Historical SodoW Orttton ruv HaN THE BAND 0 R i) E E t r t VOLUME XXXII TOPPING ALONE ON TirifCT FAD MAVAD iiuvLi rui imuvia Nominating CaUCUSeS Held l our Aspire For Cily Recordership and Eight Seek Council Vacancies, Four Run. ning For the Single Office In the East Ward. Two Women Among Nominees J MAYOR ' Geo. P. Topping 's : CITY BF.COUDF.B ) . S K. It. KniiHrud W 15. N. Harrington ) I). II. JuckHon J Mrs. H. M. Uca COUNCILMAN EAST WABI) 0 F. J. Chntbum (ius. Gross i) Frel (iill ' MIsh Alva Millur COUNCILMAN WEST WAHD C. Papo S. Pon y 9 (i. U. McNair Frank Hufford - iJ M C () GO W ei tS) 0 if Calling attention to the fact tlint tlie t.-nn of the present mayor has en H. moat difficult in the history of the city, that the policy of the oxo (ii vt mil of the Council, bus I icon r- ' of co operation between them veil a 'itl with the tnxpayors, that ) hnn conducted the liusiiTciirt of- the ( y In ii'i efficient manner and that j would l.o very poor policy "to i ipge horses in the middle of tiic e m", fi. T. Trondgold placcil tho no of G.o. P. Topping befor-! Lie mu uting caucus an a candidate for election to tho olllce Of ntuyoc. Fri y owning. Mr. Trondgold enum utod . number of improvements it have boon clllcienlly aeeoniplieh " during tho administration of in.i r Topping and strongly advocated . .it no change be made at the eoni ' election. C H. Wiiil" wan also suggested for niln. tioo foi mayor but iininedi t'o wit'ulrew Iuh name from considor 1 1 on and tho motion was made se c ded and passed that Mayor Top 1 ug bo the acclaimed nominee of the i ticus for mayor. When nominations wero called for 11 e olllce of City Recorder, il soon he c line evident that the race would be n ritod and when the motion was undo that the nominations be closed, there ww four names before the c ii j 1 1 i d it was voted that all of t no i"inr bo placed on the ballot. Those v' o uio in tho race for tho recorder r ip i K. H. Kntiarud, present in i ml- ' M". . K. M. Ron. D. II. Jack- 1 1. u niul P. N. Herrington. Reior lei K. Ii. Kuusrtid filial ilo I eting to order an 1 at itod its pur. o, following which 0. T. Trowhrid g wii - elected chniinmn and C. R ' 'i ( ly, of tlie Koncrtl cu i i in ii I lie iinmir itions for Mh- r -i .1 IJeeordor has l oon nuidu, tho gcMon 1 i uiciis cdJouiMod, those pre x i't who I veil in tho Mast Ward ro ii r mi' 'it tho Orpin-urn theater for a ' c.'urua, while Uiose itwig i " We-t W.-rd went to their ward c - held in 'ho Mooo ball. ' i t' o Ka.-.t WnruVwhoro theio is r ( iHim-ilm in to be olocted, the t 1 tt as it was finnlly adopted oon- I tl four n imes for the oll'ice. Biglit i i names were presented for the c lerntion of the caucus, but o i it for tho following, all refused to I I opt the nomination: F. J. Cha 1 1 n, present incumbont, Gus. Gross, F d G il and Miss Alwi Miller. Two Coui-'cilmon are to be elected f Tun tlu West Wanl, tho retiring of- f ra lieiag C. F. Pape, who was ap pled to fill tho vacancy made Dytbas made a -.umber of frinnda amrtni? resolution of Dr. L. P. Sorensen, r. d U. C Uippel, wf.oso term lias tte- p ted. Mr. I ape was nominated as r of he candidates at tho West Vanl caucus1, but Mr. Dippel ref is.d I' . nnmination. F, S. Perry, G. It. I McNi r and Fnmk Hufford wero nl-i V' W. K. Rest, who wr.s:tf' ' flirt vitut!i1nt3 frnm i nt, " . - do. lot appear it . he -o. , -at he would former local boy is ARRESTED AT GARDINER ! Waller Morgan, Twice Before Grand Jury, i Now Facts Another Theft Charge Walte" Mcrgan, formerly of tins ''ty, who has twice before appeared before the g-nnd jury on theft elwrg