The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, February 01, 1916, Image 3

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ffiSBS) -?'' T
Presbyterian Church
SruUth Services:
10 a. m SabbatU sk-noo'
11 a. in rreaenu.
6:30 p. m. . . C. E. Prayer Meeting
7:30. d. m Preaching
Wednesday 8:00 p. in. Prayer meetm?
A cordial invitation is extended th
r.uhlle to attend these services
Methodist Church
Sunday School, 10:00 a. m.
Vubllc Service, 11:00 a. m.
Evening service, 7:30, p. m.
Mid-Week Service, Thursday.
AH who do not uttend church eis
vkero are invited to worship with n
Episcopal Church
tiandny School, lu.uO a. m.
reaching, 2nd, 4th nnd 6th
Jays at 11:00 a. m. nnd 3:30, p. tr
M. E. Church South
Sunday School, 10:00 a. id
Preaching, 11:00 a. in.
Epworth League, 0:30 p. n:.
Preaching, 7:30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting, Thursday, 7:30
Missionary Society,. Friday, 2;r'0
W. H. SMITH. Pasti"
Itaptist Church
Sunday School, 10:00 A. M.
Preaching Service, 11:00 A. hi.
Church or the Hrctlient
Sunday Services: Sunday Scho"
10:00 n. m; Preaching sorivco at
a. m. nnd nt 7:00 p. in.
Everybody cordially invited.
Fine Portraits
Amateur Finishing
Flint St East of Hotel Gnlller
Frank Hall Visits Coquille
Jockey Frank Hnll, known on nbout
every rnco courso on the Pacific coast
ns "Shorty" Hall, came drifting into
town Saturday. Ho has been absent
for about three years and came to vi
sit his mother and see his old friends.
During his absence ho ha3 been with
Wild West shows, a circus or two nnd
has been galloping tho ponies with
some of the best jockeys on tho coast.
Ho has been nil tho way from Pcndlo
'ton to MexiA). Ho cnhlo hero from
Mexico and expects to return there
within n short time. He says that,
things are lively on the Mexican bord
er just over tho lino where the big
races arc being pulled ofT. Ho says
that of nil tho states on tho outside
Nevada is far tho best. His brother
"Broncho" Bob who lived at this place
for some time, is now buying up hors
es for tho French cavalry. Both tho
boys nro horsemen clear through.
"Shorty" riding some of the best hors
es on the const, while his brother took
fourth prize ut tho Pendleton Round-:
up last year among 121 cow punchers
from nil parts of the world.
Although "Shorty" has been in tho
hospital several times from various
accidents nil tho wr.y from wrecked
automobiles to bucking bronchos he
still looks just the snmo as when he
left hero threo years ago. Coquille
John Adams tho Roguo river game
warden, was in town tho latter part
of last week, returning from a trip in
to tho northern end of the county,
whore he arrested John E. Moles, a
Floras Creek homesteader, for violat
ing tho gnmo law. Moles was taken
before tho Justice Cox where ho was
assessed a ?2G fine. Port Orford Tri
bune. Oregon Weekly Industrial Review
Salem, Oregon rose petals wunted
in east for manufacture of perfumes
nnd sachets. War has cut off Euro
pean supply.
Order Your Freight Sent by the Old Reliable
X Large Two-Berth Outside
ning Water.
Eight Day Service Hetwcen the Coquille River and
San Francisco,
fUtorvntioiiH, J, 18, Norton, Coqulllo; J'orkfnii', i
Myrtlo Point ; 15. B.
A Slick One
A few days ago Constabler H. W.
Dunham went over to the Bay and
brought whom he has bac-.i holding
here pending the arrival of another
boy, and will take the pair of them to
the Home of Correction. Henry is be
ing sent to the school for stealing, and
since the constable has had him in his
chargo there ic no doubt in his mind
that the boy is guilty. With Dunham
and his clerk both with the?r eyes on
the lad he has liftvd ubout 12 dollars
worth of tobacco from Dunltnm's pool
hall. He has stolen everything all
the way from Gato cigars to 100 pack
ages of wheat straw cigarette papers.
