The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, February 01, 1916, Image 6

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    Daniel Frphman presents
America's Favorite
"Little Pal"
A. Powerful story of the Far North. A pic
ture that you will enjoy as well as "Teas of the
Storm County".
At the
THURSDAY, February 3rd
Don't Miss It!
The new semester of the Bandon
schools commenced yesterday.. Miss
Aura Jameson a high school senior,
of Riverton, will make the trip each
day on the boats from, her home, and
return, after attendances upon classes
beginning with this semester.
"Neal of the Navy" is a wonderful
serial story in fifteen chapters guar
nntced to contain more surprises, sus
pense and unlimited action than any
continued picture ever shown. It bo-
Kins Wednesday, February 9th. Watch
for further announcements.
You can pet a combination of style
and service in shoes also mucii more
for your money than nnywhere else
in town at the Square Deal, op. Grand
theater. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shoe
j repair shop in connection.
W. J. bweet visited up the river
Cecil Mc Adams, an instructor in
music in the college of Idaho at Cald-
wel in that state, who has been spend
ing the past month visiting with re
latives in Bandon sarted on the return
trip last week. Miss Elsie Wolf, his
cousin, will accompany him in the
hope of inproving her health.
Mrs. A. S. Elliot and children leave
this week for Spokane Wash., where
they will stay until summer time vi
siting with relatives. It will be the
first time in half a dozen yearn since
Mrs. Elliot has visited her home town
The children having finished the se
mester here will take the balance
the year in the schools of Spokane.
Chas. recently underwent an opera
tion by which he had his tonsile re-
I moved and it is hoped the change o
' 1! . - ...111 . 1 I
cnmnie win improve ins ncunn.
M. G.
Hohl Writes of Floods And Wash- Big Doings ai Geo. Laird's Ranch at River-
outs at San Diego ton, Thursday, February. 3rd
ban Uicgo, Cal., Jan. 20, 191G You and your friends are invited to
t-ditor Uanuon Recorder: ou inform attend the Farmers' Frolic next Thurs
your readers that weather in Coos day, February 3rd, 1910, 10 A. M. to
county nas oocn quite old fashioned u p. M. at Geo. P. Laird's hii now
I 1 lit H I n
oi inic. wen, we living ncj at pros- new barn near Riverton. Wear vour
em, iormeriy irom coos county en- biggest smile and bring your basket
iieavor 10 wnie oi something now 0f cats.
irom llOrC. This is i.nini- in lin n crnr.,1 "fint Til.
January lGth, the tail end of your gcthcr" of all the farm folks in the Co.
usual weather switched about and iuille Valley from Myrtle Poii.t tc
with the fury of a hurricane gave us Bandon. so don't miss it.
what we were not looking for. Mr. Geo. P. Laird, owner and Mr.
r rom Sunday p. m. to iUonday cv- m. G. Lutsey, superintendent of the
ranch are going to throw the pace
wide open for you to have a good time
You will be interested in seeing
their new, modern farm bungalow,
Principal J. T. Grubbs accompanied
the North Bend debating team to
Bandon last Friday evening.
Lost: Watch Fob. "T" and "R. T."
engraved on it. Return to this office.
John M. Long was up from Lam pa
on business Saturday.
K. P. Lawrence of Prosper was a
business visitor in this city Saturday.
Geo. R. Johnson camo down from
Coquillc Saturday.
Geo. Dafoe is here from Detroit,
Mich, to look after his mining inter
ests in this vicinity.
P. J. Rnsette camo down to Bandon
from Prosper on a business trip Mon
J. S. Cnpps and son, Ed were up
from Denmark on husinis yesterday
Chas. S. Kaiser was over from
North Bend yestorday.
The steamer Bandon which has been
loading with ties for the Estabrook
company expects to leave in the morn
Don't forget to see that remarkable
Fox Feature "Dr. Rameau" a power
ful Drama in five nets, shown nt the
Grand next Friday, February 4th,
J. L. Kronenberg is to leave on the
Bandon and a farewell dinner was
given to him by Mr. and Mrs. E. Lew
in last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs,
Guy Dippel wore invited to help fill
out the table and they spent a pleas
ant evening.
