The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, June 13, 1916, Image 2

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    Bandon Recorder
Published weekly on Tuesdays by the Recorder Publish
Company., Incorporate d.
PntPvpd ai. the Post Office at Bandon, Oregon, as mail
, 1 3 .1
i.,tter 01 cne seconu ci;u.
Make all checks payable and address all communica
to the company.
mVtion price, $1.50 per year, in advance.
l. "XliOVL.'.'l-'.CRG
C. R.
'.('. it i written:
my purposes are
,-- 'Noughts of my
,4. if 1 i-n'jlc tsxt at this
.: til c.f our ignorance
" , 1. rho roar when we
-j '. t (-tglier voicofl, who
vivr -.hem who have seen
ttv to ti r-i(l their manly endeavoi ?
"Who dots not ionic times envy the
good and brave who are no more to
uffer from the tumult of the natural
world, and await with curious com
placency the speedy term of his own
co.-.vorsatlon with finite nature?"
"What cm I?", and 'What is?,"
aaka the human spirit with u curioii
ty, now-kindlcd, hut never to he
quenched, ns nntiona flit by on the eu
cf time, and leave no nppio to toll
whore they floated or mink, savb now
or than, either here or thore, is 3onie
good soul that is rjverend for-eva.-.
Such soulc libido with us forever,
the greatest of whom was the humble
Nayarcne who abides with us conl.r.u
ally those twenty centuries parsed,
and others there arc, of lessor influen
ce, and many of tham, who have long
nee passed from our physical per
-ertxn, who dwell In spirit with uh
id our daily lives are influenc'd,
" controlled by the knowledge,
mty which thoy have tnuuhl
As man is tho compound
1 minil, so the good, '.he
love ucd the beaut)
trlbuto to tho world
".vino origin, finding
rough us, and by our
ig tho form first of
1 .lurposo, and a plan,
t 1 .lea Wdos with us forcer,
, ' ','" ! And thus tho spirit
, , . nan is continued on nnd with
; ' through his words, his
1 through his sons, and
3 fo- many generations, wiio
ontinuo to pcifcction tho
0 h- loft incomplete. Thoic
1 'i vnin, only he, who has added
( tKJ. thought, purforniod no kindly
m of charit? or left no sons to assume
t complete his purpose in life.
?te normal cxamplo of tho life no
5! tly passed la worthy of the emu
on on of his former fellow men. lie
. a sober and serious life. Most
Uculnrly ;oticf Ida was his aversion I
rife, coufusio 1 and contention, and
oxcellont cit'zenship was evidenc-
! hy his deaire to abide in nenio.
Ittiy thero sr' who know of his num
erous act of elicrity, which could on
ly lw prompted ly a gnorous heirt.
Mi eh of the fabric nnd constructive
Si iwth of this community is the work
o' Vt- Ham'. VMIt he no longer plans
ut f uore or greater doiigns,
te,U his plnns, his thought,
i!i if , 1 remain with
-jii-n. in i" fu'-i'ier per-;.)!-.
'r vi Mid
, . . . Hi . ho ly ha
1 ' ' ' nnd
: ., . C, 1 wh'
rta, hxo on-1
k wm n -worthy i
"huteh to eomej
d60, .7hen he i
..i-iii. v church foundd
,r,u 1 : ! ' a nrfct cold u. d
kd, b 'i manger RIn,
i' jnJ iiiat.ummty of ethical
la , tf church of i.wn to come, with
out shims or pjnltjy but it will huvo
hoavon end earth for ite beam nnd
rafters, jelence for symbal and illuf
t ration. It will fa t enough guther
beuty, music, picture and poetry. It
shell 1 iimii to his central eolitudo."
A d io tho dep; ted spent his days,
;n 1 'o reserve : ul much refloctio
end '3 piseed s he lived, sustained by
comdenca, rml soothed by reason.
Hut now In the words of 3ol, his duy
pre pasted, hie purposes are broken olf
even tlie Uioughts of his hoart. With
iinfal.ttrinir trust may he approach
ths yvuve "Like one who wraps
drapery of his couch around him, and
lies down to ploasnnt dreams".