Besides doing all this ho kicked his
foot through a ?2 glass in one cf the
show cases in the pool hall as he was j
rooking a get away with a load of ci-j
gars. Hark says that ho has seen
slick ones in his time but that Henry
has the world beat. During his few
days stay here he has supplied every
boy in town, that is inclined that way
with "the makings" Ho has done a
regular wholesale business. Not only
has he roficved Hark of things but
hns also sampled the goods at Hick's
Cafe and tested some of Lenevo's
chewing tobacco. Hark says that he
can take him in any place and right
before your eyes he'll load up with
things and you'll never see him do it
He says that if the officers don't look
out he will steal half of the institution
nt Salem when he gets -there. Co-
luille Herald.
Ricknnlsvillc, la. A dog bolonging
to L. M. Dtitisman, who rents the
home formerly occupied by James
Maxwell near here, was seen digging
recently, when something glittering
nppenred in the dirt. Datisman in
vestigated and found a box containing
$1,000 in gold coins. It is presumed
that Maxwell, who was said to bo mi
serly, used to bury his money. Max
.vas killed in n railroad wreck.
Board of Regents of U. of O. vote
$40,000 for new building.
Baker is disposing of $75,000 worth
of additional water bonds for exten
sions. Springfield, Booth-Kelley Lumber
Co. is making extensive improvements
New Lumber companies are filling
articles of incorporation in Oregon
nlmost daily.
N. P. & G. N. Rys. may continue to
operate the steamship Great North
ern nnd Northern Pacific despite the
Pannma Canal act as Interstate Com
merce Commission held such opera
tion was in interest of public. An
other decision that recognizes needs
of great industry superior to techni
calities of law.
Southern Pacific can oncrnto oil
steamers in technical violation of Pu
namn canal act under decision of In
terstatc Commerce Commission. Bu
siness like decisions of this character
tend to encourage industry and invest
mcnt of capital.
THO llvo lovo, not to speak It:
To act love, not to tall;
A huuntliiK chiirm ami bcuuty,
A lino nml secret spell.
To brcatho It ami exhalo It.
To Bcuttrr It as ono
Who walks Oir bubbles of the air
And t rcml 8 on hills of sun.
rPHE love wo tell In shallow,
Tho lovo wo llvo Is truo;
With nil Its nnclcnt passion,
Tho lovo wo llvo is new.
FroHh ns a spring Just happened.
GIiul ns a rose Just born.
It la tho slnglm; summons
Of rapture mill of morn.
A ND what Is romance, dearie,
" And what Is all life's glow.
Hut lovo thnt truo hearts living
Havo known nnd ever know.
Not nietely lips' nutpourliu;.
Not merely vow nnd word;
The lovo that countu Is action.
That dines nnd fels unheard.
TOR love lived Is so lasting,
So brnvo nnd tense nnd fine;
Undnuntrd throuKh oil danger,
In shmlow ns In shine
And iNick from Its own reaping
Of bliss and Joy nnd trust
It brlngoth to time's keeping
The faith thnt makes uu Just.
-The rtontxtnwn Hard.
Stato Rooms With Run
Thrift, Langioia, f j, HmUm t
j An Apparition I
f A Story of the Great f
European War
During ono of tho Incursions of the
Ilusslnn armies Into Gorman territory
n general, passing tho estate of a noble,
said to one of his aids:
"Captain Ivatiovlch, I wish you to re
main here till you get further orders
from me. Take half a dozen couriers
fitmi my escort, and whenever you Beo
or hear of any movement of the enemy
send mo word Immediately."
Captain Ivnn Ivnnovlch left tho staff,
directed tho commander of the escort
to detail six men to attend him and, fol
lowed by them, rode Into the grounds
of the house, which was set upon an
eminence and commanded a view of
the surrounding country. Dismounting
nt the main entrance, he went up on to
the iKireh and rnpiod loudly on the
door with the hilt of Ills sword. An old
man appeared, who seemed to be a
major donio, and tho captain snld to
"I desire quarters uero for awhile for
myself and tuy men."
The old man Invited him In, telling
him that the family, on the apjicaraiice
of foreign troops, had left tho premises
In his care nnd gone elsewhere.
Tin- captain chose n room for himself
on the second Hour and quartered his
men in tin basement, for Ivun Ivano
vlcli, being a noble himself and n re
fined ntan, felt disposed to treat this
place ns he would wish his father's es.
tate far back In Russia to bo treated
If tho fortunes of war should bring
about Its occupation by the enemy.
