prompt 'Work saves ! "c-"'K;sK";iwH E m i Mr. Farmer Are You Pre OVER FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Timely krnil GT SJcjjc&t Dispatch Plant. Fire Sta iltor Gains llea&Bj &$kRj. Ecof Nearly Burned df LZ I pared For Your Spring ! Work?- There never was a sea son when the demands of style made footwear such an important item. J h WALK fiOVER it! I You will find that the new WALK-OVER Shoes now in our store are correct to the minute and challenge the criti cism of the most exacting. FOR MEN AND WOMEN, S4.SO TO $5.00 CLOTHING k SHOE COMPANY Marahfield Powers BANDON Myrtle Point BANDON HltEVITIES 'K- 'l' III) In town from allitur on hie V '1 Point . j'uc Way ' mi Height '.Bdieott, of Co. t the S. C. Emll "i horns here, II. Bo:. B.. FOll SALE Mi Tucker, ArtjVe Kriuo, of North Bond, was onn ii the tunny liny people who come ovor to ".ttond the funornl of J. ! Kronenborg. EUJtor H. W. loung, of the Coquil lo Sentinel, wai in Handon week-end, spending most of tho time on tho leach. While bore, Mr. Young paid the Recorder olllco n plenstmt cull. Frank Fa'-y, cashier of tho Hunk of HunJo-t, eturnod Saturday sven- linon shower for the home of Mrs, in,' from Port'nnd, where hp attend-; day, June 3rd Miss Nora Solve, at W. E. Craine, Satin The yellow and white ed tho convention of tho State Hank- color scheme was tastefully carried fi" Assccv't'on, which was hold thers 1 out 111 the decorations throughout the during the Hose Festival. looms and the daintily appointed table. Those present wcroMesdames It. II. W. I!. Cr.iln raturmd Knfmvlnv i Kosii, h. H. Kausrud, C. . I.owe, evon'.m f-on I'll -!and a ad Wdla K- Fierce, C. It. Wade, C. II. Hurley, II. te Valley points. Ae delegate from ' Morrison, O. A. Trowbridge, A. II. the local loli:o, he attondod tho Grand I!oS!l nml Misses Knte Rosa and Maude Lodge of Meeons, at Allxiny, and al. o Lowe. took in part of tho Rose Festival. Hardy T. Stewart, editor of tho T,,u annual Sunday school rally 1'ort Orford Tribune, wiis in Handon my was 1,0111 al uie on business the latter part of tho weak end paid the Recorder olllce a frater nal call. The' LIS Club girls will gii a strawberry and ice croam Carnival ih tho. Ti mmons Hullding, Saturday, Juno 17th from 7:M) to 10:80 p. m. l'rico lfic per dish. Everybody wol-comc. FOUND Child's Sweater, owner tun hve Hnmo by describing proper ty ami ptiying for this uotico Call at Tailor Shi p ou Soco id Street, 0-13 tt Miss Poarl Craino, daughter of Mi. n 1 Mrs. W. K. C.-nino of this city, re ried Saturday onirf from Ku- where site t 11 been attending v.'rcity of Oregon. Miss 1 spend the vacation witn 1 . returning to tho Uriver-Fall. II. W. Donahue, I'. J. Smith anil L. Reeves made up a fishing party lo Lnkoport last week, hftving hero Wed' over Iho! ,,oon ant' returning Friday night. They roKirt fishing good .11 Floras Like and brought hack a good string of trout. II. M. SHAW, "m. I). UYK, KAR. Nose and Tliroat Specialist, will bo at Gsllior Hotel, Handon, Tuesday, June 27th. GIrssos Fitted. t5-i:!-U lirnest Watkina, rocontly elected 'ee presido"t of the stuilcnt hotly at tho University of Oregon, una one of 'he arrivals from Utigono, Friduy I evening. Ht will jpend tho summer with hia hro. pnreiiUs and other rolacivos HARROWS JYCLE ,1- 'AIRS AND REPAIRING FILING A SI'l-CIALTY 1 for Hkrtlx ol ill lioJ nd -ft MMer-odn, iltu Cobiit Mulort 4T1. V. O. oSn llox 174 OREGON Mm. It. W. Hoylo arrived Inst w- ik to attend the wedding of her s-jii, Hverard Hoyle, and is stnying at tho home of her mother, Mrs. R. K. Huck. