The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, February 01, 1916, Image 5

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cf the State of Oregon, in and
the County of Coos
Geo. R. Hancock, Plaintiff, vs Violet
Hancock, Defendant.
To Violet Hancock, the nbovc named
You ::rc hereby notified that you nrc
hereby required to nppoar and answer
the complaint filed against you in the
j.bove entitled court nnd cause within
MX weeks from the dato of the first
publication of this summons, to-wit
within six weeks from the 28th day
of December, 1915, and if you fail so
t appear nnd answer on or before
tho first day of February, 191G, that
t'ato being tho last d..y of the time
) rcscribed in the order of publication,
t to plaintiff, for want thereof will
t ike judgment and decree against
jou for tho relief demanded in this
complaint, a succinct statement of
which is as follows: That the marriage
heretofore existing between you nnd
the plaintiff may be dissolved; that
tne plaintifT be givjn tho futuro care
rtid custody of tho parties' minor
tliildron, namely, Vera Hancock, and
Howard Hancock, and the defendant
bo give i the futuro care nnd custody
of the .lihor child Wain H.vicock.
Service of this summons is made by
publication thereof, in pii'cu:incc of
nnd order made by Hon. John S. Coke,
Circuit Judge of the State of Oregon
for Coos County, dated the UOth day
of December, 1915, directing that scr-
Ice thereof bo made by publication
in the Handon Recorder, a weekly
newspaper published in Hnndon, Coos
County, Oregon, once n week for n
period of six weeks, commencing with
the issuo of December 28th, 1915 nnd
ending with the issue of February 1st,
Plaintiff's Attorneys
V. G. Hninjin, Plaintiff, vs J. E. Ham-
tin, Defendant:
To J. E. Hamlin, the Defendant, above
tlon of the within summons shall be'
tho 18th of January, lOlGand the lasti
publication the 22nd day of Feb. 191C. J
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Bandon Holds Stage
In the Circuit Court
The December session of tho Circuit
Court expired quietly last Thursday.
It was a special term convened on
Monday to close up such cases as were
ready, for trial and after trying nnd
convicting two criminals on Monday
civil matters were taken up, and only
Randon was on hnnd with any busi
ness. The first case was Leach Uro
thers of Lexington Oregon against C.
E. Langloy and wife of Bandon on a
promissory note, and tho defendants
alleged that the note had been paid by
tho previous execution and delivery
of a lease to curtain lands in Morrow
county. Tho jury found in favor of
the defendants. The action was pro
secuted by C. E. Woodson of Hcpnor,
and Geo. , P. Topping of Handon, and
wjs defended by C. R. Wade of Han
don. Tho p I a i n t i ITs have
tsked for time in which to prepare an
appeal. Following the Lench-Langley
When it comes to dealing with the
income tax the article from a recent
Oregonian on another page rends like
the populistic utterances of Socklcss
Jerry Simpson used to read which
may be taken as another proof of the
oft repeated assertion that the world
is gradually drifting toward social
ism.Thc European war will help in the
collection of the income tax for the
millionaire patriot can no longer cs
cape taxation by going to Europe.
Europe will not allow anybody to es
cape taxation for some years to come,
There is one consolation in losing a
county debating contest it is loss ex
pensive to lose than to win.
"What is in it?" querries the Co
quillc Herald relative to hard elder
found on snlc in some of the refresh
ment parlors of that place. Chemist
J. Lee Drown answered the question
nnd announced after a examination
that the stuff contained from three
to four per cent alcohol. One half of
ll- - I 1 A I
ase, a jury was called to try tlw case 1 T ! iefsai amoum.
.. i i i'w, 1 r w i J lowed. The sheriff wtts communicat
VI I u. 14. IVIUIIUIIIlVl V V. II. . El 1 1 IU 1 1 I 11
en with in regaru to tne matter nnti
told to arrest the dealers; including
Albert Johnson of the Coquille Soda
Works, C. A. Machon, Hark Dunham
nnd Mr. Shores.