Having thus tnkon ihihscssIoii of his
quarters, he asked the major domo,
Peter, If there was anything to eat in
the house. I'cter said that there was,
but no one except himself to eook it.
Hut, since ho had been a chef, ho could
get up a meal of such provisions ns
were In tho house. Tho captain direct
ed him to prepare breakfast for him
nnd give the men such supplies as they
Having refreshed himself, Captain
ivnnovlch went out on tho porch, which
extended entirely around tho house,
nnd made the circuit, now and again
raising n pair of binoculars to examine
rising smoke here, a Hag there, a
strong position on tho crest of the bill
Anything, In short, thnt might bo of
military Importance. There was no
Hag In sight except tho Russian linno
rial standard, and tho captain, lowortng
His glasses, wont back Into tho houso.
Being free to use the library, he took
down a book and, being n student as
well as u soldier, was soon lost In Its
Tho next morning It occurred to him
thnt n cupola Unit topped the houso
would afford him a better view of tho
surroundings, and he started to go up
then for tho purpose. Finding the door
leading from the second floor to tho
third locked, he called to Peter I'or tho
"I haven't tho key, excellency," said
i-erer. "When the family left the nrem
Iscs they placed articles valuable only
10 inemseives, such ns papers and heir
looms, on tho floor aliove, locked tho
door and took the ker with thom."
Ivnnovlch could have forced tho door
but, us has been said, he was a refined
man, unfitted for the barbarous side of
war, so ho concluded to be content
with tho vlow he could get from the
poron. quite likely ho was also lnllu
encod by the earnest look on Peter's
face, which Indicated anxiety that he
should not Intrude on tho floor where
the family heirlooms nnd archives had
been stored,
One night while Ivnnovlch was lylnc
nwnke he hoard a sound without bis
room, in n 4argo open space, throucl
which rnn a massive stalrwny. Soldiers
in nn enemy's couutry are naturally on
the lookout for dancer, nnd, tnklng his
pistol from under his pillow, ho cot out
of bod nnd wnlkod noiselessly oil his
nare reet to tho door, which was utar.
and pecpod out. A surprising sight
met his view
Bright moonlight was strcamlnir in
through n huge window at the head of
IM stalrenBe and dimly illuminated
what at first the oantalu conceived to
ih nn nngol. it was n fenuUe figure
robed In white. It was standing ns If
to listen. The face was sulllcientlv
ugiiicu to indicate thnt It was that of a
young girl. On second thoncht Ivano.
vlch believed that tho figure was ono of
iioMi nnd blood wearing n iiluhteovrn
nnd walking In sleep.
I he llgure presently started on. de
scended the staircase and llsiipx;nrod
In the darkness. Ivnnovlch, too honor
able to follow, remained where ho was,
thinking that probably tho girl would
return. Ills anticipation was realized
She rcnpiMnrcl holding something In
her hand, though the wutehcr could not
seo what It was. Ascending to tho d-sir
''Mining on tin. third story, who pus-ed
In and closed i behind her Iviiiuivlch
listened mid heard u fnlm sound, Ilka
tho urn I lug of n holt moving In a lock.
Jhcro wan no doubt In tho ruMnln'
(Hind thai thU girl was oiivonci,l on
Um iUnir ills- e uihI (but IVIni Uwuw ut
llor ItriMulMW there M'lui she was.
W llUl LluT HltV iUul 11.. la,... ...111. I...
hw t ih. nnMi i wii'm
Z XSlrZ "i.,"
ZP&tJS! tSSr
by tho horrors of trnr nml mnAv'tn
Hut rnptaln Ivnnovlch thereafter
kept his eyes aud .ears open. He walk
ed around tho house, looking up nt tho
windows. The blinds were all closed,
and there was not a sign of life to bo
icon. "After nil," he said to himself,
I Tvonder if I could have dreamed It.
However, Ivauovlch repudiated this
idea. Uo hnd seen u llgure robed In
white descend the staircase, return
and disappear through the door lead
ing to the floor nbove. Of this he
wns certain, and tho absence of nny
appearance of Ufo there did not con
vince him thnt he wns in error.
