The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, January 25, 1916, Image 5

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the State of Oregon, in and
the Couaty of Coos
Ceo. R. Hancock, Plaintiff, vs Violet
Hancock, Defendant.
To Violet Hancock, the above named
You !:ro hereby notified that you are
hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the
dbove entitled court nrxl cause within
eix weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, to-wit:
vithin six weeks from the 28th day
of December, 1915, and if you fail so
to appear and answer on or before
the first day of February, 1910, that
c'uto being the last d..y of the time
1 rescribed in the order of publication,
the plaintiff, for 'want thereof will
t ike judgment and decree against
jou for the relief demanded in this
complaint, a succinct statement of
which is as follows! That the marriage
heretofore existing between you and
the plaintiff may be dissolved; that
the plaintiff be givjn the future care
mil custody of the parlies' minor
thildrn, namely, Vera Hancock, and
Howard Hancock, and the defendant
l.o giva i the future care and custody
of the .nhor child Wain Hancock.
Service of this summons is made by
publication thereof, in puicuancc of
and order made by Hon. John S. Coke,
Circuit Judge of the State of Oregon
for Coos County, dated the 20th day
of December, 1915, directing that ser
vice thereof bo made by publication
in the Bandon Recorder, a weekly
newspaper published in Bandon, Coos
County, Oregon, once a week for a
poriod of six weeks, commencing with
the issue of December 28th, 1915 and
ending with tho issue of February 1st,
Plaintiff's Attorneys
G. Hamlin, Plaintiff, vs J. E. Ham
lin, Defendant:
To J. E. Hamlin, the Defendant, above
OF OKEUON, You are hereby re-,
quired to nppcmr and answer tho com
plaint of plaintiff filed against you
i.i the nbove entitled court and causo
o.i or before tho 22nd day of Feb.,
1J1G, tho last day of tho (la to pre
Lcribcd in the order for publication of
uimmons herein, and if you full so to
t ppear and answer, for want thereof,
tuo Plaintiff .will tipply to the above
t jurt for the relief prayed for in her
complaint, n succinct statement of
vhich is as follows: a decree of this
( mrt decreeing that tho bonds of nuit
l imony and marriago contract now ox
iting between the plaintiff and the
defendant be forever dissolved, and
that tho plaintiff bo awarded tho fu
ture, custody and maintenance of tho
minor children, Janet Hamlin, and
Ella llniiflin, and for swell other re
lief ns to tho Court may seem jtfcst in
tho premises. Servico of this sum
mons is to bo made upon you by publi
cation thereof for six weeks in the
Randon Recorder, a weekly newspaper
of general circulation, published in
Randon, Coos county, Oregon, pursu
ant to 'an order of John S. Coke, judge
of tho above Court, mado on tho 12th
day of January, 1910, in which order
it is provided that tho first publica
tion of the within summons shall be
tho 18th of January, 1910 tand tho last
llicycle Ucpairt S.iw Filing
and Repairing A Specialty
Phone 471
1', O. Dox 174
S. D. Barrows
Will lakr orilrn (or IMi jcl" of ill tindi
nit Pop Molor Cjrlf (ho Cohan Row
boat Motors.
Do yon want pure drug
and drug sundries, fine
perfumes, hair brushes,
and toilet articles? If
so call on
C. Y. LOWK, Bandon
Gatchell BrotlRTri, Propn,
All IrinUti of henry uud IIkIiI ilniyfiur, I'lione onlcrt
given prompt wtlt'iillon, Horn coniiT J '"J rut Ik TA'
oh, KMi Vmwry, 'JVIeplioiie 61 1.
publication the 22nd day of Feb. 1916.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
News of Earlier Days
From the Recorder twenty years ago
Tho girl who has not a p.-.rtner for
tho leap year dance is decidedly be
hind the times.
J. D. Hunt was circulating a peti
tion to have a bridge built across Goss
creek on Fourth St.
If any one should ask you why Rube
Gardner wants Nathan Rarklow to go
Jown on his ranch, just tell him that
you do not know.
