OUR GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE IS STILL IN FULL SWING IS STILL IN FULL SWING This represents but a small portion of the many money-saving advantages offered you MEN'S SUITS and OVERCOATS JK.89 Sait er overcoat 11. 8S tlM Suit ar overcoat 17.55 f.9 Salt ervereeat 19.85 2T.89 Suit ar overcoat 21.95 J0.00 Sull or overcot 23.95 MACKIKAWS S.00 MakiitaT, now 4.00 T.QI Maekjncwa, ow fi.60 U HaaWnnwn, r 6.00 Mectfawwa, aew ...... C.S0J.1,t0 Garments, now 2.60 W0 MaeMtawa, w 7-SOjIncIudCa Garments Aaa Ualm Suits; Helri.3wa, a l-tJCi Sot . vat staca Mi ... r.o SkH ... T.ift Sotte ... . S4i r.S. flsKs . wry a twc of sini MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS l.oO Flannel shirts, now ., 1.15 2.00 Flannel shirts 1.15 2.50 Flannel shirts l.0 WOOLEN 'UKDERWEAK 1.00 Garments, now .SO, 1.25 Garments, now 1.00 1.50 Garments, now 1. 2.50 Garments, now. l.tO 3.00 Garments, now ....2. PAJat OF ., ...4.151 K.W S.0' 1.2S 1.50 MP T.50 PANTS UW9 HATS AX (MPS 3.S Mea's ats 20 Hk'i hits, ei ft 1 i MEN'S DZESS SHIRTS 1.00 Arnw aliirt, now ArwT- tl-.irt, now ! Arrew tf-.Irt, bow 1.08 Arrew thrt, ew .80 ALL MEN'S LADIES AND CHILDREN'S SnOES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 6 o ;d.00 Men's shoes 6.80 7.00 Men's shoes 5.95 G.00 Men's shoos 5.10 5.00 Men's or ladies shoes 4.25 1.50 Men's or ladies shoes 3.85 1.00 Mecs ar ladle sheen 3.40 1J5 Mtm'u ar ladies aaaee 2.J5 I.St 1rmtA atrtj aftee .-2.60 J.08 Keys r rla ftm . , 2.2S 2.5 Bays ar trl aaeea ,..1.00 S.M Wra ar sjrla kfaa k..l.SJ "111.75 Chfids skee i8 95 is rkitJ. .k .1.20 .. the purchase of mny Stylepiuc Suit dur- this sale. or ear 1.2( Mi n't W or eiipt.. 1.00 Mea'a hats or cap.. .75 Man's s hoys eaps. .50 Men's ar hoys eaps .2.. ,3-15 .IMi .1.15 . .9S . .80 . .60 . .40 .2S Boys cans 20 .11 I.2S Child shoes ... . Chilis ai-ss . . . Ladies ai Chi1erat XsfkWr lasts .ri0 Beet a. ew T.20 1J9 Jtaets, new ,....i.tf i.53 satn. aav 5.10 loots, now 4.2K 4.50 Roots, now 3.80 1.00 Boots, JU Lsdiea 2.58 len w 2.10 ChiMroaa ljio Beets, saw 1.25 ontful when You can get a combination of style 1 Thursday afternoon was an ev and service in shoes alio mucn more ono jn the jdics Thimble Club, in town at the Square Deal, op. Grand the members ami a few Invited guests theater. Satisfaction guarantee!. Shoe ;gntheied at the home of Mrs. F. Fass- repair shop in connection. bender. The affair was in the form Mrs. Balncho Faulds, President of , the county W. C T. U. went over to I Marshfield Sunday, whero she was to jmeet Miss Mary Rrovn, who is t make n lecture tour of the county. Due to delay in the sailinp of the Kilburu from EureUi Miss Brown did not ar rive Monday morning as sh was ex pected to. of an apron shower, the occasion be ins: the birthday of Mrs. Fassbcr.der. Progressive 500 furnished the enter tainment, the prizes goiiy; to the fol lowing: First prize, hand chrochetod collar, Mrs. Perry; Second prize, hand chrocheted yoke, Mrs, C. Rasmussen; Third prize, two handmade handjuir chiofs, Mrs. Conger, Dainty refresh ments were served late in the after- "CHILDREN OF EVE" COMING ATTRACTION Roy Holman who has b2n livir.g onjr.oon, following which Mrs. C. V.. Bow- nuo Go liing k Shoe Cerapas? B A MYRTLE POINT N D O N MARSHFIELD POWERS the Hcmpel ranch during the psit 1 year, it is reported will movs his fa mily to Bandon, as soon as the mills , open up in town. Mrs. C. Maync Knight, who has been spending the past six wcks visiting with