The announcement of Engineer Ho-
ey appears in some measure to justi
fy the suspicions that a gentleman
named lichenor has been known to
to recover on nn account stated for
Approximately $1400, being the ba
lance duo after closing nn old running
account involving several thousand
dollars for oil. Plaintiff was repres
ented by Clintburn & Gardner, with C.
R. .Wado as associate counsel, and Mr.
Ashton was defended by G. T. Tread-
gold, who defended on the ground that
the account was not stated, for the ' voice in the past.
eason that Mr. Ashton had alwavs o
claimed a credit of $902. and not al- isomo or tnu people who live on the
lowed by plaintiff, and therefore, I l,iU ,,ack of t,le 0,(1 school house ap-
bcing no agreement between I l,oar 10 "avc tne notion that when Or
thenv the account was not stated. The!cK0I "venue is cut through the only
. . .1 ....... II.... : 1 1 i r ii!.. i . . .
jury found tho account to be stated, ""J w,u "1,vu ol goiung 10 sea
tint a owed tho snecul rate of 8 nor level is oy tiesceiuiing a latiticr or
cent claimed by plaintiff and brought ,,v learning to jump,
in a verdict for ?i:tSl., and the defen
dnnt hns given notice of appeal. Im-
Encountering a snow storin in Hnn-
ilun 113 llL'A nnlnrtnlnlmr mm rf llint
i:l.. n .1.. -r .1.. " " " "
n :n rr... ,. r !.. I " . " j"
U ...K v,,,.,w,.y ..K..,,, ( (wjce Blni,whcn thoy come nnd whc
mi; u.inuuii vuuaii uiuuu viu., wa m
I i.t -i... n m . .. I wlLi K'
uiutiKiii, vieo. i . luppmg appearing
for plaintiff and G. T. Treatlgold for
the defendant. A jury was duly cm-
rendered for plaintiff. This case in
volved the loss of tho barge. J. L.,
which was towed by the Tug Klihyam
to Chetco, nnd was lost. Thereupon
OF OREGON, You are heroby re
qu'red to appear ami answer tho com
plnint of plaintiff filed against you
in tho above entitled court nnd causo
on or before the 22nd day of Feb.,
1910, tho last day of tho d.Uo pro
scribed in the order for publication of Court adjourned. Judge Coko will go
summons herein, and if you fail so to ' "bout February 19th to Rojoburg to
appear and answer, for want thereof, hold Court, ami Judge Hamilton of
tht Plaintiff will tumlv to the nbove Rosoburg, will come to Coquille in A-
ourt for tho relief prayed for in hor Pril to lloltl the Coos County term.
omplaint, n succinct statement of
which is as follows: n decree of this
court decreeing that tho 'bonds of mat
rimony anil marriage contract now cx
ir.tiug between the plaintiff and tho
defendant be forever dissolved, and tho plaintiff bo awarded tho fu
ture, custody and niiintcnancc of the
minor children, Janet Hiunlin, and
I 11a Hamlin, and for such other re
lief ns to tho Court mny seem just in
tho premises. Service of this sum
mons is to be made upon you by publi
cation thereof for six weeks in tho
Handon Recorder, a weekly newspaper
of general circulation, published in
Handon, Coos county, Oregon, pursu
niit town order of John S. Coke, judge
of the above Court, mado on tho 12th
day of January, 19 10, in which order
it is provided that tho first publica-
The enow created a diveraioi. among
our amateur photographers and gave
paneled, evidence submitted and under them something else to snap besides
Al. - 1! il '.. It . '.I . 1 ' 1
uiu infection oi tne jOiiri a voruict me ucacn.