Hoys going unattended to the leap
year ball must forfeit fifty cents. The
girls however should save them this
expense by seeing that they havo a
Alva Thrift in coming for tho doc
tor for John Langlois last Wednesday
made the remarkable time of sixteen
miles in one hour on horseback from
Dairyville to Randon.
The girl who is twenty two this year
should remember that she will be j
thirty by the time there is another;
leap year and if she has any special
work to do hud belter attend to it now.
Fred Waterman's house back of the
broom handle factory which was in a
fair way to completion was knocked
off its foundation in the storm of wind
of last Friday but was not damaged
to any great extent.
Trains were not running
Myrtle Pcint and Marshficld owing to
recent rains, as tho track wr.s sub
merged in many places.
The schooner Lilly and Mattie wont.
on the beach a quarter of a mile up
the coast. The schooner started in
with the wind in her favor but within
Iho three mile buoy the wind desert
ed her and sho drifted on tho north
beach. Tho life savers had up the
flag of danger but tho boat for some
reason did not heed it. All the crew
was taken off and the local freight
was expected to be saved. Tho boat
was not injured but it was found im
possible to get her off the beach. The
life savers tried a line to tho south jet
ty but were unable to pull her off:
Two children of Charles H. Smith,
died during tho week of consumption.
The daughter, Cristine died Jan. 19th,
aged 14, and tho son Charles, aged 26
died on tho 2 1st.
Tho Myrtle Point Enterprise and the
Coast mail nro chowingtho rag on tho
mail carrier question. Tho editor
ways nothing ns to which is right or
wrong but philosophises '.hat thsoo
newspaper quarrels nro similar to
family rows. In trying to shield the
wife you lick tho husband and the
first thing you know you have to lick
the whole family.
Many Randon Readers have Heard It
And Profited Thereby
"Good news travols fast and the
many back sufferers in this vicinity
are glad to learn where relief may be
found. Many a weak, lame and ach
ing back is bad no more, thanks to
Doan's Kidney Pills. Thousands upon
thousands of people aro telling the
good news of their experience with
this tested remedy. Here is an exam
ple worth reading:
Mrs. H. M. Reckwith, 811 Oak St,
Grant's Pass, Ore., says: "I used
Doan's Kidney Pills in my old homo
in Montana and havo also Used them
hero. I havo Buffered much from weak
kidney, brought on, I think by im
pure drinking water. Doan's Kidney
Pills strengthened my kidneys and im
proved my health."
t'rice f)0c, at all dealers. Don't fin.
ply usk for a kidney remedy st
Uoau'tf Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Ueekwith had. Kostcr-MUburn
i. ytups., Buffalo, N. Y. adv.
To half lut nf wilier fttl 1 o. Hay
Illllll. a tNimll box" of lUrbo CNwiiJVWt,
Hint V4 r. of Kljrurltm Aiily to tho luilr
tttlco iv week until It hoeoniwi Uui tMro.1
simile Any ilruitKlxt '" I'" thu "J
ou ran mil It at homo ut very littlo cot
I'ull illiwtlonx fur imt0i unit uo cum
in imli Imii of llarK iiimhiuL It vt
Krailimlly "titrkm ntuxiktst, fmlnl wry n;ul remove iliuwUMT It u uH'U
lt..t fr fal bit; hulr niul will luuku h-u.
Iriir "ft lowy it fill o..t . ..i.w w
. itijt. i. nut ll ky or iu mi l 'I u
mti off
It begins to look as if Bandon had
a real basket hall team.
Tho response to our appeal for the
birds has been encouraging and the
matter should not be allowed to' drop
with mere words. If it is legal to kill
song birds within the city limits a ci
ty ordinance should be drawn to cover
tha matter.
They crc still husking cjrn over at
In papers coming from various
states in tho Union to our exchange
table we "otica the portrait cf a buld
headed gent i;mcd Esi-tbrcok who
seeks the presidential nomination on
the Republican ticket by tho boiler
plato publicity route. Wo confess ig
norance ac iu Mr. Estabrook's qual
ifications but venture the saraiiso that
he stands about as good a chance oi
leaching the goal as ho does of sprout
ing a pair of wings.