Tnx economy is probably the moat
generally discussed topic of all of the
n election dincusaions that nrj o
,il whoreever voters congregate
"Handon's high taxos."
i e'mnn or woman will .id-
. y aro all out of reason)
.hat it to be hoard on ov-.-$or.
"Economy" la to
Do tho watchword in tho coming city
and school district elections, a senti
ment among the citizenc that is to be
commended. It indieatos tiitt they
ere awakening to a realization of
their rospona'bilitios, that they realize
the need of closer co-operation betwec.
the voters nnd the otlicials to whom
1 they intrust the transaction of tho p J
lie bl)'ircsH.
i Ilowjvar, thore is a danger that in
the flurry, which accompanies every
icform movement, we mr.y act without
rufllcient deliberation. In prunin
our financial expenditures we must
l;e c".re not to impiir the elVicieiicy
ef thoao institutions whoroin we suck
to economize.
This danger applies especially to
our school system. In our zeal to Rave
let us forgot that wa cannot "got
something for nothing."
Duriig the iwiBt ten years we have
luilt up a school system that is nut
..passed in efficiency by any "ity in
SW. Ore. and which compares fa
vorably with nny school in tho stu'c
Our High School is accredited by ill
of the lording colleges and universi
ties of tho West. The growth has been
steady and costant additions to the
tr-'cHng force, course of study nnd
equipment have beon mode gradual
ly, along with tho demnndu of a grow
ing city. Tho cost of our ayctom, as
it now stands, Im run into the ten-
of thousands, and undoubtalily all of
'he monoy has not been spent wfaily,
ijiit in electing school officers, at the
election Juno 1'Jth, we must look to
.!:e future rr.thor than tho past.
The education of our children should
not be confuted with polities, but since
it must be to a certain extent, it s
'up to ue" to soe that common stn.'
tdiould be used in the selection of the
officials who aro in chargo of our
hcIiooIs. It is no moro than good hu
sh ess that we should desiro to go" tho
full value of tho money we spend in
the way of educational facilities, lut
let us not gp too for, or too fast.
The efficiency of our schools today
is money and huppinoss in the hands
of our children tomorrow.
With the road bonds sold and their being advertised, tho Coquille
Herald comoo forward with tho fol
lowing: "It is pleasing to see that the
i..g spirits in the Good Roads asr.oci
alion seem to realize that their work
it not done witli the passing of thej
I iruiing measure, i lie monoy is pro
vided; now it is to bo seen that it W
properly oxpended. We might say
now that it all lies with tho county
court anil then lie back and wait uncil
the monoy is expended, tlicn wak. up
and holler our heads oil' because 30 me
of it will probably have boon wasted.
That is one wny of doing it. That is
tlw way our people have boen doing
it in the past. .Instead of any orga
nised of fort looking toward a construc
tive policy that would accomplish
things in road muttcrs,-we have Itfen
contenting ourselves with kicking: f
bout the mistakes of the county court
at d tho money thnt has been wasted."
Tho peoplo not are going to stand
for 'viewers" and 'inspectors" in tho
outlay for which tho bonds wero voted.
It ia not desirable to liavo Mr. Aun
stroug's timo spent in any way upon
tho projected highways.
VALUED 81,000
Harp Soloist Carries Valuable
Klhutlictu de Itarrte Gill, harpist en
tortnlner. Is one or the f 'hautntniua'a
moxt unique onVriHtr. inimitably prc
Hentlng, us she do, n uplendld vocal
and Instrumental concert, dellchtfully
ltiterspertd nnd combined with de
lectable diameter stories nnd Imper
sonations. Mrs Gill Is wonderfully proficient on
the harp, and the $1 ) gold Instru
ment whkh she plays N n master-
. . Juillcrin No.2
W-hy We Are -Opposing A
Government Armor Plant
To tlie People:
Sumo Ko)!e sny llint tho very fnrt tlmt the Bclhlrhpni Stoel Cotnjwny Is $0 ns.grossively
fighting lle proposal to huilii a Hovprnment armor plant is conclusive proof thnt tho Company
is seckins; lo assuro for itself the "vasl profits" derived from private munnfiietiire.
