS PATRONS CHOICE OF V LA ROE VARIETY OF DAINTIES ALL IN PERFECT CONDITION REFRIOERATINC SHOW CASE IS LATEST ADDITION "Clean nuid Cool" is the new jlogan of tlio Sariio (hocery, whoso modern and sanittty inell.ods ef hundlluz ovurytY'ir In tho grocery lino have nuido th-m host of friends and pa lions duiin tho few months they have lieo:i ostablisliwl bore. Tboir re mnrkablo business growtli lias Imon tho rosult of a policy of promptness ami ultontion to detail, and a doshti to irrwaso thoir facilities for proper ly catering to the trade. Tho latest addition to thoir alreidy splendidly equippwl store mom i u lieautifully finished refrigerating show case, which whiie displaying goods to tho boat advantage, also keeps' them in perfect condition. The case is divided in such a way that there are four compartments fur dif ferent kinds of goods. In the center is the leo cheat which keeps the four end diviaio- s .t a toinponature near tho fifjesintr point. . In this case are X i . country's flag on th higliost peak 10 ; which humanity has yot aspljietlj the! name that carried the Wch of pro-J gross to victory once and will carry it to victory again; tho name of Woodrow Wilsor President, and sident to be". i're" liiiifil'i i . . UAKKANZA d MU 10 NU iiti"T. a i i in sih ia ii m r. n s In Answer To Wilson's National Guard 100,000 Are Mustered and Ready For DutyOf 84 Men Engaged at Carrizal, 22 Are Now Thought To Be Dead Wlicther or not there is to lie diiilomatic brock betweon tho Unit- ed States aud Mexico mid war, which is bound to 'ollow, is up to Caniui!s,j acrotding to tlio litest press .vpoitB; Sunday a demand wan made of him by Secretary lousing that die 171 American piisotiers taken in the Car - rizal battle, be relonwd at once auiU. tliat tlio united Mates lie lniormaa cl once -f the future attitude of tlio uoj facto towards the " American roons now in Mexico. Throughout yostorduy Washingtoh awaited for the roply, which wis e,v-J (lectod momentarily, but it did not come and l'jst night tho situation was admitted to lie vory grave. A failure on tho part of Cnrrnza to re-a ly promptly will proliably prociplate the crisis that has been exported for the past week, just as will an mlyerseJ ! reply. The question of war or peiJe i wholly in. hin liaiids. o Follow. ng the nttacks on Amoricnri pouitioiury forces in Mexico .last veok President Wilson called for the ,'iunl of tho United States and today Lout lnO.OOO militininon nru moviu? lout 100,000 militiamen ore moviu ov.irds the Mexican bonier. 1 hey wore mobilized equipped and had signed the muster roll in less than u week's time. Evrywhere recruiting station nre being opened and thousands of young men are answering the call to Hie colors. Only those who arc ph.- sically fit down to tho most mluiit letiiil are being accepted and close on to 50 por cent of tho npplicanU are ig turned away. In Jlarshfibl a -. liting station was opened Tluira '.yNcnd up to lost night 20 men, of do:- 'lis wlio had applied, had len I'N.'miri'd and signed up. Tliey are inlit.led as members of Hie Coast A -i tillery. I The organised, uniformed militia ! or National Guard of Hie United 1 States consists of 9,10!t o Hirers and I2:t.iur oulisted men, a total of 182, j UK, divided among tlie States r.s fol- lo.vs, according to the vory latest of ' ullleinl reports. Omcora Enlisted Men Total Vlatama 180 2,745 2,931 Arizona 17 800 907 ikaixs 118 1,542 1,000 Califo ni. 256 3..I77 3,W2 Cotor..Jo 126 