BANDON CHURCHES 9 9) a a m m ) m m ff) ft (?) ( Presbyterian Chuich C2,.l.tli Kni-vippn! 10 a. m Sabbath dt-noo! 11 a m I'reachikc 6:30 p. m. . . C. E. Prayer Meeting 7:30. n. m Preaching Wftdnesday 8:00 p. in. Prayer meeting A. cordial invitation is extended Uw nnlilli. n nttimd these services HP". WINFIELD S. SMITH, Pastor Methodist Church Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Public Service, 11:00 a. m. Evening service, 7:30, p. m. Mld-Wcek Service. Thursday, All who do not attend church eiB3- wliui are invited to worship with ja C. MAYNE KNIGHT, PapV" Episcopal Church ti-jndav School. 10:00 a. m. broaching, 2nd, 4th and 5th f'- Jays at 11:00 n. m. and JMU, p. rr REV. WM. HORSFALL, Vicar Al. E. Church South Sunday School, 10:00 a. n? Preaching, 11:00 a. m. Epworth League, 0:30 p. m. Preaching, 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Thursday, 7:30 Missionary Society, Friday. 20 VV. II. SMITH, Past Baptist Church Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. Preaching Service, 11:00 A. M. ELDER A. B. REESP- Church of the Brcthcru Sunday Services: Sunday Schrx 10:00 a. m; Preaching serivco at ' c. m. and at 7:00 p. m, Xvorybody cordially invited. L. IJ. OVERHOLSER. Pastor L. I. WHEELER, WHEELER STUDIO Fine Portraits Amateur Finishing Ftroi St. East of Hotel Gallier KISSED WRONG GIRL GOOD-BY The Young Man Ws Shifted by the Crowd at the Critical Moment Tho lobby of a crowded hotel isn't'1 i . . have violated their paroles, according always the safest place to kiss a girl good-by. At tho Waldorf-Astoria re contly n pretty Southorn girl and t Gibsonosquo giant were having a tear ful parting. Ha had his hcr.d poised and was just about to land n good smack on her lips when tho surging throng in Peacock Alloy saparatcd them. When ho "came to" he was stand ing by a red headed girl, and she was closo to a blond haired young man, who was supposed to bo with tho red haired girl. Tho Gibsonosquo giant may not have kissed tho rol haired girl, but everybody thought that he did. She gnvo a little scream nnd he blushed to the roots of his dark hair, And ns to tho pretty girl from tho South, she found herself saying.: "Good-by, dear," and wondering why. Soon sho know nnd she, too blushed. Then several persons laugh ed. Then tho young giant nnd tho girl from tho South decided to get into a waiting motor car bind explain tho nwfulncss of a crowd. Hero are a few clubbing combinations Tho Recorder and tho Evening Tele gram both one year, $4.50 Thu Recorder and tho Daily and Sunday Journal one year $5.50 Tho Recorder nnd tho Daily Jour nal, both one year $5.25 Tho Recorder nnd the Sunday Jour nal, both one year for $3.00 Tho Recorder and tho SemJ-Weckly Journal, both one year for $2.25. Tho Rccordor and tho Weekly Ore gonlnn both one year for $2.50 Tho Recorder tuul tho Daily San Francisco, Bulletin both one year $3.50 Tho Recorder and the Tri-Weekly New York World both one year $2.50 Order Your Freight Sent S. S. ELIZABETH X Large Two-Berth Outside ning Water. I Eight Day Service Between San I ranciK. FIRST CLASS PASSENGER FARE, 7.50 FREIGHT RATES, $.J ON UP FREIGHT Reservations: J, E, Norton, Coquille; Purlflm', MyrtJo Point; H, R Thrift, mH J, H, WAL8THOM, Arenf, J!hihI FOR PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER Fred G. Buchtel, Deputy State Scaler of Weights and Measures has announced his candidacy on the Re publican ticket for Public Service Commissioner for the Western Dis. trict. Formerly the title of this office was Railroad Commissioner, but the last legilature changed it to Public Service Commissioner. Deputy State Scaler Buchtel is the son of Joe Buchtel the pioneer photo grapher and Fire Chief of Portland, and is 38 years old. After graduat ing from the common school he com pleted his education in the high school of Portland. His public career began as clerk of the County Board of Re lief of Multnomah County, when Judge Lionel R. Webster as County Judge and Frank Burncs and W. L. Lightn er present County Commissioner co stituted the Board of County Commis sioners for the County. Alter passing