friends end relatives in- L03 Angeles, is expected to return home on the noxt Kilbuin. Rov. Mnight will meet her in Marshficld. o Mrs. J. L. Kronenberg and sons Jack and George are expected to re turn here sometime in May. Jack is attending the University of Cali fornia, which will bo out oarly next month, and he will como north to ac Ocpt a pasition driving an autn stage between Bandon aivi Gold Beach. Tho .University Gleo Club will not come to Coos county as had been plan ned during tho Spring vacation, bo cstise of tho heavy expense. At the lima tha plant r-, first laid, it was thongs that tha t. .roa 1 would bo ops and tho trareling oxp"ises would be liffV. The Club, however, is plan, ninf to mats the tour sesuetim dur- iatT tha aarty part of next semcst"! L. E. Swam was in from the Dafoe mill on business Monday. it. B. SWEN'SON PURCHASES MONIOUTH HERALD PLANT man, presidont of the club, presented the aprons on behalf of tho Club with a very appropriate talk. Mrs. Fass- bemler rceuiviHl many oiln-r dainty and useful presents. The invited puests were: MewUmos S. C. Johnson G. R. McNair, Korth, C. Rasmur.son, Post and the club membort, Mesdani es Bowman, Legore, Lcwin. A Bar rows, Jones, Tucker, H. Brown, C. T. Gib.on, Pnnter Parry, Harrington. I. W. Robinson, Erdman, H. C. Dippcl. nnd F. Fassbendor. A silver reception ten for the bene fit of tho library poriodical fund was given by Mrs. John Dickey, at her home on Ninth street Tuesday after noon between tho hours of 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock. Mrs. Dickuy was assisted at the tea tablo by Mrs. W. J. Sweet and the guests woro: Maadamcs Vietor Bro'icr. G. R. McNair, Hayes, S. Pier ce, Sherrars", V. Elliott, N. J. Grain, C McC Johrson 5. E. Undieatt. T. S. Veils, J. Tugktr, J. Jore. A. Barrows R IIarr,ton, L. L. Felshieii and R, R. B. Swecison former manager of the Rerordor, has purchased the Mon moutfc Herald from D. E. Stitt, who was alio eonnv:ted with the Recorder years &o, as editriV. Mr. Swonson and family Jeft Banrlon list week, go inj direct to Monmouth, and Mr. Swcmson assumed his new duties in time to get out last Friday's edditiun of tho pnpsr. About fnl momiiers a: 1 friends en joyed tho- social meeting of the Sea side circle in the lodge rooms, Thurs-J,n "Children of Eve" the le .ding fe turcs at the Orpheum Theater nex Monday, with Viola Dana in the titlv. role, ranks with tho best photo dra mas of the day'. It is an Edison pro 1 duction, released through tho Kloinc Edison Feature Service portraying in a vivid, entertaining manner a trn- j pedy of rer.l life with climax so powerful thaa it almost stnns. Ixvo, j impelling sin with its, peatnin cons'- I quences, and love as n ehaner girl's disjolute life, is nietured i "Childraii of Eve,". Tha great pos- sion of life in its many vagaries, do- minaics the plot of this reol waster piec. A factory fire scene, Ifltite to a elimax is so realistic as foalraojt terrifying. It is in this sne that Henry Clay Madison has tV fact brought homo to him. that "tha is of tho fathers, shall b visitfd upan tho children." A dying girl, barau '"' and suffering, whom he had known r . ones dissolute girl, disclose unwit tingly, the fact that she is his nv. 1 'slighter whom ho norcr knew cxis ed. If the agony of that disfowr' was no' uffioient, there wss the m, led f -i : 1 knew this d-ing er.n ature ' .--i ol'er ihtd a pure vj" rwi. -ocstfd,Jrr. for his nepherr which had thwrhe4 b- deceit and trichen There w:n not Toachsnfed to hint "raw aol.