1,735 1,800 Conne.fcut 104- 54.71 1 2.90.5 Plairc 41 401 U)l U. of Columbia 142 2,015 1U.7 Florida 80 1,172 l.WI Georgia 233 2,845 S.73 kept chee?a. butter, ejraM. milk and other fiwb goods. These facilities v.ill allow tbe haitdlhig of many ar ticles wViv'i heri'tofcre would not justify 'r.iidiiig, iieeause of tlieir ra pid spili v:r qualities. The many birds of McLaren's .choice cheese ia a sample 0 this kunNqf goods, a full line of wiii-h will W osvried In tlio future ly i's Sanito. A full lino of boiled 'urn ot'er sandwich ieats is another ibiety stock which Uiuy will be able to a.jrry in Hui uturo. A full -ealistion of the value of ad vertising is another tiling which Has contribut 1 to the success of tho Sn m'to. RoaMes carrying wookly ml vol Using in the city papers, they have realize'l big returna from window ilia plays, of which they have a new one each wee', livery display is timta fullv urnmowl ami features tome ono nrtica, or lino of goods. 6y keeping "their 4oj"k voinplete at all, times Uisy Are'nble to 'offer Uur cus tumors an enticing vgrlotv such Us tj,c fulPIIne of - Cniflpbell's Soups, which maiJe up display. last week's window Call For Mobilization of the ' Idaho ?2 620 108 210 121 170 00 110 101 115 100 220 91 282 41 1121 S52 ISOfi 8.3SS 8.0S7 1,055 2,208 l,08o 1.2SS 1,983 C-102 2,-121 8,027 1,110 8,9 M 07 1. BHS None 1,278 1,278 912 10,4-10 2, (1S0 763 550 1,000 1,406 10,097 1,329 914 3.26) l,77fi 2,4"8l 1,1M 1,;10 2,12i 5,97 2.020 8.251 1,507 t,M6 Illinois i I jiidlunn Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana I Maine Maryland Massachusetts liichlgnn Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Mo. ; tana Nehrnskn 0S4 1,05:) U60 Novtiilir New Hampshire 91 htw Jersey 802 i,r7; 972 17,47 1 2,s)il 810 0.JJ1 1.174 1,577 10,oW 1,423 New Mexico 00 New York 1,031 North Caiolinu 22T N'ortli Dacota 67 Ohio OWalionui Orogon Peimsylwinin COS 75 109 792 91 'Rhode Island South Carolina 1C2 1,510 l.ooa ionnoBBco in. i.jhi texns Uli .,!& Vl 115 Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 31 70 205 83 11G 160 85 451 758 2,7:11 1,197 1,79a 2.S9S r.00 IS., 2,o;;i; 1,230 1 1.009 025 1 Total 9.103 123,105 182.20S latest reports show that of Hie 81 men of the two Unite 1 States troop j which were engaged in lie Carisa J tattle, only 48 enlisted men and one' cftleor have returned to the American j hiies. Seventeen are known to tie held as prisoners by the Mexicans, but tlie fate of the remaining 22 men is unknown. Two squadrons, under Major JeiiUtiM, are cuninuing tho search in hone thai more have scop ed and nre miking their way tcwnnls the America linos. Tho report of Cabala Moroy, the only ojftleer to survive, to his superior ollbors has( not been made public. Trooper whr liavo returned say that as tho Ameri can ami Mexican forcoo mot Oencral Gomes rode forward with his aiita to confer with Captain ltoyd nnd 'aer moved townrda the flam; of Hie Mex ican troops, which had lieen cijung In on tlio Americans. Thoir first In timation of hostilities was wlion the Mexcanu opened on thoin with ma chine gun fire while they were still mounted. LOCAL PARTIES START ON LONO MOTORINO EXCURSION Mr. and Mrs. Win, Rodgera accom panied by Chas. Rowman, left Iian don Friday morning in Mr. Rodgei's Ponl, on a motor trip Hint will take them over several hundred mil.-s of Pacific Coast roads before they re turn to thir. city. Their goal when they left here w.s Seattle, where they will so by way of Roaoburg end Portland.