a. rigid civil service examination he was named Scaler of Weights and Measures of Portland in May, 1905. Ho has been identified with weights and measure work over since, and is regarded as an authori ty on the subject. Recognizing his ability State Treasurer Kay appoint cd him Deputy State Sealer when the weights and measure law passed oy the 1913 legislature became operative nd since then he has been in active charge of the state department He is the author of the comprehensive weights and measure law passed by the last legislature, which in addition to reducing the cost of tho administra tion of his dcartmcnt, put tho state in the weight and measure world. Be cause of his wide experience with weights nnd measures he is regarded as excellently quaiuica ior ruouc Service Commissioner, the duties of the two offices being in many ways alike. 29 PAROLED MEN OUT OF 91 VIOLATE PLEDGE Salem, Ore. Since Governor Withy combo was inauguaratcd 94 prisoners have been paroled from tho peniten tiary on the recommendation of the .. i.. i.i -.1 r l, n,.n,i,nn on to the annual report of Captain Kel ler, parole officer. Of those who vio lated their parole 17 have been re turned. During the period Captain Keller has traveled o, total of 20,334 miles in bringing back paroled violators and escaped prisoners, and the rail road fare, lodging totaled $1,507.02, Three paroled prisoners Dan B Rrundridgc, Ed Burns nnd C. B. Smith have violated their paroles by conv mitting crimes in California, and arc serving sentences in San Qucntin, the first for burglary, tho second for pas sing fraudulent check and the third for forgery. THE LOVE WE LIVE. rpO llvu love, not to speak It; To act love, not to tell; A haunthiK charm and beauty, A lino nml secret Bjiell. To breatho It and exhale It, To Bcattcr It as ono Who walks tho bubbles of tho air And treads on hills of sun. rpiin love wo tell Is shallow, - Tho love wo live Is truo; With all Its ancient passion. Tho love we llvo Is new. Fresh as a spring Just happened, aiad as a roso Just born. It Is tho slnclng summons Of rapturo and of morn. A NO what Is romance, dearie. And what Is all llfo's Blow. Out lovo that truo hearts living Have known nnd ever know. Not merely Hps' outpouring. Not merely vow and word; The lovo that count Is action. That sines and feels unheard. n'On love lived Is so laatlne, Po bravo nnd tenBo nnd fine; Umtnuntcd through nil danger, In shadow ns In shine And bnek from Its own rcnplnu; Of bliss nnd Joy and trust It brlimeth to time's keeping Tho faith that makes u Just -Th Tlnntxtnwn tiara. by the Old Reliable State Rooms With Run the Cjuille River and The Signal Of the Rose A Girl Who Had Every thing She Wanted By AGNES G. BROGAN Darld Bourne tuVned from the wild commotion of tho "pit," with Its babel of high keyed voices, nnd passed out Into the morning sunshine. "So old Richards has won again." Failure seemed n word unknown to this wiz ard In the world of finance. How did he do It? What "god of fortune" wait ed upon this great simulator, giving him Infallibly tho proper cuo? And what new extravngnnce would this later victory bestow upon Paula Paula, the daughter of whom her fa ther eo proudly boasted, "She shall havo everything she wants?" "Tbo girl who hns everything she wants," Bourne thought of bar bow us he strode along, and jm Inner light pusacd over hi features, craning ull weariness. It had bee 11 a mistaken kind new upon the part of th doting father, carry lug out this humble clerk lu Ida employ to upend delightful days at his famous home on tho Hudson. Hud been an lntentlonul kindness, David wondered gloomily, or merely tho lnsa tlable desire of tho man to tmtircss another with his greatness? And tho daughter, who was beautiful, had also been kind. David pictured her now nioTlng with a sort of stutely dignity, her little dusky head held high, her rurc and radiant smile. And sho had dono Justice to the generous) adrautagc of her training; her touch upon tho pi ano was a Joy, her voice a charm to bo remembered. David sighed abruptly, "The girl who bus everything she wants.'