in, was Brn-ated in Reedsport Sunday, on the charge of having stolen a ivi) tell and chain from the home of Jmnes O'Donnnll, of Mnrslifiold, Fri- dr.y night. He was taken to Cotmi! le Sunday night by Deputy Sheriff W. C Iaird and is being held to appear before the graid jury. Friday .'I'ght Morgan slept i l the 0'Donin.ll heme, but when Mr. O'Don i ell awok'i Satuiday morning, Mcr gr.n was gore and the wsilch jijhI chain wore nowhoro to bo found. Upon in vestigation it was found that Morgan, witli a you-g man from Miirahficld had gone to Reedsport, whence Lui.-d followed '.hem. The Deputy Sherift y that Morgan saw him coming whfin about 200 feet away and throw tli o watch away, but it was late; found. Morgan ic about 21 years of age and has the' reputnlir.it of being "light fingered." About a year rgo lie ap peared bofo'c the grand jury on tho charge cf having stolon a purse from u Mrs. Wimmer, of Mnrslifiold, !u' he was no1 indicted. Inat fall he jiiestcd as a susj'ct at tho time the Gioss iinlooi w.-.s broken into, li.it :- tli" nil jury fr-'cd him uf'or giving him r severe lecture. NEWJMF0E MILL IS HELD UP BY THE STRIKE According to Geo. W. Dafoo, owner of the now mill on Section 21 who wa;. in town Saturday, the opening of tho mill must bo delayed until the strike of the longshoremen is .settled. With Ihc cngi'ics and boilers on the ground, Mr. Dafoo found tht ho could not ;,et tho kind of ste m p'p-1 ho ne lei' here and had to send to S.m Francis co for it. The pipe was delivered to the dork for the steamer Acme on Mny Hint, but before it was loaded the strike was declared. Satuiday Mr. Dafoo r wived wort I front thu .-iteaniship company that they did not know when they would lie able to shipi tho stuff. .Shipments of bolting for the mill arc r.lso held up by the st'-iko; Mr. Dafoo stales that wore tins emiipment here, he could bo operat ing within a fow days. White cedar nroducts are to be the speciality of the mill and orders for this claae of tim ber will be solicited throughout the entire country. Attorney I.. L. Gardner loft tollny for Salem, whore ho will attend tho graduating exercises of Willamette University, of which ho is a gmtluattt. Ho will visit with his parents, who live noar Sulem, for a. fow days anil will also take in at least a part of tho Rose Fos'.'val. I.estlo Sparks, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Sparks of this city, who has been atte.iirig Willwmotto Universi ty, at Salem, returned homo for the summer vac-lion i-i'icny. no !i6 n -t decided whether ho will retain to fol lego i:i tV fi ll or noi. Following tho clo.o of School Fri day, the toachors held their last beach littit rt it Mm lisvtanli tnu.it 4 lw Allium I'll I V J WIU I'UHVII iivoi vtiv , m . t it Anne cottago, Saturday afternoon BIM,;Knight openoI the program and he evening. Sii"ilay morning many of them loft for their homo and only one or two still remain irTtho city. Mico A. Nercor, of the High sch.ial faculty, left Mor.tlay morning for Kugeue, where sho will spend several days visiting with old friquds at the University of Oregon before going lo hoc home hi Portland. Miss N'oreen the students and natrons during ".he two years she 1ms leen . . . . engaged n the locil school who ro'gret tlia: .she will not return here in tiu fall". w m , SIHN'GI.K MILL BUltNING It Is reported as we go to press that the Km so Shingle -Mill is at fire. Tho Tug Kli- hjam has answered the rlarm. BANDON, OREGON, CHATA1KM MEETING Ft M To decide wl.' is to be dftn in thctbt,hautajou company has inchul .natter of the pi'ipo ed Cnuutauiu 1 1 ei Jl-.ndon in t'iu:r schedule :iil i -to lie held Iwto t.iii summo" meet-lpect to open here on the 'date me v iiig of all of those who have .uliM.'nb ed for tickets bis Lni: callol for Fri Jay evening, in 1 1".