VOTERS TO DECIDE FATE BONDS AT FRIDATC ELECTION MISUNDERSTANDING OF PROVISIONS SEEMS TO BE MORE OR LESS GENERAL IN COUNTY Contrary To Popular Opinion Taxes Would Not Be Increased Disliibution And Use Of Money Definitely Outlined Each Road Will Get Its Share Thursday night tlnj campaign for the proposed road iond issue'of $-'62,000, to be used in bringing the trunk oads of the county to a permanent line and grade, will lose and l-'riday morning the fate of the issue will be in J he hands of the voters. On the results of Friday's elec tion depends the future pre sperity of Coos county, to a k reat cxttent, and every uter owes it to himself and the community to be thoroughly familiar with the details of ' ic bond issue before ho votes "yes" or "no". The pioposal as it will appear on the ballot provides, that should the proposition carry, the county will issue i ood roadf bonds to the .'Xiont of $302,000 bearing five per nt interest and running i'i r a period of 11 years. Be- inning at the end of the fifth year, and every year there Aler until the end of the fourteenth year, $30,000 of the rincipai will be paid off annually along with the interest. or the first five years the interest will amount to .$18100 c year and will then decrease each year along with the ( ecreaiiing pruicipal, until the interest for the fourteenth ar will be only $L,fcl0. i 'guring the assessed valuation l Coos county at tflHJOO.MM), the average tax rate each -oar necessary to lake .re of the principal and interest, ,-ould be 2.1 milk. I'Mgui ng 2.1 mills as Pie average yearly tax rate, we :ire assuming tint the assessed valuation of the, county will not increase during i le coming 14 years and in this as sMinption ue are going beyond the range of probability. 1 Hiring the 11 years bol.vcen 1901 and 1915 the assessed aluation of the county raised from $2,70(5,000 to $18,100, t 00. Although it is not probable that the rate of increase v ill be a great in the coming M years as it has been in i i the past it is safe to say that the tax rate would not .e much more than one naif of 2.1 mills during the List . iree or four years that the bonds would run. The idea that should ihe total bond issue carry, u .ould In paving a higher load tax than at present, is not jrrect. At present we aie spending $75,000 a year or remanent lino and grade work, or twice the sum whicV t is proposed to spend , early should the bonds carry, li ther w id.s, the road tax c are now paying to put the oads o.. a permanent line and grade is nearly -1.2 nulls s against the 2.1 mills it would be under the road bonds Redemption of the bonds and the payment of the inter st on them will be made without increasing the taxes- ne cent. . In thf matter of how the money derived from the sale of the bonds is to be u&ed. there seems to be considerable misunderstanding. The entire sum is to be spent in lin ing up and grading the trunk roads, the apportionment ooing as follows: $lu,,000 Coquil!e-Coos Bay 13,000 Coquille-J tandon '16,000 Glasgow Haynes Inlet 04,000 Bandon-t.urry County l(i,000 (Joqnille-Myrtle Point 1IJ.000 Jlavnes Inlet-North Inlet Thec apportionments are made a part of the measure :.s it will be voted on and should the bonds carry, the noiu can be spent only where it has been apportioned. The $01,000 s,et aside I'm he Bandon-Curry county road must be spent on that ivnci and no other. All of the work is to be done under the supervision of Road Master Mur c and the County Court, acting along with the State iirhu'iiv dmmrtmont . S.iihj oi th nion.y derived from the sale of the bonus to be u.-ed in hard' surfacing any of the roads mention ,wl 'Ph.. !di:i i: to nut these roads into such condition ths't the can be surfaced permanently as the money is v.iilablo 'I here is one icat.ure oi ine proposed ooim. . n li.,nll :mno:il to all of the voters who study the situ- . , i m; the regular road tax money will be free for use in (proving and bringing to line and grade ine reeder road? uiioughout the county, Besides this, the State Highway . i . i i ... -i r i.. i.'' i ,..,,1 4ii, iii. v. oinmission nas pieogeu umus iu uu uai-u m int uwii of the road from Myrtle Point to the Douglass count. linn TP honds earrv at Friday's election, practically all of the roads ii the county will be brought to a perman ,t lino and irrade within three years. From all parts of the county reports are coming that . . 