-ee he miffiit hajrr found in the fact : had he knovm it, that tha trirl'simaO ' his sweetheart of yaamrer days, h- elinKi fo nsrw hi Vau. s fearti it wight nrii Was. Tks sr I other scim ir "Childraa ajf N-e" grip tnehnrt nd Usra iajjr;rl that time aasy d'm bnt astsr tiyee It may be mntiriad tat ia fr oj-r th'h fire speeU-!e tkwra wo?! df- day evening. A program consisting of music singing and dancing was fol lows! by a delicious luncheon. Tho Circle staff is drillincr for thn initin- tion that will bo hold at the next ro- j Orpheum Theater, MonnsyJ Aprfl gular mooting. troye.1 a five-story b.- tic Uetnv building erecw d pe(raJly tnr rh purpose. This liicture will b kuii at t Another big fatrrw of BatxiHay night's program will b a raadovillo stunt fenturmg Jackson and ?iortr in a comedy skit. introdueiM- sinm-- 'iffl Tho local lodge of the Knights of fl BANDON BREVITIES 'Pythias aro considering the question SS?jof building an addition on tho east Bum Harpor and wife, of Prosper, ' sido of thoir building at Firet street Irava been nponding to past few days 'and Baltimore Avenue. ra Bandon. V. R. MaeMilliun enme over from Varshfisld on Monday, to attend to hmnness in at tors and incidontnlly watch the work of saving tho Fificld fertnl Barkholder was down from Qaquille Monday, on business connect ed with tha tax asscssmont. o 1EUOVAL SALE of furniture at fttehsll'a rnlturo Sloro on tho hill. W per cant discount. 3-2l-t4 Wm. Mnrtin of this city, wna nttond ior ta business itiitters in Marshfiold an Thursday nnd Friday. Through train service over tho Willamette-Pacific from Coos bay to Euno will begin about tho middle f Aril. o far Sale: Lot N. 22, PV 10, rMlnuffy'g aidition. "Writa to Mrs. F. T. Vaburar( 510 E Utli St., North aaaalattil. J. V. Shatter, of the Bandon ware katrse, left Tuwdny for Portland ex peatlng to be gone about i.wo weeks while attending to business inaltors. Miss Pearl Wall er returned to Ban kin tha latter pa; t of the week, com ing on the Speedwell by way of tho bay. Miss Walker left Btmdon with btr motjer last fall and during the HsU as lNn attaniiirr bi.wesa ;'lgn nt Oakland. H. H. Hanson, of Inngbis, was a mong the visitors from down t"ie coast wiio registered at tho Hotl Bandon, Thursday. o G. A. Bryant, who has bcea employ ed at Powers during '.he winter, wns in tha city last wck looking over tho labor situation. County Superintendent Raymond E Bnkor was in Bandon over Thursday night attending to nwtlors pertaining to the work fo tho local ::hcols. Miss Euuico Jameson, of Port Or ford, was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clms. Jameson and other relMives boro last week. M. Clausen, of Coquillo, combined business and plcnsuro in a trip down the river Thursday. After attending to business matters, Mr. eiaussn spent several hours on the beach in specting tho FifieW. WANTED odd" jobs of rardening Meaning and general work to do Phono 8C2, or enquire at MeLeod Rooming House, 210 Second street. S. J. Radar. S-2l-t4 J. L. Kronenberg, arrived in Ban don on the steamer Bandon, Friday ufternoon, and states that the trip up she coast was one the roughest ho ij to nttu-'J to matters connected mth the le.i5.ng of tho shipyard and attend to otSer 1 niness interest ss has hare Frank Hawkins wns up from Port Orford on Thursday and Friday. o Rev. C. Mayne Knight is scheduled to begin a series of sorvicos at Pish trnp next Sunday. S. Jnvitz wns ono of tho many Ban .lonians who attended to business mat ters on the bay last week. Frank Layton, the well known Port- hind commercial salesman, was in Bandon over the week-end making the rounds of the trade. 