The Elizabeth left last Thursday
with the following passenger list: J.
E. Walstrom, Leo Hardy, and wife,
J. Mcintosh, A. Simmons, wifo and
child, Chas. Clino.
Mnrshfield is to have its annual
banquet Wednesday night of this
week nnd business men of Bandon nre
invited to bo pi o'it.
Wesley Bean of Riverton spent Sat
urday night in Bandon.
In the future AI. Garfield will hand
le tho Ford automobile as well as the
Studchnker for .Southern Coos and
Northern Curry counties.
Ed Oilman ramo In from Bear Creek
Tuesduy morning to take pa una go for
tho county ttoat.
Mrti. rldmrtolil was very slrk lost
wiH'k following tho birth of her lit
tlo daughter LkjI U Mint) butter at
Mr. m Mi. LIuuMtr of Symuitr
imiijui la HuuJjb tide ii jjhmsJ u
wtrV Mjtlj Mm, Jj.iirt Mr.
Ihiry Allwt
C. F. Pnpc was in Marshfield Sat
urday and Sunday and attended the
meeting Saturday night of tho
Knights of the Grip and had the usual
high old time.
Mary Pickford the famous players
star and most popular screen actress
in America will bo seen at the Grand
next Thursdny in "Little Pal" a ro
mance story of the Frozen North. A
real feature you cannot nfford to miss
Bert Locklmrt was over from tho
bay today on business.
The librnry board meets tonight in
the library nt 8 o'clock.
Geo. Windsor expects to leave with
in a month for Algomn in the Klamath
Falls region where he has a job as a
snw filer. He worked in that section
within the past year.
We are spending lots of money for
coal to keep tho Grand theater nice
and cozy during these frosty evenings
Steam heat for your comfort nnd a
bill of pictures each night that is not
excelled by any Theater in Oregon.
Drop in and enjoy yourself.
Tho place that pays you to investi
gate is tho Square Deal, op. Grand
Theater. The shoes we sell are ab
solutely guaranteed to be solid leather
thruout and prices lowest in town.
Shoe repair shop in connection.
1 The Vitagraph Blue Ribbon Feature
The Islands of Re-generation will not
, be shown next Wednesday owing to
I delays in transportation. A future
date will be announced later.
Chas. Felter, son of J. A. Fclte
was one of the passengers to return
on the Elizabeth last week. He has
spent the summer on the battleship
Oregon in San Francisco harbor, hav
ing been one of the crew of that boat
when she made her memorable trip a
round the horn.
Tho Coos river creamery has dis
continued making butter nnd started
to making cheese. The management
claims that cheese is the most profit
able product and expects, to increase
its supply of milk.
The council having made a second
decision relative to the height and
arms of the official lamp post, the lo
cal foundryman, W. F. Rogers is at
work splicing additions on to the posts
which are to adorn First street from
the Ellingson building to the K. I
block and also on First street west
from Cleveland nvc. Had it not been
that a part of this work was already
done nnd material on hand it is not
likely that the local foundrymen would
have undertaken to compete with the
lighter work of the San Francisco
E. S. Tuttle formerly with Rasmus
sen Bros, and Tuttle has gone to Wal
la Walla, Wash., to visit with his pa
Ever hear or read about Get Rich
Quick Wallingford? Wfell J'Pu can
see him in a series of two reel comedy
features at the Grand Theater begin
ning Wednesday February 9th. These
pictures are different from others
full of clever comedy, snap and pep
Look for Wallingford and enjoy some
real comedy.
C. B. Zeek, went to Coquillc today . U'wh .Sfhfinl Dpfpafc All-Sf arc
liln. 1
and will return Thursday
J. Sidnun, a former resident of
Bandon died at the county poor farm
at Coquille last week. He had a can
cer on his face and was in the neigh
borhood of 05 years of age. Deceas
ed was an Odd Fellow, a member of
Blnckwell Lodge of Ridgely, Oklaho
ma nnd was buried by the Coquille fra
Geo. Dafoe of Detroit Michigan re
turned to Bandon last Saturday, after
several months absence from here, and
stated that there was not an idle man
in thnt state who wanted to work thnt
you could not tell from tho dross of
tho wives and woman on the street
whether they were of n lnborcr's or
millionaire's family and that most all
of them 1'ved well and enjoyed many
of the luxuries of life.