- Citj Hall. That Momotoiog nui.-.t be douo and done Immeiliutoi,', towards inai.inu ar rangements f r tljp event. Is cvi lent, for the propoe.-il Jates of tho Chau tauqua here are Larr ' a u.onth Mway. No one seems to kn.uv anytliing of ihc urraiuciitetita tl'ithivj kern made, there arc any, ot.ior than the fact tli:.t suuseripuon ! i.e s.e uck- ets have been fii-'u'a'e.l nnd nibmib- od to and that .... program is schedul - ft! tn liPfin Jn'.v l-'th. Advnn-f re sent to ;. newspapois show that "STRIVE TO BE ED- UCATED"-DR'. BOYDi "Brain Value" Is Subject Of Address To Graduating Class. Speaker Lists Sal- urday Evening Post As Trash. Thir teen Graduates Receive Diplomas 'Re one of thu oducntcd minority," .vas the plea of Dr. John H. Boyd, .aBtir of tho I' list Presbyterian Church of Portland, in his address to .lie graduating class of tho High icliool, at tho Commencement exorcis- Toft mUlio'i dollars expenditure for js held in tho Orpheum tlieater, Wed- the dovlopr.iciit of Co-s Ray is the oaday evening. The subject of his staryjaa aniiauncement made last jshc-vas -iiUrain Vulue.'t- - - eviiJniftir'hy' W. J. Wilsey, original pro Wiiilo his talk was aimed at and for. jector of tho Willamette Pacific line ho benefit of the graduates, Dr. Royd :r.d known '.- have influential and .mile it. plain that ho wished to n-, .line an inoso in uio audience, llie: .ram is wiiat we make it, was tho idoa u expressed, and he pointed out lint ' . ui a Einau nunuior uevoiop tne Oram 1 1 the best advantage. It is but a ro-l .eptuelc, winch eacli and every person of the McAithur Porks Co. has long .ills for himself and tho degree t.;,'cn back c' Wiiaoy. While fipglihh .vhich we are educated depends uponjo'pital is p.t'tly well tied up by the le matter witli wlnclt we nil ti.cWar, still V: United SUtoa offers' an ain, to a largo extont. I attractive field for Knglish Inves'- t'onstant tliought on difficult pro- ( menU ks the mifney horo may escape lema, reading of only tho best in li-,tbo heavy w.u taxer. impuwed in the fi itiiro and frciiient discussions ith educated men, are tho be3t mo-J iioil.i of properly educating the bruin. ' :o gain the Dest out or life a man uiiHt bo beyond the probloms whi'li rise only m the course of tho buvi- ess in wlnclt lie gMiiiB his living. Ho .nust no brouil and to tie broad ho must ret his ideas from other sources than onversationa with tlioso witli whom ii is nrougtit into contact ilaily. ii order to become educated a man uist havo n wide vocabulary range, ccording to Dr. lloyd, and ho paint- d out that words ro but vohiclos for.pd Stalos. . 'io conve'a. ce of thought. Horo ho laced Uio .lil:or. bet wee . tie .v go limii.'u vgeubulary and the 'worl'.- jss stuff which the majority of - - . lo i mi. 1 in the periodicals, such a-t .'i : atunlay Fvcniug Post, the Rod i: Mil others. Tho class of wr.tii vhich apponrs in such publication.! -is t lew l.e "alls "Literary Junk", dei.