8 WELCOME! To ii.:tw qnartcri In Mia Bi'wBuckinf- Ben Mumow was down from his ranch on tho upper river Saturday, attending to business matter and meeting old friends. Roy Greens, of this city, was in Marshfiold on Wednesday nnd Thura day of lat week attending to business matters. Tho date of closing oX tho regist ration book, as given in tho registra tion notico on another page, should read April 18 instead of April 1. FOR SALE first class studio eamora with modem Ions and com plete outfit including 13 x 24 photo tont with dark room. Size of eamorn 8 x 10. Inquiro M. Nordstrom on Iii mont place. Box 534. Bandon Or. 8-31-tS. THE WEEK'S SOCIETV EVENTS o Silver teas and receptions for tho benefit of tho Public Library have been prominent events on the social calender of tho past week and many other such fuctions are planned for this and the coming week. Tho re ceipts from these affairs go to tho book fund of the library. Mrs. C. E. Papo, assisted by Mrs. W. L. Turnbull, entertained a number of frinds nt her homa Tuesday nfter- .1 i r ti . . noon me au.nr mung a surer tea lor Gardner and Cooc Bay, inspecting tho benefit of the library. Each of st-tion(, ftt tIl0S(? points he f tno guests nrougnt tneir lancy work nnd spent tho afternoon in social chat Mrs. Mary Cnrlialc, who was bound over to the Grand Jury cm an ndlltry letui-ned to Bandm, dm lnftor n.-,.-f r 'nncing, talking, and character us the week. ncmcs. mis win lie one of tae Hajt acts ever seen in the county. Lestlc Sparks left Sunday morining, m,., (o resume 'his studies nt Willnmetto. a University nfter spending the 10 day spring vacation with his parents in this city. o Tony Ajax, the wrestler who mot nnd was denfented by "Jim Wilson" hors last summer, is schejilijd to ap pear in a match in Pendleton soon, o Supt. Otto J. Wallander, of tliis Const Guard district, was In Bnmhn BANDON CHUROHlIrl today inspecting the local station. Mr. Wallniuler came in by tho way of the points, and he siys Hint the Coos Bay station, will pro- hablv h& in if s imw nnrtni' Iiv tha Miss Edith Lowry rendered sweral ! st 0f jjay, musical numbers. Thoso pr3ont ' ' o wero: Mosdamcs H. Pierce, W. H,l C. F. Papo tttondoil the mooting of Webb, DoWltt, O. A. Trowbridge, Mc Crcary, Erickaon, S. J. Mann, G. T. Treadgold, W. E. Craine, E. Lcwin, S. C. Johnson, Geo. LaiTaw nnd Mi Lowry nnd Simpson. the Koos Keainty Knights of tho Grip at Marshfiold, Saturday ovoniiig. After seeing in tho vipers that the Loosers share of tho coin in the Wil-Inrd-Moran fight amounted to ?27, 000, Frank Ifahy, of the ink of Bnndon that he could remember when tho whole town of Bandon was sold C. HeC. Johnson was ene of tho ill fated pieetngart on the steamer Ran Jon, which sTt-vinr off the bar here W j-or. Tedneiday, did aot git a chance to ereis in until Hie after noon of rriaViy. Ur. Johnsaa ws re turning frem a baiineaa tn ta Ian TrtHe:aea. im BuiM STEAM HEATED PRIVATE CARD ROOM AND POOL PARLOR EvawytWiif Name-Everthing Nic Mancict Bro THEKETUCCES One of tho most delightful' parties of the school year was held at tho home of Mrs. A. Burrows, on Ninth street west, Friday evening, wheu thcfor th,,t mount by John Lewis nasKotoaii learn and uioso connected) with it and a few other high school" students