Registrar C. B. Zeek has registered
about 400 of tho voters no far, and
claim thnt tho Republicans nre far
in the majority, in fact after first
claiming about 99 2-3 per cant, but
lator qualifying tlm ntntomwit by say.
Ing it was ubout V to I lUpublintn,
with no I'rogrtMaivtM! to Imi fouwl.
Aguliwt Mr. ZvuVs illMovfriiM th
roKltrr t l'rt Orfenl, uftr route
1 lUipuWUwn it) ) &aMi.
Jsi. U'Bteiia In Ua mtdm
The first game of the city champi
onship series between the Bandon
high school and All Star basket ball
teams at Dreamland pavillion Sat
urday night, resuked in a victory for
tho high school. The All Stars play
ed a fast game and kept the ball in
constant motion. Likewise the higl
schools. It was cold nnd tho science
of playing was at times secondary to
tho science of keeping the blood in cir
culation and warming up,
The high school boys led all through
tho game although the score was tied
at the end of the first half it did not
remain tied long and the concluding
score was 23. to 10. The high school
boys team work and practice told and
they usually managed to keep tho ball
in the vicinity of their basket.
Leslie Pullon was out of the higl
school line up because of the grip but
Armstrong made a good substitute,
tho balance of the team for tho night
being I. Pullon, Webb, Gallior and
Johnson. For tho All Stars, Windsor
Chutburn, Harvey, .Shumate, and
Stnltx did good work, tho latter re
tiring nt tho inn) of tho first hulf, ru
UrMl by H. Me.N'ulr. Krnost Ilouk
roermul the kniiui and Ray U'utkiiM
MllirtuUwl US HIHiro.
(SimhJ, CooMiitf Ailri fnim (U rl
a li4 up, .M.i) htl Chirr, l)li
)yj!)' Verlil) Stme,
cning, say a day aid a half wo hr.vo
had rain to the amount of 5 inches.
But it did not stop nt that time but
continued and on Wednesday evening
a heavy thudeistorm passed over tho the bicirest and best cuuinned dairv
county, since which the greatest fury barn in Coos County, and some regist
of the storm Iiao abated and only ercd Holstcins.
showers are falling. It is cnoy to talk Mr. G. E. Mver and W. A. Barr.
of it but to understand the full mean- both of tho U. S. Dairv Division and
ng I must give a few of the results, the Dairv Extension Service of O. A.
The railroad from Los Angeles is C. will be there nnd erive vou some
very badly broken up nnd as wo have Kood talks on dairy farming, silos
an tno wires broken down no one rnmliniT limmiintr . m. TUu imh
...1. .. . i . 1 , . 1 I. .. .. . ... uiu lucua or mis goi mc both live wires am! if you have any
present newspaper disease of report- problems in your business thnt are
ing untruthful stories.
It is reported thai the Santa Fo rail
road is injured to such an extent that
it will take concidcarablc work to re
pair it. Wo have had no mril since the
storm was at its hnight, Tho San Di-
puzzling you, choot tiie questions at
There will bo something doing all
tho time. Good music and free cigars
A tug of war between the upper river
and lower river dairymen. A free
ego A: fcastc-n railroad has been put for-all rope climbing contest.
out of commission and miles of track wrestling match between M. G. Lutsey
wasncu away. ,,nd Geo. R. Johnson
ino nood was made worse because Special arrangements are being
an the mountains wore covered with made for boat sarvicc, which will ac
snow ana the warm rai.i melted it commodate those who cannot connect
all adding to tho tments. with tho regular boats in going and
Along tho upper San D:.go river, returning,
rich bottom land has been washed Wo hope to make this meeting th
away, cattle, horses, hogs and other best thing of the kind over pulled off
live stock drowned. It :s reported eight in Coos County. Are you with us?
bridges wcro washul away; among Geo. P. Laird, M. G. Lutsey, J.
them tho long bridge across tho Sweet Jenkins, J. E. Belloni, J. D. Carl, Geo
water river. Mission valley is said to R. Johnson, II. B. Warner, J. L. Smith
Entertainment Committee.