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle form erly resided in this city, going to Ari lona about three yours ago. Miss Louise ( iau-sen came down . fror: her home near Riverton to at j tenil the woddin of Miss Krma Craine 1 and Kvorard Hoyle, Monday evon'ng. I Miss Clnussen returned from the Uni versity of Oregon, whore styj has tier ' first year, the latter part of tho week She will be guest at thW. l'l Craine home until Wednesday. o . One of the pretty affairs for tne Nothing but the timely arrival o J- the steamer Dispatch saved the Krusc J 5 Shingle mill, near Prosper, from des- 7 tmction Wetlnesday afternoon, when .lire broke out in the boiler room ihort t2 ly after four o'clock. However, witn TJ the aid of tno pumps and men on the ' j Dispatch, the' mill crew, under Supt. ' 3.J oeo. tieisenucricr, soon liau the rinm cs under control.- The east end of the roof on the main building was completely burned away and the rest of the roof so badly burned that it will have to be lebuilt. Outside of three belts that were burned, the machinery was little damaged and the mill rt sumcd operations Thursday noon. The fire was first discovered !y Dick Crain, who was locking through the mill. It was then only a blaze near iho boiler, but by the time li hfwl t-t titt1 t h 1 1 ir n n 11 rnntii 11 tr in t the wall and spread the alarm the en tiro tar roof covering was a blaze and 1.0 had to stp lively to escape from the room. In less tnau five minutes 1 tjje roofs of the boilor room and the main nuilili'ig were sheele ol name and the work of fighting the fire v.a made more difficult by the tar in the loufing, which incl'cd and dripped. Mr. Gcisendorfcr had his bands pain fully burneJ by tho ti'.r.' When tho fire bioke 01 1 the Dispatch wiu iast leaving the Prosper dock and conse quently had her fire lighting appara tus ready wren she readied the mill. The mil! is the property of C. McC. Johnson, who was in San Francisco s.t the time of tho fire. Iasuranct covers t'10 entire loss, John Neilson loing the locrl agent for the company with whom the policy is carried. 4- Remember We Sell t . MJaaWaaMMMmaamMWnr -41 uf.i 1 afc tmmmttMmamammmmmm t small I If it Case Plows Simplex Separators Disc Harrows Drag Harrows Bull Dog Gas Engines See Us Before You Buy. Ch.r Prices Are Right McNair H ardware Company ALONG THK WATFIJ FKON'I Ji-ne 8 duno .) June 10 June 10 June 12 June 12 June 12 Juno 7 June 11 June 11 Junejl Jutu' 12 Arrived Acme Pa try Rustler Fearless Speedwell Phoenix Handon Sailed Brooklyn Patsy Rustler Acme Fearless -1:45 p. 7:00 p 7:10 p. 12:00 a. 11:00 a. 0:15 p. 9:00 p. 5:110 p. 5: 15 a. 1:15 a. 8:15 p. 7:50 a. 111. M. K. Church South on Sunday morning. Mrs. M. Knight and Miss Jessie Ikll, assisted b .Mis. Ledgerwood's class arranged littnutiftit decorations of flowers and evergreens. A number of parents anil friends of the children were present nnd greatly enjoyed the excellent 1 enduring of the special musical ser vice prepared by Mrs. II. M. 1 1 a mill with Mrs. John Rumbles presiding at the organ. Program: "Tho King's Garden'" Opening song-"Tho Children's Hosaua' Prayor by Mrs. II. Tec Garden (Closing with the Lord's Prayer; Doxology Song "Children's Day" (by the S. S. Scholars) Announcement of Program.Supt. Krvin Recitation "Hutterfly Flowei " (Lillian F.rviu) Recitation.. .."The Ftirget-mo-not" (Teddy Rundi) Song "Flower Children" (Missoa Lillian Hell, and Kdna Rundi) Rucitation.. "How Hirds and Floweri Pray" Johnny Rumbles Recitation "The Father's Caru" (Velma Kenyon) Cradle Roll Service. .Charlotte Rundi Recitation "A Messing for the Dles3ed (Thelma Howes) Cradle Roll Lullaby Knight, Charlotte Rundi ai d Verna Warden. Recitation. ."My Heart is God's Little Garden" George Murray Recitation. . . ."Everyl)dy's Busineis" (Grace Howe) Recitation "Weeds and Deeds" (Zclmn Smith) OlTVring Speech Miss Rundi Helpers in the Garden. .Thelma Long, Paul Rundi, Rlaie Long, Jack Glenn, Ellen Murray, Robert Knight. ReciUtion "No Children's Daj (Florence Knight) Song.