Fine! Let us protect the birds and
at the same timo let us exterminate
a few cats.
North Rend is cutti'lg a few didos
in railroad circles these days but its
! basket ball team was ovorlcoked in the
general distribution of ginger.
If the county road substitute for
the ending of Oregon avenue can't
strike a duvet angle for Bandon Ave.
why forgot it gentlemen. There nre
ohnnirh rili'na in th.- srrnnfa nf Ilinrlnn
w . nnufh!n ,,,,,
detests it is a down grade where he
can't sec all the way to the bottom.
The Randon basket ball team dis
plays tho quality of Its coaching. It
is not only alive nnd filled with gin
ger but in action it behaves like an
'iggrcgution of young gentlemen,
With Mr. Bryan spreading black ink
through tho columns of tho Comoncr
in an attack on tho administration
nnd Teddy Roosevelt back in the Re
publican folds and looking daggers
at the stand pat leaders the political
campaign in which we are about to
enter gives promise of all the joyous
interest ugunlly prevalent at the Don
nybrook fair.
John Barymore in "The Dictator"
at the Grand last Thursday night was
is good a comedy as they make them.
Iho farcical revolutions of tho Latin
lapublic formed a fine fabric out of
which to make tho ft Hud the series
nf evo'its that led up to the proposed
execution were not only funny but
well pictured..
The subject of tho high school de
baters is one of tho important issues
in tho ".pproching campaign. The man
with an ambition to bo a spallbinder on
tho hustings will do well nat to miss
theso debates.
If you want to hear a noise that will
sound like u piece of sheet iron falling
in among tho concaves of a thresh
ing machine wait until th city im
ports n ditch digging machine for the
wr.tor system improvements. Every
nyin, out of work will take it as a per-
.lonsl grievance.
Tho'ubovo iti a fairly good repre
sentation in silhouette of our friend
Mr. Hennery Podgcwulter on his way
from his humcstoad bouth of town to
Bandon. Mr. Podgcwaltcr had heard
that Randon wa;, dry and aa he was
suffering front too much moisture on
his own prcmijcii he thought he
would coov up to town for a spell and
dry out. Ho expected to see tho dust
flying on tho streets of the city when
ho arrived but although ho has not
gone all over tho city, as fnr at he
has goMu ho has fulled to find any
ipots o dry as to be noticed.
Mr. Podguwaltcr is sjieciulizing
with chickens ou Ills honifhtrd und
between the raikl-.s of the laying
hen Uaii time to carry on nundry In
VotlKUtloiu. Heading of Iho ttuporu
Imiiduiit'o nf catt) In Bandon hit liicam
ktiurk with u iiovvl idea und thin
forms uniither impellim; nwdlvu fnr
(hut trip, through the roud to uur
rity (Mr fidKt'w,iltT kuy ), tnv
U uvr tin roudi fit thu frumuuT limu
mim (IhoukIi ilmm in Hut winUr Mm).
tir J'i'lKvnltr' Mum. ftlUtuiuh
tion on tho ordinnry, is nevertheless
one that will command the attention
of public spirited people. He propos
es something that will clean out the
cats of the city and at tho same time
provide fiat variety of entertainment
that is indispensiblo to the proper de
velopnunt of humanity.
His idea briefly is to establish an
umphithcater, properly seated to
which a proper admission fee will be
charged. He has already discovered
noveral worthy enterprises to which
tho proceeds micht be annliod but
will not announce his choice at this
time, in the interest of harmony.
He will invent a certain call tint
will assemble all the cats in the mun
icipality in a manner as herewith. It is
wall known that cats havo a neculinr
wild, vrierd call which is effective in
calling an assemblage of felines. Mr.
Podgewaltor proposes to enlarce on
this call, increase its volume, and pro
duces noise that the average cat can
no more resist than the charmed bird
can resist the power of the serpent
Another cat characteristic on which
Mr. Podgewaltor relies is its mania
for combat The cats will be lot into
tho arena a few at a time. There a
cast iron cat will be awnitinc them.