have suffered greatly,
Sunday, before neon to look for
suiihj uusincss in ino neighborhood or lir f All If I II I
ElCnjon, I paid a visit to tho farm of Will WOW Alialta 111 lOallO
A. Lamb ::nd wanted to visit Hollcn- N. S. Dressier, who has been a vi
becks; both formoily of Bandon. sitor during tho past two weeks with
However, the rain held mo fast, not his mother Mrs. Blanche Faulds loaves
oven givhg mc tho chnnco to visit on the next Kilburn for Idaho, near
mo iioiianbeck's Iivuig only a mile the city of Caldwell where he ox
away.. Despite this ir-clcment woatli- pects to make his future home. With
or the visit was enjoyed. Tho larder an uncle he has bought eighty acres
of Mrs. Lamb was well sacked witli in the Gem irrigation project and ex
fruit, nnd watermelons and cantelopes pects to help develop it. His uncle
were still on tho vilic. Tiiese deli- is also nostmnster in one of thn towns
cious eatables mado us forget tho out
side and between critiiig and family
games wo passed the tinio nicely e
nougli. I returned Without complish-
ing my plans this morning.
on the project and runs a storo there,
There are 27,000 acres on this pro
ject of which the state still owns !),-
000 acres. Stockraising is the prin
cipal industry and nlfalfa is grown as
Since I began to write several days feed. They raise four crops of alfal-
havo passed and the weather has im-fa a year, or about nine tons to the
proved greatly, ban i sidor suffered acre. The alfalfa during tho pasti
greatly in the storm. Tho news is also year sold for ?0.fi0 and $7.00 on the
announced of a cloudburst along the ground. There nro five inches of sqpw
uma rivor which has done damage on the ground there nt present and
greatly in excess of uny former bad the weather has been as cold as 5 be-
weather. I will write more in tho fu- lo zero, the coldest in many years.
ture as I find more to report. It was in November, 1912 that Mr.
until then, with regards, Dressier left Bandon and for over .1
M. G. POHL years ho has been in the employ of M.
. Gu nst & Co., cigar jobbers, whole-
Troubles of Book Dealer
School book dealers in Bandon nro
in trouble again. They ordered books
for tho now semester but as the trust
regulations compcll thorn to buy in
Portland tho becks arc now in tho
grip of our extraordinary freight fa
cilities with thnt city. T"iey missed
tho Kilburn or were left by the pres-
suro of other freight nnd in a fate
ful hour were put aboard tho Patsy.
Where is tho Patey? Soiruw'icrc be
tween Bandon and tho middle of May.
In tho meantimo tho school children
have been doing n thriving second
hand business with one another.
saio ami retail in I'ortiand. He was
a shipping clerk and resigned Christ
mas evening, leaving his work Jan. 15
to come to Bandon for a visit with his
mother before leaving for Idaho,
Coos County commenced a foreclo
sure of delinquent taxes for tho year
1909, against all delinquents and pub
lished same in one of the Marshfield
papers taking several extra sections
of tiie several issues of tho paper to
enumerate all of them. Tho law also
requires that a copy of tho summons
be posted in the sheriffs ofilco. It now
appears that tho whole thing may
have to be gone through again, le
causo the sheriff posted his sununons
not in his office ns required by law,
but on the bulletin board at the front
Advertbtcd Letters
List of unclaimed letters remain
ing in the Bandon, Oregon, Post office door of tho county court house,
for the week ending Fob. 1, 1910, Per- jqvist is investigating,
sons calling for tho same will please
say advertised and pay ona cent for
each letter called for:
Mr. Harry Miller
Blanch Stoltz
These letters if not called for will
Will Remain in Office Under Bank
Hall. Two DajH of Mich Week
Will remain in oflk-o under Bunk
bo sent to tho Dead letter office on Fe- ncxt to Western World, Bandon,
mnry 15, 1910. "' wedwdays and Saturday) of
W. J. Swoot. Postmaster. cnc w"clf. Other days of tho week
I will bo at tho office part of the time,
ii. , Minw, !. e, bar. . ami nnd Satunh y nlirhtH until 9 o'clm-k. in
Throat Specialist will be at Gallior ho. order to give all a chan.-o to rugiater.