-i- iiiental to the developing mint!. Dr. Iloyd's eddruss was thorougn ly on joyed by cvoryono present, :i:id rtandinir room in the ball was at a pre mium. He was convincingly e irneBt ei.tirely fo.ML-.H in his denunciatioir of the practice of educational neglect in all branches except the vocation.. Giving tho Invocation, Rev. C. M. t.xs fotluwcit hy airs. deo. tieisen. dorfer nd Mru. S. C. F.udicott, in a piano duet. Following the addresb by Dr. Boyd who wvs introduced by Supt. Turnbull, L';e Boya' Octette ronder'd i.n appropriate selection. As chairman of the School Bolm'-j, Mrs. K. B. Ivausrud presented the di (lonuis to the grr dilutes. Thos in ihe rless wore: Lueillo Belle Cluvtltum, vclxiictoi i- rn; hi rooil ltatea, Helen Lu'viua Thornton, Grace I.ightner GiU'o i. Dt-l ! phi K. I-angioia, Ivn Dean Muklletiii., Flora Lurinda l'hilpolt11Ora Jamesuii. heater Urban Tee Garden. 'Sani WaUor ArnVtro.-g. Roliert Harold Johnson Harry Fr: ,,kjin Brownsoti, John F. SelMl. DunrrtL. uUv..i.w u Vi.it.l. I -ih,, r i ;cr trthe B.t'ik of Pardon, iohn N'.-.'son 1 Jiis'iirg I.i that institu- TUfiSDAY, JUNE, 6, 193 6 OT ill - 1 liorttd. Ifthe ChautaiKi i is to be ht Ui there are a host of detnils which nni-it I l,e Attended to. or the whole :iff:r wilLturn out to be n fissle. The ex ponfe of bringing tho company heie is hosvty and they come only under guRranteo that the people of lUnilon will take a corU.'r, nuniher of ticket-., 'flThi guarantee ius beon nimle, it is unrliratood, ami someone will be ask tJc defc:t , .... ' Fvenl "ol Pa' 0,,t" A'lvertiMn 1 must ne rtteiulod to anil a liumlretl ' and tne other details nrrnngeit I MAY SPEND $10,000,000 DEVELOPING COOS BAY ' W. J. Wilsey, Who Promoted Willamette Pacific Railroad, Understood To Be In tcrcsting Chas. M. Schwab and Associ ates In Northwest ' Here is something that sounds like a fairy tale, yet, the Coos 'flay Time uppoara to have verified every pointy insofar as thoy were able, tic- I foro rinting the storv sound financ al backing". it is um.rxlood that Mr. WiUe s endow rNg ta interes. Cims. M Schwab, the toel magaate, and iu, aabocictea i- the Korii.wtst. llesia es these, Sir Robert Poiks of IJngland countrins cf tl.e RrRiah Umpire Wlulo Wiinoy iuh! Lis nsociales have lefrahuxl from mentioning it, oport here irs it tlmt Mr. Wilacy would like to get the big holdings af tiio C. A. Smith company. Whether the Coos Bay holdings of the C. A. Sin.tli rompany could be purchased is uncertain. Mr. Volckmun a nephew of Sir Robert Perkc, is no.v in Han Francisco. Mr. Volkuwn has long been the Canadian manager of 'the McArthur Perks company but will soon movo from Ottawa to the Uni'.- The Smith liolnings in many waa would coverpi act ieally all of the di ijrcs of Mv. Wi'sey's people hut whether C. A. Smith ami his usociat ?s would consider disposing of them is problemn Jnil. ine High Sclwol association held tlioir nni'ual buniiuet, with the irra-I uating eUss as the guests of honor, in ine 1. O. O. F. hall, Tuesday evening, t overs wero laid for about IB, thoae present being arranged in groups., each group being made up of the meinbe-s of tho reapeciivo classes. Ihe banquet wp.s fenixl by the Preii i ytrin Udios AW. Toasts follow ed the delightful supper, starting ith the welcome to the new cUst by Mits Blanche Budley, who represent J.thu first lasa to graduate friin -'io Hig'i Sdiool. H.-rold Johnson re plied for U'o ri.--, of 1.01(1. Otheis vho ai.Mre , .: to toasts were Supi. iurnltull, U na Klixa belli Uedgers and Prof. Harold Qaiglcy. At tSe butiiviis meeting hold afltr ihe l.iuet tlie following oliicera .vere elected for Mie . coming yea : , resident. V dphi. Iinglbis, ice pre dent. B-lle 'Clutburn, socretary, tirae Giitson; tQeasurers.Qra Janie Mon and Scn Arnwtrong. .Dr. mil Mr... A :.nd Mrs W. S. ;ll ur Galo and Mr. Wells nutorl. to ' r.-l.fi ft i the troetor's ear "Sunday, .Li' -It.. .1 It ' . Wir.