This is the kernel of the activities of
Mr. Podgewaltor at present. This
cast iron cat will be triple expansion,
riveted and bold, with springs and
gears and steel claws, operated bv
electricity and is expected to the
cats three or four at a time and make
mince meat out of them.
We have become very much inter
ested in the plans as Mr. Podgewaltor
has explained them, to us. We fear
thera are a few details that will work
out better in theory than in practice.
Howevor wl aro willing to be shown
and await with interest further deve
lopments in Mr. Podgowalter's experi
ments. He is at present in ouo&t of a ma-
chinis to put his ideas into form.
Based on the Examination of January
13th, and Mth, 191C
Bandon, Dist. No. 54.
Spencer Baker Trowbridge. Henry
A. Philpott, Albert Tuoker, Ira W.
TucKer, Ewell Blummer, Coyt Clark
Allen, Beulah Belmorc, Joseph Breuer
Ross C. B. Thornton, Gertrude Bulls,
Paloma Randlcman, Randall D. Kay.
Marshfield, Dist. No. !
Harris S. Copple, WilliaM A. Jo
sephson, Olga Laxstrom, John Rairy,
John J. Burke, Walter Fourier, Fran
cis Holmes, Elsie Hillstrom, Howard
Lewis, Louise Thompson.
North Bend, Dist. No. IS
Dorothy Adeline Byler, Helen Ka
thryn Freeland, Alton John Grant,
Myron Elmore Gurnea, Vera Marie
Lcontina Hendrickson, Mabel Moreen
Jennings, Isabel Neola Leman, Mary
Margaret Metlin, Marguerite Mae
Reynolds, Matt E. Smith.
Coquillc, Dist. No. 8
Earl Iscnsen, William Peart, Lillian
Humbert Katie Price, .May Wilson,
William J. Miller.
Myrtle Point, Dist. No. 41
George Barton Lee, Clarice Lee,
Marie Michael, Inez Po vault, Raleigh
Greene, Guy Corbin.
Prosper, Dist. No, CO
Fred Ncuman, Henry C. Shields,
Esther F Gibson, Beulah Fahy, Myrtle
M. Smith, Mabel E. Noumun, Alma
Anderson, Josie Storm, Lillie II. Cur
tis. Haynes's Inlet, Dist. No. 26, P. O.
North Bend
Rudolph J. Rcilier.
Arago, Dist No. 3., Arago P. O.
Alice Schroeder
Parkersburg, Dist. No. 11
Earl F. Redding, Elizabeth Church.
Powers, Dist. No tfl
Valentine Adair, Rose Adair, Ralph
Barton Villey.
Eastsidc, Dist. No. 1)
Rufus Bycrly, Elsie Weaver", Pricea
Pleasant View, Dist. No. 72, Myrtle
Point P. O.
Homer Sigsby.
Johnson's Mill, Dist. No. Gil. Coouille
P. 0.
Kathleen M. Marstcrs.
Lam pa, Dist. No. I
Martha Florence Perkins, Eula
Moore, Lclah Gilkey, Lester Arthur
Hall's Creek Dist. No. 69, Arago P. O.
Rosa Frodtiiherg. '
Coos Rivfr, Dist. No. HO, Marshfield
P. 0.
Alton J. Raker. ,
County School Superintendent, Geo,
W. Smith, was visiting tho school at
Port Orford one day last week. He
came up from his homo ut Gold Beuch
for tho purpose of culling on the win
ter school in this end of tho county.
Mr. Kinilh has had many years teach
ing experienc-D und U iUitlified for tho
ponltlon he hold, yet R Is held Ihut
when hn goen out of oIIIm this full, W.
M. Kent of Gold lleueli, will Im the on
ly person In (III rounly who run nwui
Hi ruirit'rttiitof Hi now uw,whlch
rt"ulii thiil oiiti iiuikt hold I'lllior u
Htttlu Mft Diploma r u CoIIdk"
hevpr.iii Mum Mux o)uj,i for Ibv
utile ut (iaunly &IimI fJuirdldtin
liiiU-l'oit Qifott Tflbun. , 4
Motor Cars To
Run To Powers
At an informal meeting of Marsh
field's city council and attended by
ofilcials of the Southern Pacific, head
ed by Chief Engineer Wm. Hood, an
agreement was reached which means
more for Coos Bay than nny one thing
that has been done for some time.