Iticyrle Rr purs Saw Filing
auJ Kcjuiritig A Specialty
Plume 471
P O. Box I'M
S. D. Barrows
Will ttap orJrn lor IIk)i1m of all
nil Tup Motor-Cicln itso Cobin Kim -Ut
All Wrong
The Mistake is Made by .Many Handon
Two Chatbtirn Names
On School Orator Cup
Miss Belle Chatburn Wins Honors For
1916 h tbe Coolest Last Wednesday
One of the former classes of the
Bandon high school by some twist of
circumstances found itself in posses
sion to a small sum of money ami de
cided to devote it to encouraging ora
torical talent among the students of
tho school who were to follow. A cup
was purchased and presented and the
rule laid down wns that the winner
of each year was to have his name
engraved theron. Perhaps we should
have said her name because of the
four names which have qualified for
this honor three of them are young
ladies. Another curious thing is that
two of the four are Chatburns.
Miss Kntc Chatburn was the first
to win the honor nnd Miss Belle Chat
burn the last. The other two names
on the cup are Jnck Kroncnborg and
Fern DeLong.
Miss Belle Chatburn was given the
honor for the present year on a close
but decisive verdict at the high school
building last Wednesday morning. She
had her address well in hand antl de
livered it in an manner to hold the
close attention of all. Harold John
son gave her a close race, having his
portion of tho nrgument well built up
and delivered forcibly. Miss Helen
Thornton also had a good argument
nnd delivered it very effectively. Dick
Cram the remaining speaker, brought
out many strong points in his talk,
although being a late entry into the
contest he had not acquired the ftimi-
larity with his discourse that he
might otherwise have done.
The judges wcro Miss Amelia Henry
Dr. S. C. Endicott and R. B. Swenson.
The topic of tho debate wiis the same
is that presented Friday night the
even being in tho nature of a dress re-
ersal. On the merits of the debate
the decision was for the negative.
Tho lijrhthouso was about complct-l Sumner, Miss Lonp, John Baldwin and
ed, the trial of the fog horn took' Ralph Hunt. The girls hr.ndled the
place last Monday. subject without gloves, going back to
T. ... ? ? ,. the time of Adam ar.d Eve and kept
the life savme bovs teserve ctvdit n
for faithful work
:he Lib Mattic.
in trying to save
John Gross wao surgeon of the Ban
don G. A. R. post.
Captain J. Parker was called by
business to Son Francisco during the
The debate on the lyceum on the
question "Resolved: that woman can
ot keep a secret" was unusual'y in
teresting. Despite the fact that eve
rybody knows she can not keep a sec
ret the judges solemnly decided that
he could. The debaters were Miss
the audience laughing the whole time.
Several Bandon young people have
been reading of Alaska and had the
gold fever bad but the editor thought
that the gold cure was what they were
in need of.
Bob Bedillion was expecting a visit
from a lady friend from California
and the reporter was suspecting seve
ral things.
The voters cf the school district
mode a levy of six mills cn the dollar
which was expected to cloau the dis
trict of debt except the S3.000 bonds
for tho building of the new school
i ..
? a m m m
1 Loming Moving
Mary ncktord nctures,Dr. Rameau's Realism
Appears as "Little Pal"
I hereby announce myself ns n can
didate for County Commissioner of
Coos County on the Republican ticket
n the Mny Primaries.
News of Earlier Days
From tho Recorder twenty years ago
Damo rumor says thore is to be a
wedding in the near future.
Fred Thomas is breaking Col. Rosas
team of mules to the single lino.
It wns reported a new hardware
atoro would soon be opened in Bandon
"Little Pal" Mary Pickford
Sid Gerue (her fatber)Russell Uassett
John Grandon George Anderson
'Pill-Box" Andy William Lloyd
Black Brand" Joseph Manning
Frances Grandon ..Constace Johnson
"Little Pal's" Servant.. .Bert Hadley
"Little Pal" provides Mary Pick
ford, the unrivaled favorite of the
screen, with one of the most unique
roles in which she has ever lteen pre
sented. The photoplay is one of pri
mitive emotions and primal passions,
and evidences a hitherto unsuspected
aspect of Mary Pickford's astounding
versatility. Unfamiliar with the cus
toms of modernity and remote from
all the influences which have fashion
ed our present civilization, "Littlo
Pal" recognizes no other force than
the dominant love which develops
within her for the one man who has
practiced justice toward her. Through
a series of thrilling sacrifices she
proves her loyalty and devotion to him
nnd when she has at last secured his
happiness requests n.o other reward
from him or fate.