.' Ho recalled half bitterly tho luxury of her surroundings, tho rich draperies which cluug about her slender figure, tho little Jeweled fingers Paula Rich nrds, only daughter of tho king of finnnco and he, David Bourne, loved her. Sometimes ho had fancied a ten dcrncss In tho girl's eyes upraised to his, d wlstfulness answering to his own unspoken longing. But David put these dreams resolutely from him. He even laughed contemptuously as he squared his shoulders. "You poor slmpletonl" he breathed Still It was growlng-thc little hoard In tho bank growing, oh, so1 slowly, with such painful self sacrificing, with almost hopeless desperation. Vet there were times when tho hopelessness van Ished, and David smoked 011 In sub ducd excitement as he planned his ono plunge, his first venture in tho pit of tho Stock Exchange. And If ho were successful, If ho could follow the lend of his great employer, If his money should conio back Increased a bun drodfold, why, then she might Iks his and still eontlnuo to bo "tho girl who had everything sho wanted." Until then he must worship at her" feet as long ns sho should bo kind. Sho met him that evening with her usual sweet gravity. Ho had always admired this pretty seriousness, light onod by her rare smile. Tonight the smllo seemed more rare than ever, She glanced nt him with concern. urn arc iireti," said l'uula. "or troubled." David laughed shortly. "Troubled, I think," ho replied. "Will you play for mor- With her characteristic understand ing tho girl seated herself at the piano Throughout tho "Lovo Symphony" ho wondered wildly If a millionaire's daughter might not possibly find hap piness in a small apartment, if ro- mnnco might not be made to utono for the absence of a rctluuo of serv ants, If nnd If A song of Caruso's brought him back to the opera nnd raula there In her father's box, with her the jicoplo of her kind. "raula!" lie cried abruptly. The irlrl quietly nroso and stood bfiforo hlra. David pointed a tentative finger at the Ulnmoiids upon her hands. "You lovo those things?" he naked. "Why, of course," she answered. wondering. "I love everything beau tiful." Hho smiled nt the roses unon her breast. "I cover myself with rosea, nnd I cover myself with Jewels." Ana you may havo for the wUhlwr anything winch money can buy?" i-iiuiu niHuieii. "lea," sho said. David Jumped to his feet. "If I could ay that," ho cried, "I'd Iw tbe happiest man In tbe world!" Her volco ciinw to him noftlr. "Is there something, then, that you wish for so very much?" He laughed shakily. "The moon. I think." said David. "And," she persisted, "would monor purchase this particular moon of yours?" "Perhaps not," ho nnswensl. "but t would nt least glvo inn a chnnru to try." Passionately ho swung around upon her "Cm nulto mud tonight. ratlin," he snld U'luelr. "You and our music Imvo went 1110 un Ink) a fool's piinidUit of hop.. J want to h'll you Noineililng, not of my Un tor ni; you havo nlwiiya known Hint. Your fttlhury wuih'i Uit go Into my blood. I'ti. (Ixwwlit Hun f j nimbi imikit dim diwl IIU Ills iifUy I'd dura It vuli'u Hid UnvtHH lbs 'k kwiisuinlnii m bMiri I iu U.iM abb) t umii 1 nuu tmm, ami j 'w yyliiir u mhU a yimm U 1 tftf ninrim WI I tiMWtd Mjh m i'ti iff again and again. If It doesn't" David paused "then I'll way goodby to you a little Boon'cr. That's all." I Paula motioned him to a seat at her side. Her eyes had taken on a strange, calculating glint, which reminded Bourne forcibly of her father. When she spoko her tone was calm nnd lm pcrsonnl, Uku his. j "If you succeed," she nRked. "do you Intend to ask me to marry you?" Da vid nodded dumbly. "Then," she went on, "I nm naturally interested. You have heard my oft given name, The girl who hns everything she wants.' You will first understand that I wish to keep that name." I Darld was conscious of a keen thrill of disappointment "I am merely hon- I est," the girl nodded, with u smile to I remove tho Btlng from her words, I "So," she continued hastily, "I ask a ' fn t-r Will ma tut 4 favor. Will you let me glvo you a 'tip' iK'forc you make this plunge? I mean." she replied to his