In consideration of n release for
five years from the provisions of the
franchise granted the Southern Pacific
company by the city of Marshfield,
which required a regular hourly mo
tor service between that city and
North Bend, the Southern Pacific com
pany will extend its motor passenger
service to the Coquillc valley and to
Lakeside, with a later extension to
Reedsport as soon ns the track can be
put in shape for sale use.
Thought the meeting wns informal
and it will require the passage of an
ordinance nt u regular session of the
council before the proposed release
may become effective, it is the plan
to have service started just as soon
us possible.,
From an unoflicial source we learn
that the plans of the company are to
make one round trip daily to Powers
and nt least one to Lakeside . Be
fore leaving for the city Engineer
Hood requested tho traffic and freight
department to supply the local offices
here with tariffs on freight and pas
senger service to Lakeside and Reeds
port On account of the popularity of the
request the meeting was a decidedly
one-sided affair and there was a lively
scramble for seats on the band wagon
Theie were present and representing
the Southern Pacific Co. Chief En
gineer Hood, Mr. Campbell his private
(secretary, Ralph Moody counsel for
the company, Engineers Fountain and
Iloey and the local representatives of
that compay. There were several
speeches and many fights of oratory
were indulged in. Speeches were
made by Mr. Moody, J. W. Bennett,
C. R. Peck, Hugh McLain, Chas, Hall
and our esteemed ex-mayor L. J.
That tho franchise granted tho S.
P. Company has proven to be a cost
ly mistake to that company is plain.
Under the rovisions of thnt measure
the company was obligated to furnish
North Bend and Marshfield hourly
service. People refuse to ride on the
car preferring the jitneys and as a
result it has cost the company about
$1500 a month.
Another angle to tho argument is
r.dvancad in tho statement that tho ac
tion of the council is too lata to sava
the logger trade, which has since been
diverted to Coquille, Myrtle Point and
Powers. Had the servico been on dur
ing the past six months much of this
trade would have been brought to the
bay cities, but instead stores were
stores were started in Powers where
excellent stocks are carried and the1
trade has been switched.
Another feature is that the fares
charged uro prohibitive to shopjxirs
at least to any great extent. The S.
P. chnrges four cents a mile or $1.00
each way to nnd from Powers. Few
shoppers can afford to pay two fares
to spend their money in the bay cities.
(Continued from Pago one)
i n 1
any improvement unless me roau
should take tho straight drop to the
level of Wall street. The dedications
were filed in 1912.
The petitions for the improvement
of the street were filed in March 1913.
The right of way to the north end
of the street was acquired through
condemnation. Three property own
ors were interested. Frank Lowe re
ceived $1,200 for tho hillside end of
the proposed road; tho Catholic church
was given $400 for a three cornered
piece nt the top of the hill nnd Elbert
Dyer $125 for a piece imediatcly ad
joining Uie latter.
The cost of this was assssscd as
benefits to the property owners back
along the street
Tho council issued its jurisdictional
notice and announced its intention to
improve the street naming tho new
straight way. At tho time this was
issued there was talk in tho council of
naming the two ways down and give
the peopla the right of choice by re
monstraiica which way they should tie.
chle on. Hu' it was shnwa thnt this
would subject tho "movo to tho churgo
of Illegality und tho strulght road wus
A roiiioiutruiicH wus afterwards clr
rulutud ugultikt thin Improvement hut
it wum lgnwl by only forty four r
runt of (Im probity owimrn und u two
IhlnU opokUloii in iwdt-d to iMful
sut'li tin Improvi'ineiit.