-following Hie Pacific High way through Oregon and Woshb g; ton. Wliile in the northern state they will mike side trips to Tacoui;i and other Western Washington cities, as well as Vancouver and Victoria, H. C. The trip will lie made by ey stages nnd tky ect to lie gone between two ami three weeks, camp ing out or sloppiag in hfitols as night overtakes Uiem. They have with them tocomplete camping outfit ami will spend aa much of tho time out or ilpors as pnssiluY On their return t8 iTosoburg they may continue on a long tho Pacific Highway into Cal -fornia arid return to Iiandon by way of the Coast road. NEW SCHOOL OFEICIALS g j i: UI.TS OF ELECTION ARI YJCTOUY FOR v AITION WHICH WISHES TO IIUILD NEW SCHOOL HOUSR ON TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD MUDKKT IS REJECTED. What appears to be a victory for th-i residents of the Two Mile school 4jtrirt who have boei fighting to hivt the new school house built nr hi Toiwship Una road, was won a Wo a nr. ua 1 school election held in that dirtriet, last Motalay, when Chris Riehsrt and Samuel Woo,) were fleet ed to the office of director ami ole4'rno n;iv respectively. The eiectioi: was one 91 tho iroai I oi yet held in tb.- district. In r rn -h nt- the location of 'the school I, i i wit ih if to re.i-Mf. th otui d' c'lcyid b f -p last I'limer, , i d u Twic a large i tc"t or tho n- ii'i tnc ou'rtion of I lie loeat i ha- beo'i before be vote : .ind hi. i vgnl obstacles have been placed in th way of actual construction work. Th retiring officials were W. '.. Dmun'a chairman of the hnl of dirv-.r-and Arthur Covell, clerk. lot-i whomit is understood, wished t.i s--tbe building re onstructed on the f sita, on tlie present county road. Hvtl rrif the newly elected olllciala favor ih- rowrsh:p I Ane location. Still another olection will have t bo called before the affairs of the d'. '.Tiet can ITe stroichtoned out. A Monday's eloetlon the annual" budjp-' xs rejecteil by the. voter because 1 is said to have included an item of expenses which was Incurred In try ' e to have tho school housa rao:- M1,,mittwl ,0 yQtm ... , :.., ..,....,;.. election. MARSHFIELD, AT HOME TOO MUCH FOR BANDON I. HOWLERS (JO DOWN TO Jt:i EAT ON It V Y CITY ALLEN UN SECOND CONTEST OI TO CRN AM ENT HOM H TEAM TAKES RIG LEAD IN "PhSi (SAME AND LOCALS WIN SE . O.D (iAMU. llniidor. bowlers wens decisively oV fonteil In the steo'id contest of th I owling touftsment K-tweon Iiandon and Mm-shfield, on the Hay city al leys, Friday night. Residua, having 1 total margin of 201 pins to the good, the home team took two of tlie throe gnntea by big leads. Rar.de :00k the second game, but waa abl. only to cut down the 120 pin lead established by .Marshficld in the first game by a scant 13 pins. doing onto alleys with which they were entirely unfamiliar as did Marshficld 011. the proceeding Fri day night, the locals wore unable to find the haul pin consistcnUy at any time' diHng Hie entire three ga nea and "marks" were the exeeptiou in stead of Hie rule. All of tlio "strik es" nude by Iiandon could almost hi. counted on tho fingers of one hand. Carl Bowman alone rolled a fairly consistent grme for the visitors ami was high with an average of 153. Ilandon's poor showing ran be Judged by the f.ict 'Jist Marshficld average I less Hum 160 pins to the man ( tho high score for the evening wa 181, mado by Connor In the first game. Each of the ten ma has now won one contest and ,r the tie will probably lie played off within Uie next few weeks, but when ami wjjerc his not yet'ebeen tecided. Te scor es Friday night waiw& Soot.....' .. ..10? 