The fact is that armor making h the least profttnhlo feature of htiel mnnufaet lire.
The reason we oppose a Government plant is very simple. It is this;
Kven though there is hut little profit in the making of armor, we have invested over
$7,000,000 in our armor plant;
Thnt plant is useless for any other purpose; if a Government plant is haill tho useful
ness of our plant is destroyed.
It wouhl be gotx! business for us lo timkc armor for the Govern
ment at any priroowr ami nlmvc lh actual simp post. RATI IKK
We do not seek to save hig profits; our purpose is very frankly to save our armor
plant itself liuilt solely for the use of the Government from going to the scrap heap.
To do thai, ,ue aie prepared to agree for any period to any term of iiuniiilactiiro
which the l-Vileral Trade Commission shall say aholiitcly protects the Gowrinnent
of I he linilcd Slates.
CIIAS. M M'.IIU Ml, Clmirman
KUiiic.Ni; li. laiACic, i'r:,i.Qi
Bollileluiiii Stool Company
Depnrtuuint of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at Itoseburg, Oregon
June 10, HUG.
NOTICR is heroby given that Ja.-w
II. Wilson, of tanglois, Oregon, vhu,
on Septeudior 10, 1010, niado Ilejtne
stead Kntry, Serial, No. 0058 for
tho SWVi NW'., of Sec. 2(5. and S',?
NUM and NW1 NKv of Section 2i,
"".iwnship 30 S. Itango I t W.,Willn
iutte Meridian, lms filed notice of in
tention to make Final Five-year lhof,
10 ostablieh claim to the land above
described, Iwforc Hardy T. Stowart,
U. S. Conimifiioner, at his office,
Tort Oi-fortl, Oregon, on the 21th dfc
of July, 1910.
' Claimant lutmos as witiutsses: M.ry
15. Hoxt-o, ef I-nngloia, Oiogon; I,yiiu'.
V. Choslfiy, of Ijinglois, Oregon;
Hr.rve Smith, of Langlols, Oregon.
K. II. Strain, of. Uuiglois, Oregon.
W. II. CANON, Regla'tar.
Horses for sale Seo
Dufort Ilarn.
Morgan at
Iiteco of workmanship, of n vlbnuil
lyric depth nnd tone resonance of snr-
passlns power and sweetness. Mrs.
Gill lias a rich contralto voice and,
Mugliig to her own Mcconipnulineiit on
the harp, nfl'milt it 1 1 Ideal couibtuntlou.
Hho featured I'Miullsh. Irish, Scotch and
negro folk HongM, which tlio crooning
murmur of the luMrutucut proves most
In 11 generous repertoire of harp
solos especially pleasing on the great
lic siirh uh the old plimtntlou mel&-
illcis and '-The Miserere" from "II
Tio-atoie," Mrs. (Jill's rendition of
I'lio Itosary" Is 11 dlstlm t accomplish
ment. In this iitimlicr slut ileiuou
stiatcH the suprenit' rank of the linrp
us a musical Instrument when played
by an artist.
Office in Ullingson Jluilding.
Houis 9 to l'J a. m; 1 to 5 p. 1:1.
Iiaudon, Oregon
v 0
Oil. It. V. LKKI'
Office in Ellingson l)uildiuf.
1" Phono 72
' Iiaudon, Oregon
d) .v5
r )
Oflico in Ellingson Huilding.
Office Phone ."152. Residence
Phone, !15:i. Uandon, Oregon
Office in Ellingson Huilding in
J Rooms lately occupied by At-
torney Feoney. Phono llil
Handon, Oregon
,., V J) "") ) 0 ")
Suite No. II. First National
lUiuk Building. Itandou
H! 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 ') 0
0 v.1 0 0 0 0
Occidental Chapter, No. lo,
O. E. S. meets Friday even
ings before and after state.!
communications of Masonic
lodge. Visiting members cordi
ally invited to attend.
MARY GALL1ER, Secretary.