-itv- t this city the following ff 4i. 4r. . T. Sullivan accompani- ii the"' 1 1: th return tip an 1 is -, siting ui the WelhtJ l-ome lor a few,y SCHOOL ELECTION TO RP HPin nN WAV " Considerable Interest Shown In Choice Of Two Director to Fill Vacancies. Mis. uicKey, tnaicoil, Sidwell and Zetk Looked Upon As Possibilities, School election t be hold June P.Hh i. creating more than usual interest this yonr and possili'o candidates f ... ..... '.'i-uivil-o III I'f lllll.l nil I'll' I... liv.t . ... .n nl ... i. r;i f .i Hoard of Di'vctore are being vigor ously diseiisiwd. Judging I'min th juesent appoaran-e i f thing., tlierc vtdl lie a host of aspirants in the field. The fact thn two directois, or a mnyority of the i.ou'l are to be elect , may be resnj -slble for ihe Inter !... !....!. .1. . .. i i iiii.cu. iea i" ine election ol a successor to .Mrs. 15. IJ. Knusrud whoso term oxpi'vs this month tnr who has refused .. be a cundid.il e foi iv-election, a director must bo elect ed lo fill tlie vaeaniy made ly tho re agnation of Dr. 1.. P. Soienson. who ins left tho city. Outside of C. U. Zoek, whose candi lacy has boon announced three otlie iopie have been suggostiHl," all ot hoin are well fitted to fill the odice I'iiey aie Mrs. John Dickey, J. Ira Sid veil hiuI Mr. S. C. ICndicott, Of these hrce, backers of Mr. Sidwell feel con "ident that ho would aecopj tho pusi ion and it is und"i stood that a com nittee of ladies waited on Mrs. DicK y, to induce her to run, this after 'oon. niREE ARE FINED FOR DISORDERLY CONDUCT Gus. Bane was fined $10.00 a Irs. Gus. Bane and Stella Shield i ch $5.00 by City Koeorder Kriwru. i e r-.u icpai i.urt tins niornniv 'hen 'hey plead (,u- ty to the iNirg. "' nioriy comhii I sworn nm ip '""'I'lt tini'vn, or. i o: uio, men li :i. i . . . r. in:-' oi me Mini. Hall dancos. A--- '' ! to th testimony, Mrs Barn ud Atiss Shle -1- start ml to sttth noir dirierencts in n hand lo haw' ncounter on tu floor of the iall. during tho dame Saturday night Jr. Brown tosti.''oi t'i't when he at mplod to separate the women Mi t.irrc stepped ii. ..ud held him bin!. if w ty u) Oi) ifXs) & (.) u; ; .?. ? FLAG DA V P I O C LA MA T I O N - p WIIEIIRAS. Juno Mth, 101(5 is the 130th anniveratiry of tho adoption of tho Stars and Stripes; and WHICBIiAS, Organisation of u patriotic nature in Oregon are desirous that special em phasis he placed upon this day nnd its meaning; ami Willi It I3AS, This generation hno soon no time wlven loyal-' ty and patriotism are more re quited than now, or when the encouragement of these vital national virtues is more appro priate; NOW," THUBUFOUH, I do hereby proclaim Wednesday, June 1-tth, ac FLAG DAY throughout the State of Ore gon, and I earnestly urge that the day lie devoted to exercises indicative of and conducive to loyility to the Flag; that in homes, nohools, churches and business establishments the occasion ho fittingly observed, that the Flag be displayed from public buildings, schools homes and places of business ml tiust the entire "common wealth, at '.his critical period of inteniatiouri unrest unite -in lwnoilng the FLAG OF THE .UNIT'S!) STATUS OF AMH- . BICA p.r.d in pledging renewed ad vigorous .loyalty to it and . tho principles of liberty it re-', presents. IN TKSTLMONT WHKBI3 OF, I haw hereunto sot ,niy hand and caused the . Oeat Seal of the'State of Oregon v, be liercurto afixed Uiis third day of June, 1010. , JAMKS WITHYf'OMBK ' ' i' ' I llOl' of Ol eO'l NUMBER 22 'STRIKE SITUATION 1Q! REMAINS THE SAME I i 'All Coast Shipping Tied Up No Incoming Freight On Loral Fea's Food Shortage Will Be Fell !f Sir ke Continues and Mills Will Have To Close. Crews and Mill Hands Lead Phoenix and Brooklyn Tmns-Pac.iie