wore the guost of Misses Alien Norecn, Graco and Hazol Gibs-on Ruth Barrows nnd Alta Hanson. Sup por was served oarly in the ovoning followed by dancing. A unique fea ture of tho evening woro tho dniia programs, tho covers of which wore pnintod to resembio a basketball. Thoso present woro: Missos Gla dys Gallicr, Alico Gallior, Smith, Bak er, Orva Willard, Elva Webb and the hostcssos. Mr. Hnrod Quiglcy, Les lie Pullcn, Errol McNair, Rood Gal-1 Her, Frank Bullard, Raymond Webb, H a rod Johnson, Sam Armstrong, John Moore, Merle Kcrzshal and Dick Crain. 5 . -fa Presbyterian Chuicb Sribsth Services: If a. m Sabbath dr.i4 11 a. m Prenyl""- 0:30 p. m. . . C. E. Prayer Mrvting 7:30, p. m Preachii Wdnedsy 8:00 p. m. Prayer meotlrs: A cordisl invitation is exti.mlfM -inbllc to attend those rervires Pi". WINFIELD S. SMITH. Pa FOR COUNTY CLERK I hereby announce mysHf a a c'opi ocratie candidate for Crmrtj C " subject to the action of the pe.jpli the Primary In May. .L W. ODD t Baptist Lords day .i rvircs f'roachiiig II A .'.!. Preaching S P. M Sabbath S- hool Ip A M. B. I. P. U. 7 I M. ! rayer and Sonj Sorvicos I'niiy evening l-.m P M. cardial invimtion is extended m a 1.. A. B. REESE, Past PDnTFfT LI Send for free booklet explaining How to olifiki Piotective Patents tnd Legal Trade Matks Labtli rrsited. Copyrighli tecurct and Deiijn PalenU c&aiord TWEWTV-HVE YEARS' EXPEniENCC G. HOWLETT DAVIS Renittared Patent Attorney 018 F St., Waihington, D. C. Advent 1st Christian Church. 5i j Baltimore Ave. Sunday School, 10 o' I clock, n. m.; Preaching at 11 o'cloc , ,n. in. and nt 7:..0, p. m. Prayer me ing Thursday nights. J. S. Tiltoa, pav tor. Church of the BretherM I rfundny Services: Sunday Sen" 10:00 a. m; ll'caching snrivee at 'f m. and at 7:00 p. m. Sveryborfy cordially invited. L. B. OVERHOLSHR, Pustw I HEPEBY nirsounco mync'f ns n t-adidate for the Republics romini. Hon for the office of JSyriff of Cms county at the general primaries to 1 1 held May l!Hfe, next. If meeess-l my btt e?oa are pledged to tr i JtlTN JL SH1FI m Oa. Cabnm and w4f, fsrwrHr f UVepeet but wlio have bean iu Call fomU d.nr a wintw, Wt. raHmi ed and wws ia Bandon tkefr way to liarWs last west. " a 1 Henry IIm hj filed a avrK itMw! tk 11 isrtlce Canrt avsit Key Mw 3. J. Thompsoa at LuVe ro eefla tfca aniw eY Nt. .jriTenfortha libraiy f II. M. flhw, !,, utr, Nue sna' thn-t prWlit will ha at ! Galllr Htl Thur1r, Aaril Mi, lfll. (iisitra fltw. .Mrs. S. C. Endicott, Mrs, C. McC. Johnson and Mrs. W. S. Wolls were the hostso'M at a silver reception tea for tho library, at tho F'idifott home on Garfield Ave. i: jfter..ooa. 1 . . . Ifajiy frieads of tin j popular mflt- r-K-W -H-r4-"f ; i ---t-H-; !aW4'VH rana dropped m during :.io afternoon. 'V a- All members of Uie Eastern ht- , t are urpsd to atl:d Uie regular meeU 'nf, Friday nht, as there i inlt- X .ox work to be taken up. 1 a IX Mm Amalio Knnry was assisted bvH n ailvur U fund at Mis t lUnrjr'i home, Tuaaday afternoon. T MtadsmM Osle, Them, J. Nialaun,' la! for the Week PiralbU, K. Flih awl IS. Henry war the glint. 1 Mrs. n. u. janaiaa aatiMiii a ra. i- l)rothy aVaith tha iwinl rdiM f . saalia. lea for tha baMfk ml ti. allaav ' I Mr n Mrs N.n HmMi, uh Md Uts lar) i har Uaj a Aialama Hir-i die.) fo.Uy Mara.jFwirtb mm, Pti4f tttmmmm, U i f, $1 th a (aWm d. 1 tUi daitta f td aM liM V. 15c can Ripe Olives 10c 50c pkg Ceylon or Japan Tea 40c x II oaoito 'urocer.y i tfintV' ml 1 awnil4i f law iMaif , Jdaij