look of amazement. "to get Information from my father which I shall Immediately pass on to you." An Inscrutable smllo played about tho girl's lips. "Old man Blch nrds cannot fall," she quoted. David stared, wondering thnt tho knowledge that she wished him to win should bo so unpleasantly overwhelmed by tho fact of her shrewd plan. "A balcony runs across ono end of tho exchange," sho went on. "Father and 1 shall bo there. You must stand be neath, and nt tho psychological mo ment" A Uush of excitement dyed her checks; her eyes shone. "I shall drop a red rose," sho said. "And I," David answered slowly, "Bhnll stako my all nt the falling of that rose." Paula held her hnnds out to him. "If you nre honest in your wish for the moon," sha smiled, "you must trust me." "Trust you I will, rjow tell mo what U your tip. Am I to sell short or long? What Is the security to bo put up or down? Is It to bo manipulated by a pool or an Individual?" "I don't know whai you mean by all this," replledPaula, "though I havo heard father talk about 'pools' and 'squeezing tho shorts' hnd all such un intelligible things. I only know that I asked him aa a fnrnr to me to tell mo where there wns n chance to make some money and how to proceed. He hns told me to sell M. O. P. What that U I don't know." "I do. Goodby." And ho turned to go. Impulsively she followed him to tho door. "And, remember, If by chnueo my signal should fiili" alio paused breathlessly "well, iu llko my fa ther," sold Paula. "I'm 'game.' I'll marry you to atone." "Marry him!" With contradictory sense of Joy nnd pain David went hontaward through the night. When at her hasty summons ho stood again In the "pit," the hurrying messengers, tho darting, uncanny figures on tho walls, seemed all part of a dream raula alone wus real, Paula lu tho balcony with a crimson rose nt her breast. With fixed Intensity he watch ed her face, forgetting to return her smile. A moment's cessation In tho iTalwl seemed like the sudden Bllence preceding a storm; then swiftly, noise- lessly, a rod roso fell lit his feet An Instant It lay crushed and fragrant. David was calling wildly for a uiesseu ger. Blindly his pehcll Uew across tho paper, and here In the tiny folded scrap wero tho tireless suvlngs of years. When he looked up again she was gone. Like one dazed, ho ruahed through the streets. "Old man tlch- nrds cannot fall," he repented, and tomorrow tomorrow" When "tomor row" came he ant before his humble desk In the great man's olllce. Be neath David's eyes were tho dark cir cles of a sleepless night. About Ills mouth were lines which hnd not boon there yesterday. Mechanically ho reached for the telephone; then tho blood surged to his face. "Yes," ho answered, with difficulty, "I recognize your voice. Miss Ulchards, but I fear that tho engagement for tills evening must bo canceled. You nre aware, of course, that the signal failed, the sig nal of tho rose." And Paula replied ovenly, "I would like to seo you, Da vld, and shall expect you tonight nt8." There was a bright happiness nbout tho girl's greeting which, In face of his great disappointment, caused David's heart to contract painfully. "The signal failed," ho an Id dully. 'Do you suppose that your father sus IKsetcd your purpose nnd sought to frustrate It?" ratlin' eyes met his steadily. "I de liberately acted against my father's advice," she told him. "I gave you tho only Bltfual which could 1h the right slgunl, If you wanted mo." With unexpected passion she threw out her hands. "Do you think." sho rled, "that I wanted you to Iw drunk with thu wluo of triumph, to win and go on winning money until you bc- nmo thn hard thing thnt he hns bo nine? Do you think that 1 want to llvo through tho life that my mother found too hard to In-nr ? Do you think that I could Iki satisfied forever with mere things' purchased for nio by a lovo which hnd turned to n iovo of giiln?'" Her volco broko tremulously. Tho girl who has everything sho wants," she mocked, "when nil my fo huvn wanted tho ono thing which money can't buy!" "I'mila," David Ix-gmi, hU volco htixhi'd In th.11 rteii'u of flilx iiiiImv UntiiMo Joy, "xurely a could not right for 111s to mTept your gn l wtc i-IHi'it." Prom ihii coll o( lur Imlr im iiiiii bltng n riowiT Iti !