122 Tsaney 110 147 Colgrove 136 140 C. Uownum ....10-1 139 Dearinger Hid 141 HO 141 1:!0 151 151 3HJ 407 40J 4.17 Ii' OiS . ..144 . ..ITS ,...l(Ui ...,m ..isi aos 146 140 m 180 136 07S 107 140 175 127 151 Morrow . Noih .. . McMillan HttKo .. CSoiuior .. 467 417 4-5 lt.7 777 087 700 GEO. P. T0PR1NG IS RE-ELECTED MA'R Morrison Runs Close Rice , voters retain e. r ! u as city ri:corii:k vT 1 t..i 1 - N BSD AY'S ELKf". , BURN CONTINUES C1LAI N FROSl i: WHILE McNAIR A . ARE ELKCrED FRO. Wednesday's eleciio'i c 'eing ti. "W.'.torfoo" ol (Ste-tMbptH n:ro.-tpd th' j.f.'siHa ofifte : 1 he past wo ;. -a- ' city our' jujly l.v.u.-je thrir su'-;oi 1. 1 - I ed to to t.' polls. At te t i.u the wuy some Itandonians hate 'o out the returns. Oeo. P. Topping who has i.fr 1 one term and who was s oardid.uo i -ic-elcction won out over hi- o oppone it, H. F. Morrison, l y .1 in in of 13 vote, for mayor. E Ksusrud ru'.ning agairst a A'ld .hnf for re election as City.lt or, hid the b.'st of the race by 1 ' lets when the final returns we For the hit-or oflice the race roelly bet wen KauMad anul 1 Harrington. In both f these . tests the com t was f e)0e thii -exults weie doubt until the ta 'ot.s were ii'irit?l aiwl the umni.H:-) made up. All d' "Voni"g people passet) I Co'-th between the polling pi the exoitenvnt was HK' int. 6 .it any election duri:--; -wit ; ' Of the two coucilnv ' 1. 'bj re-oloction P. J. ChaU vr 1 n uecassful ono. winning out ovei l'n 'Wf.-Tttr nearest '"pfemiieil .... ' rlsst Wnixl. by 11 vote. 1 West Word G. R. McN: . j . 'rry were nkvted by .it8t . 'iii-rgiiis, vi:' Prank Hafford . ing third out of the four canji for the oftV Ore result of the election ap; . the big Mipprtsc of the da 1 lassing of the 16 inlll-tax limit 1. . mendment. Even during Hie . ress of the election tho general ::' ment among tlie business men .1' ' ithera who were in touch with th 1 nation, was that the flinmend n-i,! would lose by a big majority a" I -umle. of the merchants expr.-- 1 hemselves as being unwifling to c. 'iiue to nay the occupation Inch would lie necessary shouhl (' ..mendment love. Tlio amend n.- ' authorises the Council to raise t' . city tux levy to 16 mills, should ' amount be necessary to meet the Li ning expenses of the city, and w '. supplant the occupation tas w Li was levied to make up Uie defu inside by Hie loss of U10 saloon licei revenue, January 1st- . Following are the returns of V lection by werds; I'or Mayor ISast West T. II. P. Morrison 84 110 1 Geo. P. Topping.. ..SO 117 For Recorder N. ILirrington. . .09 08 1' D. II. Jackson 10 9 K. U. Kauarm! 77 10J 1 Ella Rea 17 1 i . Coui.rilnr.iii, ICast W'.! P. J. Chatburn Fred Gill Guss D. Cross Elvn Miller . Couni-iUen, WW - PrankIufford 6. R. MeNalr J' C. P. Pape ' P. S. I'erry m ... . ...... j..u es 78 132 No 83 S3 li 9 MRS. (JRA GARTEN AND 1' RAN It TlalMO.VS A Kit WI-." .Qrs. Orn I). Garten and Prati': 1 Timmons, both of this city, were int- (n! at the honm of the bride at o'clock, Wednesday afternoon, t E.C. Aifnrd of Uie M. E. Church I i the nniciatlng elergyman. The inony wes followed by a wad dinner at which nearly forty fr" mid r?l4tiis were th.- invited gti .hil" -e.e al charivari parties e 1 1 (-. cel. 'tiiation of the even' . and Mrs. Timmone will spe' t honeymoon on a t-jmptno1 trii H. ' -11 ry county. .1- '3 !