1 . iiri l ill. ihe road bonds are going to carry, we nave nearo mai oport on previous read improvement propositions ana ..ecause some of the supporters were overcontident ol lu result, the tu-eisosals have neon defeated. Probably thc.v i vstfrvfiA dtiVal, for they were all more or less indefinate ;n ihtit jifeyoSaJj;. This fine we have a definate plat. juTUiw?J, $da?i yriiich c!in la made the beginning of a sen i5)k mm Asltiewxl road iuhy for tlie future.' hndlriji't'oioimty for ,$362,000 we a'rq not taking V.tit'MWU wy from the assets of the community, but w w m mm. mm COOS COUNTY OREGON Seal In. I M.I. ffafl finr0n v' Good Stbods flssoesfton Siexvftf tvA nfi it oecamjaAjieef nv fate At jee.oao' Bond ss9 i 1 J 1 1 f t -J J W ' mm mam rreftrea srtcvn Til Map Showing Trunk Roads to be Brought To Line And Grade By Proposed Bond Issue 'f ft hfis i& ..'.Wl-iiLfCt-A t W1Vf .-M' si r""; vi txW ww"l? ' MlptK ;;;t 4 iV-?m- 'wU 'Ur .ire simplj borrowing that amount of monoy to invest in .i proposition that will increase the assets of the county. Ninety per cent of the money will be spent right here in ''oos cjunty for labor, thus increasing the flow in our irade channels. Over one-third of the valuation of Che county is now n the ciiies who will pay this share of road improvement. J'liis disparity ofvalue is due to the inaccessability of the jutlying districts as land increases in value as the zone is .videnea by which it can be formed profitably. The in .rease in property values ."lone will liquidate the bonds. Coos County is an cmp?ro by itself. Without rail con nection with the outsio , rld; with a system of roads? aracticad impassible ri . . ;S the greater part of the year; vith less than 20,000 ac ... of the entire county actually .mder cultivation, when ..i.e-third of the acreage of the iounty, with an area 02' -tL'S, about one-third larger than he state of Rhode Island, is susceptible of cultivation; A'lth a ju) lation of only 21.001, or 12.9 to the square nvl ; with nearly 21,000.iuO,rOf) of merchantable standing imber; this favored h.nd lia.s increased in assessed vah: ition in l v years over C6;5per cent . With the entrance of tin railroad giving Coos outside communication a new era dawns, and it becomes evident Lhat if tlie people of the county are to take advantage of n condi .ion (presaging atiancement, progress and pros perity, it is necessary to turn to the one proposition of vi tal imparlance, that of improving the roads and highways:. Without the rural road the interior of the County must remain isolated and inaccessible: Improvement will b? retarded, progress halted, and advancement remain sta tionary. Improved roads mean an increase in property value, better facilities lor educational opportunities, as children will be enabled to leach the school house, social and religious advancement, as the good road promotes ex change of ideas and intercourse between people of a com munity. Good tanos, better Jiving, enlarged edumtiomUjfiMlitro.s promotion of so cial and rolijHous inUrcoumc tire aH.ayn uayntduF v, Ij.h.ood i-nad htMieo a Vote for thu bonds nouns pvegrasitQi adyancaniQiit and prosperity,. NIELSON EXPA1NS ROAD BOND ISSUE Thinks Proposal a Good One SHOWS HOW INST HA I) OK IN ritlCASINC TANKS. MONFY SI'KNT FOR (iOOO KOADS WILL UKDITCK ASSESSMENTS (JOol) HIGHWAYS WILL STIMULATK SI7ITLHMKNT OF UNUSKI) LAND. 1 have lictM tulkin to u nuinher of iitkoiw who (jo not seem understand lie present iroosel road bond muu .tiro correctly. As I understand thin ivitter, the money to he raised hy lomline; is to Imj used for the purpoHo uf esUvblishiiiK roads on a tfrado pre paratory to surfacing if such jIiouIl want to he done at a later date. Some seem to have the impression that the roads are to be put on a line jrudo and surfaced andfor those uridyl iuis impression, I wish to statu thnt uch is not the case. The roads arc to be put on a line Krade only. It is evident, that in order to build ood roods there must first be a foun dation established upon which to build ind this is the purposo for which the money is to be raised, and I fed that the move is n Kood one. Upbuilding' .if any community whether situated i loriK distances from markets or close in,Mcends upon Itfi roads. If tho community ei u prosperous one, it is evident that it has u''d roads, and If ive ire Kolntf to increase tho Improv iHii of lands situated ouWdo of our biiHiiiuss c4ntoi m, wo must first Imvu guodoMiU, i-nd by liuviriK kooi rids it wifl ntlinulat thw liuttlliiK Up of I he rum) dUtrtotHi ' At t'i I'rtw-'iil tfme It it klinont m possible to use the roads four or five months anJ somo times longer du.