All hl Unit hrr uppwir Ut huvn
bt'i uii liiipiyoi Ihut Uiu nut ut h
hill Ion U miV KliJ would
bit in (U nrtfiiboiM'od of twnlvtt uui
hhJ tin rtiMM ft lb una ii k ftwry
in itself. When tho actual survey was
made however, it was found that the
cut in its deepest part would be 29
feet As soon as this was made known
Jie church people made up Uieir miurij
that the proposed improvement would
be a detriment to them instead of an .
improvement and set to work to defeat
it or as nn alternative get out of pay
ing the assessment that would be levi
ed against them.
Examining the titles it wns discov
ered that their half of the street run
ilng from Third to Fifth streets
had never been dedicated. The west
half of this section of the street had
been signed over but the church people
saw n chance to make their remon
strance felt nnd got out an injunction
which Inter was made permanent in s
the circuit court.
This has precipitated perhaps the
worst case of civic dissension the ci
ty has had to contend with in its his
tory. Now the lnw clearly appears
to be with the advocates of the
straight road. If the court defeats
them the people of tho street will have
o condemn the disputed property and
apportion its costs among them.
Something like $8,000 in warrants
have been issued already on this work
To put the expense on the property
owners the city will have to float
bonds and take up the warrants. No
bond company will buy bonds for im
provements which are in litigation. So
while the contention lasts the city is
being stung.
In the meantime interested people
have been at work and at the meeting
of tho council Wednesday night n pro
posal was made to divert tho street
down the old county road. Mrs. Ja
cobson who owns the property at tho
top of .the hill around which the old
road now makes a "merry go round"
was represented ns willing to help in
tho way of straightening out the old
road and he city engineer took up tho
task of making an estimate and a
scheme for the proposed change and
will probably be ready to report at
tho next meeting of the council.
Following the new road the th'ing
is already grensed and will slide into
3hnpe automatically, albeit, with con
siderable howling. For the compro
mise, nil of tho property owners must
bo signed up again nnd tho contractor
must announce his willingcss to ac
cept tho chago. One or two stubborn
men havo it in their power to defy tho
rest and make it very disagreeable
for all.
The right of way already bought
and paid for will be one of the stick
ers in tho way of a change. This
strip is already platted as a street in
a map filed in 1913. But in order to
hold it the city would have to fence
it in and mako sonio slight improve
ments on it otherwise it would in du3
course of ovonts revort to tho original
In order to hold this the compromise
plan will probably provide for the im
provement of this grade, albeit not to
the grade at present proposed. Under
this plan the route from tho intersec
tion of Third and Oregon avenue to
the intersection of Bandon avc. and
First street as proposed, is apt to be
in the shape of a letter S as at present
and will not appeal to the public near
ly as strongly as if n direct diagonal
line were followed. The city engineer
is busy this week preparing a survey
and schedule of costs in making this
change from the original plans and
will report at the next meeting of the
Opponents to the straight road ob
ject that it will end tho street in Wall
street which , is practically an alley
and where a man with a load of long
poles or timbers would find it impos
sible to turn after he had made the
descent of the grade.
The friends of the straight street
reply that Wall street can be widened
that the costs would le born by the
property owners who would be the bc
beneficinries. E. E. Oakcs for one,
offers to donate land from his corner
if the city will move his building to a
lot he libs across the street from the
post ofllce.
Objectors on the hill say the cross
streets will be mined where they havo
to cross tho cut. The reply to this is
that it was not planned to lower Third
street where the deepest cut will oc
cur but to bridge it over thus giving
access from the county road and Third
street to the church grounds, thut
Fourth street will have u cut of four
or five feet which van be reiiudiod
with a grade extending only a slion
distance from the intersection.
Among thosu who upptiurcd ii the
council Wednesday night for Iho com.
promise were Futhur Keventiy, J, W.
I'elter und John NieUon and E. E.
Oaken appeared on behalf of thu ori
ginal plan.
If thu original plan In oirried out
us it tun Im done, thu tee el will U
buld up until thu four In urt which will
Ut u year ut It-unl. If thu coiiipioiiibjy
In uriiiiiged thu ronrlutiioii of tjjt
work run lu procewlud with liniiiiwll.
Tin uiu MJitiu ut (Iju futli ubouj
dm oiew Ay. wiAitnmy HI Wl
Muiu iliuio ly Mmlw mh lil1