( Ilinw ii bU ftti, MlJglilKK, slut jwlxw) Imr Djitf lu Ids, (ill, llMiri Mj Ml)," PfJlMl J'HHls), il' uilr Hi)' fuuu It litis uur DANGERS OF BAD AIR By H. Addington Bruce. In winter ns in summer for the sak loth of the physical health and of the mental health, it is important to Ret outdoors as much as, possible. Also, when indoors, i is important for th same reason to keep the house well ventilated. This npplics in the night as well as in the day. The more fresh air one has in the house, the less tho liability to disease and the more vigorous the mental power. Many people perhaps most people still are unaware of tho dangers to which they expose themselves when they fail to ventilate their houses pro perly. They are sadly ignorant of tho effects of impure nir on the human organism. For ono thinp, tho hroVJiinr; of im pure air prevents the brain from ob taining the supply of oxygen indis pcnsable to its proper functioning, Oxygen in sufficient quantities to keep the brain working effectively can be had only by givng the lungs th chance to absorb fresh air. Deprive them of this chanco and you not only starve the brain, you nlso poison it. For nir that is not fresh is air which always contains substances toxic to the brain. Drowsiness, a feeling of heaviness in the head, inability to concentrate the attention, was nmonj; tho first symptoms of this brsin poisoning. Many people especially if seated in rooms lighted by gas or by oil lamps, experience these symptoms without realizing that they nre due wholly to the absence of fresh air. According to Dr. Horace Greeley ( Brooklyn, who hns made a special stu dy of tho nir problem, n single gas jet of tho bat-wing type cats us as much air ns five pcoplo would consume in the same time. An oil lamp of tho or- uinnry uurner uses ns much air ns 11 seven persons. This is something worth remember ing in the long winter nights. Burn oil or gas in your house, and you have all the more reason to make sure thnt the house is kept well ventl lated. Tho breathing of impure nir, more over, has a directly injurious action on tho lungs themselves. It weakens them in common with the physical system generally, nnd in creases the susceptibility to colds und other germ diseases, notably tlio dread disease pneumonia. This is not surprising when we con aider thnt the nir of an unvcntilnted room, occupied by one or more per sons, is necessarily Inden with sub stances unfit to be consumed by the lungs substances which have been manufactured by the rooms occupnnts thenteolves. As Dr. Greeley admir ably puts it: "Our respiratory system, besides serving to admit oxygen, his import ant excretory duties. Tho overflow ing nir carries nwny waste matter, in cluding carbon dioxide and patrefiable organic matter, greater in amount, nnd no more fit to bo taken in to tho body again than that thrown off by the kidneys. "This waste, nnd the emnnntions from the body, varying greatly with tho persons present, nro tho most harmful contaminants of the nir we breathe." THE NATIONAL HONOR. Tho htumlncHH of America Is Intimately eonnectiil with the luipplncxs of all man- Kinil. Htio will liecomo tlio sato and ra- xpcctc.1 asylum of virtue liitetrttv. tol eration, equality and tranquil hupplntws. inurciion iciior 10 ins wire, slur so, 1777. MY countryl Olorlous, happy and se Piirtt Wrlto Hunker X I 111. the blazon of thy shield. And that dear Kusrdlan, Washington the pure. Do thy truo crest upon nn asuro Held. Think of tho past. Its wrontrs. Its taU of woo, Think of tho huts of logs where patriots dwelt Think how ere Froedom struck the final Mow Her Ood sho did Invoko and at his foouttool knelt milEN with thy memory stored with noblo deeds. Stretch thy broad arms to clasp each ocean wide. And vow thnt ho from honor who recedes Bhall bo to foul contempt and scorn nllled. no thlno the lliiii which knows no spot nor stuln, Oo thine thn xuoid which flashed at KutllW HllllH, And throned lim thy mountains