0 0 0
I!' 0 W 0 0
SJiiuyr Dtrrrlnni
Office in Ellingson Huilding.
Office Phono 1211. Residence,
1.1. . , l- T
f 1 none uui, oaniion, urcgon a
0 0 J
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 Uandon Lodge, No. 130, A. F.
and A. M. Stated communi-
cations first Friday after tha
0 full moon of each month. Spe-
cial communications Maste- 0
0 Mnhons cordially invited.
0 W. A. LetJORE, W. M.
" C. E. HOW MAN, Si-c.
VA aj'l i ) ) v)
0 I. O. O. F.
0 Handon Lodge, No. 1U3, I. O. O.
, F. nuota every Wednesday
0 evening. Visiting brothers in
0 .Ttood st:inding cordially invited.
0000 0
0 0 0 0
Ocean Relxikah Lodge, No.
0 120, I. O. O. F., meets second
0 and fourth Tuosday at I. O. O.
?. hall. Tranclenl nieinbeii
-ordially invited.
.1 .; i.i .-) .1 ,t () 0 (.) ,.- 0 t) 0 () 0 0
iMitor lhindon Rccordor:-
The winfall for the month of .May
v.;a 3:10 irclios. Days rainy, cloudy
nd partly cloudy, 2.1. Days cleai, S.
Tlie rainfjl for the corresponding
month of 101B wi 4.80 inches, it dif
frenco cf .91) inches loss for tliY
Co-Oporati-e Obsoi -or
Slip a few Prince Albert
smokes into your system!
Coprrlahl nil br
B. J. He uiU TuIoum C.
The director of a liv. busim
ct rn do not disc'uirg.' the manaur,' ,t'
a lime when he -i ablj to show i'i
Hsrgcst profits in the 'lisloty of the
f un. Neither will Undo S.un.
You've heard many an earful about the Prince Albert
patented process that cuts out bite and parch and lets you
smoke your fill without a comeback I Stake your bank roll that
it proves out every hour of the day.
Prince Albert has always been sold
without coupons or premiums. We
prefer to give quality I
There's sport smoking a pipe or rolling
your own, but you know that you've got
to have the right tobacco! We tell you
Prince Albert will bang the doors wide
open for you to come in on a good time
firing up every little so often, without a
redreft You'll
the national joy smohc
JJnifriniinmtl (SuriUi
j DR. F. A. VOCE
l')utlhr ami l'roih)Uii lixal AnrMhnia
I Nitrout Oiiih anil Oiyitin f,a
feel like your smoke past
has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot
back up for a fresh start.
You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a
thousand-dollar bill I It's worth that in happi
ness and contentment to you, to every man
who knows what can be
gotten out of a chummy
jimmy pipe or a makin's
cigarette with
Prince Albert for
p i eking
r. J. RrYN'c i!ric:'rcoco
I 0 0 0 0 ) 0 iTi 0 ;) ,V) ) j) .1 ,, .)
Handon, Orego.1
1 .) 1 .
.) . ., !
i Offiep In Fim National, Bank '
Huilding. Hour, 9 to t'i a- m'.
1:80 Ha 1 p..'m; 7 to 8 in the a
. Evoning. ,
D 0 $
im mm wm&vz
THB Pflnca
Albert tidy
red tin. nnd In
lact, every J'rtnce
Albert puck tig r. I n
1 rral iirfcit;v-to )'U
n Its r v ei r fcldr You'll
it "l'iocft Putrnttii
t th I9)7 That infunt
11. - .. it.,.. fii.i.. nLv
mciit bun LiMiitcU m natpnt on the
f iocm by wl.uh 'iinc Albrrt U
ti adr And by which loniur bitv and
thttntl pArcti mir cut out t Every
tin tobuceu laold ou'llfinJ
Hrincr Albert siwyillnti you
ln toppy red hK 5v. tidy
ea tint, luc: iiunutwmt
pound and half pound
tin humidor nnd In
thut clever cryntal
glut humidor, with
ponce moifctrner
top, that kep tn
tobacco In audi
fine condition