Soon after tho appearance of tho
mysterious figure, tho captain's atten
tion was diverted from its considera
tion by the appearance of a Inrge force
of the enemy to tho southeast, fie
dispatched a courier to And the gen
eral, if possible, nnd later, hearing
heavy Hrlng and seeing columns of
smoke in the same direction, ho dis
patched another courier with another
These matters having been attended
to, the young cnptaln's mind agnlu re
verted to the mystery of the upper
story. Ho said nothing to his men
nbout the mutter, fearing thnt If he
did he would excite n desire on their
part to Investigate, whereas If there
wore any Investigating to bo done ho
preferred to do it himself. One dny
ono of the troopers came to him nnd
told him that he had better leave his
ipinrters, for tho man wns sure the
house wns haunted. Ho hnd seen In
the middle of tlw night a llgure clad
in white standing at an upper window.
The superstitious Itusslnn, having con
sidered the third story vacant, natural
ly regarded tho llgure nt Uie window as
a wraith. Ivnnovlch told him thnt the
llgure he hud seen niunt havo been tin
illusion, but failed to convince him.
There was n hillside bach of tho
house, covered by trees. Ivnnovlch
Went out there with his binoculars nnd
remained a long while, watching whnt
was going on. Tho distance wns; too
great for lilm to gnlu much knowl
edge of nny value, but he kept his
watch till satLslled that It was useless,
then turned nnd was emerging from
tho wood, wheu, casting nn eye at a
window on the third story of tho
houso, ho saw standing there n young
girl looking nt whnt he had been ob
This time tho sun wns shining full hi
her fnce, nnd the cnptahi saw not only
that sho was comely, but there was on
her features that anxiety which Is so
touching In tho young. Itcallzlng that
if sho saw sho was discovered it would
add to her distress, ho remained In con
cealment till she withdrew, closing the
That fnce, once seen by moonlight
and again by sunlight, produced n vivid
Impression on Ivan Ivnnovlch. It Host
ofi before hlni during the dny, and nt
night ho saw tho wraithlike llgure de
scending tho staircase. It was evident
that a girl was hiding, and It was pos
slble that there was some other cause
for suffering than fear of an enemy
The location was German Poland, nnd
Peter hnd told him that the residents
of tho houso were Poles. Hut In war
time ono Is ns likely (o bo plundered by
friends as enemies.
One night Ivanork'h beard nulck
footsteps overbuild. (Jetting out of bed
mid putting on some of his clothing, ho
went out nnd listened nt the door lead
Ing to the third story. He heard signs
of something happening nbove. Then
the door wns unlocked nnd u woman
this time dressed In ordinary npiNirei
camu out and met hlm face to face,
Sho turned to go back, but Ivnnovlch
"You have nothing to fear from me,
Tell mo If there Ls anything I enn do
for you."
I laving been thus given confidence,
the girl revealed the mystery. Wheu
the Husslans appeared In tho region
her mother, herself nnd her brother,
nged seventeen, a wounded conscript
In tho German nrmy, expecting to be
murdered, retrented to the third story,
icnriug I'cter to deceive, if iossIlie,
whoever might come. They hnd takao
provisions with them nnd would hnve
got on had It not been for the wounded
lioy, who was deprived of medical care.
The night she hnd nppenred on the
staircase she wns going below for a
bottle of medicine which n surguou
hud left for tho use of tho Invalid. On
tills her second npiH-aranco her broUier
was much worse, nnd she wns trying
to steul out with a vlow to getting
medical ndvlcu ns to what to do for
hlm. Sho closed her explanation with
pleading that Ivauovlch should not
mako her brother a prisoner, for If de
prived of her nnd her mother's tender
euro, he would surely die.
The captain, having assured her thnt.
though an enemy, ho had u heart, went
below and ordered ono of his men to
lliul a surgeon nnd bring hlm there nt
once. Then he went upstairs nnd found
tho mother nml tho wounded bor.
whose fears ho allnycd. They were
comfortable so fnr ns their quartern
were concerned, and ho ordered I'cter
to bring them properly prepared food.
A surgeon arrived In due time and
treated tho wounded boy, who began
nt once to improve.
V wcex passed nftor tho unveiling of
ho mystery beforu ('aptaln IvniiovU'li
nnd his men wero withdrawn from
thidr quarters, During this wiTk the
oung nillcer by hU ronilenitloii for
hU captors secure! the good will of (In
mother and tho sou nml n more tender
ri'siwuiHi from fh girl When h left
her (hero was nn Intxnlew Mweeii
(hum, llui riuijli of UU)i wis I.i,ovii
lily In tbiHinrlu, IhisiKh lUre nu
l( but llltln iuijb ihm Urn) M.',r,. Id
MISI mlHhl In ttlioij (III' Miir -llliJ Im
Hif Mini (Mstwi thuUUl return i fnU
IWW l ItlimtUiH I . nlil'li ht woftd
Common School Fund to Form Basis
of Loan Fund
Loans to be Made to Farmers Upon
Mortgnges to 50 per Cent of Ap-
praiserd Valuation of Land.