Mary Pickford invests this extra
ordinary characterization with nil the
power and charm for which she is un
iversally celebrated.
See this Wonder play at tho Grand
next Thursday, February 3rd.
'Dr. Rameau" Frederick Perry's
pensive Realism
Good, Cooking Apples; from
a ho, up. A'so Sweet Cider.
baugh'K Variety Store.
Director Will S. Davis, who produc
ed "Dr. Rameau" the recent William
Fox photodramntic success, found to
his cost that the highly emotional ac
tor is sometimes nn expensive asset.
When Mr. Davis wan discussing the
cast for "Dr. Rambeau" with Mr. Fov
before the work on the production had
commenced, Mr. Fox told him to pro
cure the best emotional male actor in
the country. Mr. Frederick Perry,
then starring in the famous Broadway
success "On Trial" wns obtained for
the part and .Mr. Davis congratulated
himself upon the acquisition.
In one of the dramatic scenes of this
production, when Dr. Rameau (Mr.
Perry) discovers that the child whom
he had thought wis his own was really
the daughter of another, he becomes
unbalanced. He drives the daughter
from tbe house into n blinding rain
storm. The girl becomes seriously ill
and bis friends persuade him to treat
her. During all this time the thought
of the wife's unfaithfulness has been
preying on his mind nnd the further
mention of thecbild makes hint a verit
able madman. He stalks up and down
the set, and finally in a rage picks up
a chair nnd commenced breaking tho
expensive furniture in the set.
Director Dnvis, in estimating tha
cost of this production had not ro:k
oned on an expense of approximately
JfiOO for breakage of furniture but lu
felt well repaid by tho thrillingly real
i istic action of Mr. Perry.
10 clfi See this superb Fox Feature nt the
Grnnd Theater next Friday, February
Look for the causo of backache,
To be cured you must know
If it's weak kidneys
You must set the kidneys to work
ing right.
A resident of tills vicinity shows
you how.
Mrs. Bisbey had. Foster-Milburn
John McCnllister, Route -1, New
Hope, Oregon, says: "I had pains in
the smallof my back and sharp twing
Allow us to intioiiuie this week to
Rccoider rentiers, Mr. Artichoke Hes-
t:elgravo who has taken due notice of
tho activities of Mr. Henry Podge
waiter relnttve to the diminishing of
llandon's stock of roving cats nnd has
determined to throw a stick in the
Rpokes of anid scheme. Mr. Podge
waiter interested J. Alex Kenne
tly in tho manufacture of his machine
anil now through Attorney Gardner
Mr. Hesselgravo will ask of the circuit
court, an injunction preventing Mr.
Kennedy from undertaking the work.
Mr. Hesselgrave rests his deterniin-
no h.Iwih oi.i..t.!.i.. i:r:.... n .. i 1. 1
....... ,,.,1K .m.K. my uai-K pit opposition to the scheme on three
ached at night and was lame in tho essential nnint- P.rst,,.,,.,ir
inu.i.uig. i ureu easily anu was Ian- ..Pl.0,11in,mi,.. t.i..i
guid and nervous. 1 had headaches
i i . it .... . . .
miii misy spoils, ino Kinney .secre
tions contained sediment and were too
irequeiit in passage, causing me to
get up in the night. I used Doan's
Kidney pills nnd they soon relieved
Do you want pure drug
and drug sundries, fine
perfumes, hair brushes,
and toilet articles? If
so call on
C. Y. I.OWK, Handon
I Price 50c, at nil dealers. Don't sin,
yly usk for a kidney remedy get
! Odin's kidney Pills the same that
Mr. .McCnllister had. Foster-Milburn
-. jrops., Buffalo. N. Y. adv.