-itiR the year, and owing to this fact, will it induce Uie settling up of our rural districts? You know and lknow Hint persons with money to invest are ing to buy property where it is ac cessible to markets. People who havu no money with which to buy p:operty take up homesteads in our rural dist ricts and many times barely nviko n living. If we have good roads it wdi help these people that are settling up tho country, 40 get closer to the mar kets and will furthermore stimulate tho settling up of unused lands a.-.d bring more of it under cultivation .wid subject to taxation. The more hind that can bo gotten in shape subject to taxation will help relieve those to-day aro bearing a heavy bunion. Taxes H Oivgon to-day are nimt the highest of any stale, because there is too much unsettled land. Tho ot ponses of the sUUe and counties will run on just the same, whether wo have an ac,-o of land subject to pay tho expenses or whether wo have o:ie million acres. Consequently, the more land wo can got improved nat will help to carry the expenses, the less the taxes will be proportionately. One reason that Oregon is so spar sely settled in the lack of good roads nd 1 nut ir one reuron also, why .1 aro so hijfh. The population vill have to Ir increased and .a'ids will lave to bo improved before we i'in figure on getting relief from our pic i tit high t.-.xes, jind one of the bust .usiuess strokes that we can do lb U ,ct more :mh1 bolter roi'ds. We an r.ot expect to have them come to .is. it (s up to us to get busy and work for them. One often hears tho remark hehi; made by a numebr of people who lh 3 in the country, that roads benefit Mo automobile. They certainly do, lull who henefitfl more by it than the rural residents. They often fight good ion (Is the hardest and when once the) lee what good roads mean, they thon aro the hardest workers. It has often been Haid that tho Co lumliia Highway has Increased pio perty values about thirty million dol lars. If it can increase property va lues elsewhero, it would seem that it should help increase proper' y-clues here as well. This is nothing more than reasonable. If this cm bs lono elsewhere, it can bo dona to tsomo jxtent here. .lust slop r.nd think of the land sur 'ounding us within 41 rndius of ten to iwcnty miles, that could bo made to produce many times more than what i now being produced, if the property owners could gut all their produce to nuirket ut uny time in the year. As 1 rule the majority have cleared en ough land co that they can mako a living and that is all they can do be .ause they cannot market more, and if they could raise more, they could not get it to market, owing to tho poor onditiou of the roads and the cost of hauling over such roads. Hut if the -oads are gotten to a line grade, it will elimiimta hnuling up grades and anyone reasonably knows that more .an be hauled on n level road than on 1 grade. One also knows that the time saved in going to and from tnark- ts on good roads has U bo consider ed, and time is worth money. It is evident that if the county con .inues spending money on our present poor roadc, thnt we will never get anywhere, and in order to maku a .bowing tho present methods will have 'o be discontinued. We must havj it 10 that money can bo used for permu lent roads, and as the road (pistinn now stands, we are spending all oar .noney trying to keep the roads puss able the best way possible. And where arc we getting? Cun we expect to get continuing to uso oar road money for this purpose? In ttvi first place, our roads are not on a b-.u grade or permanently established, ai'.l consequently all the monoy thnt . i being spent on keeping them open n wasted. AIISOLUTKLY WASTED. It is about time to make a rhage, isn't it? I feel thnt way. We realize that our road laws will have to be changed to meet present conditions, but that nil takes lima m il we get nowhere, in the mountlmo spending money on roads that cannot bo perinnontly improved, We havo to make a and now 11 just as good a time i.n any. I-' us all work together to innkullmt atari IM un ull work together to gt llu buildint; of goqd roiul inteil and feu) tliut wu will be puid liutly tJlliot In Hit; ufiiitdtvu ttttulU tlmt will wun Iw vu by lutvlnK Kf'wl rmi (Coritliiuud an tmi? i)