The following points on a rural cre
dits system for Oregon havo been pro
posed by Dr. Hector Mncplicrson, I
head of the U. S. and O. A. C. Bureau
of Markets and rural Organization:
1. Name: There is hereby estab
lished the Oregon Farm Mortgage
Credit Association, which shall be n
state institution with a bra.ich in each
2. Purposes: The purposes of the
Oregon Farm Mortgage Credit Asso
ciation shall be to raise funds nnd
make loans, secured by farm mortgag
es, throughout the State of Oregon.
3. State Farm Lean Commission:
The Oregon Farm Mortgngo Credit
Association shall .be under the control
of tht State Farm Loan Commission,
which shall consist of tho Governor of
the State, Secretary of State, the
State Treasurer, nnd Secretary of the
State I-md Board and five otho- mem
bers chosen to raprcsent tho Willamet
te Valley, Southern Oregon, the Coast
Region, Northwestern Oregon, and!
Central Oregon, respectively. They
shall be chosen for Iheir ability
handle financial matters, and from
their acquaintance with the rural ere-
dit needs of Uieir vnrious districts. Tho
Farm Mortgage Credit Commission
shall appoint n general mr.nager who
shall bo responsible to tho commission
for the general mnnngemont of the
Oregon Fnnn Mortgage Credit Asso-
ciation. The manager, upon the ap-
proval of tho State Farm Loan Com-
mission shall select his ofllcc force, ap-
praiscrs nnd county representatives.
1. Mcmborshin: Tho mambers of
the Oregon Farm Mortgage Credit
Association be farm landowners
who have affiliated themselves with
one of its county branches who have
complied with the Oregon State Law
ind with the regulations of tho Ore
gon Farm Mortgage Credit Associ
ation and secured n loan upon thoir
land through this association
t. itmsing runus: The common
school fund, under proper safeguards
.imii m,,,.it,it n w,.,ni.,;.,. r 1
UIIHlt VUllOkl bV4 I) lUfVMIIli: 1UIIUI
which together with tho accumulated
net annual surplus, shall be the ori
ginal capital of the association. U
pon tho basis of the farm mortgages
already lot by the State of Oregon us
security for the common school fund,
tho farm mortgage credit commission
hiiiiii issue uonus in scries oi $iuu,uuu
or multiple thereof, the interest nnd
principal of these bonds to bo guarant
eed by the State of Orogon.
0. Conditions of Securing Loans
r o.,o -I,., n i. t. I'
, ., . . , 1
.f..".-" ugru. fc.iw.l ...II. AW. ,41, .
mount not to excoap 50 percent of tho
appraised valuo of such land, exclu-i
Hive of porishuble improTonvents. A
loan to nny individual shall net exceed
$i0 upon each acre of land owned, nor I
,...,, , ffP ,, , , ,1
.in. in u uAiecu ?.,uuu lor enen meinour l
Each member shall make written ap
plication for a loan upon forms to bo
secured from the county branch oft he
is . aa . t s. a
Oregon rami mortgage cretin asso-
ciation, ami in this application he shall
submit in detail tha purposes to Which
lie intends to apply the loan, and no
part tnereot shall, under any circum-
stances, oe appneu to! any ouier pur-
" I
Interest and principal of all loans
I. - . il. I
.mu .j jmyuuie ui.,1011 me umoruza-
lion piau in quarterly, semi-annual or
annum insuii.menis. At tne end or
years, nuwuver, irom me uauj 01 se-
curing a loan, the borrower shall havo
the privilege of paying off i:i nddition
to his regular amortization install-
nivm, any iMKiiuo.-.iii portion 01 .noiilune.
loan he cccs fit, and his future amor
tization installments shall include in-
tcrest only upon that part of tho loan
remaining unpaid
Each farmer obtaining r. loan shall
submit to n survey of his farm and
equipment according to the forms us
ed by tho division of Furir. Manage-
mo it of tho UniUd State s Depart
ment of Agriculture. These foiann
ire to bo filled out before ho obtains
n loan, nnd at tho end of calcn-
lar year zo long ns ho r;m,iins a deb
tor to tho Oregon Farm .Mortgngo
Credit Association. I
Tho first twins in Powers havo been
om and thuru it much Jubilation in
tho littltt logging city. Mr, uml Mrs.