and coastrtise ship. :ng from San Diego to Alaska is tied :p as a result of tlie longshoremjn's iril.e, which took effect at o'clock f tho morning of Juno 1st. To da! , i-iou oi tlie ciiinpnnies oporati r. the trans-Pacific trade have sen d to the demands of tho striker, Y .i tho coastwise trade tho different etween tho shipowners and t inkers are as wide as they w i'hursday morning. The ilemamlK of the Pacific "V ranch of the International lour--horemen's Union are for an increa. n wages of 10 cents per hour "i straight time nnd 2.1 cents an ho 'or overtime. This would mnko t traighl time wages GO cents an h mil $1.00 nn hour for overtime. Wh' . uost of the shipowners are willi o pay the increase asked for straie . me, it is said the demand of the stri is for $1.00 per hour overtime mi ' Riiso the omployors to hold out . 'efinitely. It ia understood that Una : to bo a conference of the Lon; horemen's union in San Francujc. , his week, at which arbitration proa '4ils will ho considered. "' ' ' " 1 So far, there ban been very liti' iolcnco i.i any of tho coast ports 1 1 result of the strike and, while picl ts have been maintained by tho .stri., it,, lolling nnd u '.loading of lwutb , the r crews has not been gniM;; terfer'tl with. Howevo", the pio ict tint stri'.vebreakers mnv 1m s d has brought nn announcement frun ho snilors and other unioiiB, ineluding II of the seamen along tlie coast ex- opt the captaihs mid tnatos. tlmt they will strike, should non-union labor be ised in loading or unloading tho honU. Locally, the effects of tho strik iuvo not been strongly felt yet. The lay before the ft tike wnN declared tho Speedwell cleared for Coos Bay with etter than half a loul of lumber and hingles. The strike kept her from ompleting her lor.d, however, and ahe ailed for San Francisco Suturdiy .itliout having completed her oarifO. 'riday tho Phoenix crosseil in empty id tied up to the .Moore mill dock. here her crew and tho mill hands Hided her partly with lumber. She hushed her cargo at tho shingle milt ml ele:ired for the South Sunday. I he Brooklyn, with passengers o it o freight, arrived .Monday nfteinoan id went up the river to tlie Prosp'i uill. It was the intention of tlie mill vners to iiho their employees in the rd tn load he", but this morning the yen, four in number, ipilt when th iy ,ere ordered to assist in tho losdiuj? Derations. Should the strike continue for any rent leiig'h of limo, a fowl shoiiagi ill lo felt here. Already the .supply " potatoee is running short and then i scarcely any fruit or fresh vege- i.bles to Iki had in any of Uie stores. Most shipments of this kind have leo nrried hy the stenmor Elisabeth un 'he is tied up at San Francisco m all of her sailinir dates eancellef Dhj Kruri company has announc-. n increase n the ppsne'-sror rutc ' ' n he!" nnd Su Francivco fro: $7.50 to $10.00 and freight retei hcv gone up also. Increase in the w.jf of sailors und longshorsmon 9 re ifiver, s the causes for the raise. With its yard almost full of cut lumber awniting shipment, th Pros per mill closed down tonight anil, 't h stiiil, will not opon until boats can he secured to transport tho ' cut. Glar ing of the mill was not due entirely to the lack of shipping facilities, how. . ever, tho supply of logs had.run'otit and although it was possible for them to buy logs that are being laksti out at the Dollar camp, it was r.ct thought Mlvnuhle to continue in- op. i .M. ,s i.M fill .. 'il the t.,au ' two days lie i i.Hi- ii- in 'l ' ( . win r,.i .-j ,!,:..., i oi i nilieniun. the Ji-OaS;?) tioj dc e' tj1(i JJ)UI1-