shall thou reliin When dlurii 111s ar dust und time has nwnlluwtol khiKs, -IMwurd C. Jonui In "Lyrics of the Jlev olullon." Ono hup. red five-;lound enns of milk powder, cquilnvent to three tons of milk, wero recently sent by the citizens' rommitteo for food shipments by registered mall to Genimn nnd Austrian babies on tlm ateiuner Ktock- holm, willing for Gothenburg. Tho jMistiigu on thu uliljimciit la fdtH, IVridu, Jowu: For i-liwn hour Mr. August Ki'dili'ii uy In u tiuiiru und wiw her f rituals und relative- ir (wring fur hur wiu. Wlii'ii iliu und. riuktir wus l"ul Ui iilaru livr in lli mflUu lm MHWHmM In IkMk urn J Utw tummUv hur Imnul "live, U l t)WiJ U ikw. Your Last Chance To Obtain Dr. Miles' Family Medical Guide 1 rv Tkis Book Contains Knowledge that Every On Should Possess. ART ONE Simple Treatment for Cotnrao Ailments. PART TWO What To Do In Case of Acd dent PART THREE Practical Laws of He ah. I.r you desire one Bool. lfiee of Cent, name ar.U address to of ThM send jrou FAMILY MEDICAL QUIDE Miles Medical Co., Elkhart Ind mentioning name of that paper Not mote than one book aaa b scat to the sama atfdre EXTRACTS FROM THE M1NUT OF THE STATE HIGHWAY CO MISSION OF OREGON Meeting of November 11, 1!)15. "A delegation wns present rep scnting Coos County." "Also: T!hnt tho County Court Coos County be und hereby is ndvu that in case said county votes bor for permanent road construction, bo expended under the direction :the Engineer of Xhe State Ilighw Commission thnt said Highway Co.l mission will appropriate from 1917 road funds money to assist said road construction." Meeting of December 11, 191 "Representatives wero present frc Coos County to learn what the Bo; could do for them in case they vol bonds for road construction. Tin were informed thnt the Board was no positition to mlake any promise this time other than that contain n tho mjnutcs of November 11, 19 except that the Chief Deputy Sta Engineer was directed to send a pa over to Coos County sonic tir iioxt spring to make a roconnnisscin survey over the proposed trunk rou es, the cost of this work to be take out of the $5000 miscellaneous fui included in the nlotmcnt for admini trrflive work. "A letter was read from the Unitt State Department of Agriculture i quiring whether the Chiof Dep. Sta ngineer would recommend thnt tl United States Engineer do work f( Coos County in case they were r quested by the county officials to ac The concensus of opinion of the Con mission was that to employ outsit engineers would cause confusion an not be advisable." County SuKrintondent Raymond I Baker has received a certified stale ment from tho Stkite Board of Educ tion, consisting of State Superintei dent Churchill, Governor Withycoml and Secretary of the State Olcott, t effect thnt the following high school of Coos Couny havo not nil the n quirements prescribed by the Stnt Bonrd of Education for standard hig schools: District No. 51, Bandon; Distrii No. :IC, Coos River; District No. 8, Cc quille; District No. 9, Marshfield; Dis trict No. 1.1, North Bendl; nnd Dis trict No. II, Myrtle Point. St. Louis, Mo. "Hands up!" Th command came from one of two rob hers who entered a saloon recentl Tho crowd at tho bar raised thei hands, all except ono-nrmod Michae McCarthy. Then a pistol spoko am McCarthy dropped (lead. When tin robbers saw McCarthy's empty sleeve they fled panic stricken. Pat Maloney was mailing a ho' containing ailicles which he i"tinde sending by parcel post. From tin nature of tho contents a friend knew it was essential that the box sliouli not be inverted during tho passage Ho ventured to suggest to Pat tr write conspicuously on the rase "This side up with care." A fu da'8 afterward, seeing Put ngaln, hi naked: "Ileurd any more about youi goods? Did they get Hutu rafuly" "Evoryono of tlmin broko," said Put. "Thn whnlo lot? Did you label it 'This sblo uji," no I Uild yu" "Y, i did. And for (ur th- slioul.lii'l mo ( on (lm covnr, I jiut it on lliu lot'j)iii, o " D4il, Minn. Hl Jlnin, 77, un I Jnlwniu llil4trK, H, mm hunhv I I win rrijUy Mj, lUhu,i, n.t vlduoi lirtdv tiuijAyU tr hud