K. O Mwttiwr, nro thu happy pu rents
It In said (hoy stand ready to claim
thu lot otlvrwi by A. II. J'owur Id tho
first twin born Uuto. And it is
uld tho y 1 it) lm numis! after Mr
'wur Hiui lh tftii Ut bo u Mhumuy
Ififuiuau um thv Kinith PwMurs ruiiwuv
Last Chance
To Obtain
Dr. MUes'
This Book Contains
Knowledge that Every One
Should Possess.
Simple Treatment for Common
What To Do In Case of Acci
Practical Laws of Health.
If you desire one of Theae
Boo,V.;, Free .of Cost, send your
natitc .ii.i neurits to
Mile MMi(ct Co., EtUiart Ind.,
niciiUosins; name of thit. paper.
Not marc tbaa one took can be
sent to tc same aadreaa.
Jaspo. . Yoaham, Win. Moore and
toW. McElroy were in town this wee s
from tho upper Coquille whero Mr.
Yonknm is nuuinger of tho Smith-
Powers stock farm. In coining out
they enctunleicd- from 3 to 4 feet of
snow nt tho Cass Herman place, while
tlwie was but 8 inches at Eckley.
They had to travel through the great-
or depth of snow for 12 miles. On the
Treadgold ranga 18 head of cattle had
perished from the cold. On tho Gibl.s
P wee 'ero cutting oak boughs
d gathering moss to feed the stock
n tho absence of hay Mr. ioakam
said that he hnd nn mbundancc of feed
hut that many of Ins neighbors wens
"t so fortunately situated. Marsh-
t'loli Sun.
James McCutcheon of Myrtle Point
is apt to go free on the charge of boot.
jogging nt Myrtlo Point, tho jury be
ing divided on attempt to convict.
However McCutcheon pleaded guilty
on tho eharKe of BcII,nB 1.i(luor to "
1 iiuiiur uiiu on uus ne was tmeii .iuu
Despite the fact that the weather
man bus reported plenty of rain in tha
past week, Coos Bay is getting dry. At
least 11 boni fide individual shipments
of liquor have arrived here lately
I from tj,
e south, coming via freight
and others i.y express.
The indication is that the 1915 cach
es are being rapidly depleted and thnt
California is coming to the relief.
Agents of tho common carriers mak-
Ing these shipments must keep strict
account of all receipts, and affidavits
nuist be filled out and later the filled
out blanks are sent to tho county
clerk to be kept on record.
iv.i. : i i r n
,. , .. . A, ,
those shipments to sec thnt tho order
. . , ,. . , .
is not duplicated for at least four
weeks, the time prescribed under tho
prohibition law. Coos Hay Times.
Several weeks ago the birth of a
buby Birl in Ulc MoSi) AvoriI1 hoUBe at
Oold Ueach started Ih honm nf Moo
for Democratic nomination as Sl....-ir f
j. G nussel, who last week announced
hi3 candidacy for this convetcd no-
lllination. bv wav of irninir hi t.mlml..
i am0,.n - th muntv ,.,, ,w. i.-t
1 1
teri as0 announced the birth of a 10
nouil,i i.ov at h;s umn., ,. lhl
Such an energetic start on the part of
lhcs0 candidates augurs well for a
whir, wind ca,npaiKn( and those who
wou(1 bo , tho raco wi havo lo K()
BOlno.. to keL,p Up. Port Orford Tri-
Portland Emerson Hardwood Co.
will rebuild oftcr $80,000 fire.
Roseburg Hrushy liutte Copper
Mine may be developed.
Astland Hotel Oregon to be made
modern tourist hotel.
FlorencePorter mill starts on 10.
hr. day.
To Sell
Du Four'
whlrli priprit
lu four iuum
A 'I mm kUra,
25c & 50c
w;h nut,
lur Muipfs,
Stilt Mirlow
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0 t'tttf,
in tUvt fur Ua, gb;w. I Jk w
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