lei, uanuon, j-nuay, fob. nth, 1910. All forou-nors must hov their final
Glasses Fitted." 2t natiirtillzatlon,,g Rooms; AUo Trail. """'. l,uI"'r' All American girls
lont rooms by tho month, cheap. " " r -gis or
Yavtfllurs' Hunt. 814 Wost Second Ht ' . . ' 'H"n"
Wa.ilul-Wnrk Uy thv thy r hour ..' , . . . ""H,,",,l
it. c. KutHi Phono, m. u 17, 1 ; "":,: ,,,mt "u""""
in oil '""mi lUMUUiim fliuai ffi it IIIO
I'OII CODNTV Cl.ltltK utn, towtMlilp and rariuu in whlith
I hwvby miiihhjihw mylf a dnin. tiiy Mvu.
iU umJIiluU) for CMMty Mwk PrwHUi AW vf Uundm. Two juiln
njUM i U 1h f the mite mil'ir l'uKv;l8 l.uiiif.B ugd
From the old star!
on Second Street t
the Laird & Low,
Building at First S!
and Wall Streets oj
posite to Bank
Bandon Building
where we "ill I
pleased to meet ol
patrons and new.
Hardware, Electric
Fixtures and
Hardware Compann
Credit Where Credit Is
A letter to tho proprietors of
Bandon creamery received
week reads as follows:
IViker & Allen,
Bandon, Oregon.
E. F. Zucrn hns been scntenc
two years in the state penitentia
San Quentin Cal. I thank you for
the complaint you did which ass
in convicting this unscrupulous
son and stopped his fraudulent i
ations. Respectfully,
Post Office Insp.
As far as he known. Mr. Bakei
the first man to give complaint t
inspectors that started the ball it
tion agiiinst Zuren. Mr. Bake
first thought of bringing suit bu
vestigated and found thnt n sii
suit to recover ti e price of a ship
of choose had been lost to Zuren,
tcrmined to take another tack.
profited from tho fact that l
peoplo who are bitten in a smnlK
will pocket their loss rather than '
complaint for fear of bein;' ridi
by their neighbors. Thus n giu
enpe prosecution.
MarsliHeld Chemist Finds His 'I
Was Subject to Ecccntriritl
Reliance of Coos cider dealei
tho alcohol tester of Albert Jol
has been poor judgement, in th
lief of District Attorney Liljc
.mil Justico Stanley. A fine of
and costs was affixed in .he ca
Charles Machon, of Coouille.
was oharged with selling cider
taining moro than the legal an
of alcohol. This was later rei
to by the judge.
Two samples of cider brought
Powers by Charles Zimmerman
been tested by J. Luo Brown ant
taken from tho Coliver News
contained four percent of nlcolio
the other sample, taken from an
dealer, was within the legal lin
one half of one percent.
Complication Arises
Now tho question faced is a
ziing one. Inasmuch as Johnsc
the Coquillo cider works has n
cohol tester and the dealers reli
his test, it is not known wheth
not tho men charged with s
"charged" cider can be proaecut
tho full extent of tho law.
The Machon case was bi
fought at Coquille. One witnes
clared that he had secured a "I
ful jag" on the hard cider and
it was his first and his last.
May Be DisniisKed
Inasmuch as Sheriff Johnson
(1 Hark Dunham for a sample
cider, which contained too much
hoi, did not buy it, thec ! lice
that tho charges against Dunhai
lave to bo dismissed.
Tho other three Coquillo casef
not bo heard until Deputy S
Iiird returns from .Salem, Hi
lected most of tho evidence.
Warning has again beo.i giv
local dealers that they must
dur that is strictly within tho I
one half of ono percent. Coos
Coming Our first (loldon Id
Play untitled "Tho .Spender" n
powurful ri-cls, imxt Mondny I t l
7th, at tho Ornnd.
T)m siiiool ut North Hi ml gnvt
uilinlssloii to thowi iitlt'iiding II
hutii in that ally Friday dikM
Mhool hounl mut tho uxjm i, - I
thnt tho vuluu f (ht 1M.11U .
jwr wJUi uny hrMh utuuhi ji
w i