Ti luilf 4nt ot hiUit mitt 1 ot liny
Hum. it mnl Ixn of llirtxi I'oinpnuint.
unit o- "f nl 'ilii AM'I' I" tlio hnlr
iMim iv nH until It lieoomiv tlm iliwltn.1
h nil Any iltUKKlvt win vut tlilM up oi
iiil c.ut ml II lit lintiitt itt r' llltlr CtiM
itirwi'lliin for mnklnir nml uao -ini.
'H .mli Ihh i.f lUrl'o iViihimmiiiiI It l
irri'UHUy lUrken Hrrnkrd. urn
hh.i i.iiiuvm itiuvtru It U rliV
im.i f r In' Inn halt uu.1 ml iioikar !..'
ll I .lf ML. I 'l' '' ll Hill I. .fl I 1 1
. . I.... . 1,1 111 Ml I ! J I
Cialt'liell Hi'othii'ji, Props,
All MihIk of Iwavy mid lllil dniyliiK, I'lionc tm)vn
1 Kivi'ii prompt iiii'iiiioii, mini corner virui & J 1 1
wn, J'jhli IVopt'i l). Ti'li'plioiii? (5,
economic; tniril civic,
Firstly the idea of violence is repul
sive. While Mr. Podgewalters scheme
of n cast iron cat as an nnnihilator
may prove effective. Mr. Hesselgravo
.diuddens to think of the unnecessary
torture and suffering it would cause.
Secondly; from the standpoint of
economics tho thing is absurd. Whilss
some debased and thoughless people
might Ik induced to pay admission
fees to see tho cast iron cat in nction,
this revenue would le smothered in
tho sum that could be obtained were
the hides and fiddle strings preserv
ed for marketable purposes, instead
of torn to bits in the process of do
Thirdly; Mr. Hesselgravo advances
the nither astonishing assertion that
its roving cats iiro a civic asset to Han
don. He has become no used to drop
ping to sleep with tho wierd wall of
a dyspeptic geiitlenuui cat ringing In
hi earn that ho knows ho would inUs
the alwence of the mutdc very much,
The Mlorney Is ut present worklm?
up n brief on the nuhjivt ami It lu et.
ptulml to bo an tiiiunuul document
K.J. W,nuldTubcCo.
Il' cur to chuiiiia the tliapa
ftnil color of unlnhli brand
to imitate tho Princa Allxrt tidr
red tin. hat it it im,oio to
tniital tli flavor of Princo
Albr-rt toharrn I Tbo lnl!
ptveus praltcu that I
I Utntity HMiHtUHfi) iuynlf u u iUin
.umlrT MmlblHti) for (intv ciirk
tttrt 1 r(iM f ihv ixwple ut
tW(U fli, T "It, T."
wiirfrm-d o It, JUtum iv uu vMutt, i
Prince Albert
fits your taste!
Meets the fondest wishes of nny man who
likes to smoke because it has the right flavor
and aroma and coolness. It's the most cheer
ful tobacco you ever did pack in a jimmy pipe
nr roll intn n eitrn.
rette. And it s so
grod you just feel
you never can get
enough. The pat
ented process
fixes that and
cuts out bxte
and parclil
When you fire up your first
smoke you'll decide that you
never did taste tobacco that
hits your fancy like
gm All LO jf JAk icuiwjr ,
the national joy smoke
For it exceeds in goodness and sau'sfaction the kindest
word wo ever printed about it !
Men, we tell you this tobacco will bo a revelation to you.
So, tako this information at 100, get out tho old jimmy
pipe from its hiding place or locate tho mukin'a papers
and fall- to I
Yur withti will l0 gnilinJat lh niantt ttor thai ttllt f oWm,
fur t'tinet Albirt li in univtital JtnutnJ, run Im buutht ull vwr
lK tint ft imJ nil otrr ih umiUI Tvppy t"l l"tft, 8f( lUy it J
tint, lOti hanJnin (taunJunJ Imlf-fHtmtJ tin huimJnittnil llutt
I'm founJ nyttul'iian humiJar ulh tnmg4fiHiittfinr tfft thut
kit in I In tulinera In tudi tHtUtnt film,
K. J, MWOim TOIUCCO CO,, Vbutm-toUm, N, C,