- "The Worbi Children", June bmjes given this month, was tho (By the S. s. Scholars) REMKMBER This week is letter writing week. Got busy! You, like tho rest of us, have personal and businoso acquain tances throughout Oregon and adjoining states who would visit this section durirg the summer months were they pro perly urged. Generally speak ing, outside people know very little about Coos and Curry counties and where they would look for exaggerated praise in a descriptive booklot, they will bo properly impressed by u per sonal letter from you. Spend your spare moments this week in explaining to your distant friends the reasons why they should come here thU Summor. Explain to them that wp have through train ser vice, that our ronds are open to au'.o f-avol nnd that no sec tion of the itnte offers more be autiful or varriod scensry thnn does Coos county. Toll them of tho wonderful Handon beach and if you feel that you cannot do tho subject justice, a few good photographs in tho letter. 0 fflQ(? WEATHER FORECAST For This Week i cs LOCAL Genrally fair weatner with normal temperatures. CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to thank the dear friends, who so kindly took care of our dear ore, and also tho beautiful expressions of love in tho flowers. Mrs. J. L. Kronenberg Jack and George NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Tho Petition of the Port of Handon, regarding the regulating of the Speed of River Steamers, on the Coqtiille River, will bo taken up at a Special Maetintr of The Board, to U held at the City Hall in Coquille, on t V. 17th dy of June, 191C, at 10 o'clocl. X. M. All parties interested aie requested to bo present. By OrdeV, " " PORT OF BANDON S 'The Home of Good' Hardware" J C 1 1- fA PHONE 401 5 GO TO NEWPORT Oregon's old tfliahk outing resort Numerous attractions make this beach city an Ideal place for an outing Devils Punch Bowl Government Light House Yaquina Bay Fine fishing Dance Hall Clam digging Agate Beach Seal Rocks Rocky Causeway Surf bathing Natatorium Bowling Alleys Low Round Trip Fares are on sale daily to Newport from all Southern Pacific stations in Oregon. Return limit Oct. 31. For complete information remlin Imtrli at Neuoit, r.ites, luin service, rmiMilt our .ignit or write for copy of illiiNtrateil folder "New port lle.iclic " JOHN M. SCOTT, GcNCrtAL Parsenoch Agcnt PORTLAND. OREGON SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES For SWANS D etter Cakes TRY fflffl CAKE FLOI Mnnufacfured expressly for use in cake baking. Recommended by best cooks and domestic science teachers everywhere. not:'a self-rising flour FOR SAUC nv SANITO GROCERY Buy Your Season Tickets to hautauaua Now and Buy Them With a Smile Attorituys Goo. P. Topping and G. T. Treadgold wore in Coquille Monday ovening, whore they sat as memheis of a special court'to hear tho evidence O.i a petition whin asks tho ntw&l 4 , uys there w .i- a great plenty of an application to the bar, tho Hoe City lust we.cliu Mrs. Strowbridgo, who spent Rose Festival week in Portland vh ' ir.jf with frionds, roturnetl to H.unl' 1 Saturday evening, bringing with I. s